/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.apache.usergrid.persistence.collection.serialization.impl; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.*; import com.datastax.driver.core.DataType; import com.datastax.driver.core.ProtocolVersion; import com.datastax.driver.core.Session; import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.collection.serialization.SerializationFig; import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.collection.serialization.impl.util.LegacyScopeUtils; import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.core.CassandraConfig; import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.core.CassandraFig; import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.core.astyanax.MultiTenantColumnFamilyDefinition; import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.core.datastax.CQLUtils; import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.core.datastax.TableDefinition; import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.core.datastax.impl.TableDefinitionImpl; import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.model.entity.Id; import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.model.field.Field; import com.google.inject.Inject; import com.google.inject.Singleton; /** * V1 impl with unique value serialization strategy with the collection scope */ @Singleton public class UniqueValueSerializationStrategyV1Impl extends UniqueValueSerializationStrategyImpl<CollectionPrefixedKey<Field>, CollectionPrefixedKey<Id>> { private static final String UNIQUE_VALUES_TABLE = CQLUtils.quote("Unique_Values"); private static final Collection<String> UNIQUE_VALUES_PARTITION_KEYS = Collections.singletonList("key"); private static final Collection<String> UNIQUE_VALUES_COLUMN_KEYS = Collections.singletonList("column1"); private static final Map<String, DataType.Name> UNIQUE_VALUES_COLUMNS = new HashMap<String, DataType.Name>() {{ put( "key", DataType.Name.BLOB ); put( "column1", DataType.Name.CUSTOM ); put( "value", DataType.Name.BLOB ); }}; private static final Map<String, String> UNIQUE_VALUES_CLUSTERING_ORDER = new HashMap<String, String>(){{ put( "column1", "ASC" );}}; private static final String UNIQUE_VALUES_LOG_TABLE = CQLUtils.quote("Entity_Unique_Values"); private static final Collection<String> UNIQUE_VALUES_LOG_PARTITION_KEYS = Collections.singletonList("key"); private static final Collection<String> UNIQUE_VALUES_LOG_COLUMN_KEYS = Collections.singletonList("column1"); private static final Map<String, DataType.Name> UNIQUE_VALUES_LOG_COLUMNS = new HashMap<String, DataType.Name>() {{ put( "key", DataType.Name.BLOB ); put( "column1", DataType.Name.CUSTOM ); put( "value", DataType.Name.BLOB ); }}; private static final Map<String, String> UNIQUE_VALUES_LOG_CLUSTERING_ORDER = new HashMap<String, String>(){{ put( "column1", "ASC" ); }}; private TableDefinition uniqueValues; private TableDefinition uniqueValuesLog; /** * Construct serialization strategy for keyspace. * * @param cassandraFig The cassandra configuration * @param serializationFig The serialization configuration */ @Inject public UniqueValueSerializationStrategyV1Impl( final CassandraFig cassandraFig, final SerializationFig serializationFig, final Session session, final CassandraConfig cassandraConfig) { super( cassandraFig, serializationFig, session, cassandraConfig ); } @Override public Collection<MultiTenantColumnFamilyDefinition> getColumnFamilies() { return Collections.emptyList(); } @Override public Collection<TableDefinition> getTables() { final TableDefinition uniqueValues = getUniqueValuesTable( cassandraFig ); final TableDefinition uniqueValuesLog = getEntityUniqueLogTable( cassandraFig ); return Arrays.asList( uniqueValues, uniqueValuesLog ); } @Override protected TableDefinition getUniqueValuesTable( CassandraFig cassandraFig ) { if ( uniqueValues == null ) { uniqueValues = new TableDefinitionImpl( cassandraFig.getApplicationKeyspace(), UNIQUE_VALUES_TABLE, UNIQUE_VALUES_PARTITION_KEYS, UNIQUE_VALUES_COLUMN_KEYS, UNIQUE_VALUES_COLUMNS, TableDefinitionImpl.CacheOption.KEYS, UNIQUE_VALUES_CLUSTERING_ORDER); } return uniqueValues; } @Override protected TableDefinition getEntityUniqueLogTable( CassandraFig cassandraFig ) { if ( uniqueValuesLog == null ) { uniqueValuesLog = new TableDefinitionImpl( cassandraFig.getApplicationKeyspace(), UNIQUE_VALUES_LOG_TABLE, UNIQUE_VALUES_LOG_PARTITION_KEYS, UNIQUE_VALUES_LOG_COLUMN_KEYS, UNIQUE_VALUES_LOG_COLUMNS, TableDefinitionImpl.CacheOption.KEYS, UNIQUE_VALUES_LOG_CLUSTERING_ORDER); } return uniqueValuesLog; } @Override protected List<Object> deserializePartitionKey(ByteBuffer bb){ /** * List<Object> keys = new ArrayList<>(8); keys.add(0, appUUID); keys.add(1, applicationType); keys.add(2, appUUID); keys.add(3, applicationType); keys.add(4, entityType); keys.add(5, fieldType); keys.add(6, fieldName); keys.add(7, fieldValueString); */ int count = 0; List<Object> stuff = new ArrayList<>(); while(bb.hasRemaining()){ ByteBuffer data = CQLUtils.getWithShortLength(bb); if(count == 0 || count == 2){ stuff.add(DataType.uuid().deserialize(data.slice(), ProtocolVersion.NEWEST_SUPPORTED)); }else{ stuff.add(DataType.text().deserialize(data.slice(), ProtocolVersion.NEWEST_SUPPORTED)); } byte equality = bb.get(); // we don't use this but take the equality byte off the buffer count++; } return stuff; } @Override protected ByteBuffer serializeUniqueValueLogColumn(UniqueFieldEntry fieldEntry){ /** * final UUID version = value.getVersion(); final Field<?> field = value.getField(); final FieldTypeName fieldType = field.getTypeName(); final String fieldValue = field.getValue().toString().toLowerCase(); DynamicComposite composite = new DynamicComposite( ); //we want to sort ascending to descending by version composite.addComponent( version, UUID_SERIALIZER, ColumnTypes.UUID_TYPE_REVERSED); composite.addComponent( field.getName(), STRING_SERIALIZER ); composite.addComponent( fieldValue, STRING_SERIALIZER ); composite.addComponent( fieldType.name() , STRING_SERIALIZER); */ // values are serialized as strings, not sure why, and always lower cased String fieldValueString = fieldEntry.getField().getValue().toString().toLowerCase(); List<Object> keys = new ArrayList<>(4); keys.add(fieldEntry.getVersion()); keys.add(fieldEntry.getField().getName()); keys.add(fieldValueString); keys.add(fieldEntry.getField().getTypeName().name()); String comparator = UUID_TYPE_REVERSED; int size = 16+fieldEntry.getField().getName().getBytes().length +fieldEntry.getField().getValue().toString().getBytes().length+ fieldEntry.getField().getTypeName().name().getBytes().length; // we always need to add length for the 2 byte comparator short, 2 byte length short and 1 byte equality size += keys.size()*5; // uuid type comparator is longest, ensure we allocate buffer using the max size to avoid overflow size += keys.size()*comparator.getBytes().length; ByteBuffer stuff = ByteBuffer.allocate(size); for (Object key : keys) { if(key.equals(fieldEntry.getVersion())) { int p = comparator.indexOf("(reversed=true)"); boolean desc = false; if (p >= 0) { comparator = comparator.substring(0, p); desc = true; } byte a = (byte) 85; // this is the byte value for UUIDType in astyanax used in legacy data if (desc) { a = (byte) Character.toUpperCase((char) a); } stuff.putShort((short) ('耀' | a)); }else{ comparator = "UTF8Type"; // only strings are being serialized other than UUIDs here stuff.putShort((short)comparator.getBytes().length); stuff.put(DataType.serializeValue(comparator, ProtocolVersion.NEWEST_SUPPORTED)); } ByteBuffer kb = DataType.serializeValue(key, ProtocolVersion.NEWEST_SUPPORTED); if (kb == null) { kb = ByteBuffer.allocate(0); } // put a short that indicates how big the buffer is for this item stuff.putShort((short) kb.remaining()); // put the actual item stuff.put(kb.slice()); // put an equality byte ( again not used by part of legacy thrift Astyanax schema) stuff.put((byte) 0); } stuff.flip(); return stuff; } @Override protected ByteBuffer getPartitionKey(Id applicationId, String entityType, String fieldType, String fieldName, Object fieldValue ){ return serializeKey(applicationId.getUuid(), applicationId.getType(), entityType, fieldType, fieldName, fieldValue); } @Override protected ByteBuffer getLogPartitionKey(final Id applicationId, final Id uniqueValueId){ return serializeLogKey(applicationId.getUuid(), applicationId.getType(), uniqueValueId.getUuid(), uniqueValueId.getType()); } @Override protected ByteBuffer serializeUniqueValueColumn(EntityVersion entityVersion){ /** * final Id entityId = ev.getEntityId(); final UUID entityUuid = entityId.getUuid(); final String entityType = entityId.getType(); CompositeBuilder builder = Composites.newDynamicCompositeBuilder(); builder.addUUID( entityVersion ); builder.addUUID( entityUuid ); builder.addString(entityType ); */ String comparator = "UTF8Type"; List<Object> keys = new ArrayList<>(3); keys.add(entityVersion.getEntityVersion()); keys.add(entityVersion.getEntityId().getUuid()); keys.add(entityVersion.getEntityId().getType()); // UUIDs are 16 bytes int size = 16+16+entityVersion.getEntityId().getType().getBytes().length; // we always need to add length for the 2 byte comparator short, 2 byte length short and 1 byte equality size += keys.size()*5; // we always add comparator to the buffer as well size += keys.size()*comparator.getBytes().length; ByteBuffer stuff = ByteBuffer.allocate(size); for (Object key : keys) { if(key instanceof UUID){ comparator = "UUIDType"; }else{ comparator = "UTF8Type"; // if it's not a UUID, the only other thing we're serializing is text } stuff.putShort((short)comparator.getBytes().length); stuff.put(DataType.serializeValue(comparator, ProtocolVersion.NEWEST_SUPPORTED)); ByteBuffer kb = DataType.serializeValue(key, ProtocolVersion.NEWEST_SUPPORTED); if (kb == null) { kb = ByteBuffer.allocate(0); } // put a short that indicates how big the buffer is for this item stuff.putShort((short) kb.remaining()); // put the actual item stuff.put(kb.slice()); // put an equality byte ( again not used by part of legacy thrift Astyanax schema) stuff.put((byte) 0); } stuff.flip(); return stuff; } @Override protected List<Object> deserializeUniqueValueColumn(ByteBuffer bb){ List<Object> stuff = new ArrayList<>(); int count = 0; while(bb.hasRemaining()){ // pull of custom comparator (per Astyanax deserialize) int e = CQLUtils.getShortLength(bb); if((e & '耀') == 0) { CQLUtils.getBytes(bb, e); } else { // do nothing } ByteBuffer data = CQLUtils.getWithShortLength(bb); // first two composites are UUIDs, rest are strings if(count == 0) { stuff.add(new UUID(data.getLong(), data.getLong())); }else if(count ==1){ stuff.add(new UUID(data.getLong(), data.getLong())); }else{ stuff.add(DataType.text().deserialize(data.slice(), ProtocolVersion.NEWEST_SUPPORTED)); } byte equality = bb.get(); // we don't use this but take the equality byte off the buffer count++; } return stuff; } @Override protected List<Object> deserializeUniqueValueLogColumn(ByteBuffer bb){ /** * List<Object> keys = new ArrayList<>(4); keys.add(fieldEntry.getVersion()); keys.add(fieldEntry.getField().getName()); keys.add(fieldValueString); keys.add(fieldEntry.getField().getTypeName().name()); */ List<Object> stuff = new ArrayList<>(); int count = 0; while(bb.hasRemaining()){ // pull of custom comparator (per Astyanax deserialize) int e = CQLUtils.getShortLength(bb); if((e & '耀') == 0) { CQLUtils.getBytes(bb, e); } else { // do nothing } ByteBuffer data = CQLUtils.getWithShortLength(bb); // first composite is a UUID, rest are strings if(count == 0) { stuff.add(new UUID(data.getLong(), data.getLong())); }else{ stuff.add(DataType.text().deserialize(data.slice(), ProtocolVersion.NEWEST_SUPPORTED)); } byte equality = bb.get(); // we don't use this but take the equality byte off the buffer count++; } return stuff; } @Override public int getImplementationVersion() { return CollectionDataVersions.INITIAL.getVersion(); } private ByteBuffer serializeKey( UUID appUUID, String applicationType, String entityType, String fieldType, String fieldName, Object fieldValue ){ final String collectionName = LegacyScopeUtils.getCollectionScopeNameFromEntityType( entityType ); /** final CollectionPrefixedKey<Field> uniquePrefixedKey = new CollectionPrefixedKey<>( collectionName, applicationId, field ); final Id orgId = ID_SER.fromComposite( parser ); final Id scopeId = ID_SER.fromComposite( parser ); final String scopeName = parser.readString(); final K value = keySerializer.fromComposite( parser ); **/ // values are serialized as strings, not sure why, and always lower cased String fieldValueString = fieldValue.toString().toLowerCase(); List<Object> keys = new ArrayList<>(8); keys.add(0, appUUID); keys.add(1, applicationType); keys.add(2, appUUID); keys.add(3, applicationType); keys.add(4, collectionName); keys.add(5, fieldType); keys.add(6, fieldName); keys.add(7, fieldValueString); // UUIDs are 16 bytes, allocate the buffer accordingly int size = 16 + applicationType.getBytes().length + 16 + applicationType.getBytes().length + collectionName.getBytes().length + fieldType.getBytes().length + fieldName.getBytes().length + fieldValueString.getBytes().length; // we always need to add length for the 2 byte short and 1 byte equality size += keys.size()*3; ByteBuffer stuff = ByteBuffer.allocate(size); for (Object key : keys) { ByteBuffer kb = DataType.serializeValue(key, ProtocolVersion.NEWEST_SUPPORTED); if (kb == null) { kb = ByteBuffer.allocate(0); } stuff.putShort((short) kb.remaining()); stuff.put(kb.slice()); stuff.put((byte) 0); } stuff.flip(); return stuff; } private ByteBuffer serializeLogKey(UUID appUUID, String applicationType, UUID entityId, String entityType){ final String collectionName = LegacyScopeUtils.getCollectionScopeNameFromEntityType( entityType ); /** final CollectionPrefixedKey<Id> collectionPrefixedEntityKey = new CollectionPrefixedKey<>( collectionName, applicationId, uniqueValueId ); **/ List<Object> keys = new ArrayList<>(4); keys.add(appUUID); keys.add(applicationType); keys.add(appUUID); keys.add(applicationType); keys.add(collectionName); keys.add(entityId); keys.add(entityType); int size = 16+applicationType.getBytes().length+16+applicationType.getBytes().length +collectionName.getBytes().length+16+entityType.getBytes().length; // we always need to add length for the 2 byte short and 1 byte equality size += keys.size()*3; ByteBuffer stuff = ByteBuffer.allocate(size); for (Object key : keys) { ByteBuffer kb = DataType.serializeValue(key, ProtocolVersion.NEWEST_SUPPORTED); if (kb == null) { kb = ByteBuffer.allocate(0); } stuff.putShort((short) kb.remaining()); stuff.put(kb.slice()); stuff.put((byte) 0); } stuff.flip(); return stuff; } }