package; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.InvalidPropertiesFormatException; import; import android.view.View; import com.papagiannis.tuberun.LinePresentation; import com.papagiannis.tuberun.LineType; public class Claim implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public enum ClaimType { DLR, Tube, Overground, Dummy }; public ClaimType claim_type; public String pivot_title; public String getpivot_title() { if (claim_type == ClaimType.DLR) return "DLR CLAIM"; else if (claim_type == ClaimType.Tube) return "UNDERGROUND CLAIM"; else if (claim_type == ClaimType.Overground) return "OVERGROUND CLAIM"; else return "PREFILL CLAIM"; } private boolean isPrefill=false; public void setPrefill(boolean isPrefill) { this.isPrefill=isPrefill; } public boolean getPrefill() { return isPrefill; } private Boolean submitted; public Boolean getSubmitted() { // return false; return submitted; } public void setSubmitted(Boolean submitted) { this.submitted = submitted; // NotifyPropertyChanged("Submitted"); // NotifyPropertyChanged("Result"); // NotifyPropertyChanged("Editable"); } public Boolean getEditable() { return !submitted; } private Date submit_date; public Date getSubmit_date() { return submit_date; } public void setSubmit_date(Date submit_date) { this.submit_date = submit_date; } public Integer refcode; public String getReferenceNo() { return String.valueOf(refcode); } public String user_notes; public String getResult() { if (submitted) { SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("EEEE, dd/MM/yyyy"); if (!isDLR()) return "Submitted on " + dateFormat.format(submit_date) + ", your reference number is " + refcode; else return "Submitted on " + submit_date + ", reference number not available for DLR claims"; } else { return "Not yet submitted"; } } public int getBackgroundColor() { if (isOverground()) return LinePresentation.getBackgroundColor(LineType.OVERGROUND); else if (isDLR()) return LinePresentation.getBackgroundColor(LineType.DLR); else return LinePresentation.getBackgroundColor(LineType.CENTRAL); } public String getTitle() { return "on " + journey_started.toString().toLowerCase(); } public String getSubtitle() { if (delay_at) { if (delay_atstation != null && !delay_atstation.equals("")) { return "at " + delay_atstation.toLowerCase(); } else { return "at unknown station"; } } else { if (delay_station1 != null && !delay_station1.equals("") && delay_station2 != null && !delay_station2.equals("")) { return "between " + delay_station1.toLowerCase() + " and " + delay_station2.toLowerCase(); } else if (delay_station1 != null && !delay_station1.equals("")) { return "close to " + delay_station1.toLowerCase(); } else if (delay_station2 != null && !delay_station2.equals("")) { return "close to " + delay_station2.toLowerCase(); } else { return "at unknown station"; } } } public String personal_surname; public String personal_name; public String personal_title; public String personal_address1; public String personal_address2; public String personal_city; public String personal_postcode; public String personal_phone; public String personal_email; public String personal_photocard; // Ticket public String ticket_type; public ArrayList<String> getTicket_Allowed_Types() { if (isTube() || isDummy()) { ArrayList<String> al = new ArrayList<String>(); al.add("Oyster Card"); al.add("TfL Travercard"); al.add("National Rail Travelcard"); return al; } else if (isDLR()) { ArrayList<String> al = new ArrayList<String>(); al.add("Oyster Card"); return al; } else if (isOverground()) { ArrayList<String> al = new ArrayList<String>(); al.add("Oyster Card"); al.add("National Rail Travelcard"); return al; } else return new ArrayList<String>(); } public int getTicketNoticeVisibility() { if (isTube() || isDummy()) { // return View.Visibility.GONE; return 1; } else { // return View.Visibility.VISIBLE; return 0; } } public String ticket_oyster_number; public String ticket_oyster_type; public String ticket_oyster_duration; public Date ticket_tfl_expiry; public String ticket_tfl_number; public String ticket_tfl_issuing; public String ticket_tfl_duration; public String ticket_tfl_type; public String ticket_tfl_retainedstation; public String ticket_rail_class; public Date ticket_rail_expiry; public String ticket_rail_number; public String ticket_rail_duration; public String ticket_rail_type; public String ticket_rail_purchasedplace; public String ticket_rail_retainedstation; public int getTicketOysterVisibility() { if (ticket_type.equals("Oyster Card")) return View.VISIBLE; else return View.GONE; } public int getTicketTflVisibility() { if (ticket_type.equals("TfL Travelcard")) return View.VISIBLE; else return View.GONE; } public int getTicketRailVisibility() { if (ticket_type.equals("National Rail Travelcard")) return View.VISIBLE; else return View.GONE; } // journey public Date journey_started; public String journey_startstation; public String journey_lineused; public String