package com.mygeopay.core.wallet; import com.mygeopay.core.coins.CoinType; import com.mygeopay.core.protos.Protos; import com.mygeopay.core.wallet.exceptions.NoSuchPocketException; import org.bitcoinj.core.Address; import org.bitcoinj.crypto.DeterministicHierarchy; import org.bitcoinj.crypto.DeterministicKey; import org.bitcoinj.crypto.HDKeyDerivation; import org.bitcoinj.crypto.KeyCrypter; import org.bitcoinj.crypto.MnemonicCode; import org.bitcoinj.crypto.MnemonicException; import; import org.bitcoinj.utils.Threading; import org.bitcoinj.wallet.DeterministicSeed; import; import; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.spongycastle.crypto.params.KeyParameter; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import javax.annotation.concurrent.GuardedBy; import static; import static; /** * @author John L. Jegutanis */ final public class Wallet { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Wallet.class); public static final int ENTROPY_SIZE_DEBUG = -1; private final ReentrantLock lock = Threading.lock("KeyChain"); @GuardedBy("lock") private final LinkedHashMap<CoinType, ArrayList<WalletAccount>> accountsByType; @GuardedBy("lock") private final LinkedHashMap<String, WalletAccount> accounts; @Nullable private DeterministicSeed seed; private DeterministicKey masterKey; protected volatile WalletFiles vFileManager; // FIXME, make multi account capable private final static int ACCOUNT_ZERO = 0; private int version; public Wallet(List<String> mnemonic) throws MnemonicException { this(mnemonic, null); } public Wallet(List<String> mnemonic, @Nullable String password) throws MnemonicException { MnemonicCode.INSTANCE.check(mnemonic); password = password == null ? "" : password; seed = new DeterministicSeed(mnemonic, null, password, 0); masterKey = HDKeyDerivation.createMasterPrivateKey(seed.getSeedBytes()); accountsByType = new LinkedHashMap<CoinType, ArrayList<WalletAccount>>(); accounts = new LinkedHashMap<String, WalletAccount>(); } public Wallet(DeterministicKey masterKey, @Nullable DeterministicSeed seed) { this.seed = seed; this.masterKey = masterKey; accountsByType = new LinkedHashMap<CoinType, ArrayList<WalletAccount>>(); accounts = new LinkedHashMap<String, WalletAccount>(); } public static List<String> generateMnemonic(int entropyBitsSize) { byte[] entropy; if (ENTROPY_SIZE_DEBUG > 0) { entropy = new byte[ENTROPY_SIZE_DEBUG]; } else { entropy = new byte[entropyBitsSize / 8]; } SecureRandom sr = new SecureRandom(); sr.nextBytes(entropy); List<String> mnemonic; try { mnemonic = MnemonicCode.INSTANCE.toMnemonic(entropy); } catch (MnemonicException.MnemonicLengthException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); // should not happen, we have 16bytes of entropy } return mnemonic; } public static String generateMnemonicString(int entropyBitsSize) { List<String> mnemonicWords = Wallet.generateMnemonic(entropyBitsSize); return mnemonicToString(mnemonicWords); } public static String mnemonicToString(List<String> mnemonicWords) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < mnemonicWords.size(); i++) { sb.append(mnemonicWords.get(i)); sb.append(' '); } return sb.toString(); } public WalletAccount createAccount(CoinType coin, boolean generateAllKeys, @Nullable KeyParameter key) { return createAccounts(Lists.newArrayList(coin), generateAllKeys, key).get(0); } public List<WalletAccount> createAccounts(List<CoinType> coins, boolean generateAllKeys, @Nullable KeyParameter key) { lock.lock(); try { ImmutableList.Builder<WalletAccount> newAccounts = ImmutableList.builder(); for (CoinType coin : coins) {"Creating coin pocket for {}", coin); WalletPocketHD newAccount = createAndAddAccount(coin, key); if (generateAllKeys) { newAccount.maybeInitializeAllKeys(); } newAccounts.add(newAccount); } return; } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * Check if at least one account exists for a specific coin */ public boolean isAccountExists(CoinType coinType) { lock.lock(); try { return accountsByType.containsKey(coinType); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * Check if account exists */ public boolean isAccountExists(@Nullable String accountId) { if (accountId == null) return false; lock.lock(); try { return accounts.containsKey(accountId); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * Get a specific account, null if does not exist */ @Nullable public WalletAccount getAccount(@Nullable String accountId) { if (accountId == null) return null; lock.lock(); try { return accounts.get(accountId); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * Get accounts for a specific coin type. Returns empty list if no account