package com.mygeopay.wallet; import; import; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import; import; import; import; import; import android.os.StrictMode; import android.os.SystemClock; import android.preference.PreferenceManager; import android.widget.Toast; import com.mygeopay.core.coins.CoinType; import; import com.mygeopay.core.util.HardwareSoftwareCompliance; import com.mygeopay.core.wallet.Wallet; import com.mygeopay.core.wallet.WalletAccount; import com.mygeopay.core.wallet.WalletProtobufSerializer; import com.mygeopay.wallet.service.CoinService; import com.mygeopay.wallet.service.CoinServiceImpl; import com.mygeopay.wallet.util.Fonts; import com.mygeopay.wallet.util.LinuxSecureRandom; import com.mygeopay.wallet.util.NetworkUtils; import; import org.acra.annotation.ReportsCrashes; import org.acra.sender.HttpSender; import org.bitcoinj.core.Address; import org.bitcoinj.crypto.MnemonicCode; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import javax.annotation.Nullable; /** * @author John L. Jegutanis * @author Andreas Schildbach */ @ReportsCrashes( // Also uncomment ACRA.init(this) in onCreate httpMethod = HttpSender.Method.PUT, reportType = HttpSender.Type.JSON, formKey = "" ) public class WalletApplication extends Application { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(WalletApplication.class); private static HashMap<String, Typeface> typefaces; private Configuration config; private ActivityManager activityManager; private Intent coinServiceIntent; private Intent coinServiceConnectIntent; private Intent coinServiceCancelCoinsReceivedIntent; private Intent coinServiceResetWalletIntent; private File walletFile; @Nullable private Wallet wallet; private PackageInfo packageInfo; private long lastStop; private ConnectivityManager connManager; private ShapeShift shapeShift; @Override public void onCreate() { // ACRA.init(this); new LinuxSecureRandom(); // init proper random number generator initLogging(); // TODO review this StrictMode.setThreadPolicy( new StrictMode.ThreadPolicy.Builder().detectAll().permitDiskReads().permitDiskWrites().penaltyLog().build()); super.onCreate(); packageInfo = packageInfoFromContext(this); config = new Configuration(PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this)); activityManager = (ActivityManager) getSystemService(Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE); coinServiceIntent = new Intent(this, CoinServiceImpl.class); coinServiceConnectIntent = new Intent(CoinService.ACTION_CONNECT_COIN, null, this, CoinServiceImpl.class); coinServiceCancelCoinsReceivedIntent = new Intent(CoinService.ACTION_CANCEL_COINS_RECEIVED, null, this, CoinServiceImpl.class); coinServiceResetWalletIntent = new Intent(CoinService.ACTION_RESET_WALLET, null, this, CoinServiceImpl.class); // Set MnemonicCode.INSTANCE if needed if (MnemonicCode.INSTANCE == null) { try { MnemonicCode.INSTANCE = new MnemonicCode(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Could not set MnemonicCode.INSTANCE", e); } } config.updateLastVersionCode(packageInfo.versionCode); performComplianceTests(); connManager = (ConnectivityManager) getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE); walletFile = getFileStreamPath(Constants.WALLET_FILENAME_PROTOBUF); loadWallet(); afterLoadWallet(); Fonts.initFonts(this.getAssets()); } public boolean isConnected() { NetworkInfo activeInfo = connManager.getActiveNetworkInfo(); return activeInfo != null && activeInfo.isConnected(); } public ShapeShift getShapeShift() { if (shapeShift == null) { shapeShift = new ShapeShift(NetworkUtils.getHttpClient(getApplicationContext())); } return shapeShift; } /** * Some devices have software bugs that causes the EC crypto to malfunction. */ private void performComplianceTests() { if (!HardwareSoftwareCompliance.isEllipticCurveCryptographyCompliant()) { config.setDeviceCompatible(false); } } private void afterLoadWallet() { // wallet.autosaveToFile(walletFile, 1, TimeUnit.SECONDS, new WalletAutosaveEventListener()); // // clean up spam // wallet.cleanup(); // // ensureKey(); // // migrateBackup(); } private void initLogging() { // final File logDir = getDir("log", Constants.TEST ? Context.MODE_WORLD_READABLE : MODE_PRIVATE); // final File logFile = new File(logDir, "wallet.log"); // // final LoggerContext context = (LoggerContext) LoggerFactory.getILoggerFactory(); // // final PatternLayoutEncoder filePattern = new PatternLayoutEncoder(); // filePattern.setContext(context); // filePattern.setPattern("%d{HH:mm:ss.SSS} [%thread] %logger{0} - %msg%n"); // filePattern.start(); // // final RollingFileAppender<ILoggingEvent> fileAppender = new RollingFileAppender<ILoggingEvent>(); // fileAppender.setContext(context); // fileAppender.setFile(logFile.getAbsolutePath()); // // final TimeBasedRollingPolicy<ILoggingEvent> rollingPolicy = new TimeBasedRollingPolicy<ILoggingEvent>(); // rollingPolicy.setContext(context); // rollingPolicy.setParent(fileAppender); // rollingPolicy.setFileNamePattern(logDir.getAbsolutePath() + "/wallet.