package com.amaze.filemanager.filesystem; import android.content.ContentResolver; import android.content.Context; import android.os.Build; import android.preference.PreferenceManager; import; import android.util.Log; import com.amaze.filemanager.database.CloudHandler; import com.amaze.filemanager.exceptions.CloudPluginException; import com.amaze.filemanager.exceptions.RootNotPermittedException; import com.amaze.filemanager.fragments.MainFragment; import com.amaze.filemanager.ui.LayoutElement; import com.amaze.filemanager.ui.icons.Icons; import com.amaze.filemanager.utils.CloudUtil; import com.amaze.filemanager.utils.Futils; import com.amaze.filemanager.utils.Logger; import com.amaze.filemanager.utils.OTGUtil; import com.amaze.filemanager.utils.OpenMode; import com.amaze.filemanager.utils.RootUtils; import com.amaze.filemanager.utils.provider.UtilitiesProviderInterface; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import jcifs.smb.SmbException; import jcifs.smb.SmbFile; import static com.amaze.filemanager.activities.MainActivity.dataUtils; /** * Created by Arpit on 07-07-2015. */ //Hybrid file for handeling all types of files public class HFile { String path; //public static final int ROOT_MODE=3,LOCAL_MODE=0,SMB_MODE=1,UNKNOWN=-1; OpenMode mode = OpenMode.FILE; public HFile(OpenMode mode, String path) { this.path = path; this.mode = mode; } public HFile(OpenMode mode, String path, String name, boolean isDirectory) { this.mode = mode; if (path.startsWith("smb://") || isSmb()) { if (!isDirectory) this.path = path + name; else if (!name.endsWith("/")) this.path = path + name + "/"; else this.path = path + name; } else this.path = path + "/" + name; } public void generateMode(Context context) { if (path.startsWith("smb://")) { mode = OpenMode.SMB; } else if (path.startsWith(OTGUtil.PREFIX_OTG)) { mode = OpenMode.OTG; } else if (isCustomPath()) { mode = OpenMode.CUSTOM; } else if (path.startsWith(CloudHandler.CLOUD_PREFIX_BOX)) { mode = OpenMode.BOX; } else if (path.startsWith(CloudHandler.CLOUD_PREFIX_ONE_DRIVE)) { mode = OpenMode.ONEDRIVE; } else if (path.startsWith(CloudHandler.CLOUD_PREFIX_GOOGLE_DRIVE)) { mode = OpenMode.GDRIVE; } else if (path.startsWith(CloudHandler.CLOUD_PREFIX_DROPBOX)) { mode = OpenMode.DROPBOX; } else { if (context == null) { mode = OpenMode.FILE; return; } boolean rootmode = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context).getBoolean("rootMode", false); if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT) { mode = OpenMode.FILE; if (rootmode) { if (!getFile().canRead()) mode = OpenMode.ROOT; } return; } if (FileUtil.isOnExtSdCard(getFile(), context)) mode = OpenMode.FILE; else if (rootmode) { if (!getFile().canRead()) mode = OpenMode.ROOT; } if (mode == OpenMode.UNKNOWN) mode = OpenMode.FILE; } } public void setMode(OpenMode mode) { this.mode = mode; } public OpenMode getMode() { return mode; } public void setPath(String path) { this.path = path; } public boolean isLocal() { return mode == OpenMode.FILE; } public boolean isRoot() { return mode == OpenMode.ROOT; } public boolean isSmb() { return mode == OpenMode.SMB; } public boolean isOtgFile() { return mode == OpenMode.OTG; } public boolean isBoxFile() { return mode == OpenMode.BOX; } public boolean isDropBoxFile() { return mode == OpenMode.DROPBOX; } public boolean isOneDriveFile() { return mode == OpenMode.ONEDRIVE; } public boolean isGoogleDriveFile() { return mode == OpenMode.GDRIVE; } File getFile() { return new File(path); } BaseFile generateBaseFileFromParent() { ArrayList<BaseFile> arrayList = null; try { arrayList = RootHelper.getFilesList(getFile().getParent(), true, true, null); } catch (RootNotPermittedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } for (BaseFile baseFile : arrayList) { if (baseFile.getPath().equals(path)) return baseFile; } return null; } public long lastModified() throws