package org.apache.usergrid.persistence.index.impl;/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ import java.util.UUID; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.core.scope.ApplicationScope; import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.index.CandidateResult; import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.index.GeoCandidateResult; import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.index.IndexEdge; import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.index.SearchEdge; import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.model.entity.Entity; import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.model.entity.Id; import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.model.entity.SimpleId; import; import; public class IndexingUtils { /** * Regular expression for uuids */ public static final String UUID_REX = "([A-Fa-f0-9]{8}-[A-Fa-f0-9]{4}-[A-Fa-f0-9]{4}-[A-Fa-f0-9]{4}-[A-Fa-f0-9]{12})"; public static final String TYPE_REX = "(.+)"; private static final String APPID_NAME = "appId"; private static final String ENTITY_NAME = "entityId"; private static final String NODEID_NAME = "nodeId"; private static final String VERSION_NAME = "version"; private static final String EDGE_NAME = "edgeName"; private static final String NODE_TYPE_NAME = "nodeType"; private static final String ENTITY_TYPE_NAME = "entityType"; //the document Id will have 9 groups private static final String DOCUMENT_ID_REGEX = "appId\\(" + UUID_REX + "," + TYPE_REX + "\\)\\.entityId\\(" + UUID_REX + "," + TYPE_REX + "\\)\\.version\\(" + UUID_REX + "\\)\\.nodeId\\(" + UUID_REX + "," + TYPE_REX + "\\)\\.edgeName\\(" + TYPE_REX + "\\)\\.nodeType\\(" + TYPE_REX + "\\)"; private static final Pattern DOCUMENT_PATTERN = Pattern.compile( DOCUMENT_ID_REGEX ); // These are not allowed in document type names: _ . , | # public static final String FIELD_SEPERATOR = "."; public static final String ID_SEPERATOR = ","; /** * Entity type in ES we put everything into */ public static final String ES_ENTITY_TYPE = "entity"; /** * Reserved UG fields in the document */ public static final String APPLICATION_ID_FIELDNAME = "applicationId"; public static final String ENTITY_ID_FIELDNAME = "entityId"; public static final String ENTITY_SIZE_FIELDNAME = "entitySize"; public static final String ENTITY_VERSION_FIELDNAME = "entityVersion"; public static final String ENTITY_TYPE_FIELDNAME = "entityType"; public static final String EDGE_NODE_ID_FIELDNAME = "nodeId"; public static final String EDGE_NAME_FIELDNAME = "edgeName"; public static final String EDGE_NODE_TYPE_FIELDNAME = "entityNodeType"; public static final String EDGE_TIMESTAMP_FIELDNAME = "edgeTimestamp"; public static final String EDGE_SEARCH_FIELDNAME = "edgeSearch"; public static final String ENTITY_FIELDS = "fields"; /** * Reserved field types in our document * * We use longs for ints, and doubles for floats to avoid runtime type conflicts */ public static final String FIELD_NAME = "name"; public static final String FIELD_BOOLEAN = "boolean"; public static final String FIELD_LONG = "long"; public static final String FIELD_DOUBLE = "double"; public static final String FIELD_LOCATION = "location"; public static final String FIELD_STRING = "string"; public static final String FIELD_UUID = "uuid"; public static final String FIELD_NULL = "null"; /** * All search/sort values */ public static final String FIELD_NAME_NESTED = ENTITY_FIELDS + "." + FIELD_NAME; public static final String FIELD_BOOLEAN_NESTED = ENTITY_FIELDS + "." + FIELD_BOOLEAN; public static final String FIELD_LONG_NESTED = ENTITY_FIELDS + "." + FIELD_LONG; public static final String FIELD_DOUBLE_NESTED = ENTITY_FIELDS + "." + FIELD_DOUBLE; public static final String FIELD_LOCATION_NESTED = ENTITY_FIELDS + "." + FIELD_LOCATION; public static final String FIELD_STRING_NESTED = ENTITY_FIELDS + "." + FIELD_STRING; public static final String FIELD_UUID_NESTED = ENTITY_FIELDS + "." + FIELD_UUID; public static final String FIELD_STRING_NESTED_UNANALYZED = FIELD_STRING_NESTED + ".exact"; /** * Create our sub scope. This is the ownerUUID + type * * TODO make this format more readable and parsable */ public static String createContextName( final ApplicationScope applicationScope, final SearchEdge scope ) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); idString( sb, APPID_NAME, applicationScope.getApplication() ); sb.append( FIELD_SEPERATOR ); idString( sb, NODEID_NAME, scope.getNodeId() ); sb.append( FIELD_SEPERATOR ); appendField( sb, EDGE_NAME, scope.getEdgeName() ); return sb.toString(); } /** * Create the index doc from the given entity */ public static String createIndexDocId( final ApplicationScope