/** * Copyright (c) 2009, WSO2 Inc. (http://www.wso2.org) All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.synapse.transport.passthru; public class PassThroughConstants { public static final int DEFAULT_IO_THREAD_COUNT = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors(); public static final int DEFAULT_MAX_CONN_PER_HOST_PORT = Integer.MAX_VALUE; public static final String REQUEST_MESSAGE_CONTEXT = "REQUEST_MESSAGE_CONTEXT"; public static final String CONNECTION_POOL = "CONNECTION_POOL"; public static final String TUNNEL_HANDLER = "TUNNEL_HANDLER"; public static final String TRUE = "TRUE"; public static final String FAULT_MESSAGE = "FAULT_MESSAGE"; // corresponds with BaseConstants public static final String FAULTS_AS_HTTP_200 = "FAULTS_AS_HTTP_200"; public static final String SC_ACCEPTED = "SC_ACCEPTED"; public static final String HTTP_SC = "HTTP_SC"; public static final String FORCE_HTTP_1_0 = "FORCE_HTTP_1.0"; public static final String DISABLE_CHUNKING = "DISABLE_CHUNKING"; public static final String FULL_URI = "FULL_URI"; public static final String NO_KEEPALIVE = "NO_KEEPALIVE"; public static final String DISABLE_KEEPALIVE = "http.connection.disable.keepalive"; public static final String IGNORE_SC_ACCEPTED = "IGNORE_SC_ACCEPTED"; public static final String FORCE_SC_ACCEPTED = "FORCE_SC_ACCEPTED"; public static final String DISCARD_ON_COMPLETE = "DISCARD_ON_COMPLETE"; public static final String SERVICE_URI_LOCATION = "ServiceURI"; public static final String WSDL_EPR_PREFIX = "WSDLEPRPrefix"; public static final String EPR_TO_SERVICE_NAME_MAP = "service.epr.map"; public static final String NON_BLOCKING_TRANSPORT = "NonBlockingTransport"; public static final String SERIALIZED_BYTES = "SerializedBytes"; public static final String CONTENT_TYPE = "CONTENT_TYPE"; public static final String DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE = "application/octet-stream"; public static final String CONTENT_TYPE_MULTIPART_RELATED = "multipart/related"; public static final String CONTENT_TYPE_MULTIPART_FORM_DATA = "multipart/form-data"; public static final String HIDDEN_SERVICE_PARAM_NAME = "hiddenService"; /** An Axis2 message context property indicating a transport send failure */ public static final String SENDING_FAULT = "SENDING_FAULT"; /** The message context property name which holds the error code for the last encountered exception */ public static final String ERROR_CODE = "ERROR_CODE"; /** The MC property name which holds the error message for the last encountered exception */ public static final String ERROR_MESSAGE = "ERROR_MESSAGE"; /** The message context property name which holds the error detail (stack trace) for the last encountered exception */ public static final String ERROR_DETAIL = "ERROR_DETAIL"; /** The message context property name which holds the exception (if any) for the last encountered exception */ public static final String ERROR_EXCEPTION = "ERROR_EXCEPTION"; // ********** DO NOT CHANGE THESE UNLESS CORRESPONDING SYNAPSE CONSTANT ARE CHANGED ************ public static final String REST_URL_POSTFIX = "REST_URL_POSTFIX"; public static final String SERVICE_PREFIX = "SERVICE_PREFIX"; public static final String NO_ENTITY_BODY = "NO_ENTITY_BODY"; protected static final String PASS_THROUGH_TRANSPORT_WORKER_POOL = "PASS_THROUGH_TRANSPORT_WORKER_POOL"; protected static final String PASS_THROUGH_SOURCE_CONFIGURATION = "PASS_THROUGH_SOURCE_CONFIGURATION"; protected static final String PASS_THROUGH_SOURCE_CONNECTION = "pass-through.Source-Connection"; protected static final String PASS_THROUGH_SOURCE_REQUEST = "pass-through.Source-Request"; protected static final String PASS_THROUGH_TARGET_CONNECTION = "pass-through.Target-Connection"; protected static final String PASS_THROUGH_TARGET_RESPONSE = "pass-through.Target-Response"; public static final String PASS_THROUGH_PIPE = "pass-through.pipe"; // used to define the default content type as a parameter in the axis2.xml public static final String REQUEST_CONTENT_TYPE = "DEFAULT_REQUEST_CONTENT_TYPE"; // This is a workaround for axis2 RestUtils behaviour public static final String REST_REQUEST_CONTENT_TYPE = "synapse.internal.rest.contentType"; public static final String MESSAGE_BUILDER_INVOKED = "message.builder.invoked"; // This is similar to isDoingREST - if the request contains a REST (i.e. format=POX | GET | REST) call, then we set this to TRUE public static final String INVOKED_REST = "invokedREST"; // Use this to make PassThroughHttpSender set the Message Formatter's writeTo() preserve boolean value public static final String FORMATTER_PRESERVE = "chunkedFormatterPreserve"; public static final String CLONE_PASS_THROUGH_PIPE_REQUEST = "clone_pass-through.pipe_connected"; /** * Name of the .mar file */ public final static String SECURITY_MODULE_NAME = "rampart"; public final static String REST_GET_DELETE_INVOKE ="rest_get_delete_invoke"; public final static String