package com.limegroup.gnutella; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Set; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import com.limegroup.gnutella.altlocs.AlternateLocationCollection; import com.limegroup.gnutella.altlocs.DirectAltLoc; import com.limegroup.gnutella.filters.IPFilter; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.BadGGEPPropertyException; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.GGEP; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.HUGEExtension; import; import com.limegroup.gnutella.util.NameValue; import com.limegroup.gnutella.util.DataUtils; import com.limegroup.gnutella.util.NetworkUtils; import com.limegroup.gnutella.xml.LimeXMLDocument; /** * A single result from a query reply message. (In hindsight, "Result" would * have been a better name.) Besides basic file information, responses can * include metadata. * * Response was originally intended to be immutable, but it currently includes * mutator methods for metadata; these will be removed in the future. */ public class Response { /** * The magic byte to use as extension seperators. */ private static final byte EXT_SEPERATOR = 0x1c; /** * The maximum number of alternate locations to include in responses * in the GGEP block */ private static final int MAX_LOCATIONS = 10; /** Both index and size must fit into 4 unsigned bytes; see * constructor for details. */ private final long index; private final long size; /** * The bytes for the name string, guaranteed to be non-null. */ private final byte[] nameBytes; /** The name of the file matching the search. This does NOT * include the double null terminator. */ private final String name; /** The document representing the XML in this response. */ private LimeXMLDocument document; /** * The <tt>Set</tt> of <tt>URN</tt> instances for this <tt>Response</tt>, * as specified in HUGE v0.94. This is guaranteed to be non-null, * although it is often empty. */ private final Set urns; /** * The bytes between the nulls for the <tt>Response</tt>, as specified * in HUGE v0.94. This is guaranteed to be non-null, although it can be * an empty array. */ private final byte[] extBytes; /** * The cached RemoteFileDesc created from this Response. */ private volatile RemoteFileDesc cachedRFD; /** * The container for extra GGEP data. */ private final GGEPContainer ggepData; /** * Constant for the KBPS string to avoid constructing it too many * times. */ private static final String KBPS = "kbps"; /** * Constant for kHz to string to avoid excessive string construction. */ private static final String KHZ = "kHz"; /** Creates a fresh new response. * * @requires index and size can fit in 4 unsigned bytes, i.e., * 0 <= index, size < 2^32 */ public Response(long index, long size, String name) { this(index, size, name, null, null, null); } /** * Overloaded constructor that allows the creation of Responses with * meta-data and a <tt>Set</tt> of <tt>URN</tt> instances. This * is the primary constructor that establishes all of the class's * invariants, does any necessary parameter validation, etc. * * If extensions is non-null, it is used as the extBytes instead * of creating them from the urns and locations. * * @param index the index of the file referenced in the response * @param size the size of the file (in bytes) * @param name the name of the file * @param urns the <tt>Set</tt> of <tt>URN</tt> instances associated * with the file * @param doc the <tt>LimeXMLDocument</tt> instance associated with * the file * @param endpoints a collection of other locations on this network * that will have this file * @param extensions The raw unparsed extension bytes. */ private Response(long index, long size, String name, Set urns, GGEPContainer ggepData, byte[] extensions) { if( (index & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000L)!