package com.papagiannis.tuberun.fetchers; import; import java.util.Date; import org.apache.http.impl.client.BasicCookieStore; import org.apache.http.impl.cookie.BasicClientCookie; import; public class ClaimFetcher extends Fetcher { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; Claim claim; transient RequestTask task=null; public ClaimFetcher(Claim claim) { super(); this.claim = claim; } @Override public Date getUpdateTime() { return new Date(); } BasicCookieStore cookies; StringBuilder postData; private String errors; public String getErrors() { return errors; } @Override public void update() { errors=""; postData = new StringBuilder(); cookies = new BasicCookieStore(); String domain = ""; String q1 = domain + "default.aspx"; task = new RequestTask(new HttpCallback() { public void onReturn(String s) { getCallBack05(s); } }); task.setCookies(cookies); task.execute(q1); } private String getHidden(String r) throws Exception { String find = "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"__VIEWSTATE\" id=\"__VIEWSTATE\" value=\""; int i = r.indexOf(find); if (i == -1) throw new Exception("Hidden field not located"); i += find.length(); r=r.substring(i); i=r.indexOf('"'); r=r.substring(0,i); @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") String s=URLEncoder.encode(r); if (s.length() > 2) return s; else throw new Exception("Hidden field too short"); } private void getCallBack05(String response) { try { if (response==null || response.equals("")) throw new Exception("The server did not respond to your request (0)"); String domains = ""; String q05 = domains + "default.aspx"; String hidden = getHidden(response); postData.append("__VIEWSTATE=" + hidden); if (claim.ticket_type.contains("Oyster")) { postData.append("&ctl00$cphMain$rbl_refund_type=oyster&r_Submit=Submit"); } else if (claim.ticket_type.contains("TfL")) { postData.append("&ctl00$cphMain$rbl_refund_type=tfl&r_Submit=Submit"); } else if (claim.ticket_type.contains("Rail")) { postData.append("&ctl00$cphMain$rbl_refund_type=national&r_Submit=Submit"); } else throw new Exception("Invalid ticket type"); PostRequestTask r = new PostRequestTask(new HttpCallback() { public void onReturn(String s) { getCallBack1(s); } }); r.setPostData(postData); r.setCookies(cookies); task=r; task.execute(q05); } catch (Exception e) { errors+=e.getMessage(); notifyClients(); } } String param = ""; private void getCallBack1(String response) { try { if (response==null || response.equals("")) throw new Exception("The server did not respond to your request (1)"); String domains = ""; String q2 = domains + "refund.aspx"; // String hidden = getHidden(response); param = ""; if (claim.ticket_type.contains("Oyster")) param = "mode=oyster"; else if (claim.ticket_type.contains("TfL")) param = "mode=tfl"; else if (claim.ticket_type.contains("Rail")) param = "mode=national"; else throw new Exception("Invalid ticket type"); RequestTask r = new RequestTask(new HttpCallback() { public void onReturn(String s) { getCallBack2(s); } }); r.setCookies(cookies); task=r; task.execute(q2 + "?" + param); } catch (Exception e) { errors+=e.getMessage(); notifyClients(); } } private void getCallBack2(String response) { try { if (response==null || response.equals("")) throw new Exception("The server did not respond to your request (2)"); String domains = ""; String q2 = domains + "refund.aspx"; String hidden2 = getHidden(response); String q3 = q2 + "?" + param; postData = new StringBuilder("__EVENTTARGET=&__EVENTARGUMENT=&__VIEWSTATE=" + hidden2); postData.append(claim.data_to_send); PostRequestTask r = new PostRequestTask(new HttpCallback() { public void onReturn(String s) { getCallBack3(s); } }); r.setPostData(postData); BasicClientCookie cook = new BasicClientCookie("CP", "null*"); cook.setDomain(""); cookies.addCookie(cook); r.setCookies(cookies); task=r; // throw new Exception("Fucked up"); task.execute(q3); } catch (Exception e) { errors+=e.getMessage(); notifyClients(); } } private void getCallBack3(String response) { try { if (response==null || response.equals("")) throw new Exception("The server did not respond to your request (3)"); int i = response.indexOf("CharterID="); if (i > 0) { response = response.substring(i + 10); i = response.indexOf("\""); response = response.substring(0, i); claim.markAsSent(Integer.parseInt(response)); } else throw new Exception("Could not locate reference number"); } catch (Exception e) { errors+=e.getMessage(); } finally { notifyClients(); } } @Override public void abort() { if (task!=null) task.cancel(true); } }