/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.apache.synapse.transport.nhttp; import org.apache.axiom.soap.SOAP11Constants; import org.apache.axiom.soap.SOAP12Constants; import org.apache.axiom.util.UIDGenerator; import org.apache.axis2.AxisFault; import org.apache.axis2.Constants; import org.apache.axis2.builder.BuilderUtil; import org.apache.axis2.context.ConfigurationContext; import org.apache.axis2.context.MessageContext; import org.apache.axis2.description.Parameter; import org.apache.axis2.engine.AxisEngine; import org.apache.axis2.transport.RequestResponseTransport; import org.apache.axis2.transport.base.MetricsCollector; import org.apache.axis2.transport.http.HTTPTransportUtils; import org.apache.axis2.util.MessageContextBuilder; import org.apache.commons.collections.map.MultiValueMap; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.http.*; import org.apache.http.nio.reactor.ssl.SSLIOSession; import org.apache.http.nio.NHttpServerConnection; import org.apache.http.protocol.HTTP; import org.apache.http.protocol.HttpContext; import org.apache.synapse.transport.customlogsetter.CustomLogSetter; import org.apache.synapse.transport.nhttp.util.NhttpUtil; import org.apache.synapse.transport.nhttp.util.RESTUtil; import javax.net.ssl.SSLPeerUnverifiedException; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.net.InetAddress; import java.util.*; /** * Processes an incoming request through Axis2. An instance of this class would be created to * process each unique request */ public class ServerWorker implements Runnable { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(ServerWorker.class); /** the Axis2 configuration context */ private final ConfigurationContext cfgCtx; /** Protocol scheme name */ private final String schemeName; /** the metrics collector */ private final MetricsCollector metrics; /** the message handler to be used */ private final ServerHandler serverHandler; /** the underlying http connection */ private final NHttpServerConnection conn; /** the http request */ private final HttpRequest request; /** the http response message (which the this would be creating) */ private final HttpResponse response; /** the input stream to read the incoming message body */ private final InputStream is; /** the output stream to write the response message body */ private final OutputStream os; /** Weather we should do rest dispatching or not */ private boolean isRestDispatching; /** WSDL processor for Get requests */ private HttpGetRequestProcessor httpGetRequestProcessor; /** the incoming message to be processed */ private final MessageContext msgContext; private static final String SOAPACTION = "SOAPAction"; private static final String LOCATION = "Location"; private static final String CONTENT_TYPE = "Content-Type"; private static final String TEXT_HTML = "text/html"; private static final String TEXT_XML = "text/xml"; /** * Save requesting user IP address for logging - even during response processing when * the connection may be closed */ private String remoteAddress = null; /** * Create a new server side worker to process an incoming message and optionally begin creating * its output. This however does not force the processor to write a response back as the * traditional servlet service() method, but creates the background required to write the * response, if one would be created. * * @param cfgCtx the configuration context * @param metrics metrics collector * @param conn the underlying http connection * @param serverHandler the handler of the server side messages * @param request the http request received (might still be in the process of being streamed) * @param is the stream input stream to read the request body * @param response the response to be populated if applicable * @param os the output stream to write the response body if one is applicable */ public ServerWorker( final ConfigurationContext cfgCtx, final String schemeName, final MetricsCollector metrics, final NHttpServerConnection conn, final ServerHandler serverHandler, final HttpRequest request, final InputStream is, final HttpResponse response, final OutputStream os, final boolean isRestDispatching, final HttpGetRequestProcessor httpGetRequestProcessor) { this.cfgCtx = cfgCtx; this.schemeName = schemeName; this.metrics = metrics; this.conn = conn; this.serverHandler = serverHandler; this.request = request; this.response = response; this.is = is; this.os = os; this.isRestDispatching = isRestDispatching; this.httpGetRequestProcessor = httpGetRequestProcessor; this.msgContext = createMessageContext(request); conn.getContext().setAttribute(NhttpConstants.SERVER_WORKER_INIT_TIME, System.currentTimeMillis()); } /** * Create an Axis2 message context for the given http request. The request