FORCE_POST_PUT_NOBODY ="FORCE_POST_PUT_NOBODY"; public final static String PASSTROUGH_MESSAGE_LENGTH ="PASSTROUGH_MESSAGE_LENGTH"; public static final String CONF_LOCATION = "conf.location"; public static final String LOCATION = "Location"; public static final String BUFFERED_INPUT_STREAM = "bufferedInputStream"; //JMX statistic calculation Constants public static final String REQ_ARRIVAL_TIME = "REQ_ARRIVAL_TIME"; public static final String REQ_DEPARTURE_TIME = "REQ_DEPARTURE_TIME"; public static final String RES_ARRIVAL_TIME = "RES_ARRIVAL_TIME"; public static final String RES_HEADER_ARRIVAL_TIME = "RES_HEADER_ARRIVAL_TIME"; public static final String RES_DEPARTURE_TIME = "RES_DEPARTURE_TIME"; public static final String REQ_FROM_CLIENT_READ_START_TIME = "REQ_FROM_CLIENT_READ_START_TIME"; public static final String REQ_FROM_CLIENT_READ_END_TIME = "REQ_FROM_CLIENT_READ_END_TIME"; public static final String REQ_TO_BACKEND_WRITE_START_TIME = "REQ_TO_BACKEND_WRITE_START_TIME"; public static final String REQ_TO_BACKEND_WRITE_END_TIME = "REQ_TO_BACKEND_WRITE_END_TIME"; public static final String RES_FROM_BACKEND_READ_START_TIME = "RES_FROM_BACKEND_READ_START_TIME"; public static final String RES_FROM_BACKEND_READ_END_TIME = "RES_FROM_BACKEND_READ_END_TIME"; public static final String RES_TO_CLIENT_WRITE_START_TIME = "RES_TO_CLIENT_WRITE_START_TIME"; public static final String RES_TO_CLIENT_WRITE_END_TIME = "RES_TO_CLIENT_WRITE_END_TIME"; public static final String SERVER_WORKER_INIT_TIME = "SERVER_WORKER_INIT_TIME"; public static final String SERVER_WORKER_START_TIME = "SERVER_WORKER_START_TIME"; public static final String CLIENT_WORKER_INIT_TIME = "CLIENT_WORKER_INIT_TIME"; public static final String CLIENT_WORKER_START_TIME = "CLIENT_WORKER_START_TIME"; public static final String SYNAPSE_PASSTHROUGH_LATENCY_ADVANCE_VIEW = "synapse.passthrough.latency_view.enable_advanced_view"; public static final String SYNAPSE_PASSTHROUGH_S2SLATENCY_ADVANCE_VIEW = "synapse.passthrough.s2slatency_view.enable_advanced_view"; public static final String PASSTHROUGH_LATENCY_VIEW = "PassthroughLatencyView"; public static final String PASSTHROUGH_S2SLATENCY_VIEW = "PassthroughS2SLatencyView"; public static final String PASSTHOUGH_HTTP_SERVER_WORKER = "PassthroughHttpServerWorker"; public static final String MESSAGE_OUTPUT_FORMAT = "MESSAGE_OUTPUT_FORMAT"; public static final String FORCE_SOAP_FAULT = "FORCE_SOAP_FAULT"; public static final String FORCE_PASSTHROUGH_BUILDER = "force.passthrough.builder"; public static final String WSDL_GEN_HANDLED = "WSDL_GEN_HANDLED"; public static final String COPY_CONTENT_LENGTH_FROM_INCOMING="COPY_CONTENT_LENGTH_FROM_INCOMING"; public static final String ORGINAL_CONTEN_LENGTH="ORGINAL_CONTEN_LENGTH"; public static final String WAIT_BUILDER_IN_STREAM_COMPLETE="WAIT_BUILDER_IN_STREAM_COMPLETE"; public static final String BUILDER_OUTPUT_STREAM="BUILDER_OUTPUT_STREAM"; // Enable the SOAP trace facility to PassThrough public static final String TRACE_SOAP_MESSAGE = "wso2tracer"; //if this property is true in response path, it mean that client sent Accept-Encoding=gzip header public static final String REQUEST_ACCEPTS_GZIP ="REQUEST_ACCEPTS_GZIP" ; public static final String HTTP_SC_DESC = "HTTP_SC_DESC"; public static final String RELAY_EARLY_BUILD ="relay_early_build"; public static final String HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE = "Content-type"; public static final String HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH = "Content-Length"; // Used to determine the configured proxy profile public static final String PROXY_PROFILE_TARGET_HOST = "PROXY_PROFILE_TARGET_HOST"; public static final String PROXY_BASIC_REALM = "BASIC realm=\"proxy\""; public static final String HTTP_PROXY_HOST = "http.proxyHost"; public static final String HTTP_PROXY_PORT = "http.proxyPort"; public static final String HTTP_PROXY_USERNAME = "http.proxy.username"; public static final String HTTP_PROXY_PASSWORD = "http.proxy.password"; public static final String HTTP_NON_PROXY_HOST = "http.nonProxyHosts"; public static final String HTTP_ETAG_ENABLED = "HTTP_ETAG"; public static final String ENABLE_WS_ADDRESSING ="enforceWSAddressing"; public static final String SERVER_WORKER_THREAD_ID = "SERVER_WORKER_THREAD_ID"; //Http method type constants to be used in synapse public static final String HTTP_HEAD = "HEAD"; public static final String HTTP_GET = "GET"; public static final String HTTP_POST = "POST"; public static final String HTTP_DELETE = "DELETE"; public static final String HTTP_PUT = "PUT"; public static final String HTTP_OPTIONS = "OPTIONS"; public static final String HTTP_CONNECT = "CONNECT"; //Constant to specify the socket timeout public static final String HTTP_SOCKET_TIMEOUT = "HTTP_SOCKET_TIMEOUT"; public static final String ORIGINAL_HTTP_SC = "ORIGINAL_STATUS_CODE"; public static final String ORIGINAL_HTTP_REASON_PHRASE = "HTTP_REASON_PHRASE"; }