package com.timehop.stickyheadersrecyclerview; import; import android.view.ViewGroup; public interface StickyRecyclerHeadersAdapter<VH extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder> { /** * Get the ID of the header associated with this item. For example, if your headers group * items by their first letter, you could return the character representation of the first letter. * Return a value < 0 if the view should not have a header (like, a header view or footer view) * * @param position * @return */ public long getHeaderId(int position); /** * Creates a new ViewHolder for a header. This works the same way onCreateViewHolder in * Recycler.Adapter, ViewHolders can be reused for different views. This is usually a good place * to inflate the layout for the header. * * @param parent * @return */ public VH onCreateHeaderViewHolder(ViewGroup parent); /** * Binds an existing ViewHolder to the specified adapter position. * * @param holder * @param position */ public void onBindHeaderViewHolder(VH holder, int position); public int getItemCount(); }