package; import com.mygeopay.core.coins.CoinID; import com.mygeopay.core.coins.CoinType; import com.mygeopay.core.coins.Value; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.squareup.okhttp.MediaType; import com.squareup.okhttp.OkHttpClient; import com.squareup.okhttp.Request; import com.squareup.okhttp.RequestBody; import com.squareup.okhttp.Response; import org.bitcoinj.core.Address; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import static com.mygeopay.core.Preconditions.checkNotNull; import static com.mygeopay.core.Preconditions.checkState; /** * @author John L. Jegutanis */ public class ShapeShift extends Connection { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ShapeShift.class); private static final MediaType MEDIA_TYPE_JSON = MediaType.parse("application/json"); private static final String GET_COINS_API = "getcoins"; private static final String MARKET_INFO_API = "marketinfo/%s"; private static final String RATE_API = "rate/%s"; private static final String LIMIT_API = "limit/%s"; private static final String TIME_REMAINING_API = "timeremaining/%s"; private static final String TX_STATUS_API = "txStat/%s"; private static final String NORMAL_TX_API = "shift"; private static final String FIXED_AMOUNT_TX_API = "sendamount"; private static final String EMAIL_RECEIPT_API = "mail"; private String apiPublicKey; public ShapeShift(OkHttpClient client) { super(client); } public ShapeShift() {} public void setApiPublicKey(String apiPublicKey) { this.apiPublicKey = apiPublicKey; } /** * Get List of Supported Coins * * List of all the currencies that Shapeshift currently supports at any given time. Sometimes * coins become temporarily unavailable during updates or unexpected service issues. */ public ShapeShiftCoins getCoins() throws ShapeShiftException, IOException { Request request = new Request.Builder().url(getApiUrl(GET_COINS_API)).build(); return new ShapeShiftCoins(getMakeApiCall(request)); } /** * Get Market Info * * This is a combined call for {@link #getRate(CoinType, CoinType) getRate()} and * {@link #getLimit(CoinType, CoinType) getLimit()} API calls. */ public ShapeShiftMarketInfo getMarketInfo(CoinType typeFrom, CoinType typeTo) throws ShapeShiftException, IOException { return getMarketInfo(getPair(typeFrom, typeTo)); } /** * Get Market Info * * This is a combined call for {@link #getRate(CoinType, CoinType) getRate()} and * {@link #getLimit(CoinType, CoinType) getLimit()} API calls. */ public ShapeShiftMarketInfo getMarketInfo(String pair) throws ShapeShiftException, IOException {"Market info for pair {}", pair); String apiUrl = getApiUrl(String.format(MARKET_INFO_API, pair)); Request request = new Request.Builder().url(apiUrl).build(); ShapeShiftMarketInfo reply = new ShapeShiftMarketInfo(getMakeApiCall(request)); if (!reply.isError) checkPair(pair, reply.pair); return reply; } /** * Rate * * Gets the current rate offered by Shapeshift. This is an estimate because the rate can * occasionally change rapidly depending on the markets. The rate is also a 'use-able' rate not * a direct market rate. Meaning multiplying your input coin amount times the rate should give * you a close approximation of what will be sent out. This rate does not include the * transaction (miner) fee taken off every transaction. */ public ShapeShiftRate getRate(CoinType typeFrom, CoinType typeTo) throws ShapeShiftException, IOException { String pair = getPair(typeFrom, typeTo); String apiUrl = getApiUrl(String.format(RATE_API, pair)); Request request = new Request.Builder().url(apiUrl).build(); ShapeShiftRate reply = new ShapeShiftRate(getMakeApiCall(request)); if (!reply.isError) checkPair(pair, reply.pair); return reply; } /** * Deposit Limit * * Gets the current deposit limit set by Shapeshift. Amounts deposited over this limit will be * sent to the return address if one was entered, otherwise the user will need to contact * ShapeShift support to retrieve their coins. This is an estimate because a sudden market swing * could move the limit. */ public ShapeShiftLimit getLimit(CoinType typeFrom, CoinType typeTo) throws ShapeShiftException, IOException { String pair = getPair(typeFrom, typeTo); String apiUrl = getApiUrl(String.format(LIMIT_API, pair)); Request request = new Request.Builder().url(apiUrl).build(); ShapeShiftLimit reply = new ShapeShiftLimit(getMakeApiCall(request)); if (!reply.isError) checkPair(pair, reply.pair); return reply; } /** * Time Remaining on Fixed Amount Transaction * * When a transaction is created with a fixed amount requested there is a 10 minute window for * the deposit. After the 10 minute window if the deposit has not been received the transaction * expires and a new one must be created. This api call returns how many seconds are left before * the transaction expires. */ public ShapeShiftTime getTime(Address address) throws ShapeShiftException, IOException { String apiUrl = getApiUrl(String.format(TIME_REMAINING_API, address.toString())); Request request = new Request.Builder().url(apiUrl).build(); return new ShapeShiftTime(getMakeApiCall(request)); } /** * Status of deposit to address * * This returns the status of the most recent deposit transaction to the address. */ public ShapeShiftTxStatus getTxStatus(Address address) throws ShapeShiftException, IOException { String apiUrl = getApiUrl(String.format(TX_STATUS_API, address.toString())); Request request = new Request.Builder().url(apiUrl).build(); ShapeShiftTxStatus reply = new ShapeShiftTxStatus(getMakeApiCall(request)); if (!reply.isError && reply.address != null) checkAddress(address, reply.address); return new ShapeShiftTxStatus(reply, address); } /** * Normal Transaction * * Make a normal exchange and receive with {@code