journey_endstation; public int getShowLineUsed() { if (isTube()) return View.VISIBLE; else return View.GONE; } // delay private Boolean delay_at = true; public Boolean isDelayAtStation() { return delay_at; } public void setDelayAt(Boolean b) { this.delay_at = b; } private String delay_atstation; public void setDelayAtstation(String v) { delay_atstation = v; delay_at = true; // delay_station1 = null; // delay_station2 = null; } public String getDelayAtStation() { return delay_atstation; } private String delay_station1; public void setDelayStation1(String v) { delay_station1 = v; delay_at = false; // delay_atstation = null; // NotifyPropertyChanged("Delay_Atstation"); // NotifyPropertyChanged("Delay_Station1"); } public String getDelayStation1() { return delay_station1; } private String delay_station2; public void setDelayStation2(String v) { delay_station2 = v; delay_at = false; // delay_atstation = null; // NotifyPropertyChanged("Delay_Atstation"); // NotifyPropertyChanged("Delay_Station2"); } public String getDelayStation2() { return delay_station2; } public Date delay_when; public Date delay_duration; public Claim(ClaimType ct, Claim source) { this.claim_type = ct; prefill(source); this.submitted = false; InitDates(); } public Claim(ClaimType ct) { this.claim_type = ct; this.submitted = false; InitDates(); } public Claim() { this.claim_type = ClaimType.Dummy; this.submitted = false; InitDates(); } public void prefill(Claim source) { if (source != null) { personal_surname = source.personal_surname; personal_name = source.personal_name; personal_title = source.personal_title; personal_address1 = source.personal_address1; personal_address2 = source.personal_address2; personal_city = source.personal_city; personal_postcode = source.personal_postcode; personal_phone = source.personal_phone; personal_email = source.personal_email; personal_photocard = source.personal_photocard; ticket_type = source.ticket_type; ticket_oyster_number = source.ticket_oyster_number; ticket_oyster_type = source.ticket_oyster_type; ticket_oyster_duration = source.ticket_oyster_duration; ticket_tfl_expiry = source.ticket_tfl_expiry; ticket_tfl_number = source.ticket_tfl_number; ticket_tfl_issuing = source.ticket_tfl_issuing; ticket_tfl_duration = source.ticket_tfl_duration; ticket_tfl_type = source.ticket_tfl_type; ticket_tfl_retainedstation = source.ticket_tfl_retainedstation; ticket_rail_class = source.ticket_rail_class; ticket_rail_expiry = source.ticket_rail_expiry; ticket_rail_number = source.ticket_rail_number; ticket_rail_duration = source.ticket_rail_duration; ticket_rail_type = source.ticket_rail_type; ticket_rail_purchasedplace = source.ticket_rail_purchasedplace; ticket_rail_retainedstation = source.ticket_rail_retainedstation; if (isTube()) { ticket_type = source.ticket_type; } else if (isDLR()) { ticket_type = "Oyster Card"; } else if (isOverground()) { if (source.ticket_type != null && (source.ticket_type.contains("Oyster") || source.ticket_type.contains("Rail"))) { ticket_type = source.ticket_type; } else ticket_type = null; } } } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") void InitDates() { Date d = new Date(); ticket_tfl_expiry = d; ticket_rail_expiry = d; journey_started = d; delay_when = d; delay_duration = new Date(d.getYear(), d.getMonth(), d.getDate(), 0, 0, 0); } public String data_to_send = null; private String data_to_send_overground_common = null; @SuppressWarnings("unused") private String data_to_send_overground_1 = null; @SuppressWarnings("unused") private String data_to_send_overground_2 = null; private String errors = null; public String getError() { return errors; } String toFirstUpper(String s) { if (s.length() > 1) return s.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + s.substring(1).toLowerCase(); else if (s.length() == 1) return s.toUpperCase(); else return s; } boolean isNumeric(String s) { boolean res = true; for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) { char c = s.charAt(i); if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') continue; else { res = false; break; } } return res; } boolean isAlphanumeric(String s) { for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) { char c = s.charAt(i); if ((c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || (c >= '0' && c <= '9') || c == ' ') continue; else return false; } return true; } private String encode(String input) { String res = ""; String[] intokens = input.split(" "); for (String t : intokens) { res += "+" + Uri.encode(t); // WAS res += "+" + Uri.EscapeDataString(t); } return res.substring(1); } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public boolean isReadyTube() { data_to_send = ""; errors = ""; String postData = ""; if (personal_title != null && !personal_title.equals("")) postData += "&ctl00%24cphMain%24ddl_Title=" + personal_title; else errors += "*Title field empty. "; if (personal_surname != null && !personal_surname.equals("")) if (isAlphanumeric(personal_surname)) postData += "&ctl00%24cphMain%24txt_surname=" + encode((personal_surname.substring(0, personal_surname.length() < 60 ? personal_surname.length() : 60))); // 60 else errors += "*Surname field must contain only alphanumeric characters. "; else errors += "*Surname field empty. "; if (personal_name != null && !personal_name.equals("")) if (isAlphanumeric(personal_name)) postData += "&ctl00%24cphMain%24txt_firstname=" + encode(toFirstUpper(personal_name.substring(0, personal_name.length() < 50 ? personal_name.length() : 50))); // 50 else errors += "*Name field must contain only alphanumeric characters. "; else errors += "*Name field empty. "; postData += "&ctl00%24cphMain%24ahHelper%24t_postcode="; if (personal_address1 != null && !personal_address1.equals("")) if (isAlphanumeric(personal_address1)) postData += "&ctl00%24cphMain%24txt_address1=" + encode(toFirstUpper(personal_address1.substring(0, personal_address1.length() < 40 ? personal_address1.length() : 40))); // 40 else errors += "*Address line 1 must contain only alphanumeric characters. "; else errors += "*Address line 1 empty. "; if (personal_address2 != null) if (isAlphanumeric(personal_address2)) postData += "&ctl00%24cphMain%24txt_address2=" + encode(toFirstUpper(personal_address2.substring(0, personal_address2.length() < 40 ? personal_address2.length() : 40))); // 40 else errors += "*Address line 2 must contain only alphanumeric characters. "; else postData += "&ctl00%24cphMain%24txt_address2="; if (personal_city != null && !personal_city.equals("")) if (isAlphanumeric(personal_city)) postData += "&ctl00%24cphMain%24txt_address3=" + encode(toFirstUpper(personal_city.substring(0, personal_city.length() < 100 ? personal_city.length() : 100))); // 100 // town // city else errors += "*City must contain only alphanumeric characters. "; else errors += "*City field empty. "; if (personal_postcode != null && !personal_postcode.equals("") && personal_postcode.length() < 10) if (isAlphanumeric(personal_postcode)) postData += "&ctl00%24cphMain%24txt_postcode=" + encode(toFirstUpper(personal_postcode.substring(0, personal_postcode.length() < 10 ? personal_postcode.length() : 10))); // uppercase // 10 else errors += "*Postcode must contain only alphanumeric characters. "; else errors += "*Invalid or empty postcode. "; if (personal_phone != null && !personal_phone.equals("")) if (isNumeric(personal_phone)) postData += "&ctl00%24cphMain%24txt_telephone=" + encode(personal_phone.substring(0, personal_phone.length() < 50 ? personal_phone.length() : 50)); // 50 else errors += "*Phone must contain only numbers. "; else postData += "&ctl00%24cphMain%24txt_telephone="; if (personal_photocard != null && !personal_photocard.equals("")) { if (isAlphanumeric(personal_photocard)) postData += "&ctl00%24cphMain%24txt_photocard=" + encode(personal_photocard.substring(0, personal_photocard.length() < 50 ? personal_photocard.length() : 50)); // 50 else errors += "*Invalid photocard number. "; } else postData += "&ctl00%24cphMain%24txt_photocard="; if (personal_email != null && !personal_email.equals("")) { if (personal_email.contains("@") && personal_email.contains(".")) postData += "&ctl00%24cphMain%24txt_email=" + encode(personal_email.substring(0, personal_email.length() < 50 ? personal_email.length() : 50)); // 50 else errors += "*Invalid email address. "; } else postData += "&ctl00%24cphMain%24txt_email="; if (ticket_type != null) { if (ticket_type.contains("Oyster")) { if (ticket_oyster_duration != null && !ticket_oyster_duration.equals("")) postData += "&ctl00%24cphMain%24ddl_TicketType=" + encode(ticket_oyster_duration); else errors += "*Oyster ticket type not set. "; if (ticket_oyster_number != null && !ticket_oyster_number.equals("") && isNumeric(ticket_oyster_number)) { if (isValidOyster(ticket_oyster_number)) postData += "&ctl00%24cphMain%24txt_oyster_number=" + encode(ticket_oyster_number.substring(0, ticket_oyster_number.length() < 100 ? ticket_oyster_number.length() : 100)); // else errors += "*Oyster number provided is not a valid card number. "; } else errors += "*Oyster number empty or non numeric. "; if (ticket_oyster_type != null && !ticket_oyster_type.equals("")) postData += "&ctl00%24cphMain%24rbl_oyster_cardtype=" + encode(ticket_oyster_type); // else errors += "*Oyster Card Type empty. "; if (ticket_oyster_type != null && !ticket_oyster_type.equals("Adult") && (personal_photocard == null || personal_photocard.equals("") || !isNumeric(personal_photocard))) errors += "*Non adult oyster cards require a photocard number. "; postData += "&ctl00%24cphMain%24rbl_oyster_refundpaymentmethod=Credit+voucher"; } else if (ticket_type.contains("TfL")) { if (ticket_tfl_duration != null && !ticket_tfl_duration.equals("")) postData += "&ctl00%24cphMain%24ddl_TicketType=" + encode(ticket_tfl_duration); // else errors += "*TfL ticket duration not set. "; if (ticket_tfl_expiry.getYear() != 1) { if (journey_started.compareTo(ticket_tfl_expiry) < 