/* * Copyright (c) 2005-2010, WSO2 Inc. (http://www.wso2.org) All Rights Reserved. * * WSO2 Inc. licenses this file to you under the Apache License, * Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.apache.synapse.util.streaming_xpath.custom; import org.apache.axiom.om.OMElement; import org.apache.axiom.om.impl.builder.StAXOMBuilder; import org.apache.synapse.util.streaming_xpath.custom.components.*; import javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException; import java.io.InputStream; public class StreamingParser { ParserComponent firstComp; ParserComponent currentComp; public ParserComponent getCurrentComp() { return currentComp; } public void setCurrentComp(ParserComponent currentComp) { this.currentComp = currentComp; } public String process(InputStream xmlIn) throws XMLStreamException { StAXOMBuilder builder = new StAXOMBuilder(xmlIn); OMElement documentElement = builder.getDocumentElement(); return firstComp.process(documentElement); } public String process(OMElement documentElement) throws XMLStreamException { return firstComp.process(documentElement); } public StreamingParser GetChild_GetCurrent() { ParserComponent newComp = new GetCurrentParserComponent(); if (firstComp == null) { firstComp = newComp; currentComp = newComp; } else { currentComp.setNext(newComp); currentComp = newComp; } return this; } public StreamingParser GetChild_GetCurrentMatch(String localName, String nameSpace) { ParserComponent newComp = new GetCurrentMatchParserComponent(localName, nameSpace); if (firstComp == null) { firstComp = newComp; currentComp = newComp; } else { currentComp.setNext(newComp); currentComp = newComp; } return this; } public StreamingParser GetChild_FirstChild() { ParserComponent newComp = new GetFirstChildParserComponent(); if (firstComp == null) { firstComp = newComp; currentComp = newComp; } else { currentComp.setNext(newComp); currentComp = newComp; } return this; } public StreamingParser GetChild_GetChildrenByName(String localName, String nameSpace) { ParserComponent newComp = new GetChildrenByNameParserComponent(localName, nameSpace); if (firstComp == null) { firstComp = newComp; currentComp = newComp; } else { currentComp.setNext(newComp); currentComp = newComp; } return this; } public StreamingParser GetChild_GetChildrenByNameRelative(String localName, String nameSpace) { ParserComponent newComp = new GetChildrenByNameRelativeParserComponent(localName, nameSpace); if (firstComp == null) { firstComp = newComp; currentComp = newComp; } else { currentComp.setNext(newComp); currentComp = newComp; } return this; } public StreamingParser GetChild_GetChildrenWithChild(String localName, String nameSpace) { ParserComponent newComp = new GetChildrenWithChildParserComponent(localName, nameSpace); if (firstComp == null) { firstComp = newComp; currentComp = newComp; } else { currentComp.setNext(newComp); } return this; } public StreamingParser GetChild_GetChildrenWithChildValue(String localName, String nameSpace, String value) { ParserComponent newComp = new GetChildrenWithChildValueParserComponent(localName, nameSpace, value); if (firstComp == null) { firstComp = newComp; currentComp = newComp; } else { currentComp.setNext(newComp); } return this; } public StreamingParser GetChild_GetChildrenWithAttribute(String localName, String nameSpace) { ParserComponent newComp = new GetChildrenWithAttributeParserComponent(localName, nameSpace); if (firstComp == null) { firstComp = newComp; currentComp = newComp; } else { currentComp.setNext(newComp); } return this; } public StreamingParser GetChild_GetChildrenWithAttributeValue(String localName, String nameSpace, String value) { ParserComponent newComp = new GetChildrenWithAttributeValueParserComponent(localName, nameSpace, value); if (firstComp == null) { firstComp = newComp; currentComp = newComp; } else { currentComp.setNext(newComp); } return this; } public StreamingParser GetChild_GetAttribute(String localName, String nameSpace) { ParserComponent newComp = new GetAttributeParserComponent(localName, nameSpace); if (firstComp == null) { firstComp = newComp; currentComp = newComp; } else { currentComp.setNext(newComp); } return this; } public ParserComponent getFirstComp() { return firstComp; } public void processOM(OMElement om) { firstComp.process(om); } }