package models; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import javax.persistence.CascadeType; import javax.persistence.Column; import javax.persistence.DiscriminatorColumn; import javax.persistence.Entity; import javax.persistence.Id; import javax.persistence.Inheritance; import javax.persistence.InheritanceType; import javax.persistence.JoinColumn; import javax.persistence.JoinTable; import javax.persistence.ManyToMany; import javax.persistence.ManyToOne; import javax.persistence.MappedSuperclass; import javax.persistence.OneToMany; import javax.persistence.Table; import javax.persistence.Transient; import javax.persistence.Version; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import play.Logger; import; import play.db.ebean.Model; import scala.NotImplementedError; import; import; import; import com.avaje.ebean.Expr; import com.avaje.ebean.ExpressionList; import com.avaje.ebean.Page; import com.avaje.ebean.annotation.Transactional; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnore; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty; /** * Taxonomy entity managed by Ebean */ @Entity @Table(name="taxonomy") @Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.SINGLE_TABLE) @DiscriminatorColumn(name="ttype") public class Taxonomy extends ActModelMappedSuperClass { public final static String TAXONOMY_TERM = "taxonomy_term"; public static final String TAXONOMY_PARENTS = "taxonomy_parents"; public static final String TAXONOMY_PARENTS_ALL = "taxonomy_parents_all"; /** * MappedSuperClass "superclass" is needed as * "Properties from superclasses not mapped as @MappedSuperclass are ignored" */ private static final long serialVersionUID = -8987367110038045775L; @JsonIgnore @ManyToMany(cascade = CascadeType.REFRESH) @JoinTable(name = "taxonomy_user", joinColumns = { @JoinColumn(name = "taxonomy_id", referencedColumnName="id") }, inverseJoinColumns = { @JoinColumn(name = "user_id", referencedColumnName="id") }) public List<User> ownerUsers; @JsonIgnore @ManyToOne(optional=true) @JoinColumn(name = "taxonomyType_id") public TaxonomyType taxonomyType; @Column(insertable=false, updatable=false) public String ttype; @Column(name="start_date") public Date startDate; @Column(name="end_date") public Date endDate; @Transient public String startDateText; @Transient public String endDateText; @OneToMany(mappedBy="taxonomy") public List<Highlight> highlights; // Used during import: @JsonIgnore @Transient public String parentName; public Taxonomy() {} public Taxonomy(String name) { = name; } public Taxonomy(String name, String description) { this(name); this.description = description; } // -- Queries public static Model.Finder<Long,Taxonomy> findTaxonomy = new Model.Finder<>(Long.class, Taxonomy.class); /** * Retrieve Taxonomy for user */ public static List<Taxonomy> findInvolving() { return findTaxonomy.all(); } /** * Retrieve all Taxonomies */ public static List<Taxonomy> findAll() { return findTaxonomy.all(); } /** * Retrieve an object by Id (tid). * @param nid * @return object */ public static Taxonomy findById(Long id) { Taxonomy res = findTaxonomy.where().eq(Const.ID, id).findUnique(); return res; } /** * Retrieve a taxonomy by title. * @param title * @return taxonomy object */ public static Taxonomy findByName(String name) { return findTaxonomy.where().eq("name", name).findUnique(); } public static Taxonomy findByNameAndType(String name, String type) { return findTaxonomy.where().eq("name", name).eq("ttype", type).findUnique(); } /** * Create a new Taxonomy. */ public static Taxonomy create(String name) { Taxonomy Taxonomy = new Taxonomy(name);; return Taxonomy; } /** * Rename a Taxonomy */ public static String rename(Long TaxonomyId, String newName) { Taxonomy Taxonomy = (Taxonomy) findTaxonomy.ref(TaxonomyId); = newName; Taxonomy.update(); return newName; } /** * Retrieve a taxonomy object by URL. * @param url * @return taxonomy object */ public static Taxonomy findByUrlExt(String url) { // Logger.debug("taxonomy findByUrl: " + url); Taxonomy res = new Taxonomy(); if (url != null && url.length() > 0 && !url.equals(Const.NONE)) { res = findTaxonomy.where().eq(Const.URL, url).findUnique(); } else { = Const.NONE; } return res; } /** * Retrieve a