0) { postData += "&ctl00%24cphMain%24cal_tfl_expirydate%24ddl_day=" + ticket_tfl_expiry.getDate(); // 1 // to // 31 if (ticket_tfl_expiry.getMonth()+1 < 10) postData += "&ctl00%24cphMain%24cal_tfl_expirydate%24ddl_month=0" + ticket_tfl_expiry.getMonth()+1; // 01 to 12 else postData += "&ctl00%24cphMain%24cal_tfl_expirydate%24ddl_month=" + ticket_tfl_expiry.getMonth()+1; // 01 to 12 postData += "&ctl00%24cphMain%24cal_tfl_expirydate%24ddl_year=" + (ticket_tfl_expiry.getYear()+1900); // 2010 or 11 } else errors += "*TfL ticket expiry after the journey's date. "; } else errors += "*TfL ticket expiry not set\n"; if (ticket_tfl_number != null && !ticket_tfl_number.equals("") && isNumeric(ticket_tfl_number)) { postData += "&ctl00%24cphMain%24txt_tfl_ticketnumber=" + encode(ticket_tfl_number); } else errors += "*TfL ticket number empty or non-numeric. "; if (ticket_tfl_issuing != null && !ticket_tfl_issuing.equals("") && ticket_tfl_issuing.length() != 4) { postData += "&ctl00%24cphMain%24txt_tfl_issuingstation=" + encode(ticket_tfl_issuing); // 5 } else errors += "*TfL ticket issuing station not 4 chars long. "; if (ticket_tfl_type != null && !ticket_tfl_type.equals("")) { postData += "ctl00%24cphMain%24rbl_tfl_cardtype=" + encode(ticket_tfl_type); } else errors += "*TfL travelcard type empty. "; if (ticket_tfl_retainedstation != null && !ticket_tfl_retainedstation.equals("")) { if (isAlphanumeric(ticket_tfl_retainedstation)) postData += "&ctl00%24cphMain%24txt_ticketretained=" + encode(toFirstUpper(ticket_tfl_retainedstation)); else errors += "*TfL travelcard retained stations must be alphanumeric. "; } } else if (ticket_type.contains("Rail")) { if (ticket_rail_duration != null && !ticket_rail_duration.equals("")) postData += "&ctl00%24cphMain%24ddl_TicketType=" + encode(ticket_rail_duration); // else errors += "*Rail travelcard duration empty. "; if (ticket_rail_expiry.getYear() != 1) { if (journey_started.compareTo(ticket_rail_expiry) < 0) { postData += "&ctl00%24cphMain%24cal_natrail_validuntil%24ddl_day=" + ticket_rail_expiry.getDate(); // 1 to 31 if (ticket_rail_expiry.getMonth()+1 < 10) postData += "&ctl00%24cphMain%24cal_natrail_validuntil%24ddl_month=0" + (ticket_rail_expiry.getMonth()+1); // 01 to 12 else postData += "&ctl00%24cphMain%24cal_natrail_validuntil%24ddl_month=" + (ticket_rail_expiry.getMonth()+1); // 01 to 12 postData += "&ctl00%24cphMain%24cal_natrail_validuntil%24ddl_year=" + (ticket_rail_expiry.getYear()+1900); // 2010 2011 } else errors += "*Rail ticket expiry after the journey's date. "; } else errors += "*TfL ticket expiry not set. "; if (ticket_rail_number != null && !ticket_rail_number.equals("")) { if (isAlphanumeric(ticket_rail_number)) postData += "&ctl00%24cphMain%24txt_natrail_ticketnumber=" + encode(ticket_rail_number.substring(0, ticket_rail_number.length() < 14 ? ticket_rail_number.length() : 14)); // 14 else errors += "*Rail travelcard number must be alphanumeric. "; } else errors += "*Rail travelcard number empty. "; if (ticket_rail_purchasedplace != null && !ticket_rail_purchasedplace.equals("")) { if (isAlphanumeric(ticket_rail_purchasedplace)) postData += "&ctl00%24cphMain%24txt_natrail_placeofpurchase=" + encode(toFirstUpper(ticket_rail_purchasedplace.substring(0, ticket_rail_purchasedplace.length() < 250 ? ticket_rail_purchasedplace.length() : 250))); // else errors += "*Rail travelcard place of purchase must be alphanumeric. "; } else errors += "*Rail travelcard place of purchase empty. "; if (ticket_rail_type != null && !ticket_rail_type.equals("")) postData += "&ctl00%24cphMain%24rbl_natrail_cardtype=" + encode(ticket_rail_type); // else errors += "*Rail travelcard type empty. "; if (ticket_rail_class != null && !ticket_rail_class.equals("")) postData += "&ctl00%24cphMain%24txt_natrail_ticketclass=" + encode(toFirstUpper(ticket_rail_class.substring(0, ticket_rail_class.length() < 50 ? ticket_rail_class.length() : 50))); // firsttoupper // 50 else errors += "*Rail travelcard class empty. "; if (ticket_rail_retainedstation != null && !ticket_rail_retainedstation.equals("")) { if (isAlphanumeric(ticket_rail_retainedstation)) postData += "&ctl00%24cphMain%24txt_natrail_station=" + encode(toFirstUpper(ticket_rail_retainedstation.substring( 0, ticket_rail_retainedstation.length() < 250 ? ticket_rail_retainedstation .length() : 250))); // first // to // upper // 250 else errors += "*Rail ticket retained station must be alphanumeric. "; } } } else { errors += "*No ticket type selected. "; } // journey if (journey_lineused != null && !journey_lineused.equals("")) postData += "&ctl00%24cphMain%24lb_lineofdelay=" + encode(journey_lineused); // else errors += "*Journey line used empty. "; if (journey_startstation != null && !journey_startstation.equals("")) postData += "&ctl00%24cphMain%24lb_startstation=" + encode(journey_startstation); // else errors += "*Station where the journey started empty. "; if (journey_endstation != null && !journey_endstation.equals("")) postData += "&ctl00%24cphMain%24lb_endstation=" + encode(journey_endstation); // else errors += "*Station where the journey should end empty. "; if (delay_at) { if (delay_atstation != null && !delay_atstation.equals("")) postData += "&ctl00%24cphMain%24lb_stationofdelay=" + encode(delay_atstation); // else errors += "*Station of delay empty. "; postData += "&ctl00%24cphMain%24lb_stationofdelay1="; // postData += "&ctl00%24cphMain%24lb_stationofdelay2="; // } else { if (delay_station1!