package controllers; import static; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import models.Nomination; import models.User; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import play.Logger; import; import; import play.libs.Json; import play.mvc.BodyParser; import play.mvc.Result; import play.mvc.Security; import; import; import; import views.html.licence.ukwalicenceresult; import views.html.nominations.newForm; import views.html.nominations.edit; import views.html.nominations.list; import views.html.nominations.nominationform; import views.html.nominations.view; import com.avaje.ebean.Ebean; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode; /** * Manage nominations. */ @Security.Authenticated(SecuredController.class) public class NominationController extends AbstractController { final static Form<Nomination> nominationForm = new PatchedForm<Nomination>(Nomination.class).bindFromRequest(); /** * Display the nomination. */ public static Result index() { Logger.debug("Nominations.index()"); return GO_HOME; } public static Result GO_HOME = redirect( routes.NominationController.list(0, "name", "asc", "") ); public static Result view(Long id) { Nomination nomination = Nomination.findById(id); if (nomination == null) return notFound("There is no Nomination with ID " + id); return ok( view.render(nomination, User.findByEmail(request().username()) ) ); } /** * This method enables searching for given URL and redirection in order to add new entry * if required. * @return */ public static Result search() { DynamicForm form = form().bindFromRequest(); String action = form.get("action"); String query = form.get(Const.QUERY); Logger.debug("query: " + query); Logger.debug("action: " + action); if (StringUtils.isBlank(query)) { Logger.debug("Nomination name is empty. Please write name in search window."); flash("message", "Please enter a name in the search window"); return redirect( routes.NominationController.list(0, "name", "asc", "") ); } int pageNo = getQueryParamAsInt(Const.PAGE_NO, 0); String sort = getQueryParam(Const.SORT_BY); String order = getQueryParam(Const.ORDER); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(action)) { return badRequest("You must provide a valid action"); } else { if (Const.ADDENTRY.equals(action)) { Nomination nomination = new Nomination(); = query; Logger.debug("add nomination name: " +; Form<Nomination> nominationFormNew = Form.form(Nomination.class); nominationFormNew = nominationFormNew.fill(nomination); User user = User.findByEmail(request().username()); return ok( newForm.render(nominationFormNew, user) ); } else if (Const.SEARCH.equals(action)) { return redirect(routes.NominationController.list(pageNo, sort, order, query)); } else { return badRequest("This action is not allowed"); } } } /** * This method loads new Nomination object using POST RESTful interface. * @return */ @BodyParser.Of(BodyParser.Json.class) public static Result load() { Logger.debug("nomination load()"); JsonNode json = request().body().asJson(); Logger.debug("nomination load() json: " + json); ObjectNode result = Json.newObject(); Logger.debug("nomination load() result: " + result); String name = json.findPath(Const.NAME).textValue(); Logger.debug("load nomination name: " + name); if(name == null) { result.put("status", "Not OK"); result.put("message", "Missing parameter [name]"); return badRequest(result); } else { result.put("status", "OK"); result.put("message", "Nomination " + name); Logger.debug("load nomination: " + name); Logger.debug("current nominations count for given name: " + Nomination.filterByName(name).size()); String title = json.findPath(Const.TITLE).textValue(); Logger.debug("load nomination title: " + title); String websiteUrl = json.findPath(Const.WEBSITE_URL).textValue(); Logger.debug("load nomination website_url: " + websiteUrl); String email = json.findPath(Const.EMAIL).textValue(); Logger.debug("load nomination email: " + email); String tel = json.findPath(Const.TEL).textValue(); Logger.debug("load nomination tel: " + tel); String address = json.findPath(Const.ADDRESS).textValue(); Logger.debug("load nomination address: " + address); boolean nominatedWebsiteOwner = json.findPath(Const.NOMINATED_WEBSITE_OWNER).booleanValue(); Logger.debug("load nomination nominated_website_owner: " + nominatedWebsiteOwner); String justification = json.findPath(Const.JUSTIFICATION).textValue(); Logger.debug("load nomination justification: " + justification); String notes = json.findPath(Const.NOTES).textValue(); Logger.debug("load nomination notes: " + notes); String nominationDate = json.findPath(Const.NOMINATION_DATE).textValue(); Logger.debug("load nomination nomination_date: " + nominationDate); Nomination nomination = new Nomination(); = name; nomination.title = title; nomination.websiteUrl = websiteUrl; = email; = tel; nomination.address = address; nomination.nominatedWebsiteOwner = nominatedWebsiteOwner; nomination.justification = justification; nomination.notes = notes; // TODO: UNIX DATE // nomination.nominationDate = nominationDate;; Logger.debug("saved nomination: " + nomination.toString()); Logger.debug("new nominations count for given name: " + Nomination.filterByName(name).size()); return ok(result); } } public static Result newForm() { Nomination nomination = new Nomination(); Form<Nomination> nominationForm = Form.form(Nomination.class); nominationForm = nominationForm.fill(nomination); return ok(newForm.render(nominationForm, User.findByEmail(request().username()))); } public