MalformedURLException, SmbException { switch (mode) { case SMB: SmbFile smbFile = getSmbFile(); if (smbFile != null) return smbFile.lastModified(); break; case FILE: new File(path).lastModified(); break; case ROOT: BaseFile baseFile = generateBaseFileFromParent(); if (baseFile != null) return baseFile.getDate(); } return new File("/").lastModified(); } /** * @deprecated use {@link #length(Context)} to handle content resolvers * @return */ public long length() { long s = 0L; switch (mode) { case SMB: SmbFile smbFile = getSmbFile(); if (smbFile != null) try { s = smbFile.length(); } catch (SmbException e) { } return s; case FILE: s = new File(path).length(); return s; case ROOT: BaseFile baseFile = generateBaseFileFromParent(); if (baseFile != null) return baseFile.getSize(); break; } return s; } /** * Helper method to find length * @param context * @return */ public long length(Context context) { long s = 0l; switch (mode){ case SMB: SmbFile smbFile=getSmbFile(); if(smbFile!=null) try { s = smbFile.length(); } catch (SmbException e) { } return s; case FILE: s = new File(path).length(); return s; case ROOT: BaseFile baseFile=generateBaseFileFromParent(); if(baseFile!=null) return baseFile.getSize(); break; case OTG: s = RootHelper.getDocumentFile(path, context, false).length(); break; case DROPBOX: s = dataUtils.getAccount(OpenMode.DROPBOX) .getMetadata(CloudUtil.stripPath(OpenMode.DROPBOX, path)).getSize(); break; case BOX: s = dataUtils.getAccount(OpenMode.BOX) .getMetadata(CloudUtil.stripPath(OpenMode.BOX, path)).getSize(); break; case ONEDRIVE: s = dataUtils.getAccount(OpenMode.ONEDRIVE) .getMetadata(CloudUtil.stripPath(OpenMode.ONEDRIVE, path)).getSize(); break; case GDRIVE: s = dataUtils.getAccount(OpenMode.GDRIVE) .getMetadata(CloudUtil.stripPath(OpenMode.GDRIVE, path)).getSize(); break; default: break; } return s; } public String getPath() { return path; } /** * @deprecated use {@link #getName(Context)} * @return */ public String getName() { String name = null; switch (mode) { case SMB: SmbFile smbFile = getSmbFile(); if (smbFile != null) return smbFile.getName(); break; case FILE: return new File(path).getName(); case ROOT: return new File(path).getName(); default: StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(path); name = builder.substring(builder.lastIndexOf("/") + 1, builder.length()); } return name; } public String getName(Context context) { String name = null; switch (mode){ case SMB: SmbFile smbFile=getSmbFile(); if(smbFile!=null) return smbFile.getName(); break; case FILE: return new File(path).getName(); case ROOT: return new File(path).getName(); case OTG: return RootHelper.getDocumentFile(path, context, false).getName(); default: StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(path); name = builder.substring(builder.lastIndexOf("/")+1, builder.length()); } return name; } public SmbFile getSmbFile(int timeout) { try { SmbFile smbFile = new SmbFile(path); smbFile.setConnectTimeout(timeout); return smbFile; } catch (MalformedURLException e) { return null; } } public SmbFile getSmbFile() { try { return new SmbFile(path); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { return null; } } public boolean isCustomPath() { return path.equals("0") || path.equals("1") || path.equals("2") || path.equals("3") || path.equals("4") || path.equals("5") || path.equals("6"); } /** * Returns a path to parent for various {@link #mode} * @deprecated use {@link #getParent(Context)} to handle content resolvers * * @return */ public String getParent() { String parentPath = ""; switch (mode) { case SMB: try { parentPath = new SmbFile(path).getParent(); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { parentPath = ""; e.printStackTrace(); } break; case FILE: case ROOT: parentPath = new File(path).getParent(); break; default: StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(path); return