=null && delay_station2!=null && delay_station1.equals(delay_station2)) errors+="*Stations 1 and station 2 of delay are equal"; if (delay_station1 != null && !delay_station1.equals("")) postData += "&ctl00%24cphMain%24lb_stationofdelay1=" + encode(delay_station1); // else errors += "*Station 1 of delay empty. "; if (delay_station2 != null && !delay_station2.equals("")) postData += "&ctl00%24cphMain%24lb_stationofdelay2=" + encode(delay_station2); // else errors += "*Station 2 of delay empty. "; postData += "&ctl00%24cphMain%24lb_stationofdelay="; // } if (journey_started.getYear() != 1) { Date d = new Date(); long nowticks = d.getTime(); long thenticks = journey_started.getTime(); if ((nowticks - thenticks) <= (14 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)) // 14 days // in // millies { postData += "&ctl00%24cphMain%24calDelayDate%24ddl_day=" + journey_started.getDate(); // 1 // to // 31 postData += "&ctl00%24cphMain%24calJourneyDate%24ddl_day=" + journey_started.getDate(); // 1 // to // 31 if (journey_started.getMonth()+1 < 10) { postData += "&ctl00%24cphMain%24calDelayDate%24ddl_month=0" + (journey_started.getMonth()+1); // 1 // to // 12 postData += "&ctl00%24cphMain%24calJourneyDate%24ddl_month=0" + (journey_started.getMonth()+1); // 1 // to // 12 } else { postData += "&ctl00%24cphMain%24calDelayDate%24ddl_month=" + (journey_started.getMonth()+1); // 1 // to // 12 postData += "&ctl00%24cphMain%24calJourneyDate%24ddl_month=" + (journey_started.getMonth()+1); // 1 // to // 12 } postData += "&ctl00%24cphMain%24calDelayDate%24ddl_year=" + (journey_started.getYear()+1900); // 2010 // only postData += "&ctl00%24cphMain%24calJourneyDate%24ddl_year=" + (journey_started.getYear()+1900); // 2010 // only postData += "&ctl00%24cphMain%24lb_starttime_hour=" + journey_started.getHours(); // 0 // to // 23 postData += "&ctl00%24cphMain%24lb_starttime_minute=" + journey_started.getMinutes(); // 0 // to // 59 } else errors += "*Journey start date/time is not in the last 14 days. "; } else errors += "*Journey start date/time empty. "; if (delay_when.getYear() != 1) { postData += "&ctl00%24cphMain%24lb_delay_hour=" + delay_when.getHours(); // 0 // to // 23 postData += "&ctl00%24cphMain%24lb_delay_minute=" + delay_when.getMinutes(); // 0 // to // 59 } else errors += "*Delay time not set. "; if (delay_duration.getYear() != 1) { if (delay_duration.getMinutes() > 14) { postData += "&ctl00%24cphMain%24lb_delay_length_hour=" + delay_duration.getHours(); postData += "&ctl00%24cphMain%24lb_delay_length_minute=" + delay_duration.getMinutes(); // >14 } else errors += "*Delay duration must be above 15min. "; } else errors += "*Delay duration not set. "; postData += "&ctl00%24cphMain%24chk_confirmation=on"; postData += "&ctl00%24cphMain%24btn_submit=Submit"; data_to_send = postData; if (errors.equals("")) return true; else return false; } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public boolean isReadyDLR() { data_to_send = ""; errors = ""; String postData = ""; postData += "&checkfields=logthis%2Clogfile%2Csendclient%2Ccheckfields%2Cclientsubjfield%2Cclientheadtext%2Cclientfoottext%2CSublist%2CSubsubject%2CSubbody%2CSendresp%2CResponsesender%2CResponsesubject%2CResponsebody%2Csmtphost%2Cforwardto%2CSubmit%2CReset%2Crequired_fields%2Crequired_names%2Cemail_fields%2CConfirmation"; postData += "&clientsubjfield=" + encode("DLR - Oyster User Refunds Form Submission"); postData += "&clientheadtext=" + encode("The following information was submitted using the DLR Oyster User Refunds Form:"); postData += "&forwardto=" + encode(""); postData += "&logfile=" + encode("oysteruserrefunds.txt"); postData += "&logthis=1"; postData += "&Responsebody="; postData += "&Responsesender="; postData += "&Responsesubject="; postData += "&Sendresp=0"; postData += "&order=" + encode("title,lastname,firstname,phone,address,address2,town,postcode,photocard_number,email,tickettype,oyster_card_number,oystercardtype,start_station,finish_station,station_of_delay,between_station_1,between_station_2,dateofdelayday,dateofdelaymonth,dateofdelayyear,starttimehour,starttimeminute,time_delay_occurred_hour,time_delay_occurred_minute,length_of_delay_hour,length_of_delay_minute,Confirmation"); postData += "&sendclient=" + encode(","); postData += "&Subbody="; postData += "&Sublist="; postData += "&Subsubject="; postData += "&enquiry="; if (personal_title != null && !personal_title.equals("")) postData += "&title=" + personal_title; else