package com.hubspot.blazar.util; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.ServiceConfigurationError; /** * Copied and tweaked from JDK because we want to return Class objects and get them from Guice */ public final class BlazarServiceLoader<S> implements Iterable<Class<? extends S>> { private static final String PREFIX = "META-INF/services/"; private final Class<S> service; private final ClassLoader loader; private Map<String,Class<? extends S>> providers = new LinkedHashMap<>(); private LazyIterator lookupIterator; public void reload() { providers.clear(); lookupIterator = new LazyIterator(service, loader); } private BlazarServiceLoader(Class<S> svc, ClassLoader cl) { service = Objects.requireNonNull(svc, "Service interface cannot be null"); loader = (cl == null) ? ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader() : cl; reload(); } private static void fail(Class<?> service, String msg, Throwable cause) { throw new ServiceConfigurationError(service.getName() + ": " + msg, cause); } private static void fail(Class<?> service, String msg) { throw new ServiceConfigurationError(service.getName() + ": " + msg); } private static void fail(Class<?> service, URL u, int line, String msg) { fail(service, u + ":" + line + ": " + msg); } private int parseLine(Class<?> service, URL u, BufferedReader r, int lc, List<String> names) throws IOException { String ln = r.readLine(); if (ln == null) { return -1; } int ci = ln.indexOf('#'); if (ci >= 0) { ln = ln.substring(0, ci); } ln = ln.trim(); int n = ln.length(); if (n != 0) { if ((ln.indexOf(' ') >= 0) || (ln.indexOf('\t') >= 0)) { fail(service, u, lc, "Illegal configuration-file syntax"); } int cp = ln.codePointAt(0); if (!Character.isJavaIdentifierStart(cp)) { fail(service, u, lc, "Illegal provider-class name: " + ln); } for (int i = Character.charCount(cp); i < n; i += Character.charCount(cp)) { cp = ln.codePointAt(i); if (!Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(cp) && (cp != '.')) { fail(service, u, lc, "Illegal provider-class name: " + ln); } } if (!providers.containsKey(ln) && !names.contains(ln)) { names.add(ln); } } return lc + 1; } private Iterator<String> parse(Class<?> service, URL u) { List<String> names = new ArrayList<>(); try (InputStream in = u.openStream()) { try (BufferedReader r = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in, "utf-8"))) { int lc = 1; while ((lc = parseLine(service, u, r, lc, names)) >= 0) {}; } } catch (IOException e) { fail(service, "Error reading configuration file", e); } return names.iterator(); } private class LazyIterator implements Iterator<Class<? extends S>> { Class<S> service; ClassLoader loader; Enumeration<URL> configs = null; Iterator<String> pending = null; String nextName = null; private LazyIterator(Class<S> service, ClassLoader loader) { this.service = service; this.loader = loader; } private boolean hasNextService() { if (nextName != null) { return true; } if (configs == null) { try { String fullName = PREFIX + service.getName(); if (loader == null) { configs = ClassLoader.getSystemResources(fullName); } else { configs = loader.getResources(fullName); } } catch (IOException x) { fail(service, "Error locating configuration files", x); } } while ((pending == null) || !pending.hasNext()) { if (!configs.hasMoreElements()) { return false; } pending = parse(service, configs.nextElement()); } nextName =; return true; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private Class<? extends S> nextService() { if (!hasNextService()) { throw new NoSuchElementException(); } String cn = nextName; nextName = null; Class<?> c = null; try { c = Class.forName(cn, false, loader); } catch (ClassNotFoundException x) { fail(service, "Provider " + cn + " not found"); } if (!service.isAssignableFrom(c)) { fail(service, "Provider " + cn + " not a subtype"); } Class<? extends S> service = (Class<? extends S>) c; providers.put(cn, service); return service; } public boolean hasNext() { return hasNextService(); } public Class<? extends S> next() { return nextService(); } public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } } public Iterator<Class<? extends S>> iterator() { return new Iterator<Class<? extends S>>() { Iterator<Class<? extends S>> knownProviders = providers.values().iterator(); public boolean hasNext() { return knownProviders.hasNext() || lookupIterator.hasNext(); } public Class<? extends S> next() { return knownProviders.hasNext() ? :; } public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } }; } public static <S> BlazarServiceLoader<S> load(Class<S> service, ClassLoader loader) { return new BlazarServiceLoader<>(service, loader); } public static <S> BlazarServiceLoader<S> load(Class<S> service) { ClassLoader cl = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); return BlazarServiceLoader.load(service, cl); } public String toString() { return "com.hubspot.blazar.util.BlazarServiceLoader[" + service.getName() + "]"; } }