package com.limegroup.gnutella; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Random; import com.util.LOG; import com.util.Utils; import; import com.limegroup.gnutella.filters.IPFilter; import com.limegroup.gnutella.http.HTTPRequestMethod; import com.limegroup.gnutella.settings.ConnectionSettings; import com.limegroup.gnutella.util.CommonUtils; import com.limegroup.gnutella.util.IOUtils; import com.limegroup.gnutella.util.ManagedThread; import com.limegroup.gnutella.util.NetworkUtils; /** * Listens on ports, accepts incoming connections, and dispatches threads to * handle those connections. Currently supports Gnutella messaging, HTTP, and * chat connections over TCP; more may be supported in the future.<p> * This class has a special relationship with UDPService and should really be * the only class that intializes it. See setListeningPort() for more * info. */ public class Acceptor implements Runnable { // various time delays for checking of firewalled status. static long INCOMING_EXPIRE_TIME = 30 * 60 * 1000; // 30 minutes static long WAIT_TIME_AFTER_REQUESTS = 30 * 1000; // 30 seconds static long TIME_BETWEEN_VALIDATES = 10 * 60 * 1000; // 10 minutes /** * The socket that listens for incoming connections. Can be changed to * listen to new ports. * * LOCKING: obtain _socketLock before modifying either. Notify _socketLock * when done. */ private volatile ServerSocket _socket=null; /** * The port of the server socket. */ private volatile int _port = 6346; /** * The object to lock on while setting the listening socket */ private final Object SOCKET_LOCK = new Object(); /** * The real address of this host--assuming there's only one--used for pongs * and query replies. This value is ignored if FORCE_IP_ADDRESS is * true. This is initialized in three stages: * 1. Statically initialized to all zeroes. * 2. Initialized in the Acceptor thread to getLocalHost(). * 3. Initialized each time a connection is initialized to the local * address of that connection's socket. * * Why are all three needed? Step (3) is needed because (2) can often fail * due to a JDK bug #4073539, or if your address changes via DHCP. Step (2) * is needed because (3) ignores local addresses of 127.x.x.x. Step (1) is * needed because (2) can't occur in the main thread, as it may block * because the update checker is trying to resolve addresses. (See JDK bug * #4147517.) Note this may delay the time to create a listening socket by * a few seconds; big deal! * * LOCKING: obtain Acceptor.class' lock */ private static byte[] _address = new byte[4]; /** * The external address. This is the address as visible from other peers. * * LOCKING: obtain Acceptor.class' lock */ private static byte[] _externalAddress = new byte[4]; /** * Variable for whether or not we have accepted an incoming connection -- * used to determine firewall status. */ private volatile boolean _acceptedIncoming = false; /** * Keep track of the last time _acceptedIncoming was set - we want to * revalidate it every so often. */ private volatile long _lastIncomingTime = 0; /** * The last time you did a connect back check. It is set to the time * we start up since we try once when we start up. */ private volatile long _lastConnectBackTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); /** * @modifes this * @effects sets the IP address to use in pongs and query replies. * If addr is invalid or a local address, this is not modified. * This method must be to get around JDK bug #4073539, as well * as to try to handle the case of a computer whose IP address * keeps changing. */ public void setAddress(InetAddress address) { byte[] byteAddr = address.getAddress(); if( !NetworkUtils.isValidAddress(byteAddr) ) return; if( byteAddr[0] == 127) { return; } boolean addrChanged = false; synchronized(Acceptor.class) { if( !Arrays.equals(_address, byteAddr) ) { _address = byteAddr; addrChanged = true; } } if( addrChanged ) RouterService.addressChanged(); } /** * Sets the external address. */ public void setExternalAddress(InetAddress address) { byte[] byteAddr = address.getAddress(); if( byteAddr[0] == 127) { return; } synchronized(Acceptor.class) { _externalAddress = byteAddr; } } /** * tries to bind the serversocket and create UPnPMappings. * call before running. */ public void init() { int tempPort = ConnectionSettings.PORT; //0. Get local address. This must be done here because it can // block under certain conditions. // See the notes for _address. try { setAddress(Utils.getLocalIpAddress()); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { LOG.error("UnknownHostException " + e.getMessage()); } catch (SecurityException e) { LOG.error("SecurityException " + e.getMessage()); } // Create the server socket, bind it to a port, and listen for // incoming connections. If there are problems, we can continue // onward. //1. Try suggested port. int oldPort = tempPort; try { setListeningPort(tempPort); _port = tempPort; } catch (IOException e) { // 2. Try 20 different ports. The first 10 tries increment // sequentially from 6346. The next 10 tries are random ports between // 2000 and 52000 int numToTry = 20; Random gen = null; for (int i=0; i<numToTry; i++) { if(i < 10) tempPort = i+6346; else { if(gen==null) gen = new Random(); tempPort = gen.nextInt(50000); tempPort += 2000;//avoid the first 2000 ports } // do not try to bind to the multicast port. if (tempPort == MulticastService._port) { numToTry++; continue; } try { setListeningPort(tempPort); _port = tempPort; break; } catch (IOException e2) { } } // If we still don't have a socket, there's an error if(_socket == null) { MessageService.showError("ERROR_NO_PORTS_AVAILABLE"); } } if (_port != oldPort) { ConnectionSettings.PORT = _port; RouterService.addressChanged(); } } /** * Launches the port monitoring thread, MulticastService, and UDPService. */ public void start() { Thread at = new ManagedThread(this, "Acceptor"); at.setDaemon(true); at.start(); RouterService.schedule(new IncomingValidator(), TIME_BETWEEN_VALIDATES, TIME_BETWEEN_VALIDATES); } /** * Returns whether or not our advertised IP address * is the same as what remote peers believe it is. */ public boolean isAddressExternal() { synchronized(Acceptor.class) { return Arrays.equals(getAddress(), _externalAddress); } } /** * Returns this' external address. */ public byte[] getExternalAddress() { synchronized(Acceptor.class) { return _externalAddress; } } /** * Returns this' address to use for ping replies, query replies, * and pushes. * * @param checkForce whether or not to check if the IP address is forced. * If false, the forced IP address will never be used. * If true, the forced IP address will only be used if one is set. */ public byte[] getAddress() { synchronized (Acceptor.class) { return _address; } } /** * Returns the port at which the Connection Manager listens for incoming * connections * * @param checkForce whether or not to check if the port is forced. * @return the listening port */ public int getPort() { return _port; } /** * @requires only one thread is calling this method at a time * @modifies this * @effects sets the port on which the ConnectionManager AND the UDPService * is listening. If either service CANNOT bind TCP/UDP to the port, * <i>neither<i> service is modified and a IOException is throw. * If port==0, tells this to stop listening for incoming GNUTELLA TCP AND * UDP connections/messages. This is properly synchronized and can be * called even while run() is being called. */ public void setListeningPort(int port) throws IOException { LOG.trace("Acceptor.setListeningPort(): entered."); //1. Special case: if unchanged, do nothing. if (_socket!=null && _port==port) return; //2. Special case if port==0. This ALWAYS works. //Note that we must close the socket BEFORE grabbing //the lock. Otherwise deadlock will occur since //the acceptor thread is listening to the socket //while holding the lock. Also note that port //will not have changed before we grab the lock. else if (port==0) { LOG.trace("Acceptor.setListeningPort(): shutting off service."); //Close old socket (if non-null) if (_socket!=null) { try { _socket.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } } synchronized (SOCKET_LOCK) { _socket=null; _port=0; SOCKET_LOCK.notify(); } //Shut off UDPService also! UDPService.instance().setListeningSocket(null); LOG.trace("Acceptor.setListeningPort(): service OFF."); return; } //3. Normal case. See note about locking above. /* Since we want the UDPService to bind to the same port as the * Acceptor, we need to be careful about this case. Essentially, we * need to confirm that the port can be bound by BOTH UDP and TCP * before actually acceping the port as valid. To effect this change, * we first attempt to bind the port for UDP traffic. If that fails, a * IOException will be thrown. If we successfully UDP bind the port * we keep that bound DatagramSocket around and try to bind the port to * TCP. If that fails, a IOException is thrown and the valid * DatagramSocket is closed. If that succeeds, we then 'commit' the * operation, setting our new TCP socket and UDP sockets. */ else { if(LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Acceptor.setListeningPort(): changing port to " + port); DatagramSocket udpServiceSocket = UDPService.instance().newListeningSocket(port); LOG.trace("Acceptor.setListeningPort(): UDP Service is ready."); //a) Try new port. ServerSocket newSocket=null; try { newSocket=new; } catch (IOException e) { udpServiceSocket.close(); throw e; } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { udpServiceSocket.close(); throw new IOException("could not create a listening socket"); } //b) Close old socket (if non-null) if (_socket!