may be in the * process of being streamed * @param request the http request to be used to create the corresponding Axis2 message context * @return the Axis2 message context created */ private MessageContext createMessageContext(HttpRequest request) { MessageContext msgContext = new MessageContext(); msgContext.setMessageID(UIDGenerator.generateURNString()); // There is a discrepency in what I thought, Axis2 spawns a new threads to // send a message if this is TRUE - and I want it to be the other way msgContext.setProperty(MessageContext.CLIENT_API_NON_BLOCKING, Boolean.FALSE); msgContext.setConfigurationContext(cfgCtx); if ("https".equalsIgnoreCase(schemeName)) { msgContext.setTransportOut(cfgCtx.getAxisConfiguration() .getTransportOut(Constants.TRANSPORT_HTTPS)); msgContext.setTransportIn(cfgCtx.getAxisConfiguration() .getTransportIn(Constants.TRANSPORT_HTTPS)); msgContext.setIncomingTransportName(Constants.TRANSPORT_HTTPS); SSLIOSession session = (SSLIOSession) (conn.getContext()).getAttribute(SSLIOSession.SESSION_KEY); //set SSL certificates to message context if SSLVerifyClient parameter is set if (session != null && msgContext.getTransportIn() != null && msgContext.getTransportIn().getParameter(NhttpConstants.SSL_VERIFY_CLIENT) != null) { try { msgContext.setProperty(NhttpConstants.SSL_CLIENT_AUTH_CERT_X509, session.getSSLSession().getPeerCertificateChain()); } catch (SSLPeerUnverifiedException e) { //Peer Certificate Chain may not be available always.(in case of verify client is optional) if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("Peer certificate chain is not available for MsgContext " + msgContext.getMessageID()); } } } } else { msgContext.setTransportOut(cfgCtx.getAxisConfiguration() .getTransportOut(Constants.TRANSPORT_HTTP)); msgContext.setTransportIn(cfgCtx.getAxisConfiguration() .getTransportIn(Constants.TRANSPORT_HTTP)); msgContext.setIncomingTransportName(Constants.TRANSPORT_HTTP); } msgContext.setProperty(Constants.OUT_TRANSPORT_INFO, this); // the following statement causes the soap session services to be failing - ruwan // msgContext.setServiceGroupContextId(UUIDGenerator.getUUID()); msgContext.setServerSide(true); msgContext.setProperty( Constants.Configuration.TRANSPORT_IN_URL, request.getRequestLine().getUri()); // http transport header names are case insensitive Map<String, String> headers = new TreeMap<String, String>(new Comparator<String>() { public int compare(String o1, String o2) { return o1.compareToIgnoreCase(o2); } }); for (Header header : request.getAllHeaders()) { String headerName = header.getName(); // if this header is already added if(headers.containsKey(headerName)){ /* this is a multi-value header */ // generate the key String key = NhttpConstants.EXCESS_TRANSPORT_HEADERS; // get the old value String oldValue = headers.get(headerName); // adds additional values to a list in a property of message context Map map; if(msgContext.getProperty(key) != null){ map = (Map) msgContext.getProperty(key); map.put(headerName, oldValue); } else{ map = new MultiValueMap(); map.put(headerName, oldValue); // set as a property in message context msgContext.setProperty(key, map); } } headers.put(header.getName(), header.getValue()); } msgContext.setProperty(MessageContext.TRANSPORT_HEADERS, headers); // find the remote party IP address and set it to the message context if (conn instanceof HttpInetConnection) { HttpContext httpContext = conn.getContext(); HttpInetConnection inetConn = (HttpInetConnection) conn; InetAddress remoteAddr = inetConn.getRemoteAddress(); if (remoteAddr != null) { httpContext.setAttribute(NhttpConstants.CLIENT_REMOTE_ADDR, remoteAddr); httpContext.setAttribute(NhttpConstants.CLIENT_REMOTE_PORT, inetConn.getRemotePort()); msgContext.setProperty( MessageContext.REMOTE_ADDR, remoteAddr.getHostAddress()); msgContext.setProperty( NhttpConstants.REMOTE_HOST, NhttpUtil.getHostName(remoteAddr)); remoteAddress = remoteAddr.getHostAddress(); } } msgContext.setProperty(RequestResponseTransport.TRANSPORT_CONTROL, new HttpCoreRequestResponseTransport(msgContext)); msgContext.setProperty(ServerHandler.SERVER_CONNECTION_DEBUG, conn.getContext().getAttribute(ServerHandler.SERVER_CONNECTION_DEBUG)); msgContext.setProperty(NhttpConstants.NHTTP_INPUT_STREAM, is); msgContext.setProperty(NhttpConstants.NHTTP_OUTPUT_STREAM, os); return msgContext; } /** * Process the incoming request */ @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked"}) public void run() { CustomLogSetter.getInstance().clearThreadLocalContent(); conn.getContext().setAttribute(NhttpConstants.SERVER_WORKER_START_TIME, System.currentTimeMillis()); conn.getContext().setAttribute(NhttpConstants.SERVER_WORKER_THREAD_ID, Thread.currentThread().getId()); String