withdrawal} address. The exchange pair is * determined from the {@link CoinType}s of {@code refund} and {@code withdrawal}. */ public ShapeShiftNormalTx exchange(Address withdrawal, Address refund) throws ShapeShiftException, IOException { JSONObject requestJson = new JSONObject(); try { requestJson.put("withdrawal", withdrawal.toString()); requestJson.put("pair", getPair( (CoinType) refund.getParameters(), (CoinType) withdrawal.getParameters())); requestJson.put("returnAddress", refund.toString()); if (apiPublicKey != null) requestJson.put("apiKey", apiPublicKey); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new ShapeShiftException("Could not create a JSON request", e); } String apiUrl = getApiUrl(NORMAL_TX_API); RequestBody body = RequestBody.create(MEDIA_TYPE_JSON, requestJson.toString()); Request request = new Request.Builder().url(apiUrl).post(body).build(); ShapeShiftNormalTx reply = new ShapeShiftNormalTx(getMakeApiCall(request)); if (!reply.isError) checkAddress(withdrawal, reply.withdrawal); return reply; } /** * Fixed Amount Transaction * * This call allows you to request a fixed amount to be sent to the {@code withdrawal} address. * You provide a withdrawal address and the amount you want sent to it. We return the amount * to deposit and the address to deposit to. This allows you to use shapeshift as a payment * mechanism. * * The exchange pair is determined from the {@link CoinType}s of {@code refund} and * {@code withdrawal}. */ public ShapeShiftAmountTx exchangeForAmount(Value amount, Address withdrawal, Address refund) throws ShapeShiftException, IOException { String pair = getPair((CoinType) refund.getParameters(), (CoinType) withdrawal.getParameters()); JSONObject requestJson = new JSONObject(); try { requestJson.put("withdrawal", withdrawal.toString()); requestJson.put("pair", pair); requestJson.put("returnAddress", refund.toString()); requestJson.put("amount", amount.toPlainString()); if (apiPublicKey != null) requestJson.put("apiKey", apiPublicKey); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new ShapeShiftException("Could not create a JSON request", e); } String apiUrl = getApiUrl(FIXED_AMOUNT_TX_API); RequestBody body = RequestBody.create(MEDIA_TYPE_JSON, requestJson.toString()); Request request = new Request.Builder().url(apiUrl).post(body).build(); ShapeShiftAmountTx reply = new ShapeShiftAmountTx(getMakeApiCall(request)); if (!reply.isError) { checkPair(pair, reply.pair); checkValue(amount, reply.withdrawalAmount); checkAddress(withdrawal, reply.withdrawal); } return reply; } /** * Request email receipt * * This call allows you to request a fixed amount to be sent to the {@code withdrawal} address. * You provide a withdrawal address and the amount you want sent to it. We return the amount * to deposit and the address to deposit to. This allows you to use shapeshift as a payment * mechanism. * * The exchange pair is determined from the {@link CoinType}s of {@code refund} and * {@code withdrawal}. */ public ShapeShiftEmail requestEmailReceipt(String email, ShapeShiftTxStatus txStatus) throws ShapeShiftException, IOException { JSONObject requestJson = new JSONObject(); try { requestJson.put("email", email); checkState(txStatus.status == ShapeShiftTxStatus.Status.COMPLETE, "Transaction not complete"); requestJson.put("txid", checkNotNull(txStatus.transactionId, "Null transaction id")); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ShapeShiftException("Could not create a JSON request", e); } String apiUrl = getApiUrl(EMAIL_RECEIPT_API); RequestBody body = RequestBody.create(MEDIA_TYPE_JSON, requestJson.toString()); Request request = new Request.Builder().url(apiUrl).post(body).build(); return new ShapeShiftEmail(getMakeApiCall(request)); } /** * Convert types to the ShapeShift format. For example Bitcoin to Litecoin will become btc_ltc. */ public static String getPair(CoinType typeFrom, CoinType typeTo) { return typeFrom.getSymbol().toLowerCase() + "_" + typeTo.getSymbol().toLowerCase(); } private void checkPair(String expectedPair, String pair) throws ShapeShiftException { if (!expectedPair.equals(pair)) { String errorMsg = String.format("Pair mismatch, expected %s but got %s.", expectedPair, pair); throw new ShapeShiftException(errorMsg); } } private void checkValue(Value expected, Value value) throws ShapeShiftException { if (!expected.equals(value)) { String errorMsg = String.format("Value mismatch, expected %s but got %s.", expected, value); throw new ShapeShiftException(errorMsg); } } private void checkAddress(Address expected, Address address) throws ShapeShiftException { if (!expected.getParameters().equals(address.getParameters()) || !expected.toString().equals(address.toString())) { String errorMsg = String.format("Address mismatch, expected %s but got %s.", expected, address); throw new ShapeShiftException(errorMsg); } } private JSONObject getMakeApiCall(Request request) throws ShapeShiftException, IOException { try { Response response = client.newCall(request).execute(); if (!response.isSuccessful()) { JSONObject reply = parseReply(response); String genericMessage = "Error code " + response.code(); throw new IOException( reply != null ? reply.optString("error", genericMessage) : genericMessage); } return parseReply(response); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new ShapeShiftException("Could not parse JSON", e); } } private static JSONObject parseReply(Response response) throws IOException, JSONException { return new JSONObject(response.body().string()); } public static CoinType[] parsePair(String pair) { String[] pairs = pair.split("_"); checkState(pairs.length == 2); return new CoinType[]{CoinID.typeFromSymbol(pairs[0]), CoinID.typeFromSymbol(pairs[1])}; } }