package controllers; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import jsmessages.JsMessages; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import models.CommunicationLog; import models.ContactPerson; import models.CrawlPermission; import models.FieldUrl; import models.License; import models.MailTemplate; import models.Target; import models.Taxonomy; import models.User; import play.Logger; import; import; import play.libs.Json; import play.libs.Scala; import play.mvc.BodyParser; import play.mvc.Result; import play.mvc.Security; import; import; import; import; import; import views.html.licence.licences; import views.html.licence.ukwalicence; import views.html.licence.ukwalicenceresult; import com.avaje.ebean.Ebean; import com.avaje.ebean.ExpressionList; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode; /** * Support for adding owner licence. */ public class LicenseController extends AbstractController { /** * Display the licence form. */ @Security.Authenticated(SecuredController.class) public static Result index() { return view(License.findAllLicenses().get(0).id); } @Security.Authenticated(SecuredController.class) public static Result view(Long id) { License license = License.findById(id);"License: "+license); if (license != null) { if (request().accepts("text/html")) { User user = User.findByEmail(request().username()); CrawlPermission cp = new CrawlPermission(); cp.contactPerson = new ContactPerson(); cp.setLicense(license); = new Target(); return ok(ukwalicence.render(cp, false)); } else { return ok(Json.toJson(license)); } } else { return notFound("There is no License with ID "+id); } } /** * Returns JavaScript containing i18n messages for the license view * @return Response */ public static Result messagesJs(){ // See JsMessages jsMessages = JsMessages.filtering (play.Play.application(), new play.libs.F.Function<String, Boolean>(){ @Override public Boolean apply(String key) { return key.startsWith("license.") || key.startsWith("form."); } }); return ok(jsMessages.generateAll(Scala.Option("window.Messages").get())).as("application/javascript"); } /** * This method presents licence form for selected premission request * that is identified by the given permission URL. * @param permissionUrl * @return * @throws ActException */ public static Result form(String token) throws ActException { CrawlPermission crawlPermission = CrawlPermission.showByToken(token); if (crawlPermission == null) { throw new ActException("CrawlPermission Not Found found for token: " + token); } // Only allow unset permissions to be edited: boolean enabled = true; if( crawlPermission.isCompleted() ) enabled = false; return ok( ukwalicence.render(crawlPermission, enabled) ); } /** * This method presents licence form view for selected premission request * that is identified by the given permission URL. All fields are disabled. * @param permissionUrl * @return * @throws ActException */ @Security.Authenticated(SecuredController.class) public static Result formview(String token) throws ActException { CrawlPermission crawlPermission = CrawlPermission.showByToken(token); if (crawlPermission == null) { throw new ActException("CrawlPermission Not Found found for token: " + token); } return ok( ukwalicence.render(crawlPermission, false) ); } @Security.Authenticated(SecuredController.class) public static String getCurrentDate() { return Utils.INSTANCE.getCurrentDate(); } /** * Send acknowledgment to the site owner * @param ownerEmail * @param permission The crawl permission that comprises outputs the data entered into the licence form */ @Security.Authenticated(SecuredController.class) public static void sendAcknowledgementToSiteOwner(String ownerEmail, CrawlPermission permission) { MailTemplate mailTemplate = permission.acknowledgementMailTemplate != null ? permission.acknowledgementMailTemplate : MailTemplate.findByName(Const.ACKNOWLEDGEMENT); if( mailTemplate == null ) { Logger.error("NO Acknowledgement template found!"); return; } Logger.debug("sendAcknowledgementToSiteOwner mailTemplate: " + mailTemplate); String messageSubject = mailTemplate.subject; // Logger.debug("sendAcknowledgementToSiteOwner text: " + mailTemplate.text); String messageBody = mailTemplate.readTemplate(); // String messageBody = mailTemplate.text; // StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); // sb.append(Const.CSV_LINE_END); // sb.append(Const.LICENCE_ACK + Const.TWO_POINTS + permission.license + Const.CSV_LINE_END); // sb.append(Const.CSV_LINE_END); // sb.append(Const.WEBSITE_TITLE_ACK + Const.TWO_POINTS + + Const.CSV_LINE_END); // sb.append(Const.CSV_LINE_END); // sb.append(Const.WEB_ADDRESS_ACK + Const.TWO_POINTS + + Const.CSV_LINE_END); // sb.append(Const.CSV_LINE_END); // sb.append(Const.NAME_ACK + Const.TWO_POINTS + + Const.CSV_LINE_END); // sb.append(Const.CSV_LINE_END); // sb.append(Const.POSITION_ACK + Const.TWO_POINTS + permission.contactPerson.position + Const.CSV_LINE_END); // sb.append(Const.CSV_LINE_END); // sb.append(Const.EMAIL_ACK + Const.TWO_POINTS + + Const.CSV_LINE_END); // sb.append(Const.CSV_LINE_END); // sb.append(Const.CONTACT_ORGANISATION_ACK + Const.TWO_POINTS + permission.contactPerson.contactOrganisation + Const.CSV_LINE_END); // sb.append(Const.CSV_LINE_END); // sb.append(Const.TEL_ACK + Const.TWO_POINTS + + Const.CSV_LINE_END); // sb.append(Const.CSV_LINE_END); // sb.append(Const.POSTAL_ADDRESS_ACK + Const.TWO_POINTS + permission.contactPerson.postalAddress + Const.CSV_LINE_END); // sb.append(Const.CSV_LINE_END); // sb.append(Const.DESCRIPTION_ACK + Const.TWO_POINTS + permission.anyOtherInformation + Const.CSV_LINE_END); // sb.append(Const.CSV_LINE_END); // sb.append(Const.THIRD_PARTY_ACK + Const.TWO_POINTS + Utils.INSTANCE.showBooleanAsString(permission.thirdPartyContent) + Const.CSV_LINE_END); // sb.append(Const.CSV_LINE_END); // sb.append(Const.AGREE_ACK + Const.TWO_POINTS + Utils.INSTANCE.showBooleanAsString(permission.agree) + Const.CSV_LINE_END); // sb.append(Const.CSV_LINE_END); // sb.append(Const.DATE_ACK + Const.TWO_POINTS + permission.createdAt + Const.CSV_LINE_END); // sb.append(Const.CSV_LINE_END); // sb.append(Const.PUBLICITY_ACK + Const.TWO_POINTS + Utils.INSTANCE.showBooleanAsString(permission.publish) + Const.CSV_LINE_END); // sb.append(Const.CSV_LINE_END); // String targetUrl = routes.TargetController.view(; String targetUrls =; messageBody = CrawlPermission. replaceStringInText( messageBody , Const.PLACE_HOLDER_DELIMITER + mailTemplate.placeHolders + Const.PLACE_HOLDER_DELIMITER , targetUrls); Logger.debug("sendAcknowledgementToSiteOwner messageBody: " + messageBody); EmailHelper.sendMessage(ownerEmail, messageSubject, messageBody); } /** * This method submits owner settings for UKWA licence. * @return * @throws ActException */ public static Result submit() throws ActException { Result res = null; Logger.debug("Licence controller submit()"); DynamicForm requestData = Form.form().bindFromRequest(); String action = requestData.get("action"); try { if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(action)) { if (action.equals("submit")) { String token = requestData.get("token"); CrawlPermission permission = CrawlPermission.findByToken(token); // Reject this action if permissions already submitted: if( permission.isCompleted() ) { flash("message", "This form has already been completed!"); return ok( ukwalicence.render(permission, false) ); } // Update the CrawlPermission Logger.debug("save UKWA licence - name: " + getFormParam(Const.NAME)); Logger.debug("agree: " + getFormParam(Const.AGREE)); boolean isAgreed = Utils.INSTANCE.getNormalizeBooleanString(getFormParam(Const.AGREE)); boolean noThirdPartyContent = false; if (getFormParam(Const.CONTENT) != null) { Logger.debug("content: " + getFormParam(Const.CONTENT)); Long noThirdPartyContentValue = Long.valueOf(getFormParam(Const.CONTENT)); if (noThirdPartyContentValue == 1L) { noThirdPartyContent = true; } } boolean mayPublish = false; if (getFormParam(Const.PUBLISH) != null) { Logger.debug("mayPublish: " + getFormParam(Const.PUBLISH)); Long mayPublishValue = Long.valueOf(getFormParam(Const.PUBLISH)); if (mayPublishValue == 1L) { mayPublish = true; } } Logger.debug("flags isAgreed: " + isAgreed + ", noThirdPartyContent: " + noThirdPartyContent + ", mayPublish: " + mayPublish); // we already have target Logger.debug("found crawl permission: " + permission); if (getFormParam(Const.NAME) != null) { = getFormParam(Const.NAME); } if (getFormParam(Const.CONTACT_PERSON) != null) { = getFormParam(Const.CONTACT_PERSON); } if (getFormParam(Const.DESCRIPTION) != null) { permission.anyOtherInformation = getFormParam(Const.DESCRIPTION); } String email = getFormParam(Const.EMAIL); String ownerName = getFormParam(Const.CONTACT_PERSON); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(email)) { ContactPerson contactPerson = ContactPerson.findByEmail(email); if (contactPerson != null) { Logger.debug("found contact person: " + contactPerson); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(ownerName)) { = ownerName; } if (getFormParam(Const.POSITION) != null) { contactPerson.position = getFormParam(Const.POSITION); } if (getFormParam(Const.POSTAL_ADDRESS) != null) { contactPerson.postalAddress = getFormParam(Const.POSTAL_ADDRESS); } if (getFormParam(Const.CONTACT_ORGANISATION) != null) { contactPerson.contactOrganisation = getFormParam(Const.CONTACT_ORGANISATION); } if (getFormParam(Const.PHONE) != null) { = getFormParam(Const.PHONE); } // update existing contact person contactPerson.update(); Logger.debug("update contact person: " + contactPerson.toString()); } else { // create new contact person contactPerson = new ContactPerson(); = ownerName; if (getFormParam(Const.POSITION) != null) { contactPerson.position = getFormParam(Const.POSITION); } if (getFormParam(Const.EMAIL) != null) { = getFormParam(Const.EMAIL); } if (getFormParam(Const.POSTAL_ADDRESS) != null) { contactPerson.postalAddress = getFormParam(Const.POSTAL_ADDRESS); } if (getFormParam(Const.CONTACT_ORGANISATION) != null) { contactPerson.contactOrganisation = getFormParam(Const.CONTACT_ORGANISATION); } if (getFormParam(Const.PHONE) != null) { = getFormParam(Const.PHONE); }; Logger.debug("save contact person: " + contactPerson.toString()); } permission.contactPerson = contactPerson; } if (isAgreed) { // if (isAgreed && noThirdPartyContent && mayPublish) { permission.status =; permission.grantedAt=Utils.INSTANCE.getCurrentTimeStamp(); Logger.debug("granted date: " + permission.grantedAt); } else { permission.status =; } permission.agree = isAgreed; permission.thirdPartyContent = noThirdPartyContent; permission.publish = mayPublish; // Perform any validation before saving: if (StringUtils.isBlank(getFormParam(Const.TARGET)) || StringUtils.isBlank(getFormParam(Const.NAME)) || StringUtils.isBlank(getFormParam(Const.POSITION)) || StringUtils.isBlank(getFormParam(Const.CONTACT_PERSON)) || StringUtils.isBlank(getFormParam(Const.EMAIL))) { Logger.debug("One of the required fields is empty. Please fill out all required fields marked by red star in the form."); flash("message", "Please fill out all required fields marked by red star in the form"); return ok( ukwalicence.render(permission, true) ); } if (!isAgreed || StringUtils.isBlank(getFormParam(Const.CONTENT)) || StringUtils.isBlank(getFormParam(Const.PUBLISH))) { Logger.debug("The form cannot be submitted without checking the 'I/We agree' box, or without answering the questions about 'Third-Party Content' and 'Publicity for the Web Archive'. Please