Taxonomy by URL. * @param url * @return taxonomy object */ public static Taxonomy findByUrl(String url) { Taxonomy taxonomy = findTaxonomy.where().eq(Const.URL, url).findUnique(); return taxonomy; } /** * Retrieve a Taxonomy by URL. * @param url * @return taxonomy object */ public static String findTaxonomyNamesByUrl(String url) { String res = Const.NONE; if (url != null && url.length() > 0) { if (url.contains(Const.LIST_DELIMITER)) { String[] parts = url.split(Const.LIST_DELIMITER); for (String part: parts) { Taxonomy taxonomy = findTaxonomy.where().eq(Const.URL, part).findUnique(); if (taxonomy != null) { if (res.equals(Const.NONE)) { res =; } else { res = res + Const.LIST_DELIMITER +; } } } } else { Taxonomy taxonomy = findTaxonomy.where().eq(Const.URL, url).findUnique(); if (taxonomy != null) { res =; } } } return res; } /** * Retrieve an object by Id (tid). * @param nid * @return QA status name */ public static String findQAStatusById(Long id) { Taxonomy taxonomy = findTaxonomy.where().eq(Const.ID, id).findUnique(); String res =; return res; } /** * Retrieve a Taxonomy by name. * @param QA status name * @return taxonomy object */ public static Taxonomy findQaIssueByName(String name) { Taxonomy res = new Taxonomy(); if (name != null && name.length() > 0 && !name.contains(Const.COMMA)) { Taxonomy res2 = findTaxonomy.where().eq(Const.NAME, name).findUnique(); if (res2 == null) { = Const.NONE; } else { res = res2; } // Logger.debug("taxonomy name: " +; } else { = Const.NONE; } return res; } /** * Retrieve a QA status by URL. * @param url * @return QA status string */ public static String findQaStatus(String url) { // Logger.debug("findQaStatus url: " + url); Taxonomy taxonomy = findByUrl(url); String res =; // Logger.debug("findQaStatus taxonomy: " + taxonomy); if ("No QA issues found (OK to publish)")) { res =; } if ("QA issues found")) { res =; } return res; } /** * Retrieve a QA status by URL. * @param url * @return QA status string */ public static String findQaStatusByName(String name) { // Logger.debug("findQaStatus name: " + name); Taxonomy taxonomy = findQaIssueByName(name); String res =; // Logger.debug("findQaStatus taxonomy: " + taxonomy); // No QA issues found (OK to publish), QA issues found, Unknown // PASSED_PUBLISH_NO_ACTION_REQUIRED, ISSUE_NOTED, None if ("No QA issues found (OK to publish)")) { res =; } else if ("QA issues found")) { res =; } else if ("Unknown")) { res = Const.NONE_VALUE; } else { res = Const.NONE_VALUE; } return res; } /** * Retrieve a QA status by Name. * @param QA status name * @return QA status string */ public static String findQaStatusUrl(String name) { if (name.equals( { name = "No QA issues found (OK to publish)"; } else if (name.equals( { name = "QA issues found"; } Taxonomy taxonomy = findQaIssueByName(name); String res = taxonomy.url; if (res == null) { res = ""; } return res; } /** * Get a taxonomy by URL if exists in database. * @param url * @return */ public static Taxonomy getByUrl(String url) { Taxonomy res = new Taxonomy(); if (url != null && url.length() > 0 && !url.equals(Const.NONE)) { res = findTaxonomy.where().eq(Const.URL, url).findUnique(); } else { = Const.NONE; } return res; } /** * Retrieve a Taxonomy names by URL list given as a string. * @param url * @return taxonomy object */ public static String findNamesByUrls(String urls) { String res = ""; if (urls != null) { if (urls.contains(Const.LIST_DELIMITER)) { String[] parts = urls.split(Const.LIST_DELIMITER); for (String part: parts) { String name = findByUrl(part).name; res = res + name + Const.LIST_DELIMITER; } } else { res = urls; } } return res; } /** * Retrieve a Taxonomy list by URL. * @param url * @return taxonomy name */ public static List<Taxonomy> findListByUrl(String url) { List<Taxonomy> res = new ArrayList<Taxonomy>(); // Logger.debug("taxonomy url: " + url); if (url != null && url.length() > 0) { if (url.contains(Const.COMMA)) { List<String> resList = Arrays.asList(url.split(Const.COMMA)); Iterator<String> itr = resList.