package com.mygeopay.core.wallet; import com.mygeopay.core.protos.Protos; import org.bitcoinj.core.BloomFilter; import org.bitcoinj.core.ECKey; import org.bitcoinj.core.Sha256Hash; import org.bitcoinj.core.Utils; import org.bitcoinj.crypto.ChildNumber; import org.bitcoinj.crypto.DeterministicHierarchy; import org.bitcoinj.crypto.DeterministicKey; import org.bitcoinj.crypto.EncryptedData; import org.bitcoinj.crypto.HDKeyDerivation; import org.bitcoinj.crypto.HDUtils; import org.bitcoinj.crypto.KeyCrypter; import org.bitcoinj.crypto.KeyCrypterException; import org.bitcoinj.crypto.KeyCrypterScrypt; import; import org.bitcoinj.utils.Threading; import org.bitcoinj.wallet.EncryptableKeyChain; import org.bitcoinj.wallet.KeyBag; import org.bitcoinj.wallet.KeyChainEventListener; import org.bitcoinj.wallet.RedeemData; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.spongycastle.crypto.digests.RIPEMD160Digest; import org.spongycastle.crypto.params.KeyParameter; import; import java.math.BigInteger; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.Executor; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import static; import static; import static; import static; /** * @author John L. Jegutanis * @author 2013 The bitcoinj developers. */ public class SimpleHDKeyChain implements EncryptableKeyChain, KeyBag { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SimpleHDKeyChain.class); public static final int LOOKAHEAD = 20; // BIP 44 private final ReentrantLock lock = Threading.lock("KeyChain"); private DeterministicHierarchy hierarchy; private DeterministicKey rootKey; // Paths through the key tree. External keys are ones that are communicated to other parties. Internal keys are // keys created for change addresses, coinbases, mixing, etc - anything that isn't communicated. The distinction // is somewhat arbitrary but can be useful for audits. public static final ChildNumber EXTERNAL_PATH_NUM = ChildNumber.ZERO; public static final ChildNumber INTERNAL_PATH_NUM = ChildNumber.ONE; public static final ImmutableList<ChildNumber> EXTERNAL_PATH = ImmutableList.of(EXTERNAL_PATH_NUM); public static final ImmutableList<ChildNumber> INTERNAL_PATH = ImmutableList.of(INTERNAL_PATH_NUM); // We try to ensure we have at least this many keys ready and waiting to be handed out via getKey(). // See docs for getLookaheadSize() for more info on what this is for. The -1 value means it hasn't been calculated // yet. For new chains it's set to whatever the default is, unless overridden by setLookaheadSize. For deserialized // chains, it will be calculated on demand from the number of loaded keys. private static final int LAZY_CALCULATE_LOOKAHEAD = -1; private int lookaheadSize = LOOKAHEAD; // The lookahead threshold causes us to batch up creation of new keys to minimize the frequency of Bloom filter // regenerations, which are expensive and will (in future) trigger chain download stalls/retries. One third // is an efficiency tradeoff. private int lookaheadThreshold = calcDefaultLookaheadThreshold(); private int calcDefaultLookaheadThreshold() { return lookaheadSize / 3; } // The parent keys for external keys (handed out to other people) and internal keys (used for change addresses). private DeterministicKey externalKey, internalKey; // How many keys on each path have actually been used. This may be fewer than the number that have been deserialized // or held in memory, because of the lookahead zone. private int issuedExternalKeys, issuedInternalKeys; // We simplify by wrapping a basic key chain and that way we get some functionality like key lookup and event // listeners "for free". All keys in the key tree appear here, even if they aren't meant to be used for receiving // money. private final SimpleKeyChain simpleKeyChain; /** * Creates a deterministic key chain that watches the given (public only) root key. You can use this to calculate * balances and generally follow along, but spending is not possible with such a chain. Currently you can't use * this method to watch an arbitrary fragment of some other tree, this limitation may be removed in future. */ public SimpleHDKeyChain(DeterministicKey rootkey) { simpleKeyChain = new