package com.limegroup.gnutella.udpconnect; import com.util.LOG; /** * Calculate and control the timing of data writing. */ public class WriteRegulator { /** Don't adjust the skipping of sleeps until the window has initialized */ private static final int MIN_START_WINDOW = 40; /** When the window space hits this size, it is low */ private static final int LOW_WINDOW_SPACE = 4; /** Cap the quick sending of blocks at this number */ private static final int MAX_SKIP_LIMIT = 14; /** The expected failure rate at optimal throughput */ private static final float TARGET_FAILURE_RATE = 3f / 100f; /** The low failure rate at optimal throughput */ private static final float LOW_FAILURE_RATE = 3f / 100f; /** The high failure rate at optimal throughput */ private static final float HIGH_FAILURE_RATE = 4f / 100f; private DataWindow _sendWindow; private int _skipCount = 0; private int _skipLimit = 2; private boolean _limitHit = false; private int _limitCount = 0; private int _limitReset = 200; private int _zeroCount = 0; /** Keep track of how many successes/failures there are in writing messages */ private FailureTracker _tracker; public WriteRegulator( DataWindow sendWindow ) { _sendWindow = sendWindow; _tracker = new FailureTracker(); } /** * When a resend is required and the failure rate is too high, * scale down activity. */ public void hitResendTimeout() { if ( (!_limitHit || _limitCount >= 10) && _tracker.failureRate() > HIGH_FAILURE_RATE ) { _limitHit = true; _skipLimit /= 2; _limitCount = 0; if(LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("hitResendTimeout _skipLimit = "+_skipLimit+ " fR="+_tracker.failureRateAsString()); _tracker.clearOldFailures(); } } /** * When the send window keeps getting hit, slow down activity. */ public void hitZeroWindow() { _zeroCount++; if ( (!_limitHit || _limitCount >= 10) && _zeroCount > 4) { // Doing nothing for now since this is irrelevent to the skipping // //_limitHit = true; //_skipLimit /= 2; //_limitCount = 0; _zeroCount = 0; if(LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("hitZeroWindow _skipLimit = "+_skipLimit+ " fR="+_tracker.failureRateAsString()); } } /** * Compute how long the sleep time should be before the next write. */ public long getSleepTime(long currTime, int receiverWindowSpace) { //------------- Sleep ------------------------ // Sleep a fraction of rtt for specified window increment int usedSpots = _sendWindow.getUsedSpots(); int windowSize = _sendWindow.getWindowSize(); long windowStart = _sendWindow.getWindowStart(); int rto = _sendWindow.getRTO(); float rttvar = _sendWindow.getRTTVar(); float srtt = _sendWindow.getSRTT(); int isrtt = (int) srtt; int rtt; int realRTT = isrtt;//_sendWindow.averageRoundTripTime(); int lowRTT = _sendWindow.lowRoundTripTime(); int smoothRTT = isrtt;//_sendWindow.smoothRoundTripTime(); int sentWait = isrtt;//_sendWindow.calculateWaitTime( currTime, 3); rtt = sentWait + 1; if (rtt == 0) rtt = 10; int baseWait = Math.min(realRTT, 2000)/4; // // Want to ideally achieve a steady state location in writing and // reading window. Don't want to get too far ahead or too far behind // int sleepTime = ((usedSpots+1) * baseWait); int minTime = 0; int gettingSlow = 0; // Ensure the sleep time is fairly distributed in the normal case if ( sleepTime < windowSize ) { double pct = (double) sleepTime / (double) windowSize; if ( Math.random() < pct ) sleepTime = 1; else sleepTime = 0; } else { sleepTime = sleepTime / windowSize; } // Create a sleeptime specific to having almost no room left to send // more data if ( receiverWindowSpace <= LOW_WINDOW_SPACE ) { // Scale up the sleep time to a full timeout as you approach // zero space for writing int multiple = LOW_WINDOW_SPACE / Math.max(1, receiverWindowSpace); sleepTime = (((int)srtt) * multiple) / (LOW_WINDOW_SPACE + 1); if ( receiverWindowSpace <= (LOW_WINDOW_SPACE/2) ) { sleepTime = rto; if(LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("LOW_WINDOW sT:"+sleepTime); } minTime = sleepTime; } if(LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug( "sleepTime:"+sleepTime+ " uS:"+usedSpots+ " RWS:"+receiverWindowSpace+ " smoothRTT:"+smoothRTT+ " realRTT:"+realRTT+ " rtt:"+rtt+ " RTO:"+rto+ " RTTVar:"+rttvar+ " srtt:"+srtt+ " sL:"+_skipLimit + " fR="+_tracker.failureRateAsString()); if ( _skipLimit < 1 ) _skipLimit = 1; // Reset Timing if you are going to wait less than rtt or // RTT has elevated too much // Compute a max target RTT given the bandwidth capacity int maxRTT; if ( smoothRTT > ((5*lowRTT)/2) ) { // If avg much greater than low // Capacity