package com.instructure.canvasapi.model; import android.os.Parcel; import java.util.Date; /** * * Copyright (c) 2015 Instructure. All rights reserved. */ public class Group extends CanvasContext{ private long id; private String name; private String description; private String avatar_url; private boolean is_public; private boolean followed_by_user; private int members_count; // * If "parent_context_auto_join", anyone can join and will be // automatically accepted. // * If "parent_context_request", anyone can request to join, which // must be approved by a group moderator. // * If "invitation_only", only those how have received an // invitation my join the group, by accepting that invitation. private String join_level; //TODO: private String context_type; //At most, ONE of these will be set. private long course_id; private long account_id; // Certain types of groups have special role designations. Currently, // these include: "communities", "student_organized", and "imported". // Regular course/account groups have a role of null. private String role; private long group_category_id; private long storage_quota_mb; private boolean is_favorite; public enum JoinLevel {Automatic, Request, Invitation, Unknown} public enum GroupRole {Community, Student, Imported, Course} public enum GroupContext {Course, Account, Other} /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Getters and Setters /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// @Override public long getId() { return id; } public void setId(long id) { = id; } @Override public Date getComparisonDate() { return null; } @Override public String getComparisonString() { return name; } @Override public Type getType() {return Type.GROUP;} public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { = name; } public String getDescription() { return description; } public String getAvatarUrl() { return avatar_url; } public boolean isPublic() { return is_public; } public boolean isFollowedByUser() { return followed_by_user; } public int getMembersCount() { return members_count; } public JoinLevel getJoinLevel() { // * If "parent_context_auto_join", anyone can join and will be // automatically accepted. // * If "parent_context_request", anyone can request to join, which // must be approved by a group moderator. // * If "invitation_only", only those how have received an // invitation my join the group, by accepting that invitation. if("parent_context_auto_join".equalsIgnoreCase(join_level)){ return JoinLevel.Automatic; } else if ("parent_context_request".equalsIgnoreCase(join_level)){ return JoinLevel.Request; } else if ("invitation_only".equalsIgnoreCase(join_level)){ return JoinLevel.Invitation; } return JoinLevel.Unknown; } public GroupContext getContextType() { if("course".equalsIgnoreCase(context_type)){ return GroupContext.Course; } else if ("account".equalsIgnoreCase(context_type)){ return GroupContext.Account; } return GroupContext.Other; } public long getCourseId() { return course_id; } public long getAccountId() { return account_id; } public GroupRole getRole() { // Certain types of groups have special role designations. Currently, // these include: "communities", "student_organized", and "imported". // Regular course/account groups have a role of null. if("communities".equalsIgnoreCase(role)){ return GroupRole.Community; } else if ("student_organized".equals(role)){ return GroupRole.Student; } else if ("imported".equals(role)){ return GroupRole.Imported; } return GroupRole.Course; } public long getGroupCategoryId() { return group_category_id; } public long getStorageQuotaMB() { return storage_quota_mb; } public boolean isFavorite() { return is_favorite; } public void setFavorite(boolean isFavorite) { this.is_favorite = isFavorite; } @Override public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) { dest.writeLong(; dest.writeString(; dest.writeString(this.description); dest.writeString(this.avatar_url); dest.writeByte(is_public ? (byte) 1 : (byte) 0); dest.writeByte(followed_by_user ? (byte) 1 : (byte) 0); dest.writeInt(this.members_count); dest.writeString(this.join_level); dest.writeString(this.context_type); dest.writeLong(this.course_id); dest.writeLong(this.account_id); dest.writeString(this.role); dest.writeLong(this.group_category_id); dest.writeLong(this.storage_quota_mb); dest.writeString(this.default_view); dest.writeParcelable(this.permissions, flags); } public Group() { } private Group(Parcel in) { = in.readLong(); = in.readString(); this.description = in.readString(); this.avatar_url = in.readString(); this.is_public = in.readByte() != 0; this.followed_by_user = in.readByte() != 0; this.members_count = in.readInt(); this.join_level = in.readString(); this.context_type = in.readString(); this.course_id = in.readLong(); this.account_id = in.readLong(); this.role = in.readString(); this.group_category_id = in.readLong(); this.storage_quota_mb = in.readLong(); this.default_view = in.readString(); this.permissions = in.readParcelable(CanvasContextPermission.class.getClassLoader()); } public static Creator<Group> CREATOR = new Creator<Group>() { public Group createFromParcel(Parcel source) { return new Group(source); } public Group[] newArray(int size) { return new Group[size]; } }; }