package com.instructure.canvasapi.model; import android.os.Parcel; import com.instructure.canvasapi.utilities.APIHelpers; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; /** * @author Josh Ruesch * * Copyright (c) 2014 Instructure. All rights reserved. */ public class DiscussionTopicHeader extends CanvasModel<DiscussionTopicHeader>{ public enum ReadState { READ, UNREAD } public enum DiscussionType { UNKNOWN, SIDE_COMMENT, THREADED } private long id; //Discussion Topic Id; private String discussion_type; //Type of discussion (side_comment or threaded). private String title; //Discussion title private String message; //HTML content private String html_url; //URL to the topic on canvas. //Only one of the following two will be filled out. the other will be null. //If posted_at isn't null, it represents when the discussion WAS posted. //If delayed_post_at isn't null, it represents when the discussion WILL be posted. private String posted_at; private String delayed_post_at; private String last_reply_at; // Last response to the thread. private boolean require_initial_post; // Whether or not users are required to post before they can respond to comments. private int discussion_subentry_count; // The count of entries in the topic. private String read_state; // Whether or not the topic has been read yet. private int unread_count; // Number of unread messages. private int position; // If topic is pinned it'll have a position private long assignment_id; // The unique identifier of the assignment if the topic is for grading, otherwise null. private boolean locked; // Whether or not the discussion is 'closed for comments'. private boolean locked_for_user; // whether or not this is locked for students to see. private String lock_explanation; // (Optional) An explanation of why this is locked for the user. Present when locked_for_user is true. private boolean pinned; // whether or not the discussion has been "pinned" by an instructor private DiscussionParticipant author; // The user that started the thread. private String podcast_url; // If the topic is a podcast topic this is the feed url for the current user. private String group_category_id; // If the topic is for grading and a group assignment this will // point to the original topic in the course. //String maybe? private long root_topic_id; // A list of topic_ids for the group discussions the user is a part of. private List<Long> topic_children = new ArrayList<Long>(); //List of file attachments private List<DiscussionAttachment> attachments = new ArrayList<DiscussionAttachment>(); public boolean unauthorized; private DiscussionTopicPermission permissions; private Assignment assignment; private LockInfo lock_info; private boolean published; //Whether this discussion topic is published (true) or draft state (false) private boolean allow_rating; //Whether or not users can rate entries in this topic. private boolean only_graders_can_rate; //Whether or not grade permissions are required to rate entries. private boolean sort_by_rating; //Whether or not entries should be sorted by rating. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Getters and Setters /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// @Override public long getId() { return id; } public void setId(long id) { = id; } public DiscussionType getType() { if("side_comment".equals(this.discussion_type)){ return DiscussionType.SIDE_COMMENT; } else if ("threaded".equals(this.discussion_type)){ return DiscussionType.THREADED; } return DiscussionType.UNKNOWN; } public void setType(DiscussionType type) { if(type == DiscussionType.SIDE_COMMENT) { this.discussion_type = "side_comment"; } else if (type == DiscussionType.THREADED) { this.discussion_type = "threaded"; } else { this.discussion_type = ""; } } public String getTitle() { return title; } public void setTitle(String title) { this.title = title; } public String getMessage() { if(message == null || message.equals("null")) { return ""; } else { return message; } } public void setMessage(String message) { this.message = message; } public String getHtmlUrl() { return html_url; } public void setHtmlUrl(String html_url) { this.html_url = html_url; } public Date getPostedAt() { return APIHelpers.stringToDate(posted_at); } public void