is limited so kick in quickly maxRTT = ((lowRTT*7) / 5); } else { // Capacity doesn't seem to be limited so only kick in if extreme maxRTT = ((lowRTT*25) / 5); } // We want at least 2 round trips per full window time // so find out how much you would wait for half a window int windowDelay = (((baseWait * windowSize) / _skipLimit) * 2) / 4; // If our RTT time is going up, figure out what to do if ( rtt != 0 && baseWait != 0 && receiverWindowSpace <= LOW_WINDOW_SPACE && (windowDelay < rtt || rtt > maxRTT) ) { if(LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug( " -- MAX EXCEED "+ " RTT sL:"+_skipLimit + " w:"+ windowStart+ " Rrtt:"+realRTT+ " base :"+baseWait+ " uS:"+usedSpots+" RWS:"+receiverWindowSpace+ " lRTT:"+_sendWindow.lowRoundTripTime()+ " sWait:"+sentWait+ " mRTT:"+maxRTT+ " wDelay:"+windowDelay+ " sT:"+sleepTime); // If we are starting to affect the RTT, // then ratchet down the accelorator /* if ( realRTT > ((3*lowRTT)) || rtt > (3*lowRTT) ) { _limitHit = true; _skipLimit /= 2; if(LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug( " -- LOWER SL "+ " rRTT:"+realRTT+ " lRTT:"+lowRTT+ " rtt:"+rtt+ " sL:"+_skipLimit); } */ // If we are majorly affecting the RTT, then slow down right now if ( rtt > maxRTT || realRTT > maxRTT ) { minTime = lowRTT / 4; if ( gettingSlow == 0 ) _skipLimit--; gettingSlow = 50; //sleepTime = (16*rtt) / 7; if(LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug( " -- UP SLEEP "+ " rtt:"+rtt+ " mRTT:"+maxRTT+ " rRTT:"+realRTT+ " lRTT:"+lowRTT+ " sT:"+sleepTime); } } // Cycle through the accelerator states and enforced backoff if ( _skipLimit < 1 ) _skipLimit = 1; _skipCount = (_skipCount + 1) % _skipLimit; if ( !_limitHit ) { // Bump up the skipLimit occasionally to see if we can handle it if (_skipLimit < MAX_SKIP_LIMIT && windowStart%windowSize == 0 && gettingSlow == 0 && windowStart > MIN_START_WINDOW && _tracker.failureRate() < LOW_FAILURE_RATE ) { if(LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("up _skipLimit = "+_skipLimit); _skipLimit++; if(LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug(" -- UPP sL:"+_skipLimit); } } else { // Wait before trying to be aggressive again _limitCount++; if (_limitCount >= _limitReset) { if(LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug(" -- UPP reset:"+_skipLimit); _limitCount = 0; _limitHit = false; } } // Readjust the sleepTime to zero if the connection can handle it if ( _skipCount != 0 && rtt < maxRTT && receiverWindowSpace > LOW_WINDOW_SPACE ) { if(LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("_skipLimit = "+_skipLimit); sleepTime = 0; } // Ensure that any minimum sleep time is enforced sleepTime = Math.max(sleepTime, minTime); // Reduce the gettingSlow indicator over time if ( gettingSlow > 0 ) gettingSlow--; return (long) sleepTime; //------------- Sleep ------------------------ } /** * Record a message success */ public void addMessageSuccess() { _tracker.addSuccess(); } /** * Record a message failure */ public void addMessageFailure() { _tracker.addFailure(); } /** * Keep track of overall successes and failures */ private class FailureTracker { private static final int HISTORY_SIZE=100; private final byte [] _data = new byte[HISTORY_SIZE]; private boolean _rollover =false; private int _index; /** * Add one to the successful count */ public void addSuccess() { _data[_index++]=1; if (_index>=HISTORY_SIZE-1){ LOG.debug("rolled over"); _index=0; _rollover=true; } } /** * Add one to the failure count */ public void addFailure() { _data[_index++]=0; if (_index>=HISTORY_SIZE-1){ LOG.debug("rolled over"); _index=0; _rollover=true; } } /** * Clear out old failures to give new rate a chance. This should clear * out a clump of failures more quickly. */ public void clearOldFailures() { for (int i = 0; i < HISTORY_SIZE/2; i++) addSuccess(); } /** * Compute the failure rate of last HISTORY_SIZE blocks once up and running */ public float failureRate() { int total=0; for (int i=0;i < (_rollover ? HISTORY_SIZE : _index);i++) total+=_data[i]; if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("failure rate from "+_index+ " measurements and rollover "+_rollover+ " total is "+total+ " and rate "+ (1- (float)total / (float)(_rollover ? HISTORY_SIZE : _index))); } return 1- ((float)total / (float)(_rollover ? HISTORY_SIZE : _index)); } /** * Report the failure rate as string for debugging. */ public String failureRateAsString() { float rate = failureRate() * 1000; int irate = ((int)rate) / 10 ; int drate = (((int)rate) - (irate * 10)); return "" + irate + "." + drate; } } }