SimpleKeyChain(); initializeHierarchyUnencrypted(rootkey); } SimpleHDKeyChain(DeterministicKey rootkey, @Nullable KeyCrypter crypter) { this.rootKey = rootkey; simpleKeyChain = new SimpleKeyChain(crypter); if (!rootkey.isEncrypted()) { initializeHierarchyUnencrypted(rootKey); } // Else... // We can't initialize ourselves with just an encrypted seed, so we expected deserialization code to do the // rest of the setup (loading the root key). } SimpleHDKeyChain(DeterministicKey rootkey, @Nullable KeyCrypter crypter, @Nullable KeyParameter key) { simpleKeyChain = new SimpleKeyChain(crypter); if (crypter != null && !rootkey.isEncrypted()) { this.rootKey = rootkey.encrypt(crypter, key, null); } else { this.rootKey = rootkey; } initializeHierarchyUnencrypted(rootKey); } // For use in encryption. private SimpleHDKeyChain(KeyCrypter crypter, KeyParameter aesKey, SimpleHDKeyChain chain) { checkArgument(!chain.rootKey.isEncrypted(), "Chain already encrypted"); this.issuedExternalKeys = chain.issuedExternalKeys; this.issuedInternalKeys = chain.issuedInternalKeys; this.lookaheadSize = chain.lookaheadSize; this.lookaheadThreshold = chain.lookaheadThreshold; simpleKeyChain = new SimpleKeyChain(crypter); // The first number is the "account number" but we don't use that feature. rootKey = chain.rootKey.encrypt(crypter, aesKey, null); hierarchy = new DeterministicHierarchy(rootKey); simpleKeyChain.importKey(rootKey); externalKey = encryptNonLeaf(aesKey, chain, rootKey, EXTERNAL_PATH); internalKey = encryptNonLeaf(aesKey, chain, rootKey, INTERNAL_PATH); // Now copy the (pubkey only) leaf keys across to avoid rederiving them. The private key bytes are missing // anyway so there's nothing to encrypt. for (ECKey eckey : chain.simpleKeyChain.getKeys()) { DeterministicKey key = (DeterministicKey) eckey; if (!isLeaf(key)) continue; // Not a leaf key. DeterministicKey parent = hierarchy.get(checkNotNull(key.getParent(), "Key has no parent").getPath(), false, false); // Clone the key to the new encrypted hierarchy. key = new DeterministicKey(key.getPubOnly(), parent); hierarchy.putKey(key); simpleKeyChain.importKey(key); } } private DeterministicKey encryptNonLeaf(KeyParameter aesKey, SimpleHDKeyChain chain, DeterministicKey parent, ImmutableList<ChildNumber> path) { DeterministicKey key = chain.hierarchy.get(path, true, false); key = key.encrypt(checkNotNull(simpleKeyChain.getKeyCrypter(), "Chain has null KeyCrypter"), aesKey, parent); hierarchy.putKey(key); simpleKeyChain.importKey(key); return key; } // Derives the account path keys and inserts them into the basic key chain. This is important to preserve their // order for serialization, amongst other things. private void initializeHierarchyUnencrypted(DeterministicKey baseKey) { rootKey = baseKey; addToBasicChain(rootKey); hierarchy = new DeterministicHierarchy(rootKey); externalKey = hierarchy.get(EXTERNAL_PATH, true, true); internalKey = hierarchy.get(INTERNAL_PATH, true, true); addToBasicChain(externalKey); addToBasicChain(internalKey); } public boolean isEncrypted() { lock.lock(); try { return rootKey.isEncrypted(); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * Get an unused key, without actually issuing it. * This is useful to show a receiving key in the interface */ public DeterministicKey getCurrentUnusedKey(KeyPurpose purpose) { lock.lock(); try { List<DeterministicKey> keys = null; switch (purpose) { case RECEIVE_FUNDS: case REFUND: keys = getDeterministicKeys(1, externalKey, issuedExternalKeys + 1); break; case CHANGE: keys = getDeterministicKeys(1, internalKey, issuedInternalKeys + 1); break; default: throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } return keys.get(0); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * Get the last issued key */ @Nullable public DeterministicKey getLastIssuedKey(KeyPurpose purpose) { lock.lock(); try { List<DeterministicKey> keys; switch (purpose) { case RECEIVE_FUNDS: case REFUND: if (issuedExternalKeys <= 0) return null; keys = getDeterministicKeys(1, externalKey, issuedExternalKeys); break; case CHANGE: if (issuedInternalKeys <= 0) return null; keys = getDeterministicKeys(1, internalKey, issuedInternalKeys); break; default: throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } return keys.get(0); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** Returns a freshly derived key that has not been returned by this method before. */ @Override public DeterministicKey getKey(KeyPurpose purpose) { return getKeys(purpose, 1).get(0); } /** Returns freshly derived key/s that have not been returned by this method before. */ @Override public List<DeterministicKey> getKeys(KeyPurpose purpose, int numberOfKeys) { checkArgument(numberOfKeys > 0, "Need at least 1 key"); lock.lock(); try { DeterministicKey parentKey; int index; switch (purpose) { // Map both REFUND and RECEIVE_KEYS to the same branch for now. Refunds are a feature of the BIP 70 // payment protocol. Later we may wish to map it to a different branch (in a new wallet version?). // This would allow a watching wallet to only be able to see inbound payments, but not change // (i.e. spends) or refunds. Might be useful for auditing ... case RECEIVE_FUNDS: case REFUND: issuedExternalKeys += numberOfKeys; index = issuedExternalKeys; parentKey = externalKey; break; case CHANGE: issuedInternalKeys += numberOfKeys; index = issuedInternalKeys; parentKey = internalKey; break; default: throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } List<DeterministicKey> keys = getDeterministicKeys(numberOfKeys, parentKey, index); return keys; } finally { lock.unlock(); } } private List<DeterministicKey> getDeterministicKeys(int numberOfKeys, DeterministicKey parentKey, int index) { lock.lock(); try { // Optimization: potentially do a very quick key generation for just the number of keys we need if we // didn't already create them, ignoring the configured lookahead size. This ensures we'll be able to // retrieve the keys in the following loop, but if we're totally fresh and didn't get a chance to // calculate the lookahead keys yet, this will not block waiting to calculate 100+ EC point multiplies. // On slow/crappy Android phones looking ahead 100 keys can take ~5 seconds but the OS will kill us // if we block for just one second on the UI thread. Because UI threads may need an address in order // to render the screen, we need getKeys to be fast even if the wallet is totally brand new and lookahead // didn't happen yet. // // It's safe to do this because when a network thread tries to calculate a Bloom filter, we'll go ahead // and calculate the full lookahead zone there, so network requests will always use the right amount. List<DeterministicKey> lookahead = maybeLookAhead(parentKey, index, 0, 0); simpleKeyChain.importKeys(lookahead); List<DeterministicKey> keys = new ArrayList<DeterministicKey>(numberOfKeys); for (int i = 0; i < numberOfKeys; i++) { ImmutableList<ChildNumber> path = HDUtils.append(parentKey.getPath(), new ChildNumber(index - numberOfKeys + i, false)); keys.add(hierarchy.get(path, false, false)); } return keys; } finally { lock.unlock(); } } private void addToBasicChain(DeterministicKey key) { simpleKeyChain.importKeys(ImmutableList.of(key)); } /** * Mark the DeterministicKey as used. * Also correct the issued{Internal|External}Keys counter, because all lower children seem to be requested already. * If the counter was updated, we also might trigger lookahead. */ public DeterministicKey markKeyAsUsed(DeterministicKey k) { int numChildren = k.getChildNumber().i() + 1; if (k.getParent() == internalKey) { if (issuedInternalKeys < numChildren) { issuedInternalKeys = numChildren; maybeLookAhead(); } } else if (k.getParent() == externalKey) { if (issuedExternalKeys < numChildren) { issuedExternalKeys = numChildren; maybeLookAhead(); } } return k; } @Override public DeterministicKey findKeyFromPubHash(byte[] pubkeyHash) { lock.lock(); try { return (DeterministicKey) simpleKeyChain.findKeyFromPubHash(pubkeyHash); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } @Override public DeterministicKey findKeyFromPubKey(byte[] pubkey) { lock.lock(); try { return (DeterministicKey) simpleKeyChain.findKeyFromPubKey(pubkey); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } @Nullable @Override public RedeemData findRedeemDataFromScriptHash(byte[] bytes) { log.warn("Method findRedeemDataFromScriptHash not implemented"); return