setPostedAt(Date posted_at) { this.posted_at = APIHelpers.dateToString(posted_at); } public Date getDelayedPostAt() { return APIHelpers.stringToDate(delayed_post_at); } public void setDelayedPostAt(Date delayed_post_at) { this.delayed_post_at = APIHelpers.dateToString(delayed_post_at); } public Date getLastReply() { return APIHelpers.stringToDate(last_reply_at); } public void setLastReply(Date last_reply) { this.last_reply_at = APIHelpers.dateToString(last_reply); } public int getPosition() { return position; } public void setPosition(int position) { this.position = position; } public boolean requiresInitialPost() { return require_initial_post; } public void setRequireInitialPost(boolean require_initial_post) { this.require_initial_post = require_initial_post; } public int getDiscussionSubentryCount() { return discussion_subentry_count; } public void setDiscussionSubentryCount(int discussion_subentry_count) { this.discussion_subentry_count = discussion_subentry_count; } public ReadState getStatus() { if("read".equals(read_state)) { return ReadState.READ; } else if ("unread".equals(read_state)) { return ReadState.UNREAD; } else { return ReadState.UNREAD; } } public void setStatus(ReadState status) { if (status == ReadState.READ){ this.read_state = "read"; } else { this.read_state = "unread"; } } public int getUnreadCount() { return unread_count; } public void setUnreadCount(int unread_count) { this.unread_count = unread_count; } public long getAssignmentId() { return assignment_id; } public void setAssignmentId(long assignment_id) { this.assignment_id = assignment_id; } public boolean isLocked() { return locked; } public void setLocked(boolean locked) { this.locked = locked; } public boolean isLockedForUser(){ return this.locked_for_user; } public void setLockedForUser(boolean lockedForUser){ this.locked_for_user = lockedForUser; } public String getLockExplanation(){ return lock_explanation; } public void setLockExplanation(String lock_explanation){ this.lock_explanation = lock_explanation; } public boolean isPinned() { return pinned; } public void setPinned(boolean pinned) { this.pinned = pinned; } public DiscussionParticipant getCreator() { return author; } public void setCreator(DiscussionParticipant creator) { = creator; } public long getRootTopicId() { return root_topic_id; } public void setRootTopicId(long root_topic_id) { this.root_topic_id = root_topic_id; } public List<Long> getTopicChildren() { return topic_children; } public void setTopicChildren(List<Long> topic_children) { if(topic_children != null){ this.topic_children = topic_children; } } public String getPodcastUrl() { return podcast_url; } public void setPodcastUrl(String podcast_url) { this.podcast_url = podcast_url; } public List<DiscussionAttachment> getAttachments() { return attachments; } public void setAttachments(List<DiscussionAttachment> attachments) { if(attachments != null){ this.attachments = attachments; } } public DiscussionTopicPermission getPermission() { return permissions; } public void setPermission(DiscussionTopicPermission permission) { this.permissions = permission; } //During parsing, GSON will try. Which means sometimes we get 'empty' objects //They're non-null, but don't have any information. public LockInfo getLockInfo() { if (lock_info == null || lock_info.isEmpty()){ return null; } return lock_info; } public void setLockInfo(LockInfo lockInfo) { this.lock_info = lockInfo; } public String getGroupCategoryId() { return group_category_id; } public boolean isPublished() { return published; } public boolean shouldAllowRating() { return allow_rating; } public boolean isOnlyGradersCanRate() { return only_graders_can_rate; } public boolean isSortByRating() { return sort_by_rating; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Required Overrides /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// @Override public Date getComparisonDate() { // Note: In some cases getComparisonDate might be null return getLastReply() != null ? getLastReply() : getPostedAt(); } @Override public String getComparisonString() { return getTitle(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Constructors /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public DiscussionTopicHeader() {} public DiscussionTopicHeader(boolean