package com.instructure.canvasapi.model; import android.os.Parcel; import; import com.instructure.canvasapi.utilities.APIHelpers; import java.util.Date; /** * Copyright (c) 2015 Instructure. All rights reserved. */ public class QuizSubmission extends CanvasModel<QuizSubmission> { public enum WORKFLOW_STATE { UNTAKEN, COMPLETE, PENDING_REVIEW, PREVIEW, SETTINGS_ONLY, UNKNOWN } //The ID of the quiz submission. private long id; //The ID of the Quiz the quiz submission belongs to. @SerializedName("quiz_id") private long quizId; //The ID of the Student that made the quiz submission. @SerializedName("user_id") private long userId; //The ID of the Submission the quiz submission represents. @SerializedName("submission_id") private long submissionId; //The time at which the student started the quiz submission. @SerializedName("started_at") private String startedAt; //The time at which the student submitted the quiz submission. @SerializedName("finished_at") private String finishedAt; //The time at which the quiz submission will be overdue, and be flagged as a late //submission. @SerializedName("end_at") private String endAt; //For quizzes that allow multiple attempts, this field specifies the quiz //submission attempt number. private int attempt; //Number of times the student was allowed to re-take the quiz over the //multiple-attempt limit. @SerializedName("extra_attempts") private int extraAttempts; //The number of attempts left. Note: the quiz object does not get updated with this information //in the allowed_attempts field. @SerializedName("attempts_left") private int attemptsLeft; //Amount of extra time allowed for the quiz submission, in minutes. @SerializedName("extra_time") private int extraTime; //The student can take the quiz even if it's locked for everyone else @SerializedName("manually_unlocked") private boolean manuallyUnlocked; //Amount of time spent, in seconds. @SerializedName("time_spent") private int timeSpent; //The score of the quiz submission, if graded. private double score; //The original score of the quiz submission prior to any re-grading. @SerializedName("score_before_regrade") private double scoreBeforeRegrade; //For quizzes that allow multiple attempts, this is the score that will be used, //which might be the score of the latest, or the highest, quiz submission. @SerializedName("kept_score") private double keptScore; //Number of points the quiz submission's score was fudged by. @SerializedName("fudge_points") private double fudgePoints; //Whether the student has viewed their results to the quiz. @SerializedName("has_seen_results") private boolean hasSeenResults; //The current state of the quiz submission. Possible values: //['untaken'|'pending_review'|'complete'|'settings_only'|'preview']. @SerializedName("workflow_state") private String workflowState; //Points possible for the quiz @SerializedName("quiz_points_possible") private int quizPointsPossible; //Token used to validate quiz answers when posting @SerializedName("validation_token") private String validationToken; @Override public long getId() { return id; } public void setId(long id) { = id; } public long getQuizId() { return quizId; } public void setQuizId(long quizId) { this.quizId = quizId; } public long getUserId() { return userId; } public void setUserId(long userId) { this.userId = userId; } public long getSubmissionId() { return submissionId; } public void setSubmissionId(long submissionId) { this.submissionId = submissionId; } public Date getStartedAt() { return APIHelpers.stringToDate(startedAt); } public void setStartedAt(String startedAt) { this.startedAt = startedAt; } public Date getFinishedAt() { return APIHelpers.stringToDate(finishedAt); } public void setFinishedAt(String finishedAt) { this.finishedAt = finishedAt; } public Date getEndAt() { return APIHelpers.stringToDate(endAt); } public void setEndAt(String endAt) { this.endAt = endAt; } public int getAttempt() { return attempt; } public void setAttempt(int attempt) { this.attempt = attempt; } public int getExtraAttempts() { return extraAttempts; } public void setExtraAttempts(int extraAttempts) { this.extraAttempts = extraAttempts; } public int