package com.hubspot.blazar.util; import; import; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException; import; import; import; import; import; import com.hubspot.blazar.base.BuildConfig; import com.hubspot.blazar.base.BuildStep; import com.hubspot.blazar.base.Dependency; import com.hubspot.blazar.base.GitInfo; import com.hubspot.blazar.base.PostBuildSteps; import com.hubspot.blazar.base.StepActivationCriteria; import com.hubspot.blazar.config.BlazarConfiguration; import com.hubspot.blazar.config.ExecutorConfiguration; import com.hubspot.blazar.exception.NonRetryableBuildException; import com.hubspot.blazar.external.models.singularity.BuildCGroupResources; @Singleton public class BuildConfigUtils { public static final String BUILDPACK_FILE = ".blazar-buildpack.yaml"; private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BuildConfigUtils.class); private final ExecutorConfiguration executorConfiguration; private final GitHubHelper gitHubHelper; @Inject public BuildConfigUtils(BlazarConfiguration blazarConfiguration, GitHubHelper gitHubHelper) { this.executorConfiguration = blazarConfiguration.getExecutorConfiguration(); this.gitHubHelper = gitHubHelper; } public BuildConfig getConfigForBuildpackOnBranch(GitInfo gitInfo) throws IOException, NonRetryableBuildException { return getConfigAtRef(gitInfo, BUILDPACK_FILE, gitInfo.getBranch()); } public BuildConfig addMissingBuildConfigSettings(BuildConfig buildConfig) { BuildConfig.Builder buildConfigWithDefaults = buildConfig.toBuilder(); if (!buildConfig.getUser().isPresent()) { buildConfigWithDefaults = buildConfigWithDefaults.setUser(Optional.of(executorConfiguration.getDefaultBuildUser())); } if (!buildConfig.getBuildResources().isPresent()) { buildConfigWithDefaults = buildConfigWithDefaults.setBuildResources(executorConfiguration.getDefaultBuildResources()); } return; } /** * This merges the build configuration (.blazar.yaml) found inside a source folder (the primary configuration) * with a reusable configuration (the buildpack) which is either specified inside the primary configuration or * is auto-discovered by the module discovery plugins. The final resolved configuration is used by * the build container (Blazar Executor) to execute the build. The following are the rules for merging the primary * build config with the buildpack config * * Collections of `BuildSteps` are overridden. * List<BuildStep> steps * No merging. The steps in the primary config are used. If the primary config doesn't specify 'steps' the 'steps' * specified in the buildpack are used. This allows to specify the steps once in a buildpack and reuse them across builds * with the extra flexibility to completely replace the buildpack steps if required. * * List<BuildStep> before * No merging. The 'before' steps in the primary config are used. If the primary config doesn't specify 'before' * steps those specified in the buildpack are used (if any). This allows to specify once the core 'steps' in a * buildpack to reuse them across builds and then use the primary config to insert steps BEFORE the core 'steps' * if required. * * Optional<PostBuildSteps> after * No merging. The 'after' steps in the primary config are used. If the primary config doesn't specify 'after' * steps those specified in the buildpack are used (if any). This allows to specify once the core 'steps' * in a buildpack to reuse them across builds and then use the primary config to insert steps AFTER the core 'steps' * if required. * * Map<String, String> env * The environment variable map in buildpack is merged with the environment variable map in primary config. * The enviroment variables in the primary config override those in the buildpack when there are duplicate * environment variables. * In this way common environment variables can be kept in the buildpack and resused across builds. Users can add * more or override the common environment variables by using the primary build config. * * List<String> buildDeps * The two lists of build dependencies are concatenated putting the values in the `primary` config before the * values in the buildpack. We turn `buildDeps` into additional values on the $PATH, (???????) * putting primary before secondary effectively overrides secondary values that provide binaries of the same name (????). * * List<String> webhooks * The two lists of webhooks are concatenated. * * List<String> cache * The two lists of caches are concatenated putting the values in the `primary` config before the * values in the buildpack which means that caches in the primary config will be strored first. * * DOES THIS MAKE ANY SENSE since buildpacks cannot be nested??? * Optional<GitInfo> buildpack * If the primary build config specifies a 'buildpack' and the buildpack itself specifies another 'buildpack' the * buildpack in the primary config is kept....what is the purpose of doing that since we are not going to resolve the * buildpack again? The buildpack in a primary build config is read outside of this method and is then passed