package controllers; import java.util.List; import models.Target; import models.User; import play.Logger; import play.libs.Json; import play.mvc.BodyParser; import play.mvc.Result; import play.mvc.Security; import; import; import; import; import; import views.html.whois.index; import views.html.whois.results; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode; /** * Manage passwords. */ @Security.Authenticated(SecuredController.class) public class WhoIsController extends AbstractController { /** * Add new user entry. * @param user * @return */ @BodyParser.Of(BodyParser.Json.class) public static Result filterByJson(String name) { JsonNode jsonData = null; if (name != null) { List<User> users = User.filterByName(name); jsonData = Json.toJson(users); } return ok(jsonData); } /** * Display the user edit panel for this URL. */ public static Result index() { Integer ukRegistrantCount = Target.findWhoIsCount(true); Integer nonUKRegistrantCount = Target.findWhoIsCount(false); WhoIsData whoIsData = new WhoIsData(null, null, ukRegistrantCount, nonUKRegistrantCount, 0); return ok(index.render(User.findByEmail(request().username()), whoIsData)); } /** * This method saves changed password in the same object. The "version" field in the User object * contains the timestamp of the change. * @return * @throws WhoisException */ public static Result check(int total) throws WhoisException { Logger.debug("CheckWhoIs controller check() " + total); String check = getFormParam("check"); if (check != null || total > 0) { Logger.debug("target number to check: " + getFormParam(Const.NUMBER)); if (getFormParam(Const.NUMBER) != null && getFormParam(Const.NUMBER).length() > 0 && Utils.INSTANCE.isNumeric(getFormParam(Const.NUMBER))) { total = Integer.valueOf(getFormParam(Const.NUMBER)); } WhoIsData whoIsData = Scope.INSTANCE.checkWhois(total); User user = User.findByEmail(request().username()); // need to match up with lookupentry and get the last_update return ok( results.render(user, whoIsData) ); } return index(); } }