=null) { try { _socket.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } } //c) Replace with new sock. Notify the accept thread. synchronized (SOCKET_LOCK) { _socket=newSocket; _port=port; SOCKET_LOCK.notify(); } LOG.trace("Acceptor.setListeningPort(): I am ready."); // Commit UDPService's new socket UDPService.instance().setListeningSocket(udpServiceSocket); if(LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Acceptor.setListeningPort(): listening UDP/TCP on " + _port); } } /** * Determines whether or not LimeWire has detected it is firewalled or not. */ public boolean acceptedIncoming() { return _acceptedIncoming; } /** * Sets the new incoming status. * Returns whether or not the status changed. */ private boolean setIncoming(boolean status) { boolean old = _acceptedIncoming; _acceptedIncoming = status; return old != status; } /** * Updates the firewalled status with info from this socket. */ private void checkFirewall(Socket socket) { // we have accepted an incoming socket -- only record // that we've accepted incoming if it's definitely // not from our local subnet and we aren't connected to // the host already. boolean changed = false; if(isOutsideConnection(socket.getInetAddress())) { synchronized (Acceptor.class) { changed = setIncoming(true); ConnectionSettings.EVER_ACCEPTED_INCOMING.setValue(Boolean.TRUE); _lastIncomingTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); } } if(changed) RouterService.incomingStatusChanged(); } /** @modifies this, network, SettingsManager * @effects accepts new incoming connections on a designated port * and services incoming requests. If the port was changed * in order to accept incoming connections, SettingsManager is * changed accordingly. */ public void run() { while (true) { try { //Accept an incoming connection, make it into a //Connection object, handshake, and give it a thread //to service it. If not bound to a port, wait until //we are. If the port is changed while we are //waiting, IOException will be thrown, forcing us to //release the lock. Socket client=null; synchronized (SOCKET_LOCK) { if (_socket!=null) { try { client=_socket.accept(); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.warn("IOX while accepting", e); continue; } } else { // When the socket lock is notified, the socket will // be available. So, just wait for that to happen and // go around the loop again. try { SOCKET_LOCK.wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } continue; } } // If the client was closed before we were able to get the address, // then getInetAddress will return null. InetAddress address = client.getInetAddress(); if(address == null) { try { client.close(); } catch(IOException ignored) {} continue; } //Check if IP address of the incoming socket is in _badHosts if (isBannedIP(address.getAddress())) { if(LOG.isWarnEnabled()) LOG.warn("Ignoring banned host: " + address); try { client.close(); } catch(IOException ignored) {} continue; } // if we want to unset firewalled from any connection, // do it here. if(!ConnectionSettings.UNSET_FIREWALLED_FROM_CONNECTBACK) checkFirewall(client); // Set our IP address of the local address of this socket. // Check to see if this is an attempt to connect to ourselves InetAddress localAddress = null; try { localAddress = client.getLocalAddress(); setAddress( localAddress ); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("getLocalAddress in Acceptor " + e.getMessage()); } //Dispatch asynchronously. ConnectionDispatchRunner dispatcher = new ConnectionDispatchRunner(client); Thread dispatchThread = new ManagedThread(dispatcher, "ConnectionDispatchRunner"); dispatchThread.setDaemon(true); dispatchThread.start(); } catch (Throwable e) { ErrorService.error(e); } } } /** * Determines whether or not this INetAddress is found an outside * source, so as to correctly set "acceptedIncoming" to true. * * This ignores connections from private or local addresses, * ignores those who may be on the same subnet, and ignores those * who we are already connected to. */ private boolean isOutsideConnection(InetAddress addr) { byte[] bytes = addr.getAddress(); return !RouterService.isConnectedTo(addr) && !NetworkUtils.isCloseIP(bytes, getAddress()) && !NetworkUtils.isLocalAddress(addr); } /** * Specialized class for dispatching incoming TCP connections to