static Result edit(Long id) { Nomination nomination = Nomination.findById(id); if (nomination == null) return notFound("There is no Nomination with ID " + id); Form<Nomination> nominationForm = Form.form(Nomination.class); nominationForm = nominationForm.fill(nomination); return ok(edit.render(nominationForm, User.findByEmail(request().username()), id)); } public static Result update(Long id) { Form<Nomination> filledForm = form(Nomination.class).bindFromRequest(); User user = User.findByEmail(request().username()); if (filledForm.hasErrors()) { return badRequest(edit.render(filledForm, user, id)); } String nomDate = filledForm.get().nominationDateText; if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(nomDate)) { try { Date date = Utils.INSTANCE.convertDate(nomDate); filledForm.get().nominationDate = date; } catch (ParseException e) { flash("message", "Nomination Date (dd-mm-yy) - Incorrect Format"); return badRequest(newForm.render(filledForm, user)); } } filledForm.get().update(id); flash("success", "Nomination " + filledForm.get().name + " has been updated"); return redirect(routes.NominationController.view(filledForm.get().id)); } /** * This method saves new object or changes on given Nomination in the same object * completed by revision comment. The "version" field in the Nomination object * contains the timestamp of the change. * @return */ public static Result save() { DynamicForm requestData = form().bindFromRequest(); String action = requestData.get("action"); User user = User.findByEmail(request().username()); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(action)) { if (action.equals("save")) { Form<Nomination> filledForm = form(Nomination.class).bindFromRequest(); if(filledForm.hasErrors()) { return badRequest(newForm.render(filledForm, user)); } String nomDate = filledForm.get().nominationDateText; if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(nomDate)) { try { Date date = Utils.INSTANCE.convertDate(nomDate); filledForm.get().nominationDate = date; } catch (ParseException e) { flash("message", "Nomination Date (dd-mm-yy) - Incorrect Format"); return badRequest(newForm.render(filledForm, user)); } } filledForm.get().save(); flash("success", "Nomination " + filledForm.get().name + " has been created"); return redirect(routes.NominationController.view(filledForm.get().id)); } else if(action.equals("delete")) { Form<Nomination> filledForm = nominationForm.bindFromRequest(); Nomination nomination = Nomination.findById(filledForm.get().id); nomination.delete(); return redirect(routes.NominationController.index()); } } return null; } @BodyParser.Of(BodyParser.Json.class) public static Result filterByJson(String name) { JsonNode jsonData = null; if (name != null) { List<Nomination> nominations = Nomination.filterByName(name); jsonData = Json.toJson(nominations); } return ok(jsonData); } /** * Display the paginated list of Curators. * * @param page Current page number (starts from 0) * @param sortBy Column to be sorted * @param order Sort order (either asc or desc) * @param filter Filter applied on target urls */ public static Result list(int pageNo, String sortBy, String order, String filter) { Logger.debug("Nominations.list()"); return ok( list.render( "Nominations", User.findByEmail(request().username()), filter,, 10, sortBy, order, filter), sortBy, order) ); } /** * This method presents licence form for selected nomination request * that is identified by the given permission URL. * @param permissionUrl * @return */ public static Result formpage() { return ok( nominationform.render() ); } public static String getCurrentDate() { return Utils.INSTANCE.getCurrentDate(); } /** * This method submits owner settings for UKWA licence. * @return */ public static Result submit() { Result res = null; Logger.debug("Nomination submit()"); String submit = getFormParam(Const.SUBMIT); Logger.debug("submit: " + submit); if (submit != null) { Logger.debug("save UKWA licence - name: " + getFormParam(Const.NAME)); Logger.debug("agree: " + getFormParam(Const.AGREE)); boolean isAgreed = Utils.INSTANCE.getNormalizeBooleanString(getFormParam(Const.AGREE)); Logger.debug("flags isAgreed: " + isAgreed ); if (getFormParam(Const.WEBSITE_URL) != null) { String target = getFormParam(Const.WEBSITE_URL); Nomination nomination = new Nomination(); = Utils.INSTANCE.createId(); nomination.url = Const.ACT_URL +; Logger.debug("add nomination with url: " + nomination.url + ", and name: " +; nomination.websiteUrl = target; if (getFormParam(Const.NAME) != null) { = getFormParam(Const.NAME); } if (getFormParam(Const.TITLE) != null) { nomination.title = getFormParam(Const.TITLE); } if (getFormParam(Const.DESCRIPTION) != null) { nomination.notes = getFormParam(Const.DESCRIPTION); } if (getFormParam(Const.LOG_DATE) != null) { // TODO: UNIX DATE // nomination.nominationDate = getFormParam(Const.LOG_DATE); } if (isAgreed) { // if (isAgreed && noThirdPartyContent && mayPublish) { nomination.justification =; } else { nomination.justification =; } if (getFormParam(Const.POSITION) != null) { nomination.address = getFormParam(Const.POSITION); } if (getFormParam(Const.EMAIL) != null) { = getFormParam(Const.EMAIL); } if (getFormParam(Const.PHONE) != null) { = getFormParam(Const.PHONE); }; } // contact person res = redirect(routes.NominationController.result()); } return res; } /** * Display the result of the licence form submission. */ public static Result result() { return ok( ukwalicenceresult.render() ); } }