package org.apache.usergrid.corepersistence.util; /* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ import java.util.UUID; import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.core.scope.ApplicationScope; import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.core.scope.ApplicationScopeImpl; import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.entities.Application; import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.entities.Group; import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.graph.Edge; import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.graph.SearchByEdge; import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.graph.SearchByEdgeType; import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.graph.SearchEdgeType; import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.graph.impl.SimpleEdge; import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.graph.impl.SimpleSearchByEdge; import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.graph.impl.SimpleSearchEdgeType; import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.index.IndexEdge; import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.index.SearchEdge; import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.index.impl.IndexEdgeImpl; import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.index.impl.SearchEdgeImpl; import; import; import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.model.entity.Id; import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.model.entity.SimpleId; import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.model.util.UUIDGenerator; import; /** * Utilises for constructing standard naming conventions for collections and connections */ public class CpNamingUtils { /** Edge types for collection suffix */ public static final String EDGE_COLL_PREFIX = "zzzcollzzz"; /** * The length used when we trim a string */ private static final int EDGE_COLL_PREFIX_LENGTH = EDGE_COLL_PREFIX.length() + 1; /** Edge types for connection suffix */ public static final String EDGE_CONN_PREFIX = "zzzconnzzz"; /** * The length used when we trim a string on edge names */ private static final int EDGE_CONN_PREFIX_LENGTH = EDGE_CONN_PREFIX.length()+1; /** App where we store management info */ public static final UUID MANAGEMENT_APPLICATION_ID = UUID.fromString( "b6768a08-b5d5-11e3-a495-11ddb1de66c8" ); /** * Information about applications is stored in the management app using these types */ public static final String APPLICATION_INFO = "org_application"; public static final String APPLICATION_INFOS = "org_applications"; public static final String DELETED_APPLICATION_INFO = "deleted_org_application"; public static final String DELETED_APPLICATION_INFOS = "deleted_org_applications"; public static final String ORG_CONFIG = "org_config"; public static final String ORG_CONFIGS = "org_configs"; /** * The name of the map that holds our entity id->type mapping */ public static String TYPES_BY_UUID_MAP = "zzz_typesbyuuid_zzz"; /** * Generate a standard edge name for our graph using the connection name. To be used only for searching. DO NOT use * for creation. Use the createConnectionEdge instead. * * @param connectionType The type of connection made */ public static String getEdgeTypeFromConnectionType( String connectionType ) { return ( EDGE_CONN_PREFIX + "|" + connectionType ).toLowerCase(); } /** * Get the name of the collection from the edge name * @param edgeName * @return */ public static String getConnectionNameFromEdgeName(final String edgeName){ return edgeName.substring( EDGE_CONN_PREFIX_LENGTH ); } /** * Generate a standard edges from for a collection * * To be used only for searching DO NOT use for creation. Use the createCollectionEdge instead. */ public static String getEdgeTypeFromCollectionName( String collectionName ) { return ((collectionName.startsWith(EDGE_COLL_PREFIX) ? collectionName : EDGE_COLL_PREFIX + "|" + collectionName) ).toLowerCase(); } /** * Get the name of the collection from the edge name * @param edgeName * @return */ public static String getCollectionNameFromEdgeName(final String edgeName){ return edgeName.substring( EDGE_COLL_PREFIX_LENGTH ); } /** * Get the index scope for the edge from the source to the target. The entity being indexed * is the target node */ public static IndexEdge generateScopeFromSource( final Edge edge ) { return new IndexEdgeImpl( edge.getSourceNode(), edge.getType(), SearchEdge.NodeType.TARGET, edge.getTimestamp() ); } /** * Get the index scope for the edge from the source. The entity being indexed is the source node */ public static IndexEdge generateScopeFromTarget( final Edge edge ) { return new IndexEdgeImpl( edge.getTargetNode(), edge.getType(), SearchEdge.NodeType.SOURCE, edge.getTimestamp() ); } /** * Create the search edge from the source. The nodes being searched are Target nodes on the edges */ public static SearchEdge createSearchEdgeFromSource( final Edge edge ) { return new SearchEdgeImpl( edge.getSourceNode(), edge.getType(), SearchEdge.NodeType.TARGET ); } /** * Create the search edge from the target. The nodes being searched are source nodes on the edges */ public static SearchEdge createSearchEdgeFromTarget( final Edge edge ) { return new SearchEdgeImpl( edge.getTargetNode(), edge.getType(), SearchEdge.NodeType.SOURCE ); } public static SearchByEdge createEdgeFromCollectionName(Id source, String connectionName, Id target) { final String edgeType = CpNamingUtils.getEdgeTypeFromCollectionName(connectionName); return new SimpleSearchByEdge(source, edgeType, target, Long.MAX_VALUE, SearchByEdgeType.Order.DESCENDING, Optional.