builder.substring(0, builder.length() - (getName().length() + 1)); } return parentPath; } /** * Helper method to get parent path * * @param context * @return */ public String getParent(Context context) { String parentPath = ""; switch (mode) { case SMB: try { parentPath = new SmbFile(path).getParent(); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { parentPath = ""; e.printStackTrace(); } break; case FILE: case ROOT: parentPath = new File(path).getParent(); break; case OTG: default: StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(path); StringBuilder parentPathBuilder = new StringBuilder(builder.substring(0, builder.length()-(getName().length()+1))); return parentPathBuilder.toString(); } return parentPath; } public String getParentName() { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(path); StringBuilder parentPath = new StringBuilder(builder.substring(0, builder.length() - (getName().length() + 1))); String parentName = parentPath.substring(parentPath.lastIndexOf("/") + 1, parentPath.length()); return parentName; } /** * Whether this object refers to a directory or file, handles all types of files * @deprecated use {@link #isDirectory(Context)} to handle content resolvers * * @return */ public boolean isDirectory() { boolean isDirectory; switch (mode) { case SMB: try { isDirectory = new SmbFile(path).isDirectory(); } catch (SmbException e) { isDirectory = false; e.printStackTrace(); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { isDirectory = false; e.printStackTrace(); } break; case FILE: isDirectory = new File(path).isDirectory(); break; case ROOT: try { isDirectory = RootHelper.isDirectory(path, true, 5); } catch (RootNotPermittedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); isDirectory = false; } break; case OTG: // TODO: support for this method in OTG on-the-fly // you need to manually call {@link RootHelper#getDocumentFile() method isDirectory = false; break; default: isDirectory = new File(path).isDirectory(); break; } return isDirectory; } public boolean isDirectory(Context context) { boolean isDirectory; switch (mode) { case SMB: try { isDirectory = new SmbFile(path).isDirectory(); } catch (SmbException e) { isDirectory = false; e.printStackTrace(); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { isDirectory = false; e.printStackTrace(); } break; case FILE: isDirectory = new File(path).isDirectory(); break; case ROOT: try { isDirectory = RootHelper.isDirectory(path,true,5); } catch (RootNotPermittedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); isDirectory = false; } break; case OTG: isDirectory = RootHelper.getDocumentFile(path, context, false).isDirectory(); break; case DROPBOX: isDirectory = dataUtils.getAccount(OpenMode.DROPBOX) .getMetadata(CloudUtil.stripPath(OpenMode.DROPBOX, path)).getFolder(); break; case BOX: isDirectory = dataUtils.getAccount(OpenMode.BOX) .getMetadata(CloudUtil.stripPath(OpenMode.BOX, path)).getFolder(); break; case GDRIVE: isDirectory = dataUtils.getAccount(OpenMode.GDRIVE) .getMetadata(CloudUtil.stripPath(OpenMode.GDRIVE, path)).getFolder(); break; case ONEDRIVE: isDirectory = dataUtils.getAccount(OpenMode.ONEDRIVE) .getMetadata(CloudUtil.stripPath(OpenMode.ONEDRIVE, path)).getFolder(); break; default: isDirectory = new File(path).isDirectory(); break; } return isDirectory; } /** * @deprecated use {@link #folderSize(Context)} * @return */ public long folderSize() { long size = 0L; switch (mode) { case SMB: try { size = Futils.folderSize(new SmbFile(path)); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { size = 0L; e.printStackTrace(); } break; case FILE: size = Futils.folderSize(new File(path), null); break; case ROOT: BaseFile baseFile = generateBaseFileFromParent(); if (baseFile != null) size = baseFile.getSize(); break; default: return 0L; } return size; } /** * Helper method to get length of folder in an otg * * @param context * @return */ public long folderSize(Context context) { long size = 0l; switch (mode){ case SMB: try { size = Futils.folderSize(new SmbFile(path)); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { size = 0l; e.printStackTrace(); } break; case FILE: size = Futils.folderSize(new File(path), null); break; case ROOT: BaseFile baseFile=generateBaseFileFromParent(); if(baseFile!=null) size = baseFile.getSize(); break; case OTG: size = Futils.folderSize(path, context); break; case DROPBOX: case BOX: case GDRIVE: case ONEDRIVE: size = Futils.folderSizeCloud(mode, dataUtils.getAccount(mode).getMetadata(CloudUtil.stripPath(mode, path))); break; default: return 0l; } return size; } public long getUsableSpace() { long size = 0L; if (isSmb()) { try { size = (new SmbFile(path).getDiskFreeSpace()); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { size = 0L; e.printStackTrace(); } catch (SmbException e) { size = 0L; e.printStackTrace(); } } else size = (new File(path).getUsableSpace()); return size; } /** * @deprecated use {@link #listFiles(Context, boolean)} * @param rootmode * @return */ public ArrayList<BaseFile> listFiles(boolean rootmode) { ArrayList<BaseFile> arrayList = new ArrayList<>(); if (isSmb()) { try { SmbFile smbFile = new SmbFile(path); for (SmbFile smbFile1 : smbFile.listFiles()) { BaseFile baseFile = new BaseFile(smbFile1.getPath()); baseFile.setName(smbFile1.getName()); baseFile.setMode(OpenMode.SMB); baseFile.setDirectory(smbFile1.isDirectory()); baseFile.setDate(smbFile1.lastModified()); baseFile.setSize(baseFile.isDirectory() ? 0 : smbFile1.length()); arrayList.add(baseFile); } } catch (MalformedURLException e) { if (arrayList != null) arrayList.clear(); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (SmbException e) { if (arrayList != null) arrayList.clear(); e.printStackTrace(); } } else if (isOtgFile()) { } else { try { arrayList = RootHelper.getFilesList(path, rootmode, true, null); } catch (RootNotPermittedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return arrayList; } /** * Helper method to list children of this file * * @param context * @return */ public ArrayList<BaseFile> listFiles(Context context, boolean isRoot) { ArrayList<BaseFile> arrayList = new ArrayList<>(); switch (mode) { case SMB: try { SmbFile smbFile = new SmbFile(path); for (SmbFile smbFile1 : smbFile.listFiles()) { BaseFile baseFile=new BaseFile(smbFile1.getPath()); baseFile.setName(smbFile1.getName()); baseFile.setMode(OpenMode.SMB); baseFile.setDirectory(smbFile1.isDirectory()); baseFile.setDate(smbFile1.lastModified()); baseFile.setSize(baseFile.isDirectory()?0:smbFile1.length()); arrayList.add(baseFile); } } catch (MalformedURLException e) { if (arrayList != null) arrayList.clear(); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (SmbException e) { if (arrayList != null) arrayList.clear(); e.printStackTrace(); } break; case OTG: arrayList = OTGUtil.getDocumentFilesList(path, context); break; case DROPBOX: try { arrayList = CloudUtil.listFiles(path, dataUtils.getAccount(OpenMode.DROPBOX), OpenMode.DROPBOX); } catch (CloudPluginException e) { e.printStackTrace(); arrayList = new ArrayList<>(); } break; case BOX: try { arrayList = CloudUtil.listFiles(path, dataUtils.getAccount(OpenMode.BOX), OpenMode.BOX); } catch (CloudPluginException e) { e.printStackTrace(); arrayList = new ArrayList<>(); } break; case GDRIVE: try { arrayList = CloudUtil.listFiles(path, dataUtils.getAccount(OpenMode.GDRIVE), OpenMode.GDRIVE); } catch (CloudPluginException e) { e.printStackTrace(); arrayList = new ArrayList<>(); } break; case ONEDRIVE: try { arrayList = CloudUtil.listFiles(path, dataUtils.getAccount(OpenMode.ONEDRIVE), OpenMode.ONEDRIVE); } catch (CloudPluginException e) { e.printStackTrace(); arrayList = new ArrayList<>(); } break; default: try { arrayList = RootHelper.getFilesList(path, isRoot, true, null); } catch (RootNotPermittedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return arrayList; } public String getReadablePath(String path) { if (isSmb()) return parseSmbPath(path); return path; } String parseSmbPath(String a) { if (a.contains("@")) return "smb://" + a.substring(a.indexOf("@") + 1, a.length()); else return a; } /** * Handles getting input stream for various {@link OpenMode} * @deprecated use {@link #getInputStream(Context)} which allows handling content resolver * @return */ public InputStream getInputStream() { InputStream inputStream; if (isSmb()) { try { inputStream = new SmbFile(path).getInputStream(); } catch (IOException e) { inputStream = null; e.printStackTrace(); } } else { try { inputStream = new FileInputStream(path); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { inputStream = null; e.printStackTrace(); } } return inputStream; } public InputStream getInputStream(Context context) { InputStream inputStream; switch (mode) { case SMB: try { inputStream = new SmbFile(path).getInputStream(); } catch (IOException e) { inputStream = null; e.printStackTrace(); } break; case OTG: ContentResolver contentResolver = context.getContentResolver(); DocumentFile documentSourceFile = RootHelper.getDocumentFile(path, context, false); try { inputStream = contentResolver.openInputStream(documentSourceFile.getUri()); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); inputStream = null; } break; case DROPBOX: CloudStorage cloudStorageDropbox = dataUtils.getAccount(OpenMode.DROPBOX); Log.d(getClass().getSimpleName(), CloudUtil.stripPath(OpenMode.DROPBOX, path)); inputStream =, path)); break; case BOX: CloudStorage cloudStorageBox = dataUtils.getAccount(OpenMode.BOX); inputStream =, path)); break; case GDRIVE: CloudStorage cloudStorageGDrive = dataUtils.getAccount(OpenMode.GDRIVE); inputStream =, path)); break; case ONEDRIVE: CloudStorage cloudStorageOneDrive = dataUtils.getAccount(OpenMode.ONEDRIVE); inputStream =, path)); break; default: try { inputStream = new FileInputStream(path); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { inputStream = null; e.printStackTrace(); } break; } return inputStream; } public OutputStream getOutputStream(Context context) { OutputStream outputStream; switch (mode) { case SMB: try { outputStream = new SmbFile(path).getOutputStream(); } catch (IOException e) { outputStream = null; e.printStackTrace(); } break; case OTG: ContentResolver contentResolver = context.getContentResolver(); DocumentFile documentSourceFile = RootHelper.getDocumentFile(path, context, true); try { outputStream = contentResolver.openOutputStream(documentSourceFile.getUri()); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); outputStream = null; } break; default: try { outputStream = FileUtil.getOutputStream(new File(path), context, length()); } catch (Exception e) { outputStream=null; e.printStackTrace(); } } return outputStream; } public boolean exists() { boolean exists = false; if (isSmb()) { try { SmbFile smbFile = getSmbFile(2000); exists = smbFile != null && smbFile.exists(); } catch (SmbException e) { exists = false; } } else if (isDropBoxFile()) { CloudStorage cloudStorageDropbox = dataUtils.getAccount(OpenMode.DROPBOX); exists = cloudStorageDropbox.exists(CloudUtil.stripPath(OpenMode.DROPBOX, path)); } else if (isBoxFile()) { CloudStorage cloudStorageBox = dataUtils.getAccount(OpenMode.BOX); exists = cloudStorageBox.exists(CloudUtil.stripPath(OpenMode.BOX, path)); } else if (isGoogleDriveFile()) { CloudStorage cloudStorageGoogleDrive = dataUtils.getAccount(OpenMode.GDRIVE); exists = cloudStorageGoogleDrive.exists(CloudUtil.stripPath(OpenMode.GDRIVE, path)); } else if (isOneDriveFile()) { CloudStorage cloudStorageOneDrive = dataUtils.getAccount(OpenMode.ONEDRIVE); exists = cloudStorageOneDrive.exists(CloudUtil.stripPath(OpenMode.ONEDRIVE, path)); } else if (isLocal()) { exists = new File(path).exists(); } else