package; import java.util.Set; import org.skife.jdbi.v2.sqlobject.Bind; import org.skife.jdbi.v2.sqlobject.GetGeneratedKeys; import org.skife.jdbi.v2.sqlobject.SqlQuery; import org.skife.jdbi.v2.sqlobject.SqlUpdate; import org.skife.jdbi.v2.sqlobject.customizers.SingleValueResult; import; import com.hubspot.blazar.base.GitInfo; import com.hubspot.blazar.base.RepositoryBuild; import com.hubspot.rosetta.jdbi.BindWithRosetta; public interface BranchDao { @SqlQuery("SELECT * FROM branches") Set<GitInfo> getAll(); @SqlQuery("SELECT * FROM branches where active = 1") Set<GitInfo> getAllActive(); @SingleValueResult @SqlQuery("SELECT * FROM branches WHERE id = :id") Optional<GitInfo> get(@Bind("id") int id); @SqlQuery("SELECT * FROM branches WHERE repositoryId = :repositoryId") Set<GitInfo> getByRepository(@Bind("repositoryId") int repositoryId); @SingleValueResult @SqlQuery("SELECT * FROM branches WHERE repositoryId = :repositoryId AND branch = :branch") Optional<GitInfo> getByRepositoryAndBranch(@Bind("repositoryId") int repositoryId, @Bind("branch") String branch); /** * When repositories are re-named or moved between organizations Blazar does not get a webhook. * This means that there can be a discrepancy between the namespace that Blazar thinks a repository * lives in, and the namespace that it currently occupies on GitHub. * * When a repository is pushed to, after its name (host, org, repo) are changed Blazar can update * its database accordingly because the GitHub repositoryId does not change. However if a new * repository takes on the name of the old repository then searches by name will return branches * from both repositories. * * This query returns all the (conflicting) active branches Blazar knows of that have the same host, * org and repositoryName but have different GitHub repositoryIds than the GitInfo argument. * */ @SqlQuery("" + "SELECT * FROM branches WHERE active = 1 AND " + "repositoryId != :repositoryId AND " + "host = :host AND " + "organization = :organization AND " + "repository = :repository") Set<GitInfo> getConflictingBranches(@BindWithRosetta GitInfo gitInfo); @GetGeneratedKeys @SqlUpdate("INSERT INTO branches (host, organization, repository, repositoryId, branch, active) VALUES (:host, :organization, :repository, :repositoryId, :branch, :active)") int insert(@BindWithRosetta GitInfo gitInfo); @SqlUpdate("UPDATE branches SET organization = :organization, repository = :repository, active = :active WHERE id = :id") int update(@BindWithRosetta GitInfo gitInfo); @SqlUpdate("UPDATE branches SET active = 0 WHERE repositoryId = :repositoryId AND branch = :branch") int deactivate(@BindWithRosetta GitInfo gitInfo); @SqlUpdate("UPDATE branches SET pendingBuildId = :id WHERE id = :branchId AND pendingBuildId IS NULL") int updatePendingBuild(@BindWithRosetta RepositoryBuild build); @SqlUpdate("UPDATE branches SET pendingBuildId = WHERE id = :previous.branchId AND id = :next.branchId AND pendingBuildId =") int updatePendingBuild(@BindWithRosetta("previous") RepositoryBuild previous, @BindWithRosetta("next") RepositoryBuild next); @SqlUpdate("UPDATE branches SET pendingBuildId = NULL WHERE id = :branchId AND pendingBuildId = :id") int deletePendingBuild(@BindWithRosetta RepositoryBuild build); @SqlUpdate("UPDATE branches SET inProgressBuildId = :id, pendingBuildId = NULL WHERE id = :branchId AND pendingBuildId = :id AND inProgressBuildId IS NULL") int updateInProgressBuild(@BindWithRosetta RepositoryBuild build); @SqlUpdate("UPDATE branches SET inProgressBuildId =, pendingBuildId = WHERE id = :current.branchId AND id = :next.branchId AND pendingBuildId = AND inProgressBuildId IS NULL") int updateInProgressBuild(@BindWithRosetta("current") RepositoryBuild current, @BindWithRosetta("next") RepositoryBuild next); @SqlUpdate("UPDATE branches SET lastBuildId = :id, inProgressBuildId = NULL WHERE id = :branchId AND inProgressBuildId = :id") int updateLastBuild(@BindWithRosetta RepositoryBuild build); @SqlUpdate("UPDATE branches SET updatedTimestamp = NOW() WHERE id = :id") int touch(@Bind("id") int id); }