/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.apache.usergrid.persistence.core; import org.safehaus.guicyfig.Default; import org.safehaus.guicyfig.FigSingleton; import org.safehaus.guicyfig.GuicyFig; import org.safehaus.guicyfig.Key; /** * Cassandra configuration interface. */ @FigSingleton public interface CassandraFig extends GuicyFig { // cassndra properties used by datastax driver String READ_CL = "cassandra.readcl"; String READ_CL_CONSISTENT = "cassandra.readcl.consistent"; String WRITE_CL = "cassandra.writecl"; String STRATEGY = "cassandra.strategy"; String STRATEGY_OPTIONS = "cassandra.strategy.options"; String STRATEGY_LOCAL = "cassandra.strategy.local"; String STRATEGY_OPTIONS_LOCAL = "cassandra.strategy.options.local"; // main application cassandra properties String ASTYANAX_READ_CONSISTENT_CL = "usergrid.consistent.read.cl"; String ASTYANAX_READ_CL = "usergrid.read.cl"; String ASTYANAX_WRITE_CL = "usergrid.write.cl"; String SHARD_VALUES = "cassandra.shardvalues"; String THRIFT_TRANSPORT_SIZE = "cassandra.thrift.transport.frame"; String USERNAME = "cassandra.username"; String PASSWORD = "cassandra.password"; // locks cassandra properties String LOCKS_KEYSPACE_NAME = "cassandra.lock.keyspace"; String LOCKS_KEYSPACE_REPLICATION = "cassandra.lock.keyspace.replication"; String LOCKS_KEYSPACE_STRATEGY = "cassandra.lock.keyspace.strategy"; String LOCKS_CL = "cassandra.lock.cl"; String LOCKS_SHARED_POOL_FLAG = "cassandra.lock.use_shared_pool"; String LOCKS_CONNECTIONS = "cassandra.lock.connections"; String LOCKS_EXPIRATION = "cassandra.lock.expiration.milliseconds"; String LOCK_MANAGER_INIT_RETRIES = "cassandra.lock.init.retries"; String LOCK_MANAGER_INIT_INTERVAL = "cassandra.lock.init.interval"; // re-usable default values String DEFAULT_CONNECTION_POOLSIZE = "15"; String DEFAULT_LOCKS_EXPIRATION = "3600000"; // 1 hour String DEFAULT_LOCAL_DC = ""; String DEFAULT_USERNAME = ""; String DEFAULT_PASSWORD = ""; @Key( "cassandra.hosts" ) String getHosts(); /** * Valid options are 1.2, 2.0, 2.1 * * @return */ @Key( "cassandra.version" ) @Default( "2.1" ) String getVersion(); @Key( "cassandra.cluster_name" ) @Default( "Usergrid" ) String getClusterName(); @Key( "cassandra.keyspace.application" ) @Default( "Usergrid_Applications" ) String getApplicationKeyspace(); @Key( "cassandra.port" ) @Default( "9160" ) int getThriftPort(); @Key( USERNAME ) @Default( DEFAULT_USERNAME ) String getUsername(); @Key( PASSWORD ) @Default( DEFAULT_PASSWORD ) String getPassword(); @Key( "cassandra.datacenter.local" ) @Default( DEFAULT_LOCAL_DC ) String getLocalDataCenter(); @Key( "cassandra.connections" ) @Default( DEFAULT_CONNECTION_POOLSIZE ) int getConnections(); @Key( "cassandra.timeout" ) @Default( "10000" ) int getTimeout(); @Key( "cassandra.timeout.pool" ) @Default( "5000" ) int getPoolTimeout(); @Key("cassandra.discovery") @Default( "RING_DESCRIBE" ) String getDiscoveryType(); @Default("CL_LOCAL_QUORUM") @Key(ASTYANAX_READ_CL) String getAstyanaxReadCL(); @Default("CL_QUORUM") @Key(ASTYANAX_READ_CONSISTENT_CL) String getAstyanaxConsistentReadCL(); @Default("CL_LOCAL_QUORUM") @Key(ASTYANAX_WRITE_CL) String getAstyanaxWriteCL(); @Default("LOCAL_QUORUM") @Key(READ_CL) String getReadCl(); @Default("QUORUM") @Key(READ_CL_CONSISTENT) String getReadClConsistent(); @Default("LOCAL_QUORUM") @Key(WRITE_CL) String getWriteCl(); @Default("SimpleStrategy") @Key( STRATEGY ) String getStrategy(); @Default("replication_factor:1") @Key( STRATEGY_OPTIONS ) String getStrategyOptions(); @Default("SimpleStrategy") @Key( STRATEGY_LOCAL ) String getStrategyLocal(); @Default("replication_factor:1") @Key( STRATEGY_OPTIONS_LOCAL ) String getStrategyOptionsLocal(); /** * Return the history of all shard values which are immutable. For instance, if shard values * are initially set to 20 (the default) then increased to 40, the property should contain the string of * "20, 40" so that we can read historic data. * * @return */ @Default("20") @Key(SHARD_VALUES) String getShardValues(); /** * Get the thrift transport size. Should be set to what is on the cassandra servers. As we move to CQL, this will become obsolete * @return */ @Key( THRIFT_TRANSPORT_SIZE) @Default( "15728640" ) int getThriftBufferSize(); /** * Returns the name of the keyspace that should be used for Locking */ @Key( LOCKS_KEYSPACE_NAME ) @Default("Locks") String getLocksKeyspace(); /** * Returns the Astyanax consistency level for writing a Lock */ @Key(LOCKS_CL) @Default("CL_LOCAL_QUORUM") String getLocksCl(); /** * Returns a flag on whether or not to share the connection pool with other keyspaces */ @Key( LOCKS_SHARED_POOL_FLAG ) @Default("true") boolean useSharedPoolForLocks(); /** * Returns a flag on whether or not to share the connection pool with other keyspaces */ @Key( LOCKS_CONNECTIONS ) @Default( DEFAULT_CONNECTION_POOLSIZE ) int getConnectionsLocks(); /** * Returns a flag on whether or not to share the connection pool with other keyspaces */ @Key( LOCKS_KEYSPACE_REPLICATION ) @Default("replication_factor:1") String getLocksKeyspaceReplication(); /** * Returns a flag on whether or not to share the connection pool with other keyspaces */ @Key( LOCKS_KEYSPACE_STRATEGY ) @Default( "org.apache.cassandra.locator.SimpleStrategy" ) String getLocksKeyspaceStrategy(); /** * Return the expiration that should be used for expiring a lock if it's not released */ @Key( LOCKS_EXPIRATION ) @Default(DEFAULT_LOCKS_EXPIRATION) int getLocksExpiration(); /** * How many times to attempt lock keyspace and column family creation */ @Key( LOCK_MANAGER_INIT_RETRIES ) @Default( "100" ) int getLockManagerInitRetries(); /** * Return the expiration that should be used for expiring a lock if it's not released */ @Key( LOCK_MANAGER_INIT_INTERVAL ) @Default( "1000" ) int getLockManagerInitInterval(); }