%d.log.gz"); // rollingPolicy.setMaxHistory(7); // rollingPolicy.start(); // // fileAppender.setEncoder(filePattern); // fileAppender.setRollingPolicy(rollingPolicy); // fileAppender.start(); // // final PatternLayoutEncoder logcatTagPattern = new PatternLayoutEncoder(); // logcatTagPattern.setContext(context); // logcatTagPattern.setPattern("%logger{0}"); // logcatTagPattern.start(); // // final PatternLayoutEncoder logcatPattern = new PatternLayoutEncoder(); // logcatPattern.setContext(context); // logcatPattern.setPattern("[%thread] %msg%n"); // logcatPattern.start(); // // final LogcatAppender logcatAppender = new LogcatAppender(); // logcatAppender.setContext(context); // logcatAppender.setTagEncoder(logcatTagPattern); // logcatAppender.setEncoder(logcatPattern); // logcatAppender.start(); // // final ch.qos.logback.classic.Logger log = context.getLogger(Logger.ROOT_LOGGER_NAME); // log.addAppender(fileAppender); // log.addAppender(logcatAppender); // log.setLevel(Level.INFO); } public Configuration getConfiguration() { return config; } /** * Get the current wallet. */ @Nullable public Wallet getWallet() { return wallet; } @Nullable public WalletAccount getAccount(String accountId) { if (wallet != null) { return wallet.getAccount(accountId); } else { return null; } } public List<WalletAccount> getAccounts(CoinType type) { if (wallet != null) { return wallet.getAccounts(type); } else { return ImmutableList.of(); } } public List<WalletAccount> getAccounts(List<CoinType> types) { if (wallet != null) { return wallet.getAccounts(types); } else { return ImmutableList.of(); } } public List<WalletAccount> getAccounts(Address address) { if (wallet != null) { return wallet.getAccounts(address); } else { return ImmutableList.of(); } } public List<WalletAccount> getAllAccounts() { if (wallet != null) { return wallet.getAllAccounts(); } else { return ImmutableList.of(); } } /** * Check if account exists */ public boolean isAccountExists(String accountId) { if (wallet != null) { return wallet.isAccountExists(accountId); } else { return false; } } /** * Check if accounts exists for the spesific coin type */ public boolean isAccountExists(CoinType type) { if (wallet != null) { return wallet.isAccountExists(type); } else { return false; } } public void setWallet(Wallet wallet) { // Disable auto-save of the previous wallet if exists, so it doesn't override the new one if (this.wallet != null) { this.wallet.shutdownAutosaveAndWait(); } this.wallet = wallet; this.wallet.autosaveToFile(walletFile, Constants.WALLET_WRITE_DELAY, Constants.WALLET_WRITE_DELAY_UNIT, null); } private void loadWallet() { if (walletFile.exists()) { final long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); FileInputStream walletStream = null; try { walletStream = new FileInputStream(walletFile); setWallet(WalletProtobufSerializer.readWallet(walletStream));"wallet loaded from: '" + walletFile + "', took " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) + "ms"); } catch (final FileNotFoundException x) { log.error("problem loading wallet", x); Toast.makeText(WalletApplication.this, R.string.error_could_not_read_wallet, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); } catch (final UnreadableWalletException x) { log.error("problem loading wallet", x); Toast.makeText(WalletApplication.this, R.string.error_could_not_read_wallet, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); } finally { if (walletStream != null) { try { walletStream.close(); } catch (final IOException x) { /* ignore */ } } } } } public void saveWalletNow() { if (wallet != null) { wallet.saveNow(); } } public void saveWalletLater() { if (wallet != null) { wallet.saveLater(); } } public void startBlockchainService(CoinService.ServiceMode mode) { switch (mode) { case CANCEL_COINS_RECEIVED: startService(coinServiceCancelCoinsReceivedIntent); break; case RESET_WALLET: startService(coinServiceResetWalletIntent); break; case NORMAL: default: startService(coinServiceIntent); break; } } public void stopBlockchainService() { stopService(coinServiceIntent); } public static PackageInfo packageInfoFromContext(final Context context) { try { return context.getPackageManager().getPackageInfo(context.getPackageName(), 0); } catch (final PackageManager.NameNotFoundException x) { throw new RuntimeException(x); } } public PackageInfo packageInfo() { return packageInfo; } public void touchLastResume() { lastStop = -1; } public void touchLastStop() { lastStop = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime(); } public long getLastStop() { return lastStop; } public void maybeConnectAccount(WalletAccount account) { if (!account.isConnected()) { coinServiceConnectIntent.putExtra(Constants.ARG_ACCOUNT_ID, account.getId()); startService(coinServiceConnectIntent); } } }