null; } /** * Mark the DeterministicKeys as used, if they match the pubkeyHash * See {@link SimpleHDKeyChain#markKeyAsUsed(DeterministicKey)} for more info on this. */ public boolean markPubHashAsUsed(byte[] pubkeyHash) { lock.lock(); try { DeterministicKey k = (DeterministicKey) simpleKeyChain.findKeyFromPubHash(pubkeyHash); if (k != null) markKeyAsUsed(k); return k != null; } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * Mark the DeterministicKeys as used, if they match the pubkey * See {@link SimpleHDKeyChain#markKeyAsUsed(DeterministicKey)} for more info on this. */ public boolean markPubKeyAsUsed(byte[] pubkey) { lock.lock(); try { DeterministicKey k = (DeterministicKey) simpleKeyChain.findKeyFromPubKey(pubkey); if (k != null) markKeyAsUsed(k); return k != null; } finally { lock.unlock(); } } @Override public boolean hasKey(ECKey key) { lock.lock(); try { return simpleKeyChain.hasKey(key); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** Returns the deterministic key for the given absolute path in the hierarchy. */ protected DeterministicKey getKeyByPath(ChildNumber... path) { return getKeyByPath(ImmutableList.<ChildNumber>copyOf(path)); } /** Returns the deterministic key for the given absolute path in the hierarchy. */ protected DeterministicKey getKeyByPath(ImmutableList<ChildNumber> path) { return hierarchy.get(path, false, false); } /** * <p>Use this when you would like to create a watching key chain that follows this one, * but can't spend money from it.</p> */ public DeterministicKey getWatchingKey() { return rootKey.getPubOnly(); } @Override public int numKeys() { lock.lock(); try { maybeLookAhead(); return simpleKeyChain.numKeys(); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * Returns number of leaf keys used including both internal and external paths. This may be fewer than the number * that have been deserialized or held in memory, because of the lookahead zone. */ public int numLeafKeysIssued() { lock.lock(); try { return issuedExternalKeys + issuedInternalKeys; } finally { lock.unlock(); } } @Override public long getEarliestKeyCreationTime() { return rootKey.getCreationTimeSeconds(); } @Override public void addEventListener(KeyChainEventListener listener) { simpleKeyChain.addEventListener(listener); } @Override public void addEventListener(KeyChainEventListener listener, Executor executor) { simpleKeyChain.addEventListener(listener, executor); } @Override public boolean removeEventListener(KeyChainEventListener listener) { return simpleKeyChain.removeEventListener(listener); } /** * Return true if this keychain is following another keychain */ public boolean isFollowing() { return false; // No support for now } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Serialization support // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// List<Protos.Key> toProtobuf() { LinkedList<Protos.Key> entries = newLinkedList(); List<Protos.Key.Builder> protos = toEditableProtobuf(); for (Protos.Key.Builder proto : protos) { entries.add(; } return entries; } List<Protos.Key.Builder> toEditableProtobuf() { lock.lock(); try { // Most of the serialization work is delegated to the basic key chain, which will serialize the bulk of the // data (handling encryption along the way), and letting us patch it up with the extra data we care about. LinkedList<Protos.Key.Builder> entries = newLinkedList(); Map<ECKey, Protos.Key.Builder> keys = simpleKeyChain.toEditableProtobufs(); for (Map.Entry<ECKey, Protos.Key.Builder> entry : keys.entrySet()) { DeterministicKey key = (DeterministicKey) entry.getKey(); Protos.Key.Builder proto = entry.getValue(); proto.setType(Protos.Key.Type.DETERMINISTIC_KEY); final Protos.DeterministicKey.Builder detKey = proto.getDeterministicKeyBuilder(); detKey.setChainCode(ByteString.copyFrom(key.getChainCode())); for (ChildNumber num : key.getPath()) detKey.addPath(num.i()); if (key.equals(externalKey)) { detKey.setIssuedSubkeys(issuedExternalKeys); detKey.setLookaheadSize(lookaheadSize); } else if (key.equals(internalKey)) { detKey.setIssuedSubkeys(issuedInternalKeys); detKey.setLookaheadSize(lookaheadSize); } // Flag the very first key of following keychain. if (entries.isEmpty() && isFollowing()) { detKey.setIsFollowing(true); } entries.add(proto); } return entries; } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * Returns the key chain found in the given list of keys. Used for unencrypted chains */ public static SimpleHDKeyChain fromProtobuf(List<Protos.Key> keys) throws UnreadableWalletException { return fromProtobuf(keys, null); } /** * Returns the key chain found in the given list of keys. */ public static SimpleHDKeyChain fromProtobuf(List<Protos.Key> keys, @Nullable KeyCrypter crypter) throws UnreadableWalletException { SimpleHDKeyChain chain = null; int lookaheadSize = -1; // If the root key is a child of another hierarchy, the depth will be > 0 int rootTreeSize = 0; for (Protos.Key key : keys) { final Protos.Key.Type t = key.getType(); if (t == Protos.Key.Type.DETERMINISTIC_KEY) { if (!key.hasDeterministicKey()) throw new UnreadableWalletException("Deterministic key missing extra data: " + key.toString()); if (chain == null) { DeterministicKey rootKey = getDeterministicKey(key, null, crypter); chain = new SimpleHDKeyChain(rootKey, crypter); chain.lookaheadSize = LAZY_CALCULATE_LOOKAHEAD; rootTreeSize = rootKey.getPath().size(); } LinkedList<ChildNumber> path = newLinkedList(getKeyProtoPath(key)); // Find the parent key assuming this is not the root key, and not an account key for a watching chain. DeterministicKey parent = null; if (path.size() > rootTreeSize) { ChildNumber index = path.removeLast(); parent = chain.hierarchy.get(path, false, false); path.add(index); } DeterministicKey detkey = getDeterministicKey(key, parent, crypter); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Deserializing: DETERMINISTIC_KEY: {}", detkey); } // If the non-encrypted case, the non-leaf keys (account, internal, external) have already been // rederived and inserted at this point and the two lines below are just a no-op. In the encrypted // case though, we can't rederive and we must reinsert, potentially building the heirarchy object // if need be. if (path.size() == rootTreeSize) { // Master key. chain.rootKey = detkey; chain.hierarchy = new DeterministicHierarchy(detkey); } else if (path.size() == rootTreeSize + EXTERNAL_PATH.size()) { if (EXTERNAL_PATH_NUM.equals(detkey.getChildNumber())) { chain.externalKey = detkey; chain.issuedExternalKeys = key.getDeterministicKey().getIssuedSubkeys(); lookaheadSize = Math.max(lookaheadSize, key.getDeterministicKey().getLookaheadSize()); } else if (INTERNAL_PATH_NUM.equals(detkey.getChildNumber())) { chain.internalKey = detkey; chain.issuedInternalKeys = key.getDeterministicKey().getIssuedSubkeys(); } } chain.hierarchy.putKey(detkey); chain.simpleKeyChain.importKey(detkey); } } if (chain == null) { throw new UnreadableWalletException("Could not create a key chain."); } checkState(lookaheadSize >= 0, "Negative lookahead size"); chain.setLookaheadSize(lookaheadSize); chain.maybeLookAhead(); return chain; } public static DeterministicKey getDeterministicKey(Protos.Key key, @Nullable DeterministicKey parent, @Nullable KeyCrypter crypter) { // Deserialize the path through the tree. final ImmutableList<ChildNumber> immutablePath = getKeyProtoPath(key); // Deserialize the public key. ECPoint pubkey = ECKey.CURVE.getCurve().decodePoint(key.getPublicKey().toByteArray()); // Deserialize the chain code. byte[] chainCode = key.getDeterministicKey().getChainCode().toByteArray(); DeterministicKey detkey; if (key.hasSecretBytes()) { // Not encrypted: private key is available. final BigInteger priv = new BigInteger(1, key.getSecretBytes().toByteArray()); detkey = new DeterministicKey(immutablePath, chainCode, pubkey, priv, parent); } else { if (key.hasEncryptedData()) { Protos.EncryptedData proto = key.getEncryptedData(); EncryptedData data = new EncryptedData(proto.getInitialisationVector().toByteArray(), proto.getEncryptedPrivateKey().toByteArray()); checkNotNull(crypter, "Encountered an encrypted key but no key crypter provided"); detkey = new DeterministicKey(immutablePath, chainCode, crypter, pubkey, data, parent); } else { // No secret key bytes and key is not encrypted: either a watching key or private key bytes // will be rederived on the fly from