package com.papagiannis.tuberun.osref; import java.util.ArrayList; import; import; /** * Class to represent an Ordnance Survey grid reference * * (c) 2006 Jonathan Stott * * Created on 11-02-2006 * * @author Jonathan Stott * @version 1.0 * @since 1.0 */ public class OSRef { /** * Easting */ private double easting; /** * Northing */ private double northing; /** * Create a new Ordnance Survey grid reference. * * @param easting * the easting in metres * @param northing * the northing in metres * @since 1.0 */ public OSRef(double easting, double northing) { this.easting = easting; this.northing = northing; } /** * Return a String representation of this OSGB grid reference showing the * easting and northing. * * @return a String represenation of this OSGB grid reference * @since 1.0 */ public String toString() { return "(" + easting + ", " + northing + ")"; } /** * Convert this OSGB grid reference to a latitude/longitude pair using the * OSGB36 datum. Note that, the LatLng object may need to be converted to the * WGS84 datum depending on the application. * * @return a LatLng object representing this OSGB grid reference using the * OSGB36 datum * @since 1.0 */ public LatLng toLatLng() { //The ugly debug lines have been added as an explicit attempt to slow down //the computation. They probably prevent JITing of the transformation code //and therefore the code below doesn't break on the Galaxy S4. double OSGB_F0 = 0.9996012717; debug.add(Double.toString(OSGB_F0)); double N0 = -100000.0; debug.add(Double.toString(N0)); double E0 = 400000.0; debug.add(Double.toString(E0)); double phi0 = Math.toRadians(49.0); debug.add(Double.toString(phi0)); double lambda0 = Math.toRadians(-2.0); debug.add(Double.toString(lambda0)); double a = RefEll.AIRY_1830.getMaj(); debug.add(Double.toString(a)); double b = RefEll.AIRY_1830.getMin(); debug.add(Double.toString(b)); double eSquared = RefEll.AIRY_1830.getEcc(); debug.add(Double.toString(eSquared)); double phi = 0.0; debug.add(Double.toString(phi)); double lambda = 0.0; debug.add(Double.toString(lambda)); double E = this.easting; debug.add(Double.toString(E)); double N = this.northing; debug.add(Double.toString(N)); double n = (a - b) / (a + b); debug.add(Double.toString(n)); double M = 0.0; debug.add(Double.toString(M)); double phiPrime = ((N - N0) / (a * OSGB_F0)) + phi0; debug.add(Double.toString(phiPrime)); do { M = (b * OSGB_F0) * (((1 + n + ((5.0 / 4.0) * n * n) + ((5.0 / 4.0) * n * n * n)) * (phiPrime - phi0)) - (((3 * n) + (3 * n * n) + ((21.0 / 8.0) * n * n * n)) * Math.sin(phiPrime - phi0) * Math.cos(phiPrime + phi0)) + ((((15.0 / 8.0) * n * n) + ((15.0 / 8.0) * n * n * n)) * Math.sin(2.0 * (phiPrime - phi0)) * Math .cos(2.0 * (phiPrime + phi0))) - (((35.0 / 24.0) * n * n * n) * Math.sin(3.0 * (phiPrime - phi0)) * Math .cos(3.0 * (phiPrime + phi0)))); phiPrime += (N - N0 - M) / (a * OSGB_F0); debug.add(Double.toString(phiPrime)); } while ((N - N0 - M) >= 0.001); double v = a * OSGB_F0 * Math.pow(1.0 - eSquared * Util.sinSquared(phiPrime), -0.5); debug.add(Double.toString(v)); double rho = a * OSGB_F0 * (1.0 - eSquared) * Math.pow(1.0 - eSquared * Util.sinSquared(phiPrime), -1.5); debug.add(Double.toString(rho)); double etaSquared = (v / rho) - 1.0; debug.add(Double.toString(etaSquared)); double VII = Math.tan(phiPrime) / (2 * rho * v); debug.add(Double.toString(VII)); double VIII = (Math.tan(phiPrime) / (24.0 * rho * Math.pow(v, 3.0))) * (5.0 + (3.0 * Util.tanSquared(phiPrime)) + etaSquared - (9.0 * Util .tanSquared(phiPrime) * etaSquared)); debug.add(Double.toString(VIII)); double IX = (Math.tan(phiPrime) / (720.0 * rho * Math.pow(v, 5.0))) * (61.0 + (90.0 * Util.tanSquared(phiPrime)) + (45.0 * Util .tanSquared(phiPrime) * Util.tanSquared(phiPrime))); debug.add(Double.toString(IX)); double X = Util.sec(phiPrime) / v; debug.add(Double.toString(X)); double XI = (Util.sec(phiPrime) / (6.0 * v * v * v)) * ((v / rho) + (2 * Util.tanSquared(phiPrime))); debug.add(Double.toString(XI)); double XII = (Util.sec(phiPrime) / (120.0 * Math.pow(v, 5.0))) * (5.0 + (28.0 * Util.tanSquared(phiPrime)) + (24.0 * Util .tanSquared(phiPrime) * Util.tanSquared(phiPrime))); debug.add(Double.toString(XII)); double XIIA = (Util.sec(phiPrime) / (5040.0 * Math.pow(v, 7.0))) * (61.0 + (662.0 * Util.tanSquared(phiPrime)) + (1320.0 * Util.tanSquared(phiPrime) * Util .tanSquared(phiPrime)) + (720.0 * Util.tanSquared(phiPrime) * Util.tanSquared(phiPrime) * Util.tanSquared(phiPrime))); debug.add(Double.toString(XIIA)); phi = phiPrime - (VII * Math.pow(E - E0, 2.0)) + (VIII * Math.pow(E - E0, 4.0)) - (IX * Math.pow(E - E0, 6.0)); debug.add(Double.toString(phi)); lambda = lambda0 + (X * (E - E0)) - (XI * Math.pow(E - E0, 3.0)) + (XII * Math.pow(E - E0, 5.0)) - (XIIA * Math.pow(E - E0, 7.0)); debug.add(Double.toString(lambda)); return new LatLng(Math.toDegrees(phi), Math.toDegrees(lambda)); } private ArrayList<String> debug=new ArrayList<String>(); public String getDebugString() { StringBuilder sb=new StringBuilder(); for (String s: debug) sb.append(s + "|"); return sb.toString(); } /** * Get the easting. * * @return the easting in metres * @since 1.0 */ public double getEasting() { return easting; } /** * Get the northing. * * @return the northing in metres * @since 1.0 */ public double getNorthing() { return northing; } }