errors += "*Title field empty. "; if (personal_surname != null && !personal_surname.equals("")) if (isAlphanumeric(personal_surname)) postData += "&lastname=" + encode((personal_surname.substring(0, personal_surname.length() < 30 ? personal_surname.length() : 30))); // 60 else errors += "*Surname field must contain only alphanumeric characters. "; else errors += "*Surname field is empty. "; if (personal_name != null && !personal_name.equals("")) if (isAlphanumeric(personal_name)) postData += "&firstname=" + encode(toFirstUpper(personal_name.substring(0, personal_name.length() < 30 ? personal_name.length() : 30))); // 50 else errors += "*Name field must contain only alphanumeric characters. "; else errors += "*Name field is empty."; if (personal_phone != null && !personal_phone.equals("")) if (isNumeric(personal_phone)) postData += "phone=" + encode(personal_phone.substring(0, personal_phone.length() < 30 ? personal_phone.length() : 30)); // 50 else errors += "*Phone must contain only numbers. "; else errors += "*Phone field is empty. "; if (personal_address1 != null && !personal_address1.equals("")) if (isAlphanumeric(personal_address1)) postData += "&address=" + encode(toFirstUpper(personal_address1.substring(0, personal_address1.length() < 30 ? personal_address1.length() : 30))); // 40 else errors += "*Address line 1 must contain only alphanumeric characters. "; else errors += "*Address line 1 empty. "; if (personal_address2 != null && !personal_address2.equals("")) if (isAlphanumeric(personal_address2)) postData += "&address2=" + encode(toFirstUpper(personal_address1.substring(0, personal_address1.length() < 30 ? personal_address1.length() : 30))); // 40 else errors += "*Address line 2 must contain only alphanumeric characters. "; else errors += "*Address line 2 empty. "; if (personal_city != null && !personal_city.equals("")) if (isAlphanumeric(personal_city)) postData += "&town=" + encode(toFirstUpper(personal_city.substring(0, personal_city.length() < 15 ? personal_city.length() : 15))); // 100 // town // city else errors += "*City must contain only alphanumeric characters. "; else errors += "*City field empty. "; if (personal_postcode != null && !personal_postcode.equals("") && personal_postcode.length() < 10) if (isAlphanumeric(personal_postcode)) postData += "&postcode=" + encode(toFirstUpper(personal_postcode.substring(0, personal_postcode.length() < 10 ? personal_postcode.length() : 10))); // uppercase // 10 else errors += "*Postcode must contain only alphanumeric characters. "; else errors += "*Invalid or empty postcode. "; if (personal_photocard != null && !personal_photocard.equals("")) { if (isAlphanumeric(personal_photocard)) postData += "&photocard_number=" + encode(personal_photocard.substring(0, personal_photocard.length() < 20 ? personal_photocard.length() : 20)); // 50 else errors += "*Invalid photocard number. "; } else postData += "&photocard_number="; if (personal_email != null && !personal_email.equals("")) { if (personal_email.contains("@") && personal_email.contains(".")) postData += "&email=" + encode(personal_email.substring(0, personal_email.length() < 50 ? personal_email.length() : 50)); // 50 else errors += "*Invalid email address. "; } else errors += "*Email field must not be empty. "; if (ticket_type != null) { if (ticket_type.contains("Oyster")) { if (ticket_oyster_duration != null && !ticket_oyster_duration.equals("")) postData += "&tickettype=" + encode(ticket_oyster_duration); else errors += "*Oyster ticket type not set. "; if (ticket_oyster_number != null && !ticket_oyster_number.equals("") && isNumeric(ticket_oyster_number)) { if (isValidOyster(ticket_oyster_number)) postData += "&oyster_card_number=" + encode(ticket_oyster_number.substring(0, ticket_oyster_number.length() < 100 ? ticket_oyster_number.length() : 100)); // else errors += "*Oyster number provided is not a valid card number. "; } else errors += "*Oyster number empty or non numeric. "; if (ticket_oyster_type != null && !ticket_oyster_type.equals("")) postData += "&oystercardtype=" + encode(ticket_oyster_type); // else errors += "*Oyster Card Type empty. "; if (ticket_oyster_type != null && !ticket_oyster_type.equals("Adult") && (personal_photocard == null || personal_photocard.equals("") || !isNumeric(personal_photocard))) errors += "*Non adult oyster cards require a photocard number. "; } } else errors += "*No ticket type selected. "; // journey if (journey_startstation != null && !journey_startstation.equals("")) postData += "&start_station=" + encode(journey_startstation); // else errors += "*Station where the journey started empty. "; if (journey_endstation != null && !journey_endstation.equals("")) postData += "&finish_station=" + encode(journey_endstation); // else errors += "*Station where the journey should end empty. "; if (delay_at) { if (delay_atstation != null && !delay_atstation.equals("")) postData += "&station_of_delay=" + encode(delay_atstation); // else