the parent. checkNotNull(parent, "Watching keys are not supported at the moment."); detkey = new DeterministicKey(immutablePath, chainCode, pubkey, null, parent); } } return detkey; } private static ImmutableList<ChildNumber> getKeyProtoPath(Protos.Key key) { ImmutableList.Builder<ChildNumber> pathBuilder = ImmutableList.builder(); for (int i : key.getDeterministicKey().getPathList()) { pathBuilder.add(new ChildNumber(i)); } return; } @Override public List<org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Key> serializeToProtobuf() { throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented. Use HDKeyChain.toProtobuf() instead."); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Encryption support // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// @Override public SimpleHDKeyChain toEncrypted(CharSequence password) { checkNotNull(password, "Attempt to encrypt with a null password."); checkArgument(password.length() > 0, "Attempt to encrypt with an empty password."); checkState(!rootKey.isEncrypted(), "Attempt to encrypt a root key that is already encrypted."); checkState(!rootKey.isPubKeyOnly(), "Attempt to encrypt a watching chain."); KeyCrypter scrypt = new KeyCrypterScrypt(); KeyParameter derivedKey = scrypt.deriveKey(password); return toEncrypted(scrypt, derivedKey); } @Override public SimpleHDKeyChain toEncrypted(KeyCrypter keyCrypter, KeyParameter aesKey) { return new SimpleHDKeyChain(keyCrypter, aesKey, this); } @Override public SimpleHDKeyChain toDecrypted(CharSequence password) { checkNotNull(password, "Attempt to decrypt with a null password."); checkArgument(password.length() > 0, "Attempt to decrypt with an empty password."); KeyCrypter crypter = getKeyCrypter(); checkState(crypter != null, "Chain not encrypted"); KeyParameter derivedKey = crypter.deriveKey(password); return toDecrypted(derivedKey); } @Override public SimpleHDKeyChain toDecrypted(KeyParameter aesKey) { checkState(getKeyCrypter() != null, "Key chain not encrypted"); checkState(rootKey.isEncrypted(), "Root key not encrypted"); DeterministicKey decKey = rootKey.decrypt(getKeyCrypter(), aesKey); SimpleHDKeyChain chain = new SimpleHDKeyChain(decKey); // Now double check that the keys match to catch the case where the key is wrong but padding didn't catch it. if (!chain.getWatchingKey().getPubKeyPoint().equals(getWatchingKey().getPubKeyPoint())) throw new KeyCrypterException("Provided AES key is wrong"); chain.lookaheadSize = lookaheadSize; // Now copy the (pubkey only) leaf keys across to avoid rederiving them. The private key bytes are missing // anyway so there's nothing to decrypt. for (ECKey eckey : simpleKeyChain.getKeys()) { DeterministicKey key = (DeterministicKey) eckey; if (!isLeaf(key)) continue; // Not a leaf key. checkState(key.isEncrypted(), "Key is not encrypted"); DeterministicKey parent = chain.hierarchy.get(checkNotNull(key.getParent(), "Key has null parent").getPath(), false, false); // Clone the key to the new decrypted hierarchy. key = new DeterministicKey(key.getPubOnly(), parent); chain.hierarchy.putKey(key); chain.simpleKeyChain.importKeys(key); } chain.issuedExternalKeys = issuedExternalKeys; chain.issuedInternalKeys = issuedInternalKeys; return chain; } private boolean isLeaf(DeterministicKey key) { return key.getPath().size() > internalKey.getPath().size(); } @Override public boolean checkPassword(CharSequence password) { checkNotNull(password,"Password is null"); checkState(getKeyCrypter() != null, "Key chain not encrypted"); return checkAESKey(getKeyCrypter().deriveKey(password)); } @Override public boolean checkAESKey(KeyParameter aesKey) { checkNotNull(aesKey, "Cannot check null KeyParameter"); checkState(getKeyCrypter() != null, "Key chain not encrypted"); try { return rootKey.decrypt(aesKey).getPubKeyPoint().equals(rootKey.getPubKeyPoint()); } catch (KeyCrypterException e) { return false; } } @Nullable @Override public KeyCrypter getKeyCrypter() { return simpleKeyChain.getKeyCrypter(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Bloom filtering support // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// @Override public int numBloomFilterEntries() { return numKeys() * 2; } @Override public BloomFilter getFilter(int size, double falsePositiveRate, long tweak) { lock.lock(); try { checkArgument(size >= numBloomFilterEntries(), "Bloom filter too small"); maybeLookAhead(); return simpleKeyChain.getFilter(size, falsePositiveRate, tweak); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * <p>The number of public keys we should pre-generate on each path before they are requested by the app. This is * required so that when scanning through the chain given only a seed, we can give enough keys to the remote node * via the Bloom filter such that we see transactions that are "from the future", for example transactions created * by a different app that's sharing the same seed, or transactions we made before but we're replaying the chain * given just the seed. The default is 100.</p> */ public int getLookaheadSize() { lock.lock(); try { return lookaheadSize; } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * Sets a new lookahead size. See {@link #getLookaheadSize()} for details on what this is. Setting a new size * that's larger than the current size will return immediately and the new size will only take effect next time * a fresh filter is requested (e.g. due to a new peer being connected). So you should set this before starting * to sync the chain, if you want to modify it. If you haven't modified the lookahead threshold manually then * it will be automatically set to be a third of the new size. */ public void setLookaheadSize(int lookaheadSize) { lock.lock(); try { boolean readjustThreshold = this.lookaheadThreshold == calcDefaultLookaheadThreshold(); this.lookaheadSize = lookaheadSize; if (readjustThreshold) this.lookaheadThreshold = calcDefaultLookaheadThreshold(); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * Sets the threshold for the key pre-generation. * If a key is used in a transaction, the keychain would pre-generate a new key, for every issued key, * even if it is only one. If the blockchain is replayed, every key would trigger a regeneration * of the bloom filter sent to the peers as a consequence. * To prevent this, new keys are only generated, if more than the threshold value are needed. */ public void setLookaheadThreshold(int num) { lock.lock(); try { if (num >= lookaheadSize) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Threshold larger or equal to the lookaheadSize"); this.lookaheadThreshold = num; } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * Gets the threshold for the key pre-generation. * See {@link #setLookaheadThreshold(int)} for details on what this is. */ public int getLookaheadThreshold() { lock.lock(); try { if (lookaheadThreshold >= lookaheadSize) return 0; return lookaheadThreshold; } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * Pre-generate enough keys to reach the lookahead size. You can call this if you need to explicitly invoke * the lookahead procedure, but it's normally unnecessary as it will be done automatically when needed. */ public void maybeLookAhead() { lock.lock(); try { List<DeterministicKey> keys = maybeLookAhead(externalKey, issuedExternalKeys); keys.addAll(maybeLookAhead(internalKey, issuedInternalKeys)); // Batch add all keys at once so there's only one event listener invocation, as this will be listened to // by the wallet and used to rebuild/broadcast the Bloom filter. That's expensive so we don't want to do // it more often than necessary. simpleKeyChain.importKeys(keys); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } private List<DeterministicKey> maybeLookAhead(DeterministicKey parent, int issued) { checkState(lock.isHeldByCurrentThread(), "Lock is held by another thread"); return maybeLookAhead(parent, issued, getLookaheadSize(), getLookaheadThreshold()); } /** * Pre-generate enough keys to reach the lookahead size, but only if there are more than the lookaheadThreshold to * be generated, so that the Bloom filter does not have to be regenerated that often. * * The returned mutable list of keys must be inserted into the basic key chain. */ private List<DeterministicKey> maybeLookAhead(DeterministicKey parent, int issued, int lookaheadSize, int lookaheadThreshold) { checkState(lock.isHeldByCurrentThread(), "Lock