<Edge>absent()); } public static SearchByEdge createEdgeFromConnectionType(Id source, String connectionType, Id target) { final String edgeType = CpNamingUtils.getEdgeTypeFromConnectionType(connectionType); return new SimpleSearchByEdge(source, edgeType, target, Long.MAX_VALUE, SearchByEdgeType.Order.DESCENDING, Optional.<Edge>absent()); } /** * TODO move sourceId to ApplicationScope */ public static Edge createCollectionEdge( final Id sourceId, final String collectionName, final Id entityId ) { final String edgeType = CpNamingUtils.getEdgeTypeFromCollectionName( collectionName ); // create graph edge connection from head entity to member entity return new SimpleEdge( sourceId, edgeType, entityId, createGraphOperationTimestamp() ); } /** * Create a connection searchEdge */ public static SearchEdge createCollectionSearchEdge( final Id sourceId, final String connectionType ) { return new SearchEdgeImpl( sourceId, getEdgeTypeFromCollectionName( connectionType ), SearchEdge.NodeType.TARGET ); } /** * Create a new connection edge from the source node with the given connection type and target id */ public static Edge createConnectionEdge( final Id sourceEntityId, final String connectionType, final Id targetEntityId ) { final String edgeType = getEdgeTypeFromConnectionType( connectionType ); // create graph edge connection from head entity to member entity return new SimpleEdge( sourceEntityId, edgeType, targetEntityId, createGraphOperationTimestamp() ); } /** * When marking nodes for deletion we must use the same unit of measure as the edge timestamps * @return */ public static long createGraphOperationTimestamp(){ return UUIDGenerator.newTimeUUID().timestamp(); } /** * Create a connection searchEdge * * @param sourceId The source id in the connection * @param connectionType The type of the connection to create a search for */ public static SearchEdge createConnectionSearchEdge( final Id sourceId, final String connectionType ) { return new SearchEdgeImpl( sourceId, getEdgeTypeFromConnectionType( connectionType ), SearchEdge.NodeType.TARGET ); } /** * search for all versions of a connection between 2 entities in teh graph * * @param sourceId The source id of the edge * @param connectionType The connection type used in the edge * @param targetId The target id * * @return A search by edge command to search the graph */ public static SearchByEdge createConnectionSearchByEdge( final Id sourceId, final String connectionType, final Id targetId ) { final String edgeType = getEdgeTypeFromConnectionType( connectionType ); return new SimpleSearchByEdge( sourceId, edgeType, targetId, Long.MAX_VALUE, SearchByEdgeType.Order.DESCENDING, Optional.absent() ); } /** * Create a search edge based on the type * * @param sourceId The id in the search */ public static SearchEdgeType createConnectionTypeSearch( final Id sourceId ) { return new SimpleSearchEdgeType( sourceId, EDGE_CONN_PREFIX, null ); } /** * Get the application scope from the given uuid * * @param applicationId The applicationId */ public static ApplicationScope getApplicationScope( UUID applicationId ) { // We can always generate a scope, it doesn't matter if the application exists yet or not. return new ApplicationScopeImpl( generateApplicationId( applicationId ) ); } /** * Generate an entity Id from the given UUID * * @param entityId the entity's UUID */ public static Id generateEntityId( UUID entityId, String entityType ) { return new SimpleId( entityId, entityType ); } /** * Generate an applicationId from the given UUID * * @param applicationId the applicationId */ public static Id generateApplicationId( UUID applicationId ) { return generateEntityId( applicationId, Application.ENTITY_TYPE ); } /** * Generate an organizationId from the given UUID * * @param organizationId the organizationId */ public static Id generateOrganizationId( UUID organizationId ) { return generateEntityId( organizationId, Group.ENTITY_TYPE ); } /** * Generate an application scope for the management application */ public static Id getManagementApplicationId() { return generateApplicationId( MANAGEMENT_APPLICATION_ID ); } /** * Get the map scope for the applicationId to store entity uuid to type mapping */ public static MapScope getEntityTypeMapScope( final Id applicationId ) { return new MapScopeImpl( applicationId, CpNamingUtils.TYPES_BY_UUID_MAP ); } /** * Generate either the collection name or connection name from the edgeName */ public static String getNameFromEdgeType( final String edgeName ) { if ( isCollectionEdgeType( edgeName ) ) { return getCollectionName( edgeName ) ; } return getConnectionType( edgeName ) ; } private static boolean isCollectionEdgeType( String type ) { return type.startsWith( EDGE_COLL_PREFIX ); } private static String getConnectionType( String edgeType ) { String[] parts = edgeType.split( "\\|" ); return parts[1]; } private static String getCollectionName( String edgeType ) { String[] parts = edgeType.split( "\\|" ); return parts[1]; } }