package com.macrohard.musicbug; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import android.content.Context; import android.util.Log; // This class is not thread safe. public class SogoMp3Fetcher implements IMp3Fetcher { private static final String BASE_URL = ""; private static final String SOGOU_MP3_URL = ""; private static final String TAG = Debug.TAG; private String mKeyWords; private final String mLink; private int mNextPage; private boolean mDone; private String getLink(String key) { String reqString = null; try { reqString = URLEncoder.encode(key, "GB2312"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { reqString = URLEncoder.encode(key); } return BASE_URL + reqString; } public SogoMp3Fetcher(Context context, String keyWords) { mKeyWords = keyWords; mLink = getLink(mKeyWords); // Base link. mNextPage = 1; mDone = false; } private String getNextUrl() { return mNextPage == 1 ? mLink : mLink + "&page=" + mNextPage; } // TODO(zyu): Rewrite the following code. // Consider using cache? private ArrayList<MP3Info> getListBatchByUrl(String urlStr, int limit) { Debug.D("mp3 url = " + urlStr); ArrayList<MP3Info> songs = new ArrayList<MP3Info>(); String httpresponse = null; try { URL url = new URL(urlStr); HttpURLConnection urlConn = (HttpURLConnection) url .openConnection(); urlConn.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", "Apache-HttpClient/UNAVAILABLE (java 1.4)"); urlConn.setConnectTimeout(12000); urlConn.connect(); InputStream stream = urlConn.getInputStream(); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(8 * 1024); char[] buff = new char[4096]; InputStreamReader is = new InputStreamReader(stream, "gb2312"); int len; while ((len =, 0, 4096)) > 0) { builder.append(buff, 0, len); } urlConn.disconnect(); httpresponse = builder.toString(); Pattern PATTERN_ROW = Pattern.compile("<tr(.*?)</tr>", Pattern.DOTALL); Pattern PATTERN = Pattern.compile( "<td.*?\\btitle=\"([^\"]*)\".*?" + // 1 "<td.*?\\bsinger=\"([^\"]*)\".*?" + // 2 "<td.*?\\btitle=\"([^\"]*)\".*?" + // 3 "<td.*?</td>.*?" + // Ignore "<td.*?</td>.*?" + // Ignore "<td.*?\'(/*?)\'.*?" + // 6 "<td.*?href=\"([^\"]*)\".*?" + // 7 "<td.*?</td>.*?" + // Ignore "<td.*?>([^<]*)<.*?" + // 9 "<td.*?>([^<]*)<" + // 10 "" , Pattern.DOTALL); Matcher matcherRow = PATTERN_ROW.matcher(httpresponse); while (matcherRow.find()) { Matcher m = PATTERN.matcher(; while (m.find()) { MP3Info info = new MP3Info(); info.setName(; info.setArtist(URLDecoder.decode(, "gb2312").trim()); info.setAlbum(; info.setLink(; info.setSize(Utils.sizeFromStr(; songs.add(info); } } } catch (Exception e) { // ShowToastMessage("Network can not connect, please try again."); e.printStackTrace(); return null; } Debug.D("songs = " + songs); if (songs != null) { Log.e(TAG, "song size: " + songs.size()); } return songs; } // Given the link to each individual mp3, get the corresponding link by which we can actually download the music. public String getDownloadLink(MP3Info mp3) throws Mp3FetcherException { try { String request = SOGOU_MP3_URL + mp3.getLink(); URL url = new URL(request); HttpURLConnection urlConn = (HttpURLConnection)url.openConnection(); urlConn.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", "Apache-HttpClient/UNAVAILABLE (java 1.4)"); urlConn.setConnectTimeout(12000); urlConn.connect(); InputStream stream = urlConn.getInputStream(); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(8 * 1024); char[] buff = new char[4096]; //必须在此指定编码,否则后面toString会导致乱码 InputStreamReader is = new InputStreamReader(stream,"gb2312"); int len; while ((len =, 0, 4096)) > 0) { builder.append(buff, 0, len); } urlConn.disconnect(); String httpresponse = builder.toString(); int linkStartPos = httpresponse.indexOf("下载歌曲\" href=\"") + "下载歌曲\" href=\"".length(); int linkEndPos = httpresponse.indexOf('>', linkStartPos)-1; return httpresponse.substring(linkStartPos, linkEndPos); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new Mp3FetcherException("Failure in getting mp3 download link: " + mp3.getLink()); } } /* @Override public void downloadMp3(MP3Info mp3, String saveFile, DefaultDownloadListener listener) throws Mp3FetcherException { // TODO(zyu): Use DownloadFile in feebelib. } */ @Override public ArrayList<MP3Info> getNextListBatch() throws Mp3FetcherException { if (mDone) { return null; } ArrayList<MP3Info> songs = getListBatchByUrl(getNextUrl(), -1); if (songs != null) { if (songs.size() == 0) { mDone = true; } else { ++mNextPage; } } else { // Some error occurred. } return songs; } @Override public boolean listDone() { return mDone; } @Override public void resetList() { mDone = false; mNextPage = 1; } }