errors += "*Station of delay empty. "; postData += "&between_station_1="; // postData += "&between_station_2="; // } else { if (delay_station1 != null && !delay_station1.equals("")) postData += "&between_station_1=" + encode(delay_station1); // else errors += "*Station 1 of delay empty. "; if (delay_station2 != null && !delay_station2.equals("")) postData += "&between_station_2=" + encode(delay_station2); // else errors += "*Station 2 of delay empty. "; postData += "&station_of_delay="; // } if (journey_started.getYear() != 1) { Date d = new Date(); long nowticks = d.getTime(); long thenticks = journey_started.getTime(); if ((nowticks - thenticks) <= (14 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)) // 14 days // in // millies { if (journey_started.getDate() < 10) postData += "&dateofdelayday=0" + journey_started.getDate(); else postData += "&dateofdelayday=" + journey_started.getDate(); if (journey_started.getMonth() < 10) postData += "&dateofdelaymonth=0" + journey_started.getMonth(); // 1 // to // 12 else postData += "&dateofdelaymonth=" + journey_started.getMonth(); // 1 // to // 12 postData += "&dateofdelayyear=" + journey_started.getYear(); // 2010 // only if (journey_started.getHours() < 10) postData += "&starttimehour=0" + journey_started.getHours(); // 0 // to // 23 else postData += "&starttimehour=" + journey_started.getHours(); // 0 // to // 23 if (journey_started.getMinutes() < 10) postData += "&starttimeminute=0" + journey_started.getMinutes(); // 0 // to // 59 else postData += "&starttimeminute=" + journey_started.getMinutes(); // 0 // to // 59 } else errors += "*Journey start date/time is not in the last 14 days. "; } else errors += "*Journey start date/time empty. "; if (delay_when.getYear() != 1) { if (delay_when.getHours() < 10) postData += "&time_delay_occurred_hour=0" + delay_when.getHours(); // 0 // to // 23 else postData += "&time_delay_occurred_hour=" + delay_when.getHours(); // 0 // to // 23 if (delay_when.getMinutes() < 10) postData += "&time_delay_occurred_minute=0" + delay_when.getMinutes(); // 0 // to // 59 else postData += "&time_delay_occurred_minute=" + delay_when.getMinutes(); // 0 // to // 59 } else errors += "*Delay time not set. "; if (delay_duration.getYear() != 1) { if (delay_duration.getMinutes() > 14) { if (delay_duration.getHours() < 10) postData += "&length_of_delay_hour=0" + delay_duration.getHours(); else postData += "&length_of_delay_hour=" + delay_duration.getHours(); if (delay_duration.getMinutes() < 10) postData += "&length_of_delay_minute=0" + delay_duration.getMinutes(); // >14 else postData += "&length_of_delay_minute=" + delay_duration.getMinutes(); // >14 } else errors += "*Delay duration must be above 15min. "; } else errors += "*Delay duration not set. "; postData += "&Confirmation=Yes"; postData += "&submit=Submit"; postData += "&required_fields=title%2Clastname%2Cfirstname%2Cphone%2Caddress%2Ctown%2Cpostcode%2Cemail%2Ctickettype%2Coyster_card_number%2Coystercardtype%2Cstart_station%2Cfinish_station%2Cdateofdelayday%2Cdateofdelaymonth%2Cdateofdelayyear%2Cstarttimehour%2Cstarttimeminute%2Ctime_delay_occurred_hour%2Ctime_delay_occurred_minute%2Clength_of_delay_hour%2Clength_of_delay_minute%2CConfirmation"; postData += "&required_names=" + encode("Title,Surname,First Name,Daytime Telephone Number,Address,Town,Postcode,Email Address,Ticket Type,Oyster Card Number,Oyster Card Type,Start Station,Finish Station,Date of Delay (getDay()),Date of Delay (getMonth()),Date of Delay (getYear()),Journey Start Time (getHours()),Journey Start Time (getMinutes()),Time Delay Occurred (getHours()),Time Delay Occurred (getMinutes()),length() of delay (getHours()),length() of Delay (getMinutes()),You need to confirm the information you have given is correct to the best of your knowledge"); postData += "&email_fields=email"; data_to_send = postData; if (errors.equals("")) return true; else return false; } public boolean isReadyOverground1() { data_to_send_overground_1 = ""; errors = ""; String postData = ""; if (personal_title != null && !personal_title.equals("")) postData += "title=" + personal_title; else errors += "*Title field empty. "; if (personal_surname != null && !personal_surname.equals("")) if (isAlphanumeric(personal_surname)) postData += "&surname=" + encode((personal_surname.substring(0, personal_surname.length() < 50 ? personal_surname.length() : 50))); // 60 else errors += "*Surname field must contain only alphanumeric characters. "; else errors += "*Surname field empty. "; if (personal_name != null && !personal_name.equals("")) if (isAlphanumeric(personal_name)) postData += "&firstname=" + encode(toFirstUpper(personal_name.substring(0, personal_name.length() < 50 ? personal_name.length() : 50))); // 50 else errors += "*Name field must contain only alphanumeric characters. "; else errors += "*Name field empty. "; if (personal_phone != null && !personal_phone.equals("")) if (isNumeric(personal_phone)) postData += "&telephone=" + encode(personal_phone.substring(0, personal_phone.length() < 50 ? personal_phone.length() : 50)); // 50 else errors += "*Phone must contain only numbers. "; else errors += "*Phone is required. "; if (personal_address1 != null && !personal_address1.equals("")) if (isAlphanumeric(personal_address1)) postData += "&address1=" + encode(toFirstUpper(personal_address1.substring(0, personal_address1.length() < 40 ? personal_address1.length() : 40))); // 40 else errors += "*Address line 1 must contain only alphanumeric characters. "; else errors += "*Address line 1 empty. "; if (personal_address2 != null) if (isAlphanumeric(personal_address2)) postData += "&address2=" + encode(toFirstUpper(personal_address2.substring(0, personal_address2.length() < 40 ? personal_address2.length() : 40))); // 40 else errors += "*Address line 2 must contain only alphanumeric characters. "; else postData += "&address2="; if (personal_city != null && !personal_city.equals("")) if (isAlphanumeric(personal_city)) postData += "&address3=" + encode(toFirstUpper(personal_city.substring(0, personal_city.length() < 100 ? personal_city.length() : 100))); // 100 // town // city else errors += "*City must contain only alphanumeric characters. "; else errors += "*City field empty. "; if (personal_postcode != null && !personal_postcode.equals("") && personal_postcode.length() < 10) if (isAlphanumeric(personal_postcode)) postData += "&postcode=" + encode(toFirstUpper(personal_postcode.substring(0, personal_postcode.length() < 10 ? personal_postcode.length() : 10))); // uppercase // 10 else errors += "*Postcode must contain only alphanumeric characters. "; else errors += "*Invalid or empty postcode. "; if (personal_photocard != null && !personal_photocard.equals("")) { if (isAlphanumeric(personal_photocard)) postData += "&photocard=" + encode(personal_photocard.substring(0, personal_photocard.length() < 50 ? personal_photocard.length() : 50)); // 50 else errors += "*Invalid photocard number. "; } else postData += "&photocard="; if (personal_email != null && !personal_email.equals("")) { if (personal_email.contains("@") && personal_email.contains(".")) postData += "&email=" + encode(personal_email.substring(0, personal_email.length() < 50 ? personal_email.length() : 50)); // 50 else errors += "*Invalid email address. "; } else postData += "&email="; data_to_send_overground_common = postData; // save them to avoid // recalculation if (ticket_type != null) { if (ticket_type.contains("Oyster")) { postData += "&tickettype=oyster"; } else if (ticket_type.contains("Rail")) { postData += "&tickettype=rail"; } else errors += "*Ticket type is invalid. "; } else { errors += "*Ticket type not selected. "; } postData += "&submit=Submit"; data_to_send_overground_1 = postData; if (errors.equals("")) return true; else return false; } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public boolean isReadyOverground2() { String postData = data_to_send_overground_common; if (ticket_type != null) { if (ticket_type.contains("Oyster")) { if (ticket_oyster_duration != null && !ticket_oyster_duration.equals("")) postData += "&ticketdetail_ticket=" + encode(ticket_oyster_duration); else errors += "*Oyster ticket type not set. "; if (ticket_oyster_number != null && !ticket_oyster_number.equals("") && isNumeric(ticket_oyster_number)) { if (isValidOyster(ticket_oyster_number)) postData += "&oysternumber=" + encode(ticket_oyster_number.substring(0, ticket_oyster_number.length() < 100 ? ticket_oyster_number.length() : 100)); // else errors += "*Oyster number provided is not a valid card number. "; } else errors += "*Oyster number empty or non numeric. "; if (ticket_oyster_type != null && !ticket_oyster_type.equals("")) postData += "&oystercardtype=" + encode(ticket_oyster_type); // else errors += "*Oyster Card Type empty. "; if (ticket_oyster_type != null && !ticket_oyster_type.equals("Adult") && (personal_photocard == null || personal_photocard.equals("") || !isNumeric(personal_photocard))) errors += "*Non adult oyster cards require a photocard number. "; postData += "&oyster_refundpaymentmethod=Credit+voucher"; } else if (ticket_type.contains("Rail")) { if (ticket_rail_duration != null && !ticket_rail_duration.equals("")) postData += "&ticketdetail_ticket=" + encode(ticket_rail_duration); // else errors += "*Rail travelcard duration empty. "; if (ticket_rail_expiry.getYear() != 1) { if (journey_started.compareTo(ticket_rail_expiry) < 0) { if (ticket_rail_expiry.getDate() < 10) postData += "&natrail_validuntil_day=0" + ticket_rail_expiry.getDate(); // 1 // to // 31 else postData += "&natrail_validuntil_day=" + ticket_rail_expiry.getDate(); // 1 // to // 31 if (ticket_rail_expiry.getMonth() < 10) postData += "&natrail_validuntil_month=0" + ticket_rail_expiry.getMonth(); // 01 // to // 12 else postData += "&natrail_validuntil_month=" + ticket_rail_expiry.getMonth(); // 01 // to // 12 postData += "&natrail_validuntil_year=" + ticket_rail_expiