package com.mygeopay.core.util; /** * Copyright 2014 Andreas Schildbach * Copyright 2015 John L. Jegutanis * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import com.mygeopay.core.coins.CoinType; import com.mygeopay.core.coins.Value; import com.mygeopay.core.coins.ValueType; import static; import static; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.math.RoundingMode; import org.bitcoinj.core.Coin; /** * An exchange rate is expressed as a ratio of a pair of {@link Value} amounts. */ public class ExchangeRateBase implements ExchangeRate { private static final int RATE_SCALE = 10; public static final String ZERO_RATE_ERROR_MESSAGE = "Exchange rate cannot be zero"; public final Value value1; public final Value value2; /** Construct exchange rate. This amount of coin is worth that amount of fiat. */ public ExchangeRateBase(Value value1, Value value2) { this.value1 = checkNonZero(value1); this.value2 = checkNonZero(value2); } public ExchangeRateBase(ValueType type1, ValueType type2, String rateString) { // Make the rate having maximum of RATE_SCALE decimal places BigDecimal rate = new BigDecimal(rateString) .setScale(RATE_SCALE, RoundingMode.HALF_UP).stripTrailingZeros(); checkState(rate.signum() >= 0); // rate cannot be negative // Check if the rate has too many decimal places or scale() for the type2 to handle. if (rate.scale() > type2.getUnitExponent()) { // If we have too many decimal places, multiply everything by a factor so that the rate // can fit in a type2 value. For example if the rate is 0.123456789 but a type2 can only // handle 4 places, then final result will be value1 = 100000 and value2 = 12345.6789 BigDecimal rateFactor = BigDecimal.TEN.pow(rate.scale() - type2.getUnitExponent()); value1 = type1.oneCoin().multiply(rateFactor.longValue()); value2 = Value.parse(type2, rate.multiply(rateFactor)); } else { value1 = type1.oneCoin(); value2 = Value.parse(type2, rate); } checkNonZero(value1); checkNonZero(value2); } private static Value checkNonZero(Value value) { checkArgument(!value.isZero(), ZERO_RATE_ERROR_MESSAGE); return value; } @Override public Value convert(CoinType type, Coin coin) { return convertValue(type.value(coin)); } @Override public Value convert(Value convertingValue) { return convertValue(convertingValue); } @Override public ValueType getOtherType(ValueType type) { checkIfValueTypeAvailable(type); if (value1.type.equals(type)) { return value2.type; } else { return value1.type; } } @Override public ValueType getSourceType() { return value1.type; } @Override public ValueType getDestinationType() { return value2.type; } @Override public boolean canConvert(ValueType type1, ValueType type2) { try { checkIfValueTypeAvailable(type1); checkIfValueTypeAvailable(type2); return true; } catch (IllegalArgumentException ignored) { return false; } } protected Value convertValue(Value convertingValue) { checkIfValueTypeAvailable(convertingValue.type); Value rateFrom = getFromRateValue(convertingValue.type); Value rateTo = getToRateValue(convertingValue.type); // Use BigDecimal because it's much easier to maintain full precision without overflowing. final BigDecimal converted = BigDecimal.valueOf(convertingValue.value) .multiply(BigDecimal.valueOf(rateTo.value)) .divide(BigDecimal.valueOf(rateFrom.value), RoundingMode.HALF_UP); if (converted.compareTo(BigDecimal.valueOf(Long.MAX_VALUE)) > 0 || converted.compareTo(BigDecimal.valueOf(Long.MIN_VALUE)) < 0) throw new ArithmeticException("Overflow"); return Value.valueOf(rateTo.type, converted.longValue()); } protected Value getFromRateValue(ValueType fromType) { if (value1.type.equals(fromType)) { return value1; } else if (value2.type.equals(fromType)) { return value2; } else { // Should not happen throw new IllegalStateException("Could not get 'from' rate"); } } protected Value getToRateValue(ValueType fromType) { if (value1.type.equals(fromType)) { return value2; } else if (value2.type.equals(fromType)) { return value1; } else { // Should not happen throw new IllegalStateException("Could not get 'to' rate"); } } protected void checkIfValueTypeAvailable(ValueType type) { checkArgument(value1.type.equals(type) || value2.type.equals(type), "This exchange rate does not apply to: %s", type.getSymbol()); } }