is held by another thread"); final int numChildren = hierarchy.getNumChildren(parent.getPath()); final int needed = issued + lookaheadSize + lookaheadThreshold - numChildren; if (needed <= lookaheadThreshold) return new ArrayList<DeterministicKey>();"{} keys needed for {} = {} issued + {} lookahead size + {} lookahead threshold - {} num children", needed, parent.getPathAsString(), issued, lookaheadSize, lookaheadThreshold, numChildren); List<DeterministicKey> result = new ArrayList<DeterministicKey>(needed); long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); int nextChild = numChildren; for (int i = 0; i < needed; i++) { DeterministicKey key = HDKeyDerivation.deriveThisOrNextChildKey(parent, nextChild); key = key.getPubOnly(); hierarchy.putKey(key); result.add(key); nextChild = key.getChildNumber().num() + 1; }"Took {} msec", System.currentTimeMillis() - now); return result; } /** * Returns keys used on external path. This may be fewer than the number that have been deserialized * or held in memory, because of the lookahead zone. */ public ArrayList<DeterministicKey> getIssuedExternalKeys() { lock.lock(); try { maybeLookAhead(); int treeSize = externalKey.getPath().size(); ArrayList<DeterministicKey> issuedKeys = new ArrayList<DeterministicKey>(); for (ECKey key : simpleKeyChain.getKeys()) { DeterministicKey detkey = (DeterministicKey) key; DeterministicKey parent = detkey.getParent(); if (parent == null) continue; if (detkey.getPath().size() <= treeSize) continue; if (parent.equals(internalKey)) continue; if (parent.equals(externalKey) && detkey.getChildNumber().num() >= issuedExternalKeys) continue; issuedKeys.add(detkey); } return issuedKeys; } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * Returns number of keys used on external path. This may be fewer than the number that have been deserialized * or held in memory, because of the lookahead zone. */ public int getNumIssuedExternalKeys() { lock.lock(); try { return issuedExternalKeys; } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * Returns number of keys used on internal path. This may be fewer than the number that have been deserialized * or held in memory, because of the lookahead zone. */ public int getNumIssuedInternalKeys() { lock.lock(); try { return issuedInternalKeys; } finally { lock.unlock(); } } // For internal usage only /* package */ List<ECKey> getKeys(boolean includeLookahead) { maybeLookAhead(); List<ECKey> keys = simpleKeyChain.getKeys(); if (!includeLookahead) { int treeSize = internalKey.getPath().size(); List<ECKey> issuedKeys = new LinkedList<ECKey>(); for (ECKey key : keys) { DeterministicKey detkey = (DeterministicKey) key; DeterministicKey parent = detkey.getParent(); if (parent == null) continue; if (detkey.getPath().size() <= treeSize) continue; if (parent.equals(internalKey) && detkey.getChildNumber().num() > issuedInternalKeys) continue; if (parent.equals(externalKey) && detkey.getChildNumber().num() > issuedExternalKeys) continue; issuedKeys.add(detkey); } return issuedKeys; } return keys; } /** * Returns leaf keys issued by this chain (including lookahead zone but no lookahead threshold) */ public List<DeterministicKey> getActiveKeys() { ImmutableList.Builder<DeterministicKey> keys = ImmutableList.builder(); for (ECKey key : getKeys(true)) { DeterministicKey dKey = (DeterministicKey) key; if (isLeaf(dKey)) { if (dKey.getParent().equals(internalKey) && dKey.getChildNumber().num() >= issuedInternalKeys + lookaheadSize) continue; if (dKey.getParent().equals(externalKey) && dKey.getChildNumber().num() >= issuedExternalKeys + lookaheadSize) continue; keys.add(dKey); } } return; } public boolean isExternal(DeterministicKey key) { return key.getParent() != null && key.getParent().equals(externalKey); } public int getAccountIndex() { return rootKey.getChildNumber().num(); } public String getId() { return getId(""); } public String getId(String salt) { try { MessageDigest sha256 = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256"); sha256.update(salt.getBytes()); byte[] hash = sha256.digest(rootKey.getPubKey()); return Utils.HEX.encode(hash); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); // Cannot happen. } } }