exists */ public List<WalletAccount> getAccounts(CoinType coinType) { return getAccounts(Lists.newArrayList(coinType)); } /** * Get accounts for a specific coin type. Returns empty list if no account exists */ public List<WalletAccount> getAccounts(List<CoinType> types) { lock.lock(); try { ImmutableList.Builder<WalletAccount> builder = ImmutableList.builder(); for (CoinType type : types) { if (isAccountExists(type)) { builder.addAll(accountsByType.get(type)); } } return; } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * Get accounts that watch a specific address. Returns empty list if no account exists */ public List<WalletAccount> getAccounts(final Address address) { lock.lock(); try { ImmutableList.Builder<WalletAccount> builder = ImmutableList.builder(); CoinType type = (CoinType) address.getParameters(); if (isAccountExists(type)) { for (WalletAccount account : accountsByType.get(type)) { if (account.isAddressMine(address)) { builder.add(account); } } } return; } finally { lock.unlock(); } } public List<WalletAccount> getAllAccounts() { lock.lock(); try { return ImmutableList.copyOf(accounts.values()); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } public List getAccountIds() { lock.lock(); try { return ImmutableList.copyOf(accounts.keySet()); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * Generate and add a new BIP44 account for a specific coin type */ private WalletPocketHD createAndAddAccount(CoinType coinType, @Nullable KeyParameter key) { checkState(lock.isHeldByCurrentThread(), "Lock is held by another thread"); checkNotNull(coinType, "Attempting to create a pocket for a null coin"); // TODO, currently we support a single account so return the existing account List<WalletAccount> currentAccount = getAccounts(coinType); if (!currentAccount.isEmpty()) { return (WalletPocketHD) currentAccount.get(0); } // TODO /////////////// DeterministicHierarchy hierarchy; if (isEncrypted()) { hierarchy = new DeterministicHierarchy(masterKey.decrypt(getKeyCrypter(), key)); } else { hierarchy= new DeterministicHierarchy(masterKey); } int newIndex = getLastAccountIndex(coinType) + 1; DeterministicKey rootKey = hierarchy.get(coinType.getBip44Path(newIndex), false, true); WalletPocketHD newPocket = new WalletPocketHD(rootKey, coinType, getKeyCrypter(), key); if (isEncrypted() && !newPocket.isEncrypted()) { newPocket.encrypt(getKeyCrypter(), key); } addAccount(newPocket); return newPocket; } /** * Get the last BIP44 account index of an account in this wallet. If no accounts found return -1 */ private int getLastAccountIndex(CoinType coinType) { if (!isAccountExists(coinType)) { return -1; } int lastIndex = -1; for (WalletAccount account : accountsByType.get(coinType)) { if (account instanceof WalletPocketHD) { int index = ((WalletPocketHD) account).getAccountIndex(); if (index > lastIndex) { lastIndex = index; } } } return lastIndex; } /* package */ void addAccount(WalletAccount pocket) { lock.lock(); try { String id = pocket.getId(); CoinType type = pocket.getCoinType(); checkState(!accounts.containsKey(id), "Cannot replace an existing wallet pocket"); if (!accountsByType.containsKey(type)) { accountsByType.put(type, new ArrayList<WalletAccount>()); } accountsByType.get(type).add(pocket); accounts.put(pocket.getId(), pocket); pocket.setWallet(this); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * Make the wallet generate all the needed lookahead keys if needed */ public void maybeInitializeAllPockets() { lock.lock(); try { for (WalletAccount account : accounts.values()) { if (account instanceof WalletPocketHD) { ((WalletPocketHD)account).maybeInitializeAllKeys(); } } } finally { lock.unlock(); } } //TODO remove public and implement seed password protection check public DeterministicKey getMasterKey() { lock.lock(); try { return masterKey; } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** Returns a list of words that represent the seed or null if this chain is a watching chain. */ @Nullable public List<String> getMnemonicCode() { if (seed == null) return null; lock.lock(); try { return seed.getMnemonicCode(); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } @Nullable public DeterministicSeed getSeed() { lock.lock(); try { return seed; } finally { lock.unlock(); } } // //TODO // @Deprecated // public List<CoinType> getCoinTypes() { // lock.lock(); // try { // return ImmutableList.copyOf(accountsByType.keySet()); // } finally { // lock.unlock(); // } // } /** Returns the {@link KeyCrypter} in use or null if the key chain is not encrypted. */ @Nullable public KeyCrypter getKeyCrypter() { lock.lock(); try { return