if (isRoot()) { try { return RootHelper.fileExists(path); } catch (RootNotPermittedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } } return exists; } /** * Helper method to check file existence in otg * * @param context * @return */ public boolean exists(Context context) { if (isOtgFile()) { DocumentFile fileToCheck = RootHelper.getDocumentFile(path, context, false); return fileToCheck != null; } else return (exists()); } /** * Whether file is a simple file (i.e. not a directory/smb/otg/other) * * @return true if file; other wise false */ public boolean isSimpleFile() { return !isSmb() && !isOtgFile() && !isCustomPath() && !android.util.Patterns.EMAIL_ADDRESS.matcher(path).matches() && !new File(path).isDirectory() && !isOneDriveFile() && !isGoogleDriveFile() && !isDropBoxFile() && !isBoxFile(); } public boolean setLastModified(long date) { if (isSmb()) try { new SmbFile(path).setLastModified(date); return true; } catch (SmbException e) { return false; } catch (MalformedURLException e) { return false; } File f = new File(path); return f.setLastModified(date); } public void mkdir(Context context) { if (isSmb()) { try { new SmbFile(path).mkdirs(); } catch (SmbException | MalformedURLException e) { Logger.log(e, path, context); } } else if (isOtgFile()) { if (!exists(context)) { DocumentFile parentDirectory = RootHelper.getDocumentFile(getParent(context), context, false); if (parentDirectory.isDirectory()) { parentDirectory.createDirectory(getName(context)); } } } else if (isDropBoxFile()) { CloudStorage cloudStorageDropbox = dataUtils.getAccount(OpenMode.DROPBOX); try { cloudStorageDropbox.createFolder(CloudUtil.stripPath(OpenMode.DROPBOX, path)); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return; } } else if (isBoxFile()) { CloudStorage cloudStorageBox = dataUtils.getAccount(OpenMode.BOX); try { cloudStorageBox.createFolder(CloudUtil.stripPath(OpenMode.BOX, path)); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return; } } else if (isOneDriveFile()) { CloudStorage cloudStorageOneDrive = dataUtils.getAccount(OpenMode.ONEDRIVE); try { cloudStorageOneDrive.createFolder(CloudUtil.stripPath(OpenMode.ONEDRIVE, path)); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return; } } else if (isGoogleDriveFile()) { CloudStorage cloudStorageGdrive = dataUtils.getAccount(OpenMode.GDRIVE); try { cloudStorageGdrive.createFolder(CloudUtil.stripPath(OpenMode.GDRIVE, path)); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return; } } else FileUtil.mkdir(new File(path), context); } public boolean delete(Context context, boolean rootmode) throws RootNotPermittedException { if (isSmb()) { try { new SmbFile(path).delete(); } catch (SmbException | MalformedURLException e) { Logger.log(e, path, context); } } else { if (isRoot() && rootmode) { setMode(OpenMode.ROOT); RootUtils.delete(getPath()); } else { FileUtil.deleteFile(new File(path), context); } } return !exists(); } /** * Generates a {@link LayoutElement} adapted compatible element. * Currently supports only local filesystem * @param mainFragment * @param utilitiesProvider * @return */ public LayoutElement generateLayoutElement(MainFragment mainFragment, UtilitiesProviderInterface utilitiesProvider) { switch (mode) { case FILE: case ROOT: File file = new File(path); LayoutElement layoutElement; if (isDirectory()) { layoutElement = utilitiesProvider.getFutils() .newElement(mainFragment.folder, path, RootHelper.parseFilePermission(file), "", folderSize() + "", 0, true, false, file.lastModified() + ""); } else { layoutElement = utilitiesProvider.getFutils().newElement(Icons.loadMimeIcon( file.getPath(), !mainFragment.IS_LIST, mainFragment.res), file.getPath(), RootHelper.parseFilePermission(file), file.getPath(), file.length() + "", file.length(), false, false, file.lastModified() + ""); } layoutElement.setMode(mode); return layoutElement; default: return null; } } }