import; import com.instructure.canvasapi.model.StreamItem; import com.instructure.canvasapi.utilities.CanvasRestAdapter; import junit.framework.Assert; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.robolectric.annotation.Config; @Config(sdk = 17) @RunWith(RobolectricGradleTestRunner.class) public class StreamUnitTest extends Assert{ @Test public void personalStreamTest(){ Gson gson = CanvasRestAdapter.getGSONParser(); StreamItem[] personalStream = gson.fromJson(personalStreamJSON, StreamItem[].class); assertNotNull(personalStream); StreamItem streamItem = personalStream[0]; assertNotNull(streamItem); assertTrue(streamItem.getId() == 98502910); assertTrue(StreamItem.Type.isDiscussionTopic(streamItem)); assertTrue(streamItem.getCourseId() == 1393179); } @Test public void testStreamItemCourse() { Gson gson = CanvasRestAdapter.getGSONParser(); StreamItem streamItem = gson.fromJson(courseStreamItemJSON, StreamItem.class); assertNotNull(streamItem); assertNotNull(streamItem.getHtmlUrl()); assertNotNull(streamItem.getContextType()); assertNotNull(streamItem.getType()); assertTrue(streamItem.getId() > 0); } //personal stream //@GET("/users/self/activity_stream") //void getUserStream(Callback<StreamItem[]> callback); final String personalStreamJSON = "[\n" + "{\n" + "\"created_at\": \"2014-07-15T21:46:46Z\",\n" + "\"updated_at\": \"2014-07-15T21:46:50Z\",\n" + "\"id\": 98502910,\n" + "\"title\": \"new discussion threaded 1\",\n" + "\"message\": \"<p>new discussion threaded 1</p>\",\n" + "\"type\": \"DiscussionTopic\",\n" + "\"read_state\": false,\n" + "\"context_type\": \"Course\",\n" + "\"course_id\": 1393179,\n" + "\"discussion_topic_id\": 5919006,\n" + "\"html_url\": \"\",\n" + "\"total_root_discussion_entries\": 0,\n" + "\"require_initial_post\": false,\n" + "\"user_has_posted\": null,\n" + "\"root_discussion_entries\": []\n" + "},\n" + "{\n" + "\"created_at\": \"2014-07-15T19:09:45Z\",\n" + "\"updated_at\": \"2014-07-15T19:12:00Z\",\n" + "\"id\": 98491440,\n" + "\"title\": \"yyyy\",\n" + "\"message\": \"<p>yyyy</p>\",\n" + "\"type\": \"DiscussionTopic\",\n" + "\"read_state\": false,\n" + "\"context_type\": \"Course\",\n" + "\"course_id\": 1393179,\n" + "\"discussion_topic_id\": 5918712,\n" + "\"html_url\": \"\",\n" + "\"total_root_discussion_entries\": 0,\n" + "\"require_initial_post\": false,\n" + "\"user_has_posted\": null,\n" + "\"root_discussion_entries\": []\n" + "},\n" + "{\n" + "\"created_at\": \"2014-07-10T17:23:35Z\",\n" + "\"updated_at\": \"2014-07-10T17:23:35Z\",\n" + "\"id\": 98218837,\n" + "\"title\": \"Assignment Created - The world cup write up, IOS Topdown 4 (Old Data)\",\n" + "\"message\": \" \\nA new assignment has been created for your course, IOS Topdown 4 (Old Data)\\n\\nThe world cup write up\\n\\n due: No Due Date\\n\\nClick here to view the assignment: \\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n ________________________________________\\n\\n You received this email because you are participating in one or more classes using Canvas. 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