package com.papagiannis.tuberun.plan; import com.papagiannis.tuberun.R; import; public enum PartialRouteType { BOAT, BUS, DLR, RAIL, TUBE, COACH, WALK, OVERGROUND, TRAMLINK; public static String toString(PartialRouteType p) { switch (p) { case BOAT: return "boat"; case BUS: return "bus"; case DLR: return "dlr"; case RAIL: return "rail"; case TUBE: return "tube"; case COACH: return "coach"; case WALK: return "walk"; case OVERGROUND: return "overground"; case TRAMLINK: return "tramlink"; } return ""; } public static PartialRouteType fromString(String s) { if (s.equals("boat") || s.equals("9")) return BOAT; else if (s.equals("bus") || s.equals("5")) return BUS; else if (s.equals("dlr") || s.equals("1")) return DLR; else if (s.equals("rail") || s.equals("0")) return RAIL; else if (s.equals("tube") || s.equals("2")) return TUBE; else if (s.equals("coach") || s.equals("7")) return COACH; else if (s.equals("overground") || s.equals("3")) return OVERGROUND; else if (s.equals("tramlink") || s.equals("4")) return TRAMLINK; else return WALK; } public String toDirectionsString(String line, String destination) { switch (this) { case BOAT: return "Take the boat to "+destination+"."; case BUS: return "Take the bus, number "+line+", towards "+destination+"."; case DLR: return "Take the DLR towards "+destination+"."; case RAIL: return "Take the train towards "+destination+"."; case TUBE: return "Take the tube, "+line+" line, towards "+destination+"."; case COACH: return "Take the coach towards "+destination+"."; case OVERGROUND: return "Take the overground towards "+destination+"."; case WALK: return "Walk to "+destination+"."; case TRAMLINK: return "Take the tramlink towards "+destination+"."; } return ""; } public static int getColor(PartialRouteType type) { int ret=Color.WHITE; switch (type) { case BOAT: ret=Color.argb(255,2,119,189); break; case BUS: ret=Color.RED; break; case DLR: ret=Color.argb(255,0,187,180); break; case RAIL: ret=Color.argb(255,236,28,46); break; case TUBE: ret=Color.argb(255,236,28,46); break; case COACH: ret=Color.argb(255, 255, 106, 0); break; case OVERGROUND: ret=Color.argb(255, 244, 125, 31); break; case WALK: ret=Color.WHITE; break; case TRAMLINK: ret=Color.argb(255, 167, 222, 92); break; } return ret; } public static int getIcon(PartialRouteType type) { int ret=0; switch (type) { case BOAT: ret=R.drawable.river; break; case BUS: ret=R.drawable.buses; break; case DLR: ret=R.drawable.dlr; break; case RAIL: ret=R.drawable.rail; break; case TUBE:; break; case COACH: ret=R.drawable.buses; break; case OVERGROUND: ret=R.drawable.overground; break; case WALK: ret=R.drawable.walk; break; case TRAMLINK: ret=R.drawable.tramlink; break; } return ret; } }