method = request.getRequestLine().getMethod().toUpperCase(); msgContext.setProperty(Constants.Configuration.HTTP_METHOD, request.getRequestLine().getMethod()); if (NHttpConfiguration.getInstance().isHttpMethodDisabled(method)) { handleException("Unsupported method : " + method, null); } //String uri = request.getRequestLine().getUri(); String oriUri = request.getRequestLine().getUri(); String restUrlPostfix = NhttpUtil.getRestUrlPostfix(oriUri, cfgCtx.getServicePath()); msgContext.setProperty(NhttpConstants.REST_URL_POSTFIX, restUrlPostfix); String servicePrefix = oriUri.substring(0, oriUri.indexOf(restUrlPostfix)); if (servicePrefix.indexOf("://") == -1) { HttpInetConnection inetConn = (HttpInetConnection) conn; InetAddress localAddr = inetConn.getLocalAddress(); if (localAddr != null) { servicePrefix = schemeName + "://" + localAddr.getHostName() + ":" + inetConn.getLocalPort() + servicePrefix; } } msgContext.setProperty(NhttpConstants.SERVICE_PREFIX, servicePrefix); if ("GET".equals(method)) { httpGetRequestProcessor.process(request, response, msgContext, conn, os, isRestDispatching); } else if ("POST".equals(method)) { processEntityEnclosingMethod(); } else if ("PUT".equals(method)) { processEntityEnclosingMethod(); } else if ("HEAD".equals(method)) { processNonEntityEnclosingMethod(); } else if ("OPTIONS".equals(method)) { processNonEntityEnclosingMethod(); } else if ("DELETE".equals(method)) { processGetAndDelete("DELETE"); } else if ("TRACE".equals(method)) { processNonEntityEnclosingMethod(); } else if ("PATCH".equals(method)) { processEntityEnclosingMethod(); } else { handleException("Unsupported method : " + method, null); } // here the RequestResponseTransport plays an important role when it comes to // dual channel invocation. This is becasue we need to ACK to the request once the request // is received to synapse. Otherwise we will not be able to support the single channel // invocation within the actual service and synapse for a dual channel request from the // client. if (isAckRequired()) { String respWritten = ""; if (msgContext.getOperationContext() != null) { respWritten = (String) msgContext.getOperationContext().getProperty( Constants.RESPONSE_WRITTEN); } boolean respWillFollow = !Constants.VALUE_TRUE.equals(respWritten) && !"SKIP".equals(respWritten); boolean acked = (((RequestResponseTransport) msgContext.getProperty( RequestResponseTransport.TRANSPORT_CONTROL)).getStatus() == RequestResponseTransport.RequestResponseTransportStatus.ACKED); boolean forced = msgContext.isPropertyTrue(NhttpConstants.FORCE_SC_ACCEPTED); boolean nioAck = msgContext.isPropertyTrue("NIO-ACK-Requested", false); if (respWillFollow || acked || forced || nioAck) { if (!nioAck) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Sending 202 Accepted response for MessageID : " + msgContext.getMessageID() + " response written : " + respWritten + " response will follow : " + respWillFollow + " acked : " + acked + " forced ack : " + forced); } response.setStatusCode(HttpStatus.SC_ACCEPTED); } else { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Sending ACK response with status " + msgContext.getProperty(NhttpConstants.HTTP_SC) + ", for MessageID : " + msgContext.getMessageID()); } response.setStatusCode(Integer.parseInt( msgContext.getProperty(NhttpConstants.HTTP_SC).toString())); Map<String, String> responseHeaders = (Map<String, String>) msgContext.getProperty(MessageContext.TRANSPORT_HEADERS); if (responseHeaders != null) { for (String headerName : responseHeaders.keySet()) { response.addHeader(headerName, responseHeaders.get(headerName)); String excessProp = NhttpConstants.EXCESS_TRANSPORT_HEADERS; Map map = (Map) msgContext.getProperty(excessProp); if (map != null) { log.debug("Number of excess values for " + headerName + " header is : " + ((Collection) (map.get(headerName))) .size()); for (Iterator iterator = map.keySet() .iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { String key = (String) iterator.next(); for (String excessVal : (Collection<String>) map .get(key)) { response.addHeader(headerName, (String) excessVal); } } } } } } if (metrics != null) { metrics.incrementMessagesSent(); } try { /* * Remove Content-Length and Transfer-Encoding headers, if already present. * */ response.removeHeaders(HTTP.TRANSFER_ENCODING); response.removeHeaders(HTTP.CONTENT_LEN); serverHandler.commitResponse(conn, response); } catch (HttpException e) { if (metrics != null) { metrics.incrementFaultsSending(); } handleException("Unexpected HTTP protocol error : " + e.getMessage(), e); } catch (ConnectionClosedException e) { if (metrics != null) { metrics.incrementFaultsSending(); } log.warn("Connection closed by client (Connection closed)"); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { if (metrics != null) { metrics.incrementFaultsSending(); } log.warn("Connection closed by client (Buffer closed)"); } catch (IOException e) { if (metrics != null) { metrics.incrementFaultsSending(); } handleException("IO Error sending response message", e); } catch (Exception e) { if (metrics != null) { metrics.incrementFaultsSending(); } handleException("General Error sending response message", e); } if (is != null) { try { is.close(); } catch (IOException ignore) {} } // make sure that the output stream is flushed and closed properly try { os.flush(); os.close(); } catch (IOException ignore) {} } } } private boolean isAckRequired() { // This condition is a bit complex but cannot simplify any further. if (msgContext != null) { if (msgContext.getOperationContext() != null && (!msgContext.getOperationContext().getAxisOperation().isControlOperation() || msgContext.isPropertyTrue(NhttpConstants.FORCE_SC_ACCEPTED))) { return true; } else if (msgContext.isPropertyTrue("NIO-ACK-Requested", false)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * */ private void processEntityEnclosingMethod() { try { Header contentType = request.getFirstHeader(HTTP.CONTENT_TYPE); String contentTypeStr = contentType != null ? contentType.getValue() : inferContentType(); String charSetEncoding = BuilderUtil.getCharSetEncoding(contentTypeStr); msgContext.setProperty( Constants.Configuration.CHARACTER_SET_ENCODING, charSetEncoding); if (HTTPTransportUtils.isRESTRequest(contentTypeStr) || isRest(contentTypeStr)) { RESTUtil.processPOSTRequest(msgContext, is, os, request.getRequestLine().getUri(), contentTypeStr, isRestDispatching); } else { Header soapAction = request.getFirstHeader(SOAPACTION); HTTPTransportUtils.processHTTPPostRequest( msgContext, is, os, contentTypeStr, (soapAction != null ? soapAction.getValue() : null), request.getRequestLine().getUri()); } } catch (Exception e) { handleException("Error processing POST request ", e); } } private boolean isRest(String contentType) { return contentType != null && contentType.indexOf(SOAP11Constants.SOAP_11_CONTENT_TYPE) == -1 && contentType.indexOf(SOAP12Constants.SOAP_12_CONTENT_TYPE) == -1; } private String inferContentType() { Parameter param = cfgCtx.getAxisConfiguration(). getParameter(NhttpConstants.REQUEST_CONTENT_TYPE); if (param != null) { return param.getValue().toString(); } return null; } /** * Process HEAD, DELETE, TRACE, OPTIONS */ private void processNonEntityEnclosingMethod() { try { RESTUtil.processURLRequest( msgContext, os, null, request.getRequestLine().getUri()); } catch (AxisFault e) { handleException("Error processing " + request.getRequestLine().getMethod() + " request for : " + request.getRequestLine().getUri(), e); } } /** * Calls the RESTUtil to process GET and DELETE Request * * @param method HTTP method, either GET or DELETE */ private void processGetAndDelete(String method) { try { RESTUtil.processGetAndDeleteRequest( msgContext, os, request.getRequestLine().getUri(), request.getFirstHeader(HTTP.CONTENT_TYPE), method, isRestDispatching); // do not let the output stream close (as by default below) since // we are serving this GET/DELETE request through the Synapse engine } catch (AxisFault axisFault) { handleException("Error processing " + method + " request for: " + request.getRequestLine().getUri(), axisFault); } } private void handleException(String msg, Exception e) { if (e == null) { log.error(msg); } else { log.error(msg, e); } Exception newException = e; if (e == null) { newException = new Exception(msg); } try { MessageContext faultContext = MessageContextBuilder.createFaultMessageContext( msgContext, newException); AxisEngine.sendFault(faultContext); } catch (Exception ex) { response.setStatusCode(HttpStatus.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); response.addHeader(CONTENT_TYPE, TEXT_XML); conn.getContext().setAttribute(NhttpConstants.FORCE_CONNECTION_CLOSE, true); serverHandler.commitResponseHideExceptions(conn, response); try { if (is != null) { try { is.close(); } catch (IOException ignore) {} } String body = "<html><body><h1>" + "Failed to process the request" + "</h1><p>"+ msg + "</p>"; if (e != null) { body = body + "<p>"+ e.getMessage() + "</p></body></html>"; } if (ex != null) { body = body + "<p>"+ ex.getMessage() + "</p></body></html>"; } os.write(body.getBytes()); os.flush(); os.close(); } catch (IOException ignore) {} } } public HttpResponse getResponse() { return response; } public OutputStream getOutputStream() { return os; } public InputStream getIs() { return is; } public ServerHandler getServiceHandler() { return serverHandler; } public NHttpServerConnection getConn() { return conn; } public String getRemoteAddress() { return remoteAddress; } }