package controllers; import static; import java.util.List; import com.avaje.ebean.ExpressionList; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode; import models.Tag; import models.User; import play.Logger; import; import; import play.libs.Json; import play.mvc.BodyParser; import play.mvc.Result; import play.mvc.Security; import; import views.html.tags.*; import java.util.*; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; /** * Manage tags. */ @Security.Authenticated(SecuredController.class) public class TagController extends AbstractController { /** * Display the role. */ public static Result index() { Logger.debug("Tags.index()"); return GO_HOME; } public static Result GO_HOME = redirect( routes.TagController.list(0, "name", "asc", "") ); public static Result view(Long id) { Tag tag = Tag.findTagById(id); if (tag == null) return notFound("There is no Tag with ID " + id); return ok( view.render(tag, User.findByEmail(request().username()) ) ); } public static Result newForm() { User user = User.findByEmail(request().username()); Form<Tag> tagForm = Form.form(Tag.class); Tag tag = new Tag(); tagForm = tagForm.fill(tag); return ok(newForm.render(tagForm, user)); } public static Result edit(Long id) { Tag tag = Tag.findTagById(id); if(tag == null) return notFound("There is no Tag with ID " + id); User user = User.findByEmail(request().username()); Form<Tag> tagForm = Form.form(Tag.class); tagForm = tagForm.fill(tag); return ok(edit.render(tagForm, user, id)); } public static Result info(Form<Tag> form, Long id) { User user = User.findByEmail(request().username()); return badRequest(edit.render(form, user, id)); } public static Result newInfo(Form<Tag> form) { User user = User.findByEmail(request().username()); return badRequest(newForm.render(form, user)); } public static Result save() { DynamicForm requestData = form().bindFromRequest(); String action = requestData.get("action"); Logger.debug("action: " + action); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(action)) { if (action.equals("save")) { Form<Tag> filledForm = form(Tag.class).bindFromRequest(); if(filledForm.hasErrors()) { Logger.debug("errors: " + filledForm.errors()); return newInfo(filledForm); } filledForm.get().save(); flash("message", "Tag " + filledForm.get().name + " has been created"); return redirect(routes.TagController.view(filledForm.get().id)); } } return null; } public static Result update(Long id) { DynamicForm requestData = form().bindFromRequest(); Form<Tag> filledForm = form(Tag.class).bindFromRequest(); Logger.debug("hasGlobalErrors: " + filledForm.hasGlobalErrors()); Logger.debug("hasErrors: " + filledForm.hasErrors()); String action = requestData.get("action"); Logger.debug("action: " + action); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(action)) { if (action.equals("save")) { if (filledForm.hasErrors()) { Logger.debug("hasErrors: " + filledForm.errors()); return info(filledForm, id); } filledForm.get().update(id); flash("message", "Tag " + filledForm.get().name + " has been updated"); return redirect(routes.TagController.view(filledForm.get().id)); } else if (action.equals("delete")) { Tag tag = Tag.findTagById(id); flash("message", "Tag " + filledForm.get().name + " has been deleted"); tag.delete(); return redirect(routes.TagController.index()); } } return null; } /** * This method enables searching for given URL and redirection in order to add new entry * if required. * @return */ public static Result search() { DynamicForm form = form().bindFromRequest(); String action = form.get("action"); String query = form.get(Const.QUERY); Logger.debug("query: " + query); Logger.debug("action: " + action); if (StringUtils.isBlank(query)) { Logger.debug("Tag name is empty. Please write name in search window."); flash("message", "Please enter a name in the search window"); return redirect( routes.TagController.list(0, "name", "asc", "") ); } int pageNo = getQueryParamAsInt(Const.PAGE_NO, 0); String sort = getQueryParam(Const.SORT_BY); String order = getQueryParam(Const.ORDER); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(action)) { return badRequest("You must provide a valid action"); } else { if (action.equals("search")) { return redirect(routes.TagController.list(pageNo, sort, order, query)); } else { return badRequest("This action is not allowed"); } } } /** * This method applyies filters to the list of crawl tags. * @param filterUrl * @param status * @return */ public static List<Tag> processFilterTags(String filterUrl) { // Logger.debug("process filter filterUrl: " + filterUrl); boolean isProcessed = false; ExpressionList<Tag> exp = Tag.find.where(); List<Tag> res = new ArrayList<Tag>(); if (filterUrl != null && !filterUrl.equals(Const.NONE)) { Logger.debug("name: " + filterUrl); exp = exp.contains(Const.NAME, filterUrl); isProcessed = true; } res = exp.query().findList(); Logger.debug("Expression list size: " + res.size() + ", isProcessed: " + isProcessed); if (!isProcessed) { res = models.Tag.findAllTags(); } return res; } @BodyParser.Of(BodyParser.Json.class) public static Result filterByJson(String name) { JsonNode jsonData = null; if (name != null) { List<Tag> tags = Tag.filterByTagName(name); jsonData = Json.toJson(tags); } return ok(jsonData); } /** * Display the paginated list of Tags. * * @param page Current page number (starts from 0) * @param sortBy Column to be sorted * @param order Sort order (either asc or desc) * @param filter Filter applied on Tags */ public static Result list(int pageNo, String sortBy, String order, String filter) { Logger.debug("Tags.list()"); return ok( list.render( "Tags", User.findByEmail(request().username()), filter, Tag.pager(pageNo, 10, sortBy, order, filter), sortBy, order) ); } }