package; import java.util.Set; import org.skife.jdbi.v2.sqlobject.Bind; import org.skife.jdbi.v2.sqlobject.GetGeneratedKeys; import org.skife.jdbi.v2.sqlobject.SqlQuery; import org.skife.jdbi.v2.sqlobject.SqlUpdate; import org.skife.jdbi.v2.sqlobject.customizers.SingleValueResult; import; import com.hubspot.blazar.base.notifications.InstantMessageConfiguration; import com.hubspot.rosetta.jdbi.BindWithRosetta; public interface InstantMessageConfigurationDao { @SqlQuery("SELECT * FROM instant_message_configs WHERE active = 1") Set<InstantMessageConfiguration> getAll(); @SingleValueResult @SqlQuery("SELECT * FROM instant_message_configs WHERE id = :id") Optional<InstantMessageConfiguration> get(@Bind("id") long id); @SqlQuery("SELECT * FROM instant_message_configs WHERE branchId = :branchId AND moduleId IS NULL AND active = 1") Set<InstantMessageConfiguration> getAllWithBranchId(@Bind("branchId") long branchId); @SqlQuery("SELECT * FROM instant_message_configs WHERE moduleId = :moduleId AND active = 1") Set<InstantMessageConfiguration> getAllWithModuleId(@Bind("moduleId") long moduleId); @GetGeneratedKeys @SqlUpdate("INSERT INTO instant_message_configs (branchId, moduleId, channelName, onFinish, onFail, onChange, onRecover, active) VALUES (:branchId, :moduleId, :channelName, :onFinish, :onFail, :onChange, :onRecover, :active)") long insert(@BindWithRosetta InstantMessageConfiguration instantMessageConfiguration); @SqlUpdate("UPDATE instant_message_configs SET " + "branchId = :branchId, " + "moduleId = :moduleId, " + "channelName = :channelName, " + "onFinish = :onFinish, " + "onFail = :onFail, " + "onChange = :onChange, " + "onRecover = :onRecover, " + "active = :active " + "WHERE id = :id") int update(@BindWithRosetta InstantMessageConfiguration instantMessageConfiguration); @SqlUpdate("UPDATE instant_message_configs SET active = 0 WHERE id = :id") int delete(@Bind("id") long id); }