check your input and try again."); flash("message", "The form cannot be submitted without checking the 'I/We agree' box, or without answering the questions about 'Third-Party Content' and 'Publicity for the Web Archive'. Please check your input and try again."); return ok( ukwalicence.render(permission, true) ); } // All good, sending email and recording result: CommunicationLog log = CommunicationLog.logHistory(Const.PERMISSION + " " + permission.status, permission, permission.user, Const.UPDATE);; CrawlPermissionController.updateAllByTarget(,, permission.status); Logger.debug("before sendAcknowledgementToSiteOwner mailTemplate: " + getFormParam(Const.EMAIL)); if (getFormParam(Const.EMAIL) != null) { sendAcknowledgementToSiteOwner(getFormParam(Const.EMAIL), permission); } if (getFormParam(Const.LICENCE) != null) { String licenceName = getFormParam(Const.LICENCE); License license = License.findByName(licenceName); if( license == null ) { Logger.error("No suitable license found - inventing one"); license = new License(); = "INVENTED LICENCE"; } permission.setLicense( license ); Logger.debug("Got license " + license); Target target =; // Only add this license if it's not already associated: if( ! target.licenses.contains(license)) { Logger.debug("Adding " + license); target.licenses.add(license); } target.licenseStatus = permission.status; Logger.debug("Updating Target " + " with licenseStatus "+ target.licenseStatus); target.update(); } else { Logger.error("No LICENCE found in form!"); } Logger.debug("About to update crawl permission: "+permission); permission.update(); Ebean.update(permission); Logger.debug("updated crawl permission."); res = redirect(routes.LicenseController.result()); } } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error("Update target for licence failed. "); e.printStackTrace(); throw new ActException(e); } return res; } /** * Display the result of the licence form submission. */ public static Result result() { return ok( ukwalicenceresult.render() ); } /** * Display the person. */ @Security.Authenticated(SecuredController.class) public static Result indexFilter() { User user = User.findByEmail(request().username()); List<License> licenses = License.findAllLicenses(); String searchStr = ""; Logger.debug("user: " + user); Logger.debug("licenses: " + licenses); Logger.debug("searchStr: " + searchStr); return ok(licences.render("Licences", user, licenses, searchStr)); } /** * This method enables searching for given URL and redirection in order to add new entry * if required. * @return */ @Security.Authenticated(SecuredController.class) public static Result filter() { Result res = null; Logger.debug("LicenseController.filter()"); String search = getFormParam(Const.SEARCH); String name = getFormParam(Const.NAME); List<License> licenses = processFilterLicences(name); Logger.debug("search: " + search + ", name: " + name); if (search != null) { res = ok( licences.render( "Licences", User.findByEmail(request().username()), licenses, name ) ); } return res; } /** * This method applyies filters to the list of crawl persons. * @param filterUrl * @param status * @return */ @Security.Authenticated(SecuredController.class) public static List<License> processFilterLicences(String filterUrl) { // Logger.debug("process filter filterUrl: " + filterUrl); ExpressionList<License> exp = License.find.where(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(filterUrl)) { exp = exp.contains("name", filterUrl); } List<License> res = exp.query().findList(); return res; } @Security.Authenticated(SecuredController.class) @BodyParser.Of(BodyParser.Json.class) public static Result filterByJson(String name) { JsonNode jsonData = null; if (name != null) { List<Taxonomy> licences = Taxonomy.filterByName(name); jsonData = Json.toJson(licences); } return ok(jsonData); } }