package org.apache.synapse.util; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import javax.activation.DataHandler; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import org.apache.axiom.attachments.ByteArrayDataSource; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class SimpleMapImpl extends HashMap implements SimpleMap { private static final OMNamespace attrNS = OMAbstractFactory.getOMFactory().createOMNamespace("", ""); private static final String TYPE = "type"; private static final String NAME = "name"; private static final String ENTRY = "entry"; private static final String SHORT = "short"; private static final String LONG = "long"; private static final String DOUBLE = "double"; private static final String INTEGER = "int"; private static final String FLOAT = "float"; private static final String BYTEARRAY = "byte[]"; private static final String BYTE = "byte"; private static final String STRING = "string"; private static final String BOOLEAN = "boolean"; private static final String CHAR = "char"; private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public SimpleMapImpl() { super(); } public Object get(String name) { return this.get((Object) name); } public boolean getBoolean(String name) { Object o = this.get((Object) name); if (o instanceof Boolean) { return (Boolean) o; } else { throw new RuntimeException("getBoolean(" + name + "): " + o.getClass().getName() + " is not an instance of Boolean"); } } public byte getByte(String name) { Object o = this.get((Object) name); if (o instanceof Byte) { return (Byte) o; } else { throw new RuntimeException("getByte(" + name + "): " + o.getClass().getName() + " is not an instance of Byte"); } } public byte[] getBytes(String name) { Object o = this.get((Object) name); if (o instanceof byte[]) { return (byte[]) o; } else { throw new RuntimeException("getByteArray(" + name + "): " + o.getClass().getName() + " is not an instance of byte[]"); } } public char getChar(String name) { Object o = this.get((Object) name); if (o instanceof Character) { return (Character) o; } else { throw new RuntimeException("getChar(" + name + "): " + o.getClass().getName() + " is not an instance of Character"); } } public double getDouble(String name) { Object o = this.get((Object) name); if (o instanceof Double) { return (Double) o; } else { throw new RuntimeException("getDouble(" + name + "): " + o.getClass().getName() + " is not an instance of Double"); } } public float getFloat(String name) { Object o = this.get((Object) name); if (o instanceof Float) { return (Float) o; } else { throw new RuntimeException("getFloat(" + name + "): " + o.getClass().getName() + " is not an instance of Float"); } } public int getInt(String name) { Object o = this.get((Object) name); if (o instanceof Integer) { return (Integer) o; } else { throw new RuntimeException("getInt(" + name + "): " + o.getClass().getName() + " is not an instance of Integer"); } } public long getLong(String name) { Object o = this.get((Object) name); if (o instanceof Long) { return (Long) o; } else { throw new RuntimeException("getLong(" + name + "): " + o.getClass().getName() + " is not an instance of Long"); } } public short getShort(String name) { Object o = this.get((Object) name); if (o instanceof Short) { return (Short) o; } else { throw new RuntimeException("getShort(" + name + "): " + o.getClass().getName() + " is not an instance of Short"); } } public String getString(String name) { Object o = this.get((Object) name); if (o instanceof String) { return ((String) o); } else { throw new RuntimeException("getString(" + name + "): " + o.getClass().getName() + " is not an instance of String"); } } public void put(String name, Object value) { this.put((Object) name, value); } public void putBoolean(String name, boolean b) { this.put((Object) name, b); } public void putByte(String name, byte b) { this.put((Object) name, b); } public void putBytes(String name, byte[] bytes) { this.put((Object) name, bytes); } public void putChar(String name, char c) { this.put((Object) name, c); } public void putDouble(String name, double d) { this.put((Object) name, d); } public void putFloat(String name, float fl) { this.put((Object) name, fl); } public void putInt(String name, int i) { this.put((Object) name, i); } public void putLong(String name, long l) { this.put((Object) name, l); } public void putShort(String name, short s) { this.put((Object) name, s); } public void putString(String name, String value) { this.put((Object) name, value); } public OMElement getOMElement() { return getOMElement(OMAbstractFactory.getOMFactory()); } public OMElement getOMElement(OMFactory fac) { OMElement mapElement = fac.createOMElement(PayloadHelper.MAPELT); for (Object entryObj : this.entrySet()) { Object key = ((Map.Entry) entryObj).getKey(); Object o = ((Map.Entry) entryObj).getValue(); if (key instanceof String) { OMElement entry = fac.createOMElement(new QName( PayloadHelper.AXIOMPAYLOADNS, ENTRY), mapElement); entry.addAttribute(NAME, (String) key, attrNS); if (o instanceof Character) { entry.addAttribute(TYPE, CHAR, attrNS); entry.setText(o.toString()); } else if (o instanceof Boolean) { entry.addAttribute(TYPE, BOOLEAN, attrNS); entry.setText(o.toString()); } else if (o instanceof String) { entry.addAttribute(TYPE, STRING, attrNS); entry.setText(o.toString()); } else if (o instanceof Byte) { entry.addAttribute(TYPE, BYTE, attrNS); entry.setText(o.toString()); } else if (o instanceof byte[]) { entry.addAttribute(TYPE, BYTEARRAY, attrNS); OMText text = fac.createOMText(new DataHandler( new ByteArrayDataSource((byte[]) o)), true); entry.addChild(text); } else if (o instanceof Float) { entry.addAttribute(TYPE, FLOAT, attrNS); entry.setText(o.toString()); } else if (o instanceof Double) { entry.addAttribute(TYPE, DOUBLE, attrNS); entry.setText(o.toString()); } else if (o instanceof Long) { entry.addAttribute(TYPE, LONG, attrNS); entry.setText(o.toString()); } else if (o instanceof Short) { entry.addAttribute(TYPE, SHORT, attrNS); entry.setText(o.toString()); } else if (o instanceof Integer) { entry.addAttribute(TYPE, INTEGER, attrNS); entry.setText(o.toString()); } } else { // shouldn't be any non-string keys. Ignore! } } return mapElement; } // create an instance from an OMElement (if its the right shape!!!) public SimpleMapImpl(OMElement el) { super(); if (el.getQName().equals(PayloadHelper.MAPELT)) { for (Iterator it = el.getChildElements(); it.hasNext(); ) { OMElement child = (OMElement); if (child.getLocalName().equals(ENTRY)) { String name = child.getAttributeValue(new QName("",NAME)); String type = child.getAttributeValue(new QName("", TYPE)); if (type == null || name == null) { //bad! continue; } OMNode data = child.getFirstOMChild(); if (data.getType() != OMNode.TEXT_NODE) { continue; // BAD! } OMText text = (OMText)data; if (type.equals(INTEGER)) { this.put(name, new Integer(text.getText())); } else if (type.equals(CHAR)) { this.put(name, (text.getText().charAt(0))); } else if (type.equals(DOUBLE)) { this.put(name, new Double(text.getText())); } else if (type.equals(FLOAT)) { this.put(name, new Float(text.getText())); } else if (type.equals(BYTE)) { this.put(name, text.getText().getBytes()[0]); } else if (type.equals(SHORT)) { this.put(name, new Short(text.getText())); } else if (type.equals(LONG)) { this.put(name, new Long(text.getText())); } else if (type.equals(STRING)) { this.put(name, text.getText()); } else if (type.equals(BYTEARRAY)) { DataHandler dh = (DataHandler) text.getDataHandler(); ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); try { dh.writeTo(baos); this.put(name, baos.toByteArray()); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } } } }