package com.amaze.filemanager.utils.SmbStreamer; import android.util.Log; import; import; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import jcifs.smb.SmbFile; /** * Created by Arpit on 06-07-2015. */ public class Streamer extends StreamServer { public static final int PORT = 7871; public static final String URL = "" + PORT; private SmbFile file; long length = 0; //protected List<SmbFile> extras; //those can be subtitles // private InputStream stream; // private long length; private static Streamer instance; private static Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("^.*\\.(?i)(mp3|wma|wav|aac|ogg|m4a|flac|mp4|avi|mpg|mpeg|3gp|3gpp|mkv|flv|rmvb)$"); // private CBItem source; // private String mime; protected Streamer(int port) throws IOException { super(port, new File(".")); } public static Streamer getInstance() { if (instance == null) try { instance = new Streamer(PORT); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return instance; } public static boolean isStreamMedia(SmbFile file) { return pattern.matcher(file.getName()).matches(); } public void setStreamSrc(SmbFile file, long len) { this.file = file; //this.extras = extraFiles; this.length = len; } @Override public Response serve(String uri, String method, Properties header, Properties parms, Properties files) { Response res = null; try { SmbFile sourceFile = null; String name = getNameFromPath(uri); if (file != null && file.getName().equals(name)) sourceFile = file; /*else if(extras!=null){ for(SmbFile i : extras){ if(i!=null && i.getName().equals(name)){ sourceFile = i; break; } } }*/ if (sourceFile == null) res = new Response(HTTP_NOTFOUND, MIME_PLAINTEXT, null); else { long startFrom = 0; long endAt = -1; String range = header.getProperty("range"); if (range != null) { if (range.startsWith("bytes=")) { range = range.substring("bytes=".length()); int minus = range.indexOf('-'); try { if (minus > 0) { startFrom = Long.parseLong(range.substring(0, minus)); endAt = Long.parseLong(range.substring(minus + 1)); } } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { } } } Log.d("Explorer", "Request: " + range + " from: " + startFrom + ", to: " + endAt); // Change return code and add Content-Range header when skipping // is requested //; final StreamSource source = new StreamSource(sourceFile, length); long fileLen = source.length(); if (range != null && startFrom > 0) { if (startFrom >= fileLen) { res = new Response(HTTP_RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE, MIME_PLAINTEXT, null); res.addHeader("Content-Range", "bytes 0-0/" + fileLen); } else { if (endAt < 0) endAt = fileLen - 1; long newLen = fileLen - startFrom; if (newLen < 0) newLen = 0; Log.d("Explorer", "start=" + startFrom + ", endAt=" + endAt + ", newLen=" + newLen); final long dataLen = newLen; source.moveTo(startFrom); Log.d("Explorer", "Skipped " + startFrom + " bytes"); res = new Response(HTTP_PARTIALCONTENT, source.getMimeType(), source); res.addHeader("Content-length", "" + dataLen); } } else { source.reset(); res = new Response(HTTP_OK, source.getMimeType(), source); res.addHeader("Content-Length", "" + fileLen); } } } catch (IOException ioe) { ioe.printStackTrace(); res = new Response(HTTP_FORBIDDEN, MIME_PLAINTEXT, null); } res.addHeader("Accept-Ranges", "bytes"); // Announce that the file // server accepts partial // content requestes return res; } private static String getNameFromPath(String path) { if (path == null || path.length() < 2) return null; int slash = path.lastIndexOf('/'); if (slash == -1) return path; else return path.substring(slash + 1); } }