getAttemptsLeft() { return attemptsLeft; } public void setAttemptsLeft(int attemptsLeft) { this.attemptsLeft = attemptsLeft; } public int getExtraTime() { return extraTime; } public void setExtraTime(int extraTime) { this.extraTime = extraTime; } public boolean isManuallyUnlocked() { return manuallyUnlocked; } public void setManuallyUnlocked(boolean manuallyUnlocked) { this.manuallyUnlocked = manuallyUnlocked; } public int getTimeSpent() { return timeSpent; } public void setTimeSpent(int timeSpent) { this.timeSpent = timeSpent; } public double getScore() { return score; } public void setScore(double score) { this.score = score; } public double getScoreBeforeRegrade() { return scoreBeforeRegrade; } public void setScoreBeforeRegrade(double scoreBeforeRegrade) { this.scoreBeforeRegrade = scoreBeforeRegrade; } public double getKeptScore() { return keptScore; } public void setKeptScore(double keptScore) { this.keptScore = keptScore; } public double getFudgePoints() { return fudgePoints; } public void setFudgePoints(int fudgePoints) { this.fudgePoints = fudgePoints; } public boolean hasSeenResults() { return hasSeenResults; } public void setHasSeenResults(boolean hasSeenResults) { this.hasSeenResults = hasSeenResults; } public WORKFLOW_STATE getWorkflowState() { return parseWorkflowState(workflowState); } public void setWorkflowState(String workflowState) { this.workflowState = workflowState; } public int getQuizPointsPossible() { return quizPointsPossible; } public void setQuizPointsPossible(int quizPointsPossible) { this.quizPointsPossible = quizPointsPossible; } public String getValidationToken() { return validationToken; } public void setValidationToken(String validationToken) { this.validationToken = validationToken; } @Override public Date getComparisonDate() { return getFinishedAt(); } @Override public String getComparisonString() { return null; } @Override public int compareTo(QuizSubmission another) { return 0; } @Override public int describeContents() { return 0; } public static WORKFLOW_STATE parseWorkflowState(String workflowState) { switch(workflowState) { case "untaken": return WORKFLOW_STATE.UNTAKEN; case "complete": return WORKFLOW_STATE.COMPLETE; case "preview": return WORKFLOW_STATE.PREVIEW; case "settings_only": return WORKFLOW_STATE.SETTINGS_ONLY; case "pending_review": return WORKFLOW_STATE.PENDING_REVIEW; } return WORKFLOW_STATE.UNKNOWN; } @Override public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) { dest.writeLong(; dest.writeLong(this.quizId); dest.writeLong(this.userId); dest.writeLong(this.submissionId); dest.writeString(this.startedAt); dest.writeString(this.finishedAt); dest.writeString(this.endAt); dest.writeInt(this.attempt); dest.writeInt(this.extraAttempts); dest.writeInt(this.extraTime); dest.writeByte(manuallyUnlocked ? (byte) 1 : (byte) 0); dest.writeInt(this.timeSpent); dest.writeDouble(this.score); dest.writeDouble(this.scoreBeforeRegrade); dest.writeDouble(this.keptScore); dest.writeDouble(this.fudgePoints); dest.writeByte(hasSeenResults ? (byte) 1 : (byte) 0); dest.writeString(this.workflowState); dest.writeInt(this.quizPointsPossible); dest.writeString(this.validationToken); } public QuizSubmission() { } private QuizSubmission(Parcel in) { = in.readLong(); this.quizId = in.readLong(); this.userId = in.readLong(); this.submissionId = in.readLong(); this.startedAt = in.readString(); this.finishedAt = in.readString(); this.endAt = in.readString(); this.attempt = in.readInt(); this.extraAttempts = in.readInt(); this.extraTime = in.readInt(); this.manuallyUnlocked = in.readByte() != 0; this.timeSpent = in.readInt(); this.score = in.readDouble(); this.scoreBeforeRegrade = in.readDouble(); this.keptScore = in.readDouble(); this.fudgePoints = in.readDouble(); this.hasSeenResults = in.readByte() != 0; this.workflowState = in.readString(); this.quizPointsPossible = in.readInt(); this.validationToken = in.readString(); } public static final Creator<QuizSubmission> CREATOR = new Creator<QuizSubmission>() { public QuizSubmission createFromParcel(Parcel source) { return new QuizSubmission(source); } public QuizSubmission[] newArray(int size) { return new QuizSubmission[size]; } }; }