package org.apache.synapse.commons.throttle.module; import org.apache.axis2.AxisFault; import org.apache.axis2.context.ConfigurationContext; import org.apache.axis2.description.*; import org.apache.axis2.engine.AxisConfiguration; import org.apache.axis2.util.PolicyUtil; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.neethi.Policy; import org.apache.neethi.PolicyEngine; import; import org.apache.synapse.commons.throttle.core.ConcurrentAccessController; import org.apache.synapse.commons.throttle.core.Throttle; import org.apache.synapse.commons.throttle.core.ThrottleConstants; import org.apache.synapse.commons.throttle.core.ThrottleException; import org.apache.synapse.commons.throttle.core.ThrottleFactory; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; public class ThrottleEnguageUtils { private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(ThrottleEnguageUtils.class.getName()); public static void enguage(AxisDescription axisDescription, ConfigurationContext configctx, Throttle defaultThrottle) throws AxisFault { String currentServiceName; if (axisDescription instanceof AxisService) { Throttle throttle = null; AxisService currentService = ((AxisService) axisDescription); PolicySubject policySubject = currentService.getPolicySubject(); if (policySubject != null) { try { List policies = new ArrayList(policySubject.getAttachedPolicyComponents()); Policy currentPolicy = PolicyUtil.getMergedPolicy(policies, currentService); if (currentPolicy != null) { throttle = ThrottleFactory.createServiceThrottle(currentPolicy); if(throttle == null) { //this is for the scenario when throttle policy is empty rather than // null (eg: removing the throttle policy via policy editor) throttle = defaultThrottle; } //todo - done by isuru, recheck } else { AxisConfiguration axisConfig = configctx.getAxisConfiguration(); AxisModule throttleModule = axisConfig.getModule( ThrottleConstants.THROTTLE_MODULE_NAME); policySubject = throttleModule.getPolicySubject(); if (policySubject != null) { currentPolicy = ThrottleEnguageUtils.getThrottlePolicy( policySubject.getAttachedPolicyComponents()); if (currentPolicy != null) { throttle = ThrottleFactory.createModuleThrottle(currentPolicy); } } //todo - done by isuru } } catch (ThrottleException e) { log.error("Error was occurred when engaging throttle module for" + " the service :" + currentService.getName() + e.getMessage());"Throttling will occur using default module policy"); throttle = defaultThrottle; } if (throttle != null) { Map throttles = (Map) configctx.getPropertyNonReplicable( ThrottleConstants.THROTTLES_MAP); if (throttles == null) { throttles = new HashMap(); configctx.setNonReplicableProperty( ThrottleConstants.THROTTLES_MAP, throttles); } String serviceName = currentService.getName(); throttle.setId(serviceName); throttles.put(serviceName, throttle); ConcurrentAccessController cac = throttle.getConcurrentAccessController(); if (cac != null) { String cacKey = ThrottleConstants.THROTTLE_PROPERTY_PREFIX + serviceName + ThrottleConstants.CAC_SUFFIX; configctx.setProperty(cacKey, cac); } } } } else if (axisDescription instanceof AxisOperation) { Throttle throttle = null; AxisOperation currentOperation = ((AxisOperation) axisDescription); AxisService axisService = (AxisService) currentOperation.getParent(); if (axisService != null) { currentServiceName = axisService.getName(); PolicySubject policySubject = currentOperation.getPolicySubject(); if (policySubject != null) { try { List policies = new ArrayList(policySubject.getAttachedPolicyComponents()); Policy currentPolicy = PolicyUtil.getMergedPolicy(policies, currentOperation); if (currentPolicy != null) { throttle = ThrottleFactory.createOperationThrottle(currentPolicy); } } catch (ThrottleException e) { log.error("Error was occurred when engaging throttle module " + "for operation : " + currentOperation.getName() + " in the service :" + currentServiceName + e.getMessage());"Throttling will occur using default module policy"); } // if current throttle is null, use the default throttle