applicationScope, final Entity entity, final IndexEdge indexEdge ) { return createIndexDocId( applicationScope, entity.getId(), entity.getVersion(), indexEdge ); } /** * Create the doc Id. This is the entitie's type + uuid + version */ public static String createIndexDocId( final ApplicationScope applicationScope, final Id entityId, final UUID version, final SearchEdge searchEdge ) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); idString( sb, APPID_NAME, applicationScope.getApplication() ); sb.append( FIELD_SEPERATOR ); idString( sb, ENTITY_ID_FIELDNAME, entityId ); sb.append( FIELD_SEPERATOR ); appendField( sb, VERSION_NAME, version.toString() ); sb.append( FIELD_SEPERATOR ); idString( sb, NODEID_NAME, searchEdge.getNodeId() ); sb.append( FIELD_SEPERATOR ); appendField( sb, EDGE_NAME, searchEdge.getEdgeName() ); sb.append( FIELD_SEPERATOR ); appendField( sb, NODE_TYPE_NAME, searchEdge.getNodeType().name() ); return sb.toString(); } public static final String entityId( final Id id ) { return idString( ENTITY_NAME, id ); } public static final String applicationId( final Id id ) { return idString( APPID_NAME, id ); } public static final String nodeId( final Id id ) { return idString( NODEID_NAME, id ); } /** * Construct and Id string with the specified type for the id provided. */ private static final String idString( final String type, final Id id ) { final StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); idString( stringBuilder, type, id ); return stringBuilder.toString(); } /** * Append the id to the string */ private static final void idString( final StringBuilder builder, final String type, final Id id ) { builder.append( type ).append( "(" ).append( id.getUuid() ).append( ID_SEPERATOR ) .append( id.getType().toLowerCase() ).append( ")" ); } /** * Append a field */ private static void appendField( final StringBuilder builder, final String type, final String value ) { builder.append( type ).append( "(" ).append( value ).append( ")" ); } public static CandidateResult parseIndexDocId( final SearchHit hit ) { return parseIndexDocId(hit.getId()); } public static CandidateResult parseIndexDocId( final SearchHit hit, boolean hasGeoSortPredicates ) { final String documentId = hit.getId(); // geosort predicates always added as the first sort in the ES filter, and the distance is represented as the // corresponding sortValue in the searchHit. // see org.apache.usergrid.persistence.index.impl.SearchRequestBuilderStrategy.applySortPredicates() final double distance = hasGeoSortPredicates ? (double) hit.sortValues()[0] : -1; return parseIndexDocId(documentId,distance); } public static CandidateResult parseIndexDocId( final String documentId ) { return parseIndexDocId(documentId,-1); } /** * Parse the document id into a candidate result */ public static CandidateResult parseIndexDocId( final String documentId, final double distance ) { final Matcher matcher = DOCUMENT_PATTERN.matcher(documentId); Preconditions.checkArgument(matcher.matches(), "Pattern for document id did not match expected format"); Preconditions.checkArgument(matcher.groupCount() == 9, "9 groups expected in the pattern"); //Other fields can be parsed using groups. The groups start at value 1, group 0 is the entire match final String entityUUID =; final String entityType =; final String versionUUID =; Id entityId = new SimpleId(UUID.fromString(entityUUID), entityType); return distance >= 0 ? new GeoCandidateResult(entityId, UUID.fromString(versionUUID), documentId, distance) : new CandidateResult(entityId, UUID.fromString(versionUUID), documentId); } /** * Parse the document id into a candidate result */ public static UUID parseAppIdFromIndexDocId( final String documentId) { final Matcher matcher = DOCUMENT_PATTERN.matcher(documentId); Preconditions.checkArgument(matcher.matches(), "Pattern for document id did not match expected format"); Preconditions.checkArgument(matcher.groupCount() == 9, "9 groups expected in the pattern"); //Other fields can be parsed using groups. The groups start at value 1, group 0 is the entire match final String appUUID =; return UUID.fromString(appUUID); } /** * Get the entity type */ public static String getType( ApplicationScope applicationScope, Id entityId ) { return getType( applicationScope, entityId.getType() ); } public static String getType( ApplicationScope applicationScope, String type ) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); idString( sb, APPID_NAME, applicationScope.getApplication() ); sb.append( FIELD_SEPERATOR ); sb.append( ENTITY_TYPE_NAME).append("(" ).append( type ).append( ")" ); return sb.toString(); } public static UUID getApplicationIdFromIndexDocId(String documentId) { return parseAppIdFromIndexDocId(documentId); } }