package com.papagiannis.tuberun.fetchers; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import com.papagiannis.tuberun.LineType; import com.papagiannis.tuberun.Status; public class StatusesFetcher extends Fetcher { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; // region private state protected ArrayList<Status> _all_statuses = new ArrayList<Status>(); protected Date last_update; public Boolean forWeekend() { return statusurl == WEEKENDURL; } private final String NOWURL = ""; // private final String NOWURL = ""; // private final String NOWURL = "http://localhost:55559/getStatuses.php"; private final String WEEKENDURL = ""; protected String statusurl; // region constructors public StatusesFetcher() { } public static StatusesFetcher fetcherNowSigleton; public static StatusesFetcher fetcherWeekendSigleton; public static StatusesFetcher getInstance() { return getInstance(false); } public static StatusesFetcher getInstance(Boolean forWeekend) { if (!forWeekend) { if (fetcherNowSigleton == null) { fetcherNowSigleton = new StatusesFetcher(); fetcherNowSigleton.setNowUrl(); } return fetcherNowSigleton; } else { if (fetcherWeekendSigleton == null) { fetcherWeekendSigleton = new StatusesFetcher(); fetcherWeekendSigleton.setWeekendUrl(); } return fetcherWeekendSigleton; } } // region set service url private void setNowUrl() { statusurl = NOWURL; } private void setWeekendUrl() { statusurl = WEEKENDURL; } @Override public Date getUpdateTime() { if (last_update == null) last_update = new Date(); return (Date) last_update.clone(); } // region issue request public Status getStatus(LineType req) { for (Status s : _all_statuses) { if (s.line_name == req) return s; } return null; } protected AtomicBoolean isFirst = new AtomicBoolean(true); protected transient RequestTask task=null; public void update() { boolean first = isFirst.compareAndSet(true, false); if (!first) return; // only one at a time task = new RequestTask(new HttpCallback() { public void onReturn(String s) { getStatusesCallBack(s); } }); task.setDesktopUserAgent(); task.execute(statusurl); } protected String beautify(String problem) { problem = problem.replaceAll("<(.*?)>", " "); problem = problem.replaceAll("(\\s)+", " "); problem = problem.replaceAll(" ", " "); return problem.trim(); } protected void getStatusesCallBack(String reply) { try { reply = unCapitalizeTags(reply); HashMap<String, String> result = new HashMap<String, String>(); HashMap<String, String> problems = new HashMap<String, String>(); String[] lines = new String[] { "bakerloo", "central", "circle", "district", "hammersmithandcity", "jubilee", "metropolitan", "northern", "piccadilly", "victoria", "waterlooandcity", "dlr", "overground" }; for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { String filter1 = "<h3 class=\"" + lines[i] + " ltn-name\">"; int j = reply.indexOf(filter1) + filter1.length(); if (j > filter1.length() /* sth found */) { String rest = reply.substring(j); String start = "<div class=\"status\">"; String start2 = "<div class=\"problem status\">"; String end = "</li>"; j = rest.indexOf(start); int k = rest.indexOf(start2); int e = rest.indexOf(end); String status; if (j < e || k < e) { if (j < e) rest = rest.substring(j + start.length()); else rest = rest.substring(k + start2.length()); j = rest.indexOf("</div>"); String statust = rest.substring(0, j); if (statust.contains("<h4")) { String l = "<h4 class=\"ltn-title\">"; j = statust.indexOf(l) + l.length(); status = statust.substring(j); j = status.indexOf("</h4>"); /* * k = status.IndexOf(","); if (k > 0 && k < j) * status = status.Substring(0, k); else */status = status.substring(0, j); } else status = statust; } else status = "Failed"; if (!status.equals("Good service")) { j = rest.indexOf("<div class=\"message\">") + 21; rest = rest.substring(j); j = rest.indexOf("<a"); k = rest.indexOf("<A"); if (j == -1 && k > 0) j = k; String problem = rest.substring(0, j); // must remove hmtl tags here. problem = problem.replaceAll("\n", ""); problem = problem.replaceAll("&", "and"); problems.put(lines[i], problem); } result.put(lines[i], status); } } if (result.keySet().size() == 13) { Date now = new Date(); // And lets write down the results last_update = now; _all_statuses = new ArrayList<Status>(); for (String name : result.keySet()) { LineType ln = LineType.fromString(name); String rstatus; String rproblems; if (result.containsKey(name)) rstatus = result.get(name); else throw new Exception("Failed to get a single status"); if (problems.containsKey(name)) rproblems = problems.get(name); else rproblems = ""; _all_statuses.add(new Status(ln, rstatus, beautify(rproblems))); } notifyClients(); } else throw new Exception("Wrong number of lines returned."); } catch (Exception e) { _all_statuses = new ArrayList<Status>(); notifyClients(); } finally { isFirst.set(true); } } private String unCapitalizeTags(String reply) { StringBuilder res=new StringBuilder(reply.length()); boolean inTag=false; for (int i=0;i<reply.length();i++) { char c=reply.charAt(i); switch (c) { case '<': inTag=true; break; case '>': case ' ': inTag=false; break; default: if (inTag) c=Character.toLowerCase(c); break; } res.append(c); } return res.toString(); } @Override public void abort() { isFirst.set(true); if (task!=null) task.cancel(true); } }