masterKey.getKeyCrypter(); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } // public SendRequest sendCoinsOffline(Address address, Coin amount) // throws InsufficientMoneyException, NoSuchPocketException { // return sendCoinsOffline(address, amount, null); // } // // public SendRequest sendCoinsOffline(Address address, Coin amount, @Nullable String password) // throws InsufficientMoneyException, NoSuchPocketException { // CoinType type = (CoinType) address.getParameters(); // WalletPocketHD pocket = getPocket(type); // SendRequest request = null; // if (pocket != null) { // request = pocket.sendCoinsOffline(address, amount, password); // } else { // throwNoSuchPocket(type); // } // return request; // } // // public void completeAndSignTx(SendRequest request) throws InsufficientMoneyException, NoSuchPocketException { // WalletPocketHD pocket = getPocket(request.type); // if (pocket != null) { // if (request.completed) { // pocket.signTransaction(request); // } else { // pocket.completeTx(request); // } // } else { // throwNoSuchPocket(request.type); // } // } private void throwNoSuchPocket(CoinType type) throws NoSuchPocketException { throw new NoSuchPocketException("Tried to send from pocket " + type.getName() + " but no such pocket in wallet."); } public void setVersion(int version) { this.version = version; } public int getVersion() { return version; } public WalletAccount refresh(String accountIdToReset) { lock.lock(); try { WalletAccount account = getAccount(accountIdToReset); if (account != null) { account.refresh(); saveLater(); } return account; } finally { lock.unlock(); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Serialization support // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// @VisibleForTesting Protos.Wallet toProtobuf() { lock.lock(); try { return WalletProtobufSerializer.toProtobuf(this); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * Returns a wallet deserialized from the given file. */ public static Wallet loadFromFile(File f) throws UnreadableWalletException { try { FileInputStream stream = null; try { stream = new FileInputStream(f); return loadFromFileStream(stream); } finally { if (stream != null) stream.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new UnreadableWalletException("Could not open file", e); } } /** * Returns a wallet deserialized from the given input stream. */ public static Wallet loadFromFileStream(InputStream stream) throws UnreadableWalletException { return WalletProtobufSerializer.readWallet(stream); } /** * Uses protobuf serialization to save the wallet to the given file stream. To learn more about this file format, see * {@link WalletProtobufSerializer}. */ public void saveToFileStream(OutputStream f) throws IOException { lock.lock(); try { WalletProtobufSerializer.writeWallet(this, f); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** Saves the wallet first to the given temp file, then renames to the dest file. */ public void saveToFile(File temp, File destFile) throws IOException { FileOutputStream stream = null; lock.lock(); try { stream = new FileOutputStream(temp); saveToFileStream(stream); // Attempt to force the bits to hit the disk. In reality the OS or hard disk itself may still decide // to not write through to physical media for at least a few seconds, but this is the best we can do. stream.flush(); stream.getFD().sync(); stream.close(); stream = null; if (!temp.renameTo(destFile)) { throw new IOException("Failed to rename " + temp + " to " + destFile); } } catch (RuntimeException e) { log.error("Failed whilst saving wallet", e); throw e; } finally { lock.unlock(); if (stream != null) { stream.close(); } if (temp.exists()) { log.warn("Temp file still exists after failed save."); } } } /** * <p>Sets up the wallet to auto-save itself to the given file, using temp files with atomic renames to ensure * consistency. After connecting to a file, you no longer need to save the wallet manually, it will do it * whenever necessary. Protocol buffer serialization will be used.</p> * * <p>If delayTime is set, a background thread will be created and the wallet will only be saved to * disk every so many time units. If no changes have occurred for the given time period, nothing will be written. * In this way disk IO can be rate limited. It's a good idea to set this as otherwise the wallet can change very * frequently, eg if there are a lot of transactions in it or during block sync, and there will be a lot of redundant * writes. Note that when a new key is added, that always results in an immediate save regardless of * delayTime. <b>You should still save the wallet manually when your program is about to shut down as the JVM * will not wait for the background thread.</b></p> * * <p>An event listener can be provided. If a delay >0 was specified, it will be called on a background thread * with the wallet locked when an auto-save occurs. If delay is zero or you do something that always triggers * an immediate save, like adding a key, the event listener will be invoked on the calling threads.</p> * * @param f The destination file to save to. * @param delayTime How many time units to wait until saving the wallet on a background thread. * @param timeUnit the unit of measurement for delayTime. * @param eventListener callback to be informed when the auto-save thread does things, or null */ public WalletFiles autosaveToFile(File f, long delayTime, TimeUnit timeUnit, @Nullable WalletFiles.Listener eventListener) { lock.lock(); try { checkState(vFileManager == null, "Already auto saving this wallet."); WalletFiles manager = new WalletFiles(this, f, delayTime, timeUnit); if (eventListener != null) { manager.setListener(eventListener); } vFileManager = manager; return manager; } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * <p> * Disables auto-saving, after it had been enabled with * {@link Wallet#autosaveToFile(, long, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit,com.mygeopay.core.wallet.WalletFiles.Listener)} * before. This method blocks until finished. * </p> */ public void shutdownAutosaveAndWait() { lock.lock(); try { WalletFiles files = vFileManager; vFileManager = null; if (files != null) { files.shutdownAndWait(); } } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** Requests an asynchronous save on a background thread */ public void saveLater() { lock.lock(); try { WalletFiles files = vFileManager; if (files != null) { files.saveLater(); } } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** If auto saving is enabled, do an immediate sync write to disk ignoring any delays. */ public void saveNow() { lock.lock(); try { WalletFiles files = vFileManager; if (files != null) { try { files.saveNow(); // This calls back into saveToFile(). } catch (IOException e) { // Can't really do much at this point, just let the API user know. log.error("Failed to save wallet to disk!", e); Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler handler = Threading.uncaughtExceptionHandler; if (handler != null) handler.uncaughtException(Thread.currentThread(), e); } } } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Encryption support // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public boolean isEncrypted() { lock.lock(); try { return masterKey.isEncrypted(); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * Encrypt the keys in the group using the KeyCrypter and the AES key. A good default KeyCrypter to use is * {@link org.bitcoinj.crypto.KeyCrypterScrypt}. * * @throws org.bitcoinj.crypto.KeyCrypterException Thrown if the wallet encryption fails for some reason, * leaving the group unchanged. */ public void encrypt(KeyCrypter keyCrypter, KeyParameter aesKey) { checkNotNull(keyCrypter, "Attempting to encrypt with a null KeyCrypter"); checkNotNull(aesKey, "Attempting to encrypt with a null KeyParameter"); lock.lock(); try { if (seed != null) seed = seed.encrypt(keyCrypter, aesKey); masterKey = masterKey.encrypt(keyCrypter, aesKey, null); for (WalletAccount account : accounts.values()) { if (account.isEncryptable()) { account.encrypt(keyCrypter, aesKey); } } } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /* package */ void decrypt(KeyParameter aesKey) { checkNotNull(aesKey, "Attemting to decrypt with a null KeyParameter"); lock.lock(); try { checkState(isEncrypted(), "Wallet is already decrypted"); if (seed != null) { checkState(seed.isEncrypted(), "Seed is already decrypted"); List<String> mnemonic = null; try { mnemonic = decodeMnemonicCode(getKeyCrypter().decrypt(seed.getEncryptedData(), aesKey)); } catch (UnreadableWalletException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } seed = new DeterministicSeed(new byte[16], mnemonic, 0); } masterKey = masterKey.decrypt(getKeyCrypter(), aesKey); for (WalletAccount account : accounts.values()) { if (account.isEncryptable()) { account.decrypt(aesKey); } } } finally { lock.unlock(); } } private static List<String> decodeMnemonicCode(byte[] mnemonicCode) throws UnreadableWalletException { try { return Splitter.on(" ").splitToList(new String(mnemonicCode, "UTF-8")); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { throw new UnreadableWalletException(e.toString()); } } // TODO // public void broadcastTx(SendRequest request) throws IOException { // getPocket(request.type).broadcastTx(request.tx); // } }