=0 ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid index: " + index); // see note in createFromStream about Integer.MAX_VALUE if (size > Integer.MAX_VALUE || size < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid size: " + size); this.index=index; this.size=size; if (name == null) = ""; else = name; byte[] temp = null; try { temp ="UTF-8"); } catch(UnsupportedEncodingException namex) { //b/c this should never happen, we will show and error //if it ever does for some reason. ErrorService.error(namex); } this.nameBytes = temp; if (urns == null) this.urns = Collections.EMPTY_SET; else this.urns = Collections.unmodifiableSet(urns); if(ggepData == null) this.ggepData = GGEPContainer.EMPTY; else this.ggepData = ggepData; if (extensions != null) this.extBytes = extensions; else this.extBytes = createExtBytes(this.urns, this.ggepData); } /** * Factory method for instantiating individual responses from an * <tt>InputStream</tt> instance. * * @param is the <tt>InputStream</tt> to read from * @throws <tt>IOException</tt> if there are any problems reading from * or writing to the stream */ public static Response createFromStream(InputStream is) throws IOException { // extract file index & size long index=ByteOrder.ubytes2long(ByteOrder.leb2int(is)); long size=ByteOrder.ubytes2long(ByteOrder.leb2int(is)); if( (index & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000L)!=0 ) throw new IOException("invalid index: " + index); // must use Integer.MAX_VALUE instead of mask because // this value is later converted to an int, so we want // to ensure that when it's converted it doesn't become // negative. if (size > Integer.MAX_VALUE || size < 0) throw new IOException("invalid size: " + size); //The file name is terminated by a null terminator. // A second null indicates the end of this response. // Gnotella & others insert meta-information between // these null characters. So we have to handle this. // See // wego.discussion.message?groupId=139406& // view=message&curMsgId=319258&discId=140845& // index=-1&action=view // Extract the filename ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); int c; while((!=0) { if(c == -1) throw new IOException("EOF before null termination"); baos.write(c); } String name = new String(baos.toByteArray(), "UTF-8"); if(name.length() == 0) { throw new IOException("empty name in response"); } // Extract extra info, if any baos.reset(); while((!=0) { if(c == -1) throw new IOException("EOF before null termination"); baos.write(c); } byte[] rawMeta = baos.toByteArray(); if(rawMeta == null || rawMeta.length == 0) { if(is.available() < 16) { throw new IOException("not enough room for the GUID"); } return new Response(index,size,name); } else { // now handle between-the-nulls // \u001c is the HUGE v0.93 GEM delimiter HUGEExtension huge = new HUGEExtension(rawMeta); Set urns = huge.getURNS(); GGEPContainer ggep = GGEPUtil.getGGEP(huge.getGGEP()); return new Response(index, size, name, urns, ggep, rawMeta); } } /** * Helper method that creates an array of bytes for the specified * <tt>Set</tt> of <tt>URN</tt> instances. The bytes are written * as specified in HUGE v 0.94. * * @param urns the <tt>Set</tt> of <tt>URN</tt> instances to use in * constructing the byte array */ private static byte[] createExtBytes(Set urns, GGEPContainer ggep) { try { if( isEmpty(urns) && ggep.isEmpty() ) return DataUtils.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY; ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); if( !isEmpty(urns) ) { // Add the extension for URNs, if any. Iterator iter = urns.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { URN urn = (URN); Assert.that(urn!=null, "Null URN"); baos.write(urn.toString().getBytes()); // If there's another URN, add the seperator. if (iter.hasNext()) { baos.write(EXT_SEPERATOR); } } // If there's ggep data, write the separator. if( !ggep.isEmpty() ) baos.write(EXT_SEPERATOR); } // It is imperitive that GGEP is added LAST. // That is because GGEP can contain 0x1c (EXT_SEPERATOR) // within it, which would cause parsing problems // otherwise. if(!ggep.isEmpty()) GGEPUtil.addGGEP(baos, ggep); return baos.toByteArray(); } catch (IOException impossible) { ErrorService.error(impossible); return DataUtils.