if (throttle == null) { throttle = defaultThrottle; } Map throttles = (Map) configctx .getPropertyNonReplicable(ThrottleConstants.THROTTLES_MAP); if (throttles == null) { throttles = new HashMap(); configctx.setNonReplicableProperty(ThrottleConstants.THROTTLES_MAP , throttles); } QName opQName = currentOperation.getName(); if (opQName != null) { String opName = opQName.getLocalPart(); String key = currentServiceName + opName; throttle.setId(key); throttles.put(key, throttle); ConcurrentAccessController cac = throttle.getConcurrentAccessController(); if (cac != null) { String cacKey = ThrottleConstants.THROTTLE_PROPERTY_PREFIX + key + ThrottleConstants.CAC_SUFFIX; configctx.setProperty(cacKey, cac); } } } } } } //todo - done by isuru, recheck private static Policy getThrottlePolicy(Collection components) throws AxisFault { QName assertionName; //Finds the policy for throttling Iterator i = components.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { Object comp =; // } // for (Object comp : components) { Policy policy = (Policy) comp; for (Iterator iterator = policy.getAlternatives(); iterator.hasNext();) { Object object =; if (object instanceof List) { List list = (List) object; Iterator j = list.iterator(); while (j.hasNext()) { // for (Object assertObj : list) { Object assertObj =; if (assertObj instanceof XmlPrimtiveAssertion) { XmlPrimtiveAssertion primitiveAssertion = (XmlPrimtiveAssertion) assertObj; assertionName = primitiveAssertion.getName(); if (assertionName.equals(ThrottleConstants .SERVICE_THROTTLE_ASSERTION_QNAME) || assertionName .equals(ThrottleConstants.MODULE_THROTTLE_ASSERTION_QNAME)) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Existing ThrottleAssertion found"); } return policy; } } } } } } return null; } /** * Checks whether the given service group is a special service * * @param axisServiceGroup - ServiceGroup instance * @return - true if this is a filtered service */ public static boolean isFilteredOutService(AxisServiceGroup axisServiceGroup) { String adminParamValue = (String) axisServiceGroup .getParameterValue(ThrottleConstants.ADMIN_SERVICE_PARAM_NAME); String hiddenParamValue = (String) axisServiceGroup .getParameterValue(ThrottleConstants.HIDDEN_SERVICE_PARAM_NAME); String dynamicParamValue = (String) axisServiceGroup .getParameterValue(ThrottleConstants.DYNAMIC_SERVICE_PARAM_NAME); if (adminParamValue != null && adminParamValue.length() != 0) { if (Boolean.parseBoolean(adminParamValue.trim())) { return true; } } else if (hiddenParamValue != null && hiddenParamValue.length() != 0) { if (Boolean.parseBoolean(hiddenParamValue.trim())) { return true; } } else if (dynamicParamValue != null && dynamicParamValue.length() != 0){ if(Boolean.parseBoolean(dynamicParamValue.trim())) { return true; } } return false; } /** * An external policy can be configured using a parameter in the axis2.xml which points to the * absolute path of the policy file. This method reads the policy file and creates a * PolicySubject. * * @param axisConfig - AxisConfiguration instance * @return - PolicySubject instance if the file found. Otherwise null.. */ public static PolicySubject readExternalGlobalPolicy(AxisConfiguration axisConfig) { PolicySubject extPolicySubject = null; // read the global throttle parameter from axisConfig Parameter globalThrottlePolicyParam = axisConfig .getParameter(ThrottleConstants.GLOBAL_THROTTLE_PATH_PARAM); if (globalThrottlePolicyParam != null && !"".equals(globalThrottlePolicyParam.getValue())) { // If the path found, try to read the file String policyPath = (String) globalThrottlePolicyParam.getValue(); File policyFile = new File(policyPath); if (policyFile.exists()) { try { // If the file exists, try to build the policy Policy globalPolicy = PolicyEngine.getPolicy(new FileInputStream(policyFile)); extPolicySubject = new PolicySubject(); extPolicySubject.attachPolicy(globalPolicy); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { log.error("Error while reading global policy file..", e); } } } return extPolicySubject; } }