to this method * to be merged with the primary one. So this method which should probably ignore the buildpack field. * * Optional<String> user * The user in the primary config overrides the user set in the buildpack. * * Map<String, StepActivationCriteria> stepActivation * The two maps with stepActivationCriteria in the buildpack and in the primary config are merged. * The criteria in the primary config override those in the buildpack when there are duplicate keys. * In this way common criteria can be kept in the buildpack and resused across builds and then by using the primary * build config users can add more or override the common criteria if required. * * Optional<BuildCGroupResources> buildResources * The resources specified in the buildpack are ignored if there are resources specified in the primary config. * * Set<Dependency> depends * The two sets of dependencies are merged. * * Set<Dependency> provides * The two sets of provided dependencies are merged. * * boolean disabled * This determines if building is completely disabled for the folder that the primary config is located is, * so the value in the primary config is always used and any value in the buildpack is completely ignored. * Actually if the primary config sets this to true (i.e. is disabled) the merging of the build configs is never * called since no building needs to be executed. * * boolean ignoreAutoDiscoveredDependencies * This determines whether dependencies specified in the buildpack should be ignored and only the dependencies * specified in the primary config should be used. Therefore the value in the primary config is always used * and any value in the builpack is ignored. * */ public BuildConfig mergeBuildConfigs(BuildConfig primaryConfig, BuildConfig buildpackConfig) { List<BuildStep> steps = primaryConfig.getSteps().isEmpty() ? buildpackConfig.getSteps() : primaryConfig.getSteps(); List<BuildStep> before = primaryConfig.getBefore().isEmpty() ? buildpackConfig.getBefore() : primaryConfig.getBefore(); Optional<PostBuildSteps> after = (!primaryConfig.getAfter().isPresent()) ? buildpackConfig.getAfter() : primaryConfig.getAfter(); Optional<GitInfo> buildpack = (!primaryConfig.getBuildpack().isPresent() ? buildpackConfig.getBuildpack() : primaryConfig.getBuildpack()); Map<String, String> env = new LinkedHashMap<>(); env.putAll(buildpackConfig.getEnv()); env.putAll(primaryConfig.getEnv()); List<String> buildDeps = Lists.newArrayList(Iterables.concat(buildpackConfig.getBuildDeps(), primaryConfig.getBuildDeps())); List<String> webhooks = Lists.newArrayList(Iterables.concat(buildpackConfig.getWebhooks(), primaryConfig.getWebhooks())); List<String> cache = Lists.newArrayList(Iterables.concat(buildpackConfig.getCache(), primaryConfig.getCache())); final Optional<String> user; if (primaryConfig.getUser().isPresent()) { user = primaryConfig.getUser(); } else { user = buildpackConfig.getUser(); } Map<String, StepActivationCriteria> stepActivation = new LinkedHashMap<>(); stepActivation.putAll(buildpackConfig.getStepActivation()); stepActivation.putAll(primaryConfig.getStepActivation()); final Optional<BuildCGroupResources> buildResources; if (primaryConfig.getBuildResources().isPresent()) { buildResources = primaryConfig.getBuildResources(); } else { buildResources = buildpackConfig.getBuildResources(); } Set<Dependency> depends = new HashSet<>(); depends.addAll(primaryConfig.getDepends()); if (!primaryConfig.isIgnorePluginDiscoveredDependencies()) { depends.addAll(buildpackConfig.getDepends()); } Set<Dependency> provides = new HashSet<>(); provides.addAll(primaryConfig.getProvides()); if (!primaryConfig.isIgnorePluginDiscoveredDependencies()) { provides.addAll(buildpackConfig.getProvides()); } return new BuildConfig(steps, before, after, env, buildDeps, webhooks, cache, buildpack, user, stepActivation, buildResources, depends, provides, primaryConfig.isDisabled(), primaryConfig.isIgnorePluginDiscoveredDependencies()); } public BuildConfig getConfigAtRef(GitInfo gitInfo, String configPath, String ref) throws IOException, NonRetryableBuildException { String repositoryName = gitInfo.getFullRepositoryName();"Going to fetch build config (buildpack) for path {} in repo {}@{}", configPath, repositoryName, ref); try { return gitHubHelper.configAtSha(configPath, gitInfo, ref).or(BuildConfig.makeDefaultBuildConfig()); } catch (JsonProcessingException e) { String message = String.format("Invalid config found for path %s in repo %s@%s, failing build", configPath, repositoryName, ref); throw new NonRetryableBuildException(message, e); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { // Doesn't seem a good idea to obscure the fact that the build pack is missing and leave users with the impression // that their buildpack is taken into account //return BuildConfig.makeDefaultBuildConfig(); String message = String.format("The specified build config (buildpack) %s was not found in repo %s@%s.", configPath, repositoryName, ref); throw new NonRetryableBuildException(message, e); } } }