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY; } } /** * Utility method to know if a set is empty or null. */ private static boolean isEmpty(Set set) { return set == null || set.isEmpty(); } /** * Utility method for converting the non-firewalled elements of an * AlternateLocationCollection to a smaller set of endpoints. */ private static Set getAsEndpoints(AlternateLocationCollection col) { if( col == null || col.getAltLocsSize() == 0) return Collections.EMPTY_SET; synchronized(col) { Set endpoints = null; int i = 0; for(Iterator iter = col.iterator(); iter.hasNext() && i < MAX_LOCATIONS;) { Object o =; if (!(o instanceof DirectAltLoc)) continue; DirectAltLoc al = (DirectAltLoc)o; Endpoint host = al.getHost(); if( !NetworkUtils.isMe(host.getAddress(), host.getPort()) ) { if (endpoints == null) endpoints = new HashSet(); endpoints.add( al.getHost() ); i++; } } return endpoints == null ? Collections.EMPTY_SET : endpoints; } } /** * Like writeToArray(), but writes to an OutputStream. */ public void writeToStream(OutputStream os) throws IOException { ByteOrder.int2leb((int)index, os); ByteOrder.int2leb((int)size, os); for (int i = 0; i < nameBytes.length; i++) os.write(nameBytes[i]); //Write first null terminator. os.write(0); // write HUGE v0.93 General Extension Mechanism extensions // (currently just URNs) for (int i = 0; i < extBytes.length; i++) os.write(extBytes[i]); //add the second null terminator os.write(0); } /** * Sets this' metadata. * @param meta the parsed XML metadata */ public void setDocument(LimeXMLDocument doc) { document = doc; } /** */ public int getLength() { // must match same number of bytes writeToArray() will write return 8 + // index and size nameBytes.length + 1 + // null extBytes.length + 1; // final null } /** * Returns the index for the file stored in this <tt>Response</tt> * instance. * * @return the index for the file stored in this <tt>Response</tt> * instance */ public long getIndex() { return index; } /** * Returns the size of the file for this <tt>Response</tt> instance * (in bytes). * * @return the size of the file for this <tt>Response</tt> instance * (in bytes) */ public long getSize() { return size; } /** * Returns the name of the file for this response. This is guaranteed * to be non-null, but it could be the empty string. * * @return the name of the file for this response */ public String getName() { return name; } /** * Returns this' metadata. */ public LimeXMLDocument getDocument() { return document; } /** * Returns an immutable <tt>Set</tt> of <tt>URN</tt> instances for * this <tt>Response</tt>. * * @return an immutable <tt>Set</tt> of <tt>URN</tt> instances for * this <tt>Response</tt>, guaranteed to be non-null, although the * set could be empty */ public Set getUrns() { return urns; } /** * Returns an immutabe <tt>Set</tt> of <tt>Endpoint</tt> that * contain the same file described in this <tt>Response</tt>. * * @return an immutabe <tt>Set</tt> of <tt>Endpoint</tt> that * contain the same file described in this <tt>Response</tt>, * guaranteed to be non-null, although the set could be empty */ public Set<Endpoint> getLocations() { return ggepData.locations; } /** * Returns the create time. */ public long getCreateTime() { return ggepData.createTime; } byte[] getExtBytes() { return extBytes; } /** * Returns this Response as a RemoteFileDesc. */ public RemoteFileDesc toRemoteFileDesc(HostData data){ if(cachedRFD != null && cachedRFD.getPort() == data.getPort() && cachedRFD.getHost().equals(data.getIP())) return cachedRFD; else { RemoteFileDesc rfd = new RemoteFileDesc( data.getIP(), data.getPort(), getIndex(), getName(), (int)getSize(), data.getClientGUID(), data.getSpeed(), data.isChatEnabled(), data.getQuality(), data.isBrowseHostEnabled(), getUrns(), data.isReplyToMulticastQuery(), data.isFirewalled(), data.getVendorCode(), System.currentTimeMillis(), data.getPushProxies(), getCreateTime(), data.getFWTVersionSupported() ); cachedRFD = rfd; return rfd; } } /** * Overrides equals to check that these two responses are equal. * Raw extension bytes are not checked, because they may be * extensions that do not change equality, such as * otherLocations. */ public boolean equals(Object o) { if(o == this) return true; if (! (o instanceof Response)) return false; Response r=(Response)o; return getIndex() == r.getIndex() && getSize() == r.getSize() && getName().equals(r.getName()) && ((getDocument() == null) ? (r.getDocument() == null) : getDocument().equals(r.getDocument())) && getUrns().equals(r.getUrns()); } public int hashCode() { //Good enough for the moment // TODO:: IMPROVE THIS HASHCODE!! return getName().hashCode()+(int)getSize()+(int)getIndex(); } /** * Overrides Object.toString to print out a more informative message. */ public String toString() { return ("index: "+index+"\r\n"+ "size: "+size+"\r\n"+ "name: "+name+"\r\n"+ "xml document: "+document+"\r\n"+ "urns: "+urns); } /** * Utility class for handling GGEP blocks in the per-file section * of QueryHits. */ private static class GGEPUtil { /** * Private constructor so it never gets constructed. */ private GGEPUtil() {} /** * Adds a GGEP block with the specified alternate locations to the * output stream. */ static void addGGEP(OutputStream out, GGEPContainer ggep) throws IOException { if( ggep == null || (ggep.locations.size() == 0 && ggep.createTime <= 0)) throw new NullPointerException("null or empty locations"); GGEP info = new GGEP(); if(ggep.locations.size() > 0) { ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); try { for(Iterator i = ggep.locations.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { try { Endpoint ep = (Endpoint); baos.write(ep.getHostBytes()); ByteOrder.short2leb((short)ep.getPort(), baos); } catch(UnknownHostException uhe) { continue; } } } catch(IOException impossible) { ErrorService.error(impossible); } info.put(GGEP.GGEP_HEADER_ALTS, baos.toByteArray()); } if(ggep.createTime > 0) info.put(GGEP.GGEP_HEADER_CREATE_TIME, ggep.createTime / 1000); info.write(out); } /** * Returns a <tt>Set</tt> of other endpoints described * in one of the GGEP arrays. */ static GGEPContainer getGGEP(GGEP ggep) { if (ggep == null) return GGEPContainer.EMPTY; Set<Endpoint> locations = null; long createTime = -1; //final byte[] ip = new byte[4]; // if the block has a ALTS value, get it, parse it, // and move to the next. if (ggep.hasKey(GGEP.GGEP_HEADER_ALTS)) { try { locations = parseLocations(ggep.getBytes(GGEP.GGEP_HEADER_ALTS)); } catch (BadGGEPPropertyException bad) {} } if(ggep.hasKey(GGEP.GGEP_HEADER_CREATE_TIME)) { try { createTime = ggep.getLong(GGEP.GGEP_HEADER_CREATE_TIME) * 1000; } catch(BadGGEPPropertyException bad) {} } return (locations == null && createTime == -1) ? GGEPContainer.EMPTY : new GGEPContainer(locations, createTime); } private static Set<Endpoint> parseLocations(byte[] locBytes) { Set<Endpoint> locations = null; IPFilter ipFilter = IPFilter.instance(); if (locBytes.length % 6 == 0) { for (int j = 0; j < locBytes.length; j += 6) { int port = ByteOrder.ubytes2int(ByteOrder.leb2short(locBytes, j+4)); if (!NetworkUtils.isValidPort(port)) continue; byte[] ip = new byte[4]; ip[0] = locBytes[j]; ip[1] = locBytes[j + 1]; ip[2] = locBytes[j + 2]; ip[3] = locBytes[j + 3]; if (!NetworkUtils.isValidAddress(ip) || !ipFilter.allow(ip) || NetworkUtils.isMe(ip, port)) continue; if (locations == null) locations = new HashSet<Endpoint>(); locations.add(new Endpoint(ip, port)); } } return locations; } } /** * A container for information we're putting in/out of GGEP blocks. */ static final class GGEPContainer { final Set<Endpoint> locations; final long createTime; private static final GGEPContainer EMPTY = new GGEPContainer(); private GGEPContainer() { this(null, -1); } GGEPContainer(Set<Endpoint> locs, long create) { locations = locs == null ? Collections.EMPTY_SET : locs; createTime = create; } boolean isEmpty() { return locations.isEmpty() && createTime <= 0; } } }