their * appropriate handlers. Gnutella connections are handled via * <tt>ConnectionManager</tt>, and HTTP connections are handled * via <tt>UploadManager</tt> and <tt>DownloadManager</tt>. */ private static class ConnectionDispatchRunner implements Runnable { /** * The <tt>Socket</tt> instance for the connection. */ private final Socket _socket; /** * @modifies socket, this' managers * @effects starts a new thread to handle the given socket and * registers it with the appropriate protocol-specific manager. * Returns once the thread has been started. If socket does * not speak a known protocol, closes the socket immediately and * returns. */ public ConnectionDispatchRunner(Socket socket) { _socket = socket; } /** * Dispatches the new connection based on connection type, such * as Gnutella, HTTP, or MAGNET. */ public void run() { ConnectionManager cm = RouterService.getConnectionManager(); DownloadManager dm = RouterService.getDownloadManager(); Acceptor ac = RouterService.getAcceptor(); try { //The try-catch below is a work-around for JDK bug 4091706. InputStream in=null; try { in=_socket.getInputStream(); } catch (IOException e) { throw e; } catch(NullPointerException e) { // This should only happen extremely rarely. // JDK bug 4091706 throw new IOException(e.getMessage()); } _socket.setSoTimeout(Constants.TIMEOUT); //dont read a word of size more than 8 //("GNUTELLA" is the longest word we know at this time) String word = IOUtils.readLargestWord(in,8); _socket.setSoTimeout(0); boolean localHost = NetworkUtils.isLocalHost(_socket); // Only selectively allow localhost connections if ( !word.equals("MAGNET") ) { if (localHost) { LOG.trace("Killing localhost connection with non-magnet."); _socket.close(); return; } } else if(!localHost) { // && word.equals(MAGNET) LOG.trace("Killing non-local ExternalControl request."); _socket.close(); return; } //1. Gnutella connection. If the user hasn't changed the // handshake string, we accept the default ("GNUTELLA // CONNECT/0.4") or the proprietary limewire string // ("LIMEWIRE CONNECT/0.4"). Otherwise we just accept // the user's value. boolean useDefaultConnect= true; if (word.equals(ConnectionSettings.CONNECT_STRING_FIRST_WORD)) { cm.acceptConnection(_socket); } else if (useDefaultConnect && word.equals("LIMEWIRE")) { cm.acceptConnection(_socket); } else if (word.equals("GIV")) { dm.acceptDownload(_socket); } else if (word.equals("CHAT")) { ChatManager.instance().accept(_socket); } else if (word.equals("CONNECT") || word.equals("\n\n")) { //HTTPStat.CONNECTBACK_RESPONSE.incrementStat(); // technically we could just always checkFirewall here, since // we really always want to -- but since we're gonna check // all incoming connections if this isn't set, might as well // check and prevent a double-check. if(ConnectionSettings.UNSET_FIREWALLED_FROM_CONNECTBACK) ac.checkFirewall(_socket); IOUtils.close(_socket); } else { if(LOG.isErrorEnabled()) LOG.error("Unknown protocol: " + word); IOUtils.close(_socket); } } catch (IOException e) { LOG.warn("IOX while dispatching", e); IOUtils.close(_socket); } catch(Throwable e) { ErrorService.error(e); } } } /** * Returns whether <tt>ip</tt> is a banned address. * @param ip an address in resolved dotted-quad format, e.g., * @return true iff ip is a banned address. */ public boolean isBannedIP(byte[] addr) { return !IPFilter.instance().allow(addr); } /** * Resets the last connectback time. */ void resetLastConnectBackTime() { _lastConnectBackTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - INCOMING_EXPIRE_TIME; } /** * (Re)validates acceptedIncoming. */ private class IncomingValidator implements Runnable { public IncomingValidator() {} public void run() { // clear and revalidate if 1) we haven't had in incoming // or 2) we've never had incoming and we haven't checked final long currTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); final ConnectionManager cm = RouterService.getConnectionManager(); if ( (_acceptedIncoming && //1) ((currTime - _lastIncomingTime) > INCOMING_EXPIRE_TIME)) || (!_acceptedIncoming && //2) ((currTime - _lastConnectBackTime) > INCOMING_EXPIRE_TIME)) ) { // send a connectback request to a few peers and clear // _acceptedIncoming IF some requests were sent. if(cm.sendTCPConnectBackRequests()) { _lastConnectBackTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); Runnable resetter = new Runnable() { public void run() { boolean changed = false; synchronized (Acceptor.class) { if (_lastIncomingTime < currTime) { changed = setIncoming(false); } } if(changed) RouterService.incomingStatusChanged(); } }; RouterService.schedule(resetter, WAIT_TIME_AFTER_REQUESTS, 0); } } } } }