package controllers; import static; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.TimeZone; import models.Collection; import models.Taxonomy; import models.User; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import play.Logger; import play.Play; import; import; import; import play.libs.Json; import play.mvc.BodyParser; import play.mvc.Result; import play.mvc.Results; import play.mvc.Security; import play.mvc.With; import; import; import views.html.collections.edit; import views.html.collections.list; import views.html.collections.view; import views.html.collections.newForm; import com.avaje.ebean.Ebean; import com.avaje.ebean.Page; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonInclude.Include; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; /** * @author kli * */ /** * @author kli * */ public class CollectionController extends AbstractController { /** * Display the Collections. */ @Security.Authenticated(SecuredController.class) public static Result index() { return GO_HOME; } public static Result GO_HOME = redirect(routes.CollectionController.list(0, "title", "asc", "")); /** * Display the paginated list of collections. * * @param page * Current page number (starts from 0) * @param sortBy * Column to be sorted * @param order * Sort order (either asc or desc) * @param filter * Filter applied on target urls */ @Security.Authenticated(SecuredController.class) public static Result list(int pageNo, String sortBy, String order, String filter) { JsonNode node = getCollectionsDataByFilter(filter); Page<Collection> pages = Collection.pager(pageNo, 10, sortBy, order, filter); return ok(list.render("Collections", User.findByEmail(request().username()), filter, pages, sortBy, order, node)); } /** * This method enables searching for given URL and redirection in order to * add new entry if required. * * @return */ @Security.Authenticated(SecuredController.class) public static Result search() { DynamicForm requestData = form().bindFromRequest(); String action = requestData.get("action"); String query = requestData.get(Const.URL); if (StringUtils.isBlank(query)) { Logger.debug("Collection name is empty. Please write name in search window."); flash("message", "Please enter a name in the search window"); return redirect(routes.CollectionController.list(0, "title", "asc", "")); } int pageNo = Integer.parseInt(requestData.get(Const.PAGE_NO)); String sort = requestData.get(Const.SORT_BY); String order = requestData.get(Const.ORDER); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(action)) { return badRequest("You must provide a valid action"); } else { if (action.equals("search")) { return redirect(routes.CollectionController.list(pageNo, sort, order, query)); } else { return badRequest("This action is not allowed"); } } } @Security.Authenticated(SecuredController.class) @BodyParser.Of(BodyParser.Json.class) public static Result filterByJson(String name) { JsonNode jsonData = null; if (name != null) { List<Collection> dCollections = Collection.filterByCollectionName(name); jsonData = Json.toJson(dCollections); } return ok(jsonData); } @Security.Authenticated(SecuredController.class) @BodyParser.Of(BodyParser.Json.class) public static Result getByJson() { JsonNode jsonData = getCollectionsData(); return ok(jsonData); } @Security.Authenticated(SecuredController.class) public static Result view(Long id) { User user = User.findByEmail(request().username()); Collection collection = Collection.findById(id); if( collection != null ) { Logger.debug("id::::" + id+ " parent:::: " + collection.parent); if (request().accepts("text/html")) {"Rendering collection: "+collection); return ok(view.render(collection, user)); } else { return ok(Json.toJson(collection)); } } else { return notFound("There is no Collection with ID "+id); } } @Security.Authenticated(SecuredController.class) public static Result viewAsJson(Long id) { Collection collection = Collection.findById(id); if( collection!= null ) { Logger.debug("" + id+ " " + collection.parent); return ok(Json.toJson(collection)); } else { return notFound("There is no Collection with ID "+id); } } @Security.Authenticated(SecuredController.class) public static Result viewAct(String url) { User user = User.findByEmail(request().username()); Collection collection = Collection.findByUrl(url); return ok(view.render(collection, user)); } @Security.Authenticated(SecuredController.class) public static Result newForm() { User user = User.findByEmail(request().username()); JsonNode node = getCollectionsData(); Form<Collection> collectionForm = Form.form(Collection.class); Collection collection = new Collection(); collectionForm = collectionForm.fill(collection); return ok(newForm.render(collectionForm, user, node)); } @Security.Authenticated(SecuredController.class) public static Result edit(Long id) { User user = User.findByEmail(request().username()); Collection collection = Collection.findById(id); if( collection.description == null ) collection.description = ""; collection.description = collection.description.replace("<p>", "").replace("</p>", "").replace("<br />", "\n").replace("<br>", "\n"); List<Collection> thisCollection = new ArrayList<Collection>(); thisCollection.add((Collection)collection.parent); JsonNode node = getCollectionsData(thisCollection); Form<Collection> collectionForm = Form.form(Collection.class); collectionForm = collectionForm.fill(collection); Logger.debug("id: " + collectionForm.get().id); return ok(edit.render(collectionForm, user, id, node)); } @Security.Authenticated(SecuredController.class) public static Result info(Form<Collection> form, Long id) { Logger.debug("info"); User user = User.findByEmail(request().username()); List<Collection> thisCollection = new ArrayList<Collection>(); Collection collection = form.get(); thisCollection.add(collection); JsonNode node = getCollectionsData(thisCollection); return badRequest(edit.render(form, user, id, node)); } @Security.Authenticated(SecuredController.class) public static Result newInfo(Form<Collection> form) { User user = User.findByEmail(request().username()); JsonNode node = getCollectionsData(); return badRequest(newForm.render(form, user, node)); } @Security.Authenticated(SecuredController.class) public static Result save() { DynamicForm requestData = form().bindFromRequest(); String action = requestData.get("action"); Logger.debug("action: " + action); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(action)) { if (action.equals("save")) { Form<Collection> filledForm = form(Collection.class).bindFromRequest(); if(filledForm.hasErrors()) { Logger.debug("errors: " + filledForm.errors()); return newInfo(filledForm); } String collectionSelect = requestData.get("collectionSelect").replace("\"", ""); Logger.debug("collectionSelect:save: " + collectionSelect); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(collectionSelect)) { String[] collections = collectionSelect.split(", "); if (collections.length == 1) { Long collectionId = Long.valueOf(collections[0]); Collection collection = Collection.findById(collectionId); filledForm.get().parent = collection; Logger.debug("looking good"); } else if (collections.length > 1) { Logger.debug("Please select only one parent."); flash("message", "Please select only one parent."); return newInfo(filledForm); } } String startDate = requestData.get("startDateText"); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(startDate)) { DateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy"); formatter.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC")); try { Date date = formatter.parse(startDate); filledForm.get().startDate = date; } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return newInfo(filledForm); } } String endDate = requestData.get("endDateText"); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(endDate)) { DateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy"); formatter.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC")); try { Date date = formatter.parse(endDate); filledForm.get().endDate = date; } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return newInfo(filledForm); } } filledForm.get().save(); flash("message", "Collection " + filledForm.get().name + " has been created"); return redirect(routes.CollectionController.view(filledForm.get().id)); } } return null; } @Security.Authenticated(SecuredController.class) public static Result update(Long id) { DynamicForm requestData = form().bindFromRequest(); Form<Collection> filledForm = form(Collection.class).bindFromRequest(); Logger.debug("hasGlobalErrors: " + filledForm.hasGlobalErrors()); Logger.debug("hasErrors: " + filledForm.hasErrors()); String action = requestData.get("action"); Logger.debug("action: " + action); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(action)) { if (action.equals("save")) { if (filledForm.hasErrors()) { Logger.debug("hasErrors: " + filledForm.errors()); return info(filledForm, id); } String collectionSelect = requestData.get("collectionSelect").replace("\"", ""); Logger.debug("collectionSelect:update: " + collectionSelect); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(collectionSelect)) { String[] collections = collectionSelect.split(", "); if (collections.length == 1) { Long collectionId = Long.valueOf(collections[0]); if (collectionId.longValue() == id.longValue()) { Logger.debug("same id"); ValidationError e = new ValidationError("collectionSelect", "It is not possible to assign a node to itself as a parent. Please select one parent."); filledForm.reject(e); return info(filledForm, id); } else { Collection collection = Collection.findById(collectionId); filledForm.get().parent = collection; Logger.debug("looking good"); } } else if (collections.length > 1) { Logger.debug("Please select only one parent."); flash("message", "Please select only one parent."); return info(filledForm, id); } }else{ Ebean.createUpdate(Taxonomy.class, "update taxonomy SET parent_id=null where id=:id") .setParameter("id", id).execute(); } String startDate = requestData.get("startDateText"); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(startDate)) { DateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy"); formatter.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC")); try { Date date = formatter.parse(startDate); filledForm.get().startDate = date; Logger.debug("startDate in date:::::::: " + date); } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return info(filledForm, id); } }else{ Ebean.createUpdate(Taxonomy.class, "update taxonomy SET start_date=null where id=:id") .setParameter("id", id).execute(); } String endDate = requestData.get("endDateText"); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(endDate)) { DateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy"); formatter.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC")); try { Date date = formatter.parse(endDate); filledForm.get().endDate = date; Logger.debug("endDate in date:::::::: " + date); } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return info(filledForm, id); } }else{ Ebean.createUpdate(Taxonomy.class, "update taxonomy SET end_date=null where id=:id") .setParameter("id", id).execute(); } // Check if the 'publish' field is empty, which corresponds to 'false': if( filledForm.get().publish == null ) { filledForm.get().publish = false; } filledForm.get().update(id); flash("message", "Collection " + filledForm.get().name + " has been updated"); return redirect(routes.CollectionController.view(filledForm.get().id)); } else if (action.equals("delete")) { Collection collection = Collection.findById(id); flash("message", "Collection " + filledForm.get().name + " has been deleted"); collection.delete(); return redirect(routes.CollectionController.index()); } } return null; } @Security.Authenticated(SecuredController.class) public static Result sites(Long id) { return redirect(routes.TargetController.collectionTargets(0, 50, "title", "asc", "", id)); } public static String serializeCollections(List<Collection> dCollections) { String collection = ""; for (Collection dCollection : dCollections) { if (!collection.isEmpty()) collection += ", "; collection += dCollection.url; } return collection; } /** * @param id * @return * * curl -v -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d '{"name": "kinman li"}' -u http://localhost:9000/actdev/api/collections/1 * @throws ActException */ @With(SecuredAction.class) @BodyParser.Of(BodyParser.Json.class) public static Result collectionUpdate(Long id) throws ActException { Collection collection = Collection.findById(id); String url = Play.application().configuration().getString("server_name") + Play.application().configuration().getString("application.context") + "/collections/" +; Logger.debug("location: " + url); response().setHeader(LOCATION, url); Logger.debug("response 200 updated"); return ok(response().getHeaders().get(LOCATION)); } /** * * curl -v -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"name": "Test Collection"}' -u http://localhost:9000/act/api/collections * * @return */ @With(SecuredAction.class) @BodyParser.Of(BodyParser.Json.class) public static Result collectionCreate() { JsonNode node = request().body().asJson(); try { if(node == null) { return badRequest("Expecting Json data"); } else { ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper(); objectMapper.setSerializationInclusion(Include.NON_DEFAULT); Collection cl = objectMapper.readValue(node.toString(), Collection.class); if ( != null ) { return badRequest("No ID should be passed when creating a new Collection!"); }; } } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { return badRequest(" Collection invalid: " + e); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error("error: " + e); return Results.internalServerError(e.getMessage()); } Logger.debug("response 200 updated"); return ok("OK"); } @Security.Authenticated(SecuredController.class) public static Result getCollectionTargets(Long id) { Collection collection = Collection.findById(id); Logger.debug("targets: " + collection.targets.size()); JsonNode jsonNode = Json.toJson(collection.targets); return ok(jsonNode); } }