package; import com.mygeopay.core.coins.CoinID; import com.mygeopay.core.coins.CoinType; import com.mygeopay.core.coins.Value; import org.bitcoinj.core.Address; import org.bitcoinj.core.AddressFormatException; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import java.math.RoundingMode; /** * @author John L. Jegutanis */ public class ShapeShiftTxStatus extends ShapeShiftBase { public final Status status; public final Address address; public final Address withdraw; public final Value incomingValue; public final Value outgoingValue; public final String transactionId; public enum Status { NO_DEPOSITS, RECEIVED, COMPLETE, FAILED, UNKNOWN } public ShapeShiftTxStatus(JSONObject data) throws ShapeShiftException { super(data); String statusStr = data.optString("status", null); if (statusStr != null) { try { CoinType inType; CoinType outType; switch (statusStr) { case "no_deposits": status = Status.NO_DEPOSITS; address = null; // FIXME, we don't know the type here withdraw = null; incomingValue = null; outgoingValue = null; transactionId = null; break; case "received": status = Status.RECEIVED; inType = CoinID.typeFromSymbol(data.getString("incomingType")); address = new Address(inType, data.getString("address")); withdraw = null; incomingValue = parseValueRound(inType, data.getString("incomingCoin")); outgoingValue = null; transactionId = null; break; case "complete": status = Status.COMPLETE; inType = CoinID.typeFromSymbol(data.getString("incomingType")); outType = CoinID.typeFromSymbol(data.getString("outgoingType")); address = new Address(inType, data.getString("address")); withdraw = new Address(outType, data.getString("withdraw")); incomingValue = parseValueRound(inType, data.getString("incomingCoin")); outgoingValue = parseValueRound(outType, data.getString("outgoingCoin")); transactionId = data.getString("transaction"); break; case "failed": status = Status.FAILED; address = null; withdraw = null; incomingValue = null; outgoingValue = null; transactionId = null; break; default: status = Status.UNKNOWN; address = null; withdraw = null; incomingValue = null; outgoingValue = null; transactionId = null; } } catch (JSONException e) { throw new ShapeShiftException("Could not parse object", e); } catch (AddressFormatException e) { throw new ShapeShiftException("Could not parse address", e); } } else { // There should be an error, otherwise we don't know what happened if (!isError) throw new ShapeShiftException("Unexpected state: no status and no error"); status = null; address = null; withdraw = null; incomingValue = null; outgoingValue = null; transactionId = null; } } public ShapeShiftTxStatus(ShapeShiftTxStatus reply, Address address) { super(reply.errorMessage); status = reply.status; this.address = address; withdraw = reply.withdraw; incomingValue = reply.incomingValue; outgoingValue = reply.outgoingValue; transactionId = reply.transactionId; } public ShapeShiftTxStatus(Status status, Address address, Address withdraw, Value incomingValue, Value outgoingValue, String transactionId) { super((String) null); this.status = status; this.address = address; this.withdraw = withdraw; this.incomingValue = incomingValue; this.outgoingValue = outgoingValue; this.transactionId = transactionId; } }