unAuthorized) { this.unauthorized = unAuthorized; } public DiscussionTopicHeader(long id) { = id; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Helpers /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public DiscussionEntry convertToDiscussionEntry(String localizedGradedDiscussion, String localizedPointsPossible) { DiscussionEntry discussionEntry = new DiscussionEntry(); discussionEntry.setMessage(this.message); discussionEntry.setParent(null); discussionEntry.setParentId(-1); discussionEntry.setReplies(new ArrayList<DiscussionEntry>()); String description = ""; if(assignment != null) { description = localizedGradedDiscussion; if(assignment.getPointsPossible() > 0) description += "<br>"+Double.toString(assignment.getPointsPossible()) + " " + localizedPointsPossible; } discussionEntry.setDescription(description); discussionEntry.setMessage(this.getMessage()); if(this.getLastReply() != null) { discussionEntry.setLastUpdated(this.getLastReply()); } else if(this.getPostedAt() != null) { discussionEntry.setLastUpdated(this.getPostedAt()); } else { discussionEntry.setLastUpdated(this.getDelayedPostAt()); } discussionEntry.setAuthor(author); discussionEntry.setAttachments(this.getAttachments()); discussionEntry.setUnread(this.getStatus() == ReadState.UNREAD); return discussionEntry; } @Override public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) { dest.writeLong(; dest.writeString(this.discussion_type); dest.writeString(this.title); dest.writeInt(this.position); dest.writeString(this.message); dest.writeString(this.html_url); dest.writeString(this.posted_at); dest.writeString(this.delayed_post_at); dest.writeString(this.last_reply_at); dest.writeByte(require_initial_post ? (byte) 1 : (byte) 0); dest.writeInt(this.discussion_subentry_count); dest.writeString(this.read_state); dest.writeInt(this.unread_count); dest.writeLong(this.assignment_id); dest.writeString(this.group_category_id); dest.writeByte(locked ? (byte) 1 : (byte) 0); dest.writeByte(pinned ? (byte) 1 : (byte) 0); dest.writeParcelable(, flags); dest.writeString(this.podcast_url); dest.writeLong(this.root_topic_id); dest.writeList(this.topic_children); dest.writeList(this.attachments); dest.writeByte(unauthorized ? (byte) 1 : (byte) 0); dest.writeParcelable(this.permissions, flags); dest.writeParcelable(this.assignment, flags); dest.writeParcelable(this.lock_info, flags); dest.writeByte(published ? (byte) 1 : (byte) 0); dest.writeByte(allow_rating ? (byte) 1 : (byte) 0); dest.writeByte(only_graders_can_rate ? (byte) 1 : (byte) 0); dest.writeByte(sort_by_rating ? (byte) 1 : (byte) 0); } private DiscussionTopicHeader(Parcel in) { = in.readLong(); this.discussion_type = in.readString(); this.title = in.readString(); this.position = in.readInt(); this.message = in.readString(); this.html_url = in.readString(); this.posted_at = in.readString(); this.delayed_post_at = in.readString(); this.last_reply_at = in.readString(); this.require_initial_post = in.readByte() != 0; this.discussion_subentry_count = in.readInt(); this.read_state = in.readString(); this.unread_count = in.readInt(); this.assignment_id = in.readLong(); this.group_category_id = in.readString(); this.locked = in.readByte() != 0; this.pinned = in.readByte() != 0; = in.readParcelable(DiscussionParticipant.class.getClassLoader()); this.podcast_url = in.readString(); this.root_topic_id = in.readLong(); in.readList(this.topic_children, Long.class.getClassLoader()); in.readList(this.attachments, DiscussionAttachment.class.getClassLoader()); this.unauthorized = in.readByte() != 0; this.permissions = in.readParcelable(DiscussionTopicPermission.class.getClassLoader()); this.assignment = in.readParcelable(Assignment.class.getClassLoader()); this.lock_info = in.readParcelable(LockInfo.class.getClassLoader()); this.published = in.readByte() != 0; this.allow_rating = in.readByte() != 0; this.only_graders_can_rate = in.readByte() != 0; this.sort_by_rating = in.readByte() != 0; } public static Creator<DiscussionTopicHeader> CREATOR = new Creator<DiscussionTopicHeader>() { public DiscussionTopicHeader createFromParcel(Parcel source) { return new DiscussionTopicHeader(source); } public DiscussionTopicHeader[] newArray(int size) { return new DiscussionTopicHeader[size]; } }; }