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { Taxonomy taxonomy = findByUrl(; res.add(taxonomy); } } else { Taxonomy taxonomy = findByUrl(url); res.add(taxonomy); } } return res; } /** * Retrieve a taxonomy by name. The origin of these subjects is from the configuration file. * @param title * @return taxonomy object */ public static Taxonomy findByNameConf(String name) { Taxonomy res = new Taxonomy(); if (name != null && name.length() > 0) { // Logger.debug("p1: " + name); if (name.contains(Const.COMMA)) { name = name.replace(Const.COMMA, Const.COMMA + " "); // in database entry with comma has additional space after comma } res = findTaxonomy.where() .eq(Const.NAME, name) .not(Expr.icontains(Const.PARENT, Const.ACT_URL)) // Expr.icontains(Const.FIELD_URL_NODE, filter), // Expr.icontains(Const.TITLE, filter) // )) // .(Const.PARENT, Const.ACT_URL) .findUnique(); } else { = Const.NONE; } // Logger.debug("res: " + res); return res; } /** * Retrieve a taxonomy by title for the case that multiple definitions for the same * title were created in database e.g. one retrieved from Drupal and second from * configuration files. * @param title * @return taxonomy object */ public static Taxonomy findByNameExt(String name) { Taxonomy res = new Taxonomy(); if (name != null && name.length() > 0) { // Logger.debug("p1: " + name); if (name.contains(Const.COMMA)) { name = name.replace(Const.COMMA, Const.COMMA + " "); // in database entry with comma has additional space after comma } ExpressionList<Taxonomy> ll = findTaxonomy.where().eq(Const.NAME, name); List<Taxonomy> taxonomyList = ll.findList(); if (taxonomyList.size() > 0) { res = taxonomyList.get(0); } else { = Const.NONE; } } else { = Const.NONE; } // Logger.debug("res: " + res); return res; } /** * This method normalize database entries with comma e.g. subjects. * @param name * @return normalized name */ public static String normalizeComma(String name) { String res = ""; if (name != null && name.length() > 0) { if (name.contains(Const.COMMA)) { name = name.replace(Const.COMMA, Const.COMMA + " "); // in database entry with comma has additional space after comma } res = name; } return res; } /** * This method formats taxonomy comma for database entries e.g. subjects. * @param name * @return normalized name */ public static String formatDbComma(String name) { String res = ""; if (name != null && name.length() > 0) { if (name.contains(Const.COMMA)) { name = name.replace(Const.COMMA + " ", Const.COMMA); // in database entry with comma has additional space after comma } res = name; } return res; } /** * Retrieve a taxonomy by title. * @param title * @return taxonomy object */ public static Taxonomy findByFullName(String name) { Taxonomy res = new Taxonomy(); Logger.debug("findByFullName: " + name); if (name != null && name.length() > 0) { res = findTaxonomy.where().eq(Const.NAME, name).findUnique(); } else { = Const.NONE; } // Logger.debug("res: " + res); return res; } /** * Retrieve a taxonomy by name and type. * @param title * @return taxonomy object */ public static Taxonomy findByFullNameExt(String name, String ttype) { Taxonomy res = new Taxonomy(); // Logger.debug("findByFullNameExt: " + name); if (name != null && name.length() > 0) { res = findTaxonomy.where().eq(Const.NAME, name).eq(Const.TTYPE, ttype).findUnique(); } else { = Const.NONE; } // Logger.debug("res: " + res); return res; } /** * This method returns taxonomy collection filtered by type e.g. license * @param type The taxonomy type * @return taxonomy list */ public static List<Taxonomy> findByType(String type) { List<Taxonomy> res = new ArrayList<Taxonomy>(); ExpressionList<Taxonomy> ll = findTaxonomy.where().eq(Const.TTYPE, type); res = ll.findList(); return res; } /** * Retrieve a Taxonomy list by type. * @param taxonomy type * @return taxonomy list */ public static List<Taxonomy> findListByType(String type) { List<Taxonomy> res = new ArrayList<Taxonomy>(); if (type != null && type.length() > 0) { ExpressionList<Taxonomy> ll = findTaxonomy.where().eq(Const.TTYPE, type); res = ll.findList(); } return res; } /** * This method retrieves subjects with parents - child level subjects. * @return */ public static List<Taxonomy> getChildLevelSubjects(String url) { List<Taxonomy> res = new ArrayList<Taxonomy>(); ExpressionList<Taxonomy> ll = findTaxonomy.where().eq(Const.PARENT, url); res = ll.findList(); return res; } /** * This method returns all taxonomies by type alphabetically sorted. * @return user list */ public static List<Taxonomy> findListByTypeSorted(String type) { List<Taxonomy> res = new ArrayList<Taxonomy>(); Page<Taxonomy> page = pageByType(0, findTaxonomy.all().size(), Const.NAME, Const.ASC, "", type); res = page.getList(); return res; } /** * This method returns all taxonomies by type alphabetically sorted. * @return user list */ public static List<Taxonomy> findListByTypeSortedAll() { List<Taxonomy> res = new ArrayList<Taxonomy>(); Page<Taxonomy> page = pageByTypeAll(0, findTaxonomy.all().size(), Const.NAME, Const.ASC, ""); res = page.getList(); Logger.debug("findListByTypeSortedAll() subjects list size: " + res.size()); return res; } /** * This method returns all taxonomies by type alphabetically sorted. * @return user list */ public static List<Taxonomy> findListByTypeSortedExt(String type, String value) { List<Taxonomy> res = new ArrayList<Taxonomy>(); Page<Taxonomy> page = pageByTypeAndValue(0, findTaxonomy.all().size(), Const.NAME, Const.ASC, "", type, value); res = page.getList(); return res; } /** * This method returns all taxonomies by type alphabetically sorted. * @return user list */ public static List<Taxonomy> findListByTypeAndParentSorted(String type, String parent) { List<Taxonomy> res = new ArrayList<Taxonomy>(); Page<Taxonomy> page = pageByTypeAndParent(0, findTaxonomy.all().size(), Const.NAME, Const.ASC, "", type, parent); res = page.getList(); return res; } /** * Retrieve a list of the 2nd level subjects by parent name. * @param parent name as a string * @return 2nd level subjects list */ public static List<Taxonomy> findSubSubjectsList(String parent) { List<Taxonomy> res = new ArrayList<Taxonomy>(); if (parent != null && parent.length() > 0) { // Logger.debug("findSubSubjectsList() parent: " + parent); parent = formatDbComma(parent); ExpressionList<Taxonomy> ll = findTaxonomy.where() .eq(Const.TTYPE, .eq(Const.PARENT, parent); res = ll.findList(); // Logger.debug("size: " + res.size()); } return res; } /** * Retrieve a Taxonomy by parent. * @param taxonomy parent * @return taxonomy object */ public static Taxonomy findByParent(String parent) { Taxonomy res = null; if (parent != null && parent.length() > 0) { res = findTaxonomy.where().eq(Const.PARENT, parent).findUnique(); } return res; } /** * This method retrieves subject index by name. * @param subject * @return subject index in selection list */ public static int getSubjectIndexByName(String subject) { int res = 0; List<Taxonomy> subjectList = findListByType(Const.SUBJECT); Iterator<Taxonomy> itr = subjectList.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { Taxonomy taxonomy =; if ( { break; } res++; } return res; } /** * This method filters taxonomies by name and returns a list * of filtered taxonomy objects. * @param name * @return */ public static List<Taxonomy> filterByName(String name) { List<Taxonomy> res = new ArrayList<Taxonomy>(); ExpressionList<Taxonomy> ll = findTaxonomy.where().icontains(Const.NAME, name); res = ll.findList(); return res; } /** * This method filters subjects by name and returns a list * of filtered subject objects. * @param name * @return */ public static List<Taxonomy> filterSubjectsByName(String name) { List<Taxonomy> res = new ArrayList<Taxonomy>(); ExpressionList<Taxonomy> ll = findTaxonomy.where().icontains(Const.NAME, name) .add(Expr.or( Expr.eq(Const.TTYPE, Const.SUBJECT), Expr.eq(Const.TTYPE, Const.SUBSUBJECT) ) ); res = ll.findList(); return res; } /** * Return a page of Taxonomy * * @param page Page to display * @param pageSize Number of targets per page * @param sortBy Target property used for sorting * @param order Sort order (either or asc or desc) * @param filter Filter applied on the name column */ public static Page<Taxonomy> page(int page, int pageSize, String sortBy, String order, String filter) { return findTaxonomy.where().icontains(Const.NAME, filter) .orderBy(sortBy + " " + order) .findPagingList(pageSize) .setFetchAhead(false) .getPage(page); } /** * Return a page of Taxonomy by Type * * @param page Page to display * @param pageSize Number of targets per page * @param sortBy Target property used for sorting * @param order Sort order (either or asc or desc) * @param type Taxonomy type * @param filter Filter applied on the name column */ public static Page<Taxonomy> pageByType(int page, int pageSize, String sortBy, String order, String filter, String type) { return findTaxonomy.where().icontains(Const.NAME, filter) .eq(Const.TTYPE, type) .orderBy(sortBy + " " + order) .findPagingList(pageSize) .setFetchAhead(false) .getPage(page); } /** * Return a page of Taxonomy by Type * * @param page Page to display * @param pageSize Number of targets per page * @param sortBy Target property used for sorting * @param order Sort order (either or asc or desc) * @param type Taxonomy type * @param filter Filter applied on the name column */ public static Page<Taxonomy> pageByTypeAll(int page, int pageSize, String sortBy, String order, String filter) { return findTaxonomy.where() .icontains(Const.NAME, filter) .add(Expr.or( Expr.icontains(Const.TTYPE, Const.SUBJECT), Expr.icontains(Const.TTYPE, Const.SUBSUBJECT) )) .add(Expr.or( Expr.isNull(Const.PARENT), Expr.not(Expr.icontains(Const.PARENT, Const.ACT_URL)) )) .orderBy(sortBy + " " + order) .findPagingList(pageSize) .setFetchAhead(false) .getPage(page); } /** * Return a page of Taxonomy by Type * * @param page Page to display * @param pageSize Number of targets per page * @param sortBy Target property used for sorting * @param order Sort order (either or asc or desc) * @param type Taxonomy type * @param filter Filter applied on the name column */ public static Page<Taxonomy> pageByTypeAndValue(int page, int pageSize, String sortBy, String order, String filter, String type, String value) { // .add(Expr.or( // Expr.icontains(Const.FIELD_URL_NODE, filter), // Expr.icontains(Const.TITLE, filter) // )) return findTaxonomy.where() .icontains(Const.NAME, filter) .eq(Const.TTYPE, type) .orderBy(sortBy + " " + order) .findPagingList(pageSize) .setFetchAhead(false) .getPage(page); } /** * Return a page of Taxonomy by Type * * @param page Page to display * @param pageSize Number of targets per page * @param sortBy Target property used for sorting * @param order Sort order (either or asc or desc) * @param type Taxonomy type * @param filter Filter applied on the name column */ public static Page<Taxonomy> pageByTypeAndParent(int page, int pageSize, String sortBy, String order, String filter, String type, String parent) { return findTaxonomy.where().icontains(Const.NAME, filter) .eq(Const.TTYPE, type) .eq(Const.PARENT, parent) .orderBy(sortBy + " " + order) .findPagingList(pageSize) .setFetchAhead(false) .getPage(page); } /** * This method calculates selected taxonomies for presentation in view page. * @param type The type of taxonomy * @param target The target object * @return taxonomy list as a string */ public static String getSelectedSubjects(String type, Target target) { String res = ""; List<Taxonomy> taxonomyList = Taxonomy.findListByType(type); Iterator<Taxonomy> itr = taxonomyList.iterator(); boolean firstTime = true; while (itr.hasNext()) { Taxonomy taxonomy =; if(target.hasSubject(taxonomy.url)) { if (firstTime) { res =; firstTime = false; } else { res = res + Const.COMMA + " " +; } } } if (res.length() == 0) { res = Const.NONE; } return res; } /** * This method calculates selected taxonomies for presentation in view page. * @param type The type of taxonomy * @param target The target object * @return taxonomy list as a string */ public static String getSelectedLicenses(String type, Target target) { String res = ""; List<Taxonomy> taxonomyList = Taxonomy.findListByType(type); Iterator<Taxonomy> itr = taxonomyList.iterator(); boolean firstTime = true; while (itr.hasNext()) { Taxonomy taxonomy =; if(target.hasLicense(taxonomy.url)) { if (firstTime) { res =; firstTime = false; } else { res = res + Const.COMMA + " " +; } } } if (res.length() == 0) { res = Const.NONE; } return res; } /** * This method calculates selected taxonomies for presentation in view page. * @param type The type of taxonomy * @param targetName The instance object * @return taxonomy list as a string */ public static String getSelectedSubjectsByInstance(String type, Instance instance) { String res = ""; List<Taxonomy> taxonomyList = Taxonomy.findListByType(type); Iterator<Taxonomy> itr = taxonomyList.iterator(); boolean firstTime = true; while (itr.hasNext()) { Taxonomy taxonomy =; // if(instance.hasSubject(taxonomy.url)) { // if (firstTime) { // res =; // firstTime = false; // } else { // res = res + Const.COMMA + " " +; // } // } } if (res.length() == 0) { res = Const.NONE; } return res; } /** * This method calculates selected taxonomies in second level for presentation in view page. * @param type The type of taxonomy * @param target The target object * @return taxonomy list as a string */ public static String getSelectedSubjectsSecondLevel(String type, Target target) { String res = ""; boolean firstTime = true; List<Taxonomy> taxonomyList = Taxonomy.findListByType(type); Iterator<Taxonomy> itr = taxonomyList.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { Taxonomy taxonomy =; List<Taxonomy> subTaxonomyList = Taxonomy.findSubSubjectsList(; Iterator<Taxonomy> itrSub = subTaxonomyList.iterator(); while (itrSub.hasNext()) { Taxonomy subTaxonomy =; if(target.hasSubSubject(subTaxonomy.url)) { if (firstTime) { res =; firstTime = false; } else { res = res + Const.COMMA + " " +; } } } } if (res.length() == 0) { res = Const.NONE; } return res; } /** * This method calculates selected taxonomies in second level for presentation in view page. * @param type The type of taxonomy * @param targetName The target object * @return taxonomy list as a string */ public static String getSelectedSubjectsList(String type, String targetUrl) { String res = ""; boolean firstTime = true; Target target = Target.findByUrl(targetUrl); if (target != null) { List<Taxonomy> taxonomyList = Taxonomy.findListByType(type); Iterator<Taxonomy> itr = taxonomyList.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { Taxonomy taxonomy =; List<Taxonomy> subTaxonomyList = Taxonomy.findSubSubjectsList(; Iterator<Taxonomy> itrSub = subTaxonomyList.iterator(); while (itrSub.hasNext()) { Taxonomy subTaxonomy =; if(target.hasSubSubject(subTaxonomy.url)) { if (firstTime) { res =; firstTime = false; } else { res = res + Const.COMMA + " " +; } } } } } if (res.length() == 0) { res = Const.NONE; } return res; } /** * This method calculates selected taxonomies in second level for presentation in view page. * @param type The type of taxonomy * @param targetName The instance object * @return taxonomy list as a string */ public static String getSelectedSubjectsByInstanceSecondLevel(String type, Instance instance) { String res = ""; boolean firstTime = true; List<Taxonomy> taxonomyList = Taxonomy.findListByType(type); Iterator<Taxonomy> itr = taxonomyList.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { Taxonomy taxonomy =; List<Taxonomy> subTaxonomyList = Taxonomy.findSubSubjectsList(; Iterator<Taxonomy> itrSub = subTaxonomyList.iterator(); while (itrSub.hasNext()) { Taxonomy subTaxonomy =; // if(instance.hasSubSubject(subTaxonomy.url)) { // if (firstTime) { // res =; // firstTime = false; // } else { // res = res + Const.COMMA + " " +; // } // } } } if (res.length() == 0) { res = Const.NONE; } return res; } /** * This method retrieves selected subjects from target object. * @param targetUrl * @return */ public static List<Taxonomy> getSelectedSubjects(String targetUrl) { // Logger.debug("getSelectedSubjects() targetUrl: " + targetUrl); // List<Taxonomy> res = new ArrayList<Taxonomy>(); // if (targetUrl != null && targetUrl.length() > 0) { // Target target = Target.findByUrl(targetUrl); // if (target.fieldSubject != null) { //// Logger.debug("getSelectedSubjects() field_subject: " + target.field_subject); // String[] parts = target.fieldSubject.split(Const.COMMA + " "); // for (String part: parts) { //// Logger.debug("part: " + part); // Taxonomy subject = findByUrl(part); // if (subject != null && != null && > 0) { //// Logger.debug("subject name: " +; // res.add(subject); // } // } // } // } // return res; throw new NotImplementedError(); } /** * This method retrieves selected subjects from target object. * @param targetUrl * @return */ public static List<Taxonomy> getSelectedSubjectsForInstance(String targetUrl) { // Logger.debug("getSelectedSubjects() targetUrl: " + targetUrl); List<Taxonomy> res = new ArrayList<Taxonomy>(); if (targetUrl != null && targetUrl.length() > 0) { Instance target = Instance.findByUrl(targetUrl); // if (target.fieldSubject != null) { //// Logger.debug("getSelectedSubjects() field_subject: " + target.field_subject); // String[] parts = target.fieldSubject.split(Const.COMMA + " "); // for (String part: parts) { //// Logger.debug("part: " + part); // Taxonomy subject = findByUrl(part); // if (subject != null && != null && > 0) { //// Logger.debug("subject name: " +; // res.add(subject); // } // } // } } return res; } /** * This method retrieves selected licenses from target object. * @param targetUrl * @return */ public static List<Taxonomy> getSelectedLicenses(String targetUrl) { // Logger.debug("getSelectedLicenses() targetUrl: " + targetUrl); // List<Taxonomy> res = new ArrayList<Taxonomy>(); // if (targetUrl != null && targetUrl.length() > 0) { // Target target = Target.findByUrl(targetUrl); // if (target.fieldLicense != null) { //// Logger.debug("getSelectedLicenses() field_license: " + target.field_license); // String[] parts = target.fieldLicense.split(Const.COMMA + " "); // for (String part: parts) { //// Logger.debug("part: " + part); // Taxonomy license = findByUrl(part); // if (license != null && != null && > 0) { //// Logger.debug("license name: " +; // res.add(license); // } // } // } // } // return res; throw new NotImplementedError(); } /** * This method retrieves selected subjects from instance object. * @param targetUrl * @return */ public static List<Taxonomy> getSelectedSubjectsByInstance(String targetUrl) { // Logger.debug("getSelectedSubjectsByInstance() targetUrl: " + targetUrl); List<Taxonomy> res = new ArrayList<Taxonomy>(); if (targetUrl != null && targetUrl.length() > 0) { Instance target = Instance.findByUrl(targetUrl); // if (target.fieldSubject != null) { //// Logger.debug("getSelectedSubjectsByInstance() field_subject: " + target.field_subject); // String[] parts = target.fieldSubject.split(Const.COMMA + " "); // for (String part: parts) { //// Logger.debug("part: " + part); // Taxonomy subject = findByUrl(part); // if (subject != null && != null && > 0) { //// Logger.debug("subject name: " +; // res.add(subject); // } // } // } } return res; } /** * This method presents subjects list for view page. * @param list * @return presentation string */ public static String getSubjectsAsString(List<Taxonomy> list) { String res = ""; // Logger.debug("getSubjectsAsString() list size: " + list.size()); Iterator<Taxonomy> itr = list.iterator(); boolean firstTime = true; while (itr.hasNext()) { Taxonomy subject =; if (firstTime) { // Logger.debug("add first " +; res =; firstTime = false; } else { // Logger.debug("add " +; res = res + Const.COMMA + " " +; } } if (res.length() == 0) { res = Const.NONE; } return res; } public static Taxonomy findByTypeAndUrl(String type, String url) { Taxonomy taxonomy = findTaxonomy.where().eq(Const.TTYPE, type).eq(Const.URL, url).findUnique(); return taxonomy; } public List<User> getOwnerUsers() { return ownerUsers; } public void setOwnerUsers(List<User> ownerUsers) { this.ownerUsers = ownerUsers; } public TaxonomyType getTaxonomyType() { return taxonomyType; } public void setTaxonomyType(TaxonomyType taxonomyType) { this.taxonomyType = taxonomyType; } public String getTtype() { return ttype; } public void setTtype(String ttype) { this.ttype = ttype; } public String getStartDateText() { if (startDate != null) { startDateText = Utils.INSTANCE.convertToDateString(startDate); }else{ startDateText = ""; } return startDateText; } public String getEndDateText() { if (endDate != null) { endDateText = Utils.INSTANCE.convertToDateString(endDate); }else{ endDateText = ""; } return endDateText; } @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = super.hashCode(); result = prime * result + ((name == null) ? 0 : name.hashCode()); return result; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) return true; if (!super.equals(obj)) return false; if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false; Taxonomy other = (Taxonomy) obj; if (name == null) { if ( != null) return false; } else if (!name.equals( return false; return true; } @Override public String toString() { return "Taxonomy [name=" + name + ", description=" + description + ", ttype=" + ttype + ", startDate=" + startDate + ", endDate=" + endDate + ", publish=" + publish + "]"; } }