package; import android.content.Context; import com.amaze.filemanager.filesystem.BaseFile; import com.amaze.filemanager.filesystem.HFile; import com.amaze.filemanager.utils.NoMoreFilesException; import; import; import java.util.ArrayDeque; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Deque; /** * Created by arpitkh996 on 17-08-2016. */ public class BufferHandler { ArrayList<DataPacket> bytesArray; public final int MAX_READ = 15; boolean reading = true, writing = true; ArrayList<FilePacket> filelist; Context context; //Do not depend on these much String currentReadId,currentWriteId; public BufferHandler(Context context) { this.context = context; filelist=new ArrayList<>(); bytesArray = new ArrayList<>(MAX_READ); } /** * Store byte array read from readthread * @param name Current File Name * @param bytes To store the read buffers into {@link BufferHandler#bytesArray} and provide them to write thread * @param length length of bytes array */ void add(String name,byte[] bytes, int length) { synchronized (bytesArray) { bytesArray.add(new DataPacket(name,length, bytes)); } } /** * Read the first {@link BufferHandler#bytesArray} from bytesArray and simulatenously remove it * */ DataPacket get() { synchronized (bytesArray) { if (bytesArray.size() > 0) return bytesArray.remove(0); return null; } } /** * It tells whether read thread should continue reading or whether {@link BufferHandler#bytesArray} is full and * it should wait for {@link BufferHandler#bytesArray} to have some space * @return boolean */ boolean canAdd() { synchronized (bytesArray) { if (bytesArray.size() < MAX_READ) return true; return false; } } /** * Tells write thread whether reading is still in progress or has ended * */ public boolean isReading() { synchronized (bytesArray) { return reading || bytesArray.size() > 0; } } void addFile(BaseFile sourceFile,HFile targetFile){ synchronized (filelist){ filelist.add(new FilePacket(sourceFile,targetFile,sourceFile.getPath())); } } OutputStream getNextOutputStream(String id) throws NoMoreFilesException{ FilePacket i; if(id==null) i=filelist.get(0); else i=filelist.get(filelist.indexOf( new FilePacket(null,null,id))); int nextIndex=0; if(id!=null) { i.setWriteDone(true); nextIndex = filelist.indexOf(i) + 1; } if(nextIndex<filelist.size()) { FilePacket filePacket = filelist.get(nextIndex); currentWriteId=filePacket.getId(); return; } throw new NoMoreFilesException(); } InputStream getNextInputStream(String id) throws NoMoreFilesException{ FilePacket i; if(id==null) i=filelist.get(0); else i=filelist.get(filelist.indexOf( new FilePacket(null,null,id))); int nextIndex=0; if(id!=null) { i.setReadDone(true); nextIndex= filelist.indexOf(i) + 1; } if(nextIndex<filelist.size()) { FilePacket filePacket = filelist.get(nextIndex); currentReadId=filePacket.getId(); return filePacket.source.getInputStream(); } throw new NoMoreFilesException(); } public String getCurrentReadId() { return currentReadId; } public String getCurrentWriteId() { return currentWriteId; } public void setReading(boolean reading) { this.reading = reading; } public boolean isWriting() { return writing; } public void setWriting(boolean writing) { this.writing = writing; } }