package com.papagiannis.tuberun.fetchers; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import org.apache.http.impl.client.BasicCookieStore; public class OysterFetcher extends Fetcher { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private String username=""; private String password=""; private String oyster_no=""; private String oyster_balance=""; private HashMap<String,String> cards=new HashMap<String,String>(); @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") private Date update_time=new Date(2000,1,1); private transient RequestTask task=null; private static HashMap<String,OysterFetcher> instances =new HashMap<String, OysterFetcher>(); public static synchronized OysterFetcher getInstance(String username, String password) { if (!instances.containsKey(username+password)) { instances.put(username+password,new OysterFetcher(username, password)); } return instances.get(username+password); } private OysterFetcher(String username, String password) { super(); this.username=(username==null)?"":username.trim(); this.password=(password==null)?"":password.trim(); } @Override public Date getUpdateTime() { return update_time; } BasicCookieStore cookies; StringBuilder postData; private String errors=""; public String getErrors() { return errors; } protected AtomicBoolean isFirst = new AtomicBoolean(true); @Override public void update() { boolean first = isFirst.compareAndSet(true, false); if (!first) return; // only one at a time errors=""; cards.clear(); cardsReturned.set(0); postData = new StringBuilder(); cookies = new BasicCookieStore(); String q1 = ""; postData.append("j_username="+username+"&j_password="+password+"&Sign+in=Sign+in"); PostRequestTask r = new PostRequestTask(new HttpCallback() { public void onReturn(String s) { getCallBack1(s); } }); r.setPostData(postData); r.setCookies(cookies); task=r; r.execute(q1); } String param = ""; private int totalCards=0; private AtomicInteger cardsReturned=new AtomicInteger(0); private static final String mark1="Choose card number"; private static final String mark2="Balance: £"; private static final String mark3="<span class=\"label\">Balance:</span>\r\n\t<span class=\"content\">£"; private void getCallBack1(String response) { try { if (response==null || response.equals("")) throw new Exception("The server did not respond to your request (1)"); if (response.contains("Login failed")) { throw new Exception("Login failed, please check your credentials."); } int i=response.indexOf(mark1); int j=response.indexOf(mark2); int k=response.indexOf(mark3); if (i>0) { totalCards=0; response=response.substring(i); while (true) { String mark="<option value=\""; int ni=response.indexOf(mark); if (ni==-1) { if (totalCards==0) throw new Exception("No cards detected"); break; } response=response.substring(ni+mark.length()); int end=response.indexOf("\""); oyster_no=response.substring(0, end); response=response.substring(end); postData = new StringBuilder(); String q = ""; postData.append("method=input&cardId="+oyster_no); PostRequestTask r = new PostRequestTask(new HttpCallback() { public void onReturn(String s) { getCallBack2(s); } }); r.setPostData(postData); r.setCookies(cookies); task=r; r.execute(q); totalCards++; } //multiple cards parsing } else if (j>0 || k>0) { totalCards=1; //single card parsing getCallBack2(response); } else { errors+="Failed to locate card number"; isFirst.set(true); notifyClients(); } return; } catch (Exception e) { errors+=e.getMessage(); isFirst.set(true); notifyClients(); } } private void getCallBack2(String response) { try { if (response==null || response.equals("")) throw new Exception("The server did not respond to your request (3)"); String mark="<h2>Card No: "; int i=response.indexOf(mark); if (i<0) throw new Exception("Cannot parse server response"); response=response.substring(i+mark.length()); String number=response.substring(0,response.indexOf("</h2>")); response=response.substring(response.indexOf("</h2>")); mark="Balance: £"; i=response.indexOf(mark); if (i<0) { mark="£"; i=response.indexOf(mark); } if (i<0) throw new Exception("Cannot parse server response"); response=response.substring(i+mark.length()); oyster_balance="£"+response.substring(0,response.indexOf("</span>")); cards.put(number, oyster_balance); update_time=new Date(); cardsReturned.incrementAndGet(); } catch (Exception e) { errors+=e.getMessage(); } finally { isFirst.set(true); if (totalCards==cardsReturned.get()) notifyClients(); } } public Boolean hasResult() { Date now=new Date(); Boolean isFresh = (now.getTime() - update_time.getTime()) / 1000 < 5 * 60; return isFresh && !isErrorResult() && !oyster_balance.equals(""); } public CharSequence getResult() { if (!errors.equals("")) return "ERROR"; else return oyster_balance; } public boolean isErrorResult() { return !errors.equals(""); } @Override public void abort() { isFirst.set(true); if (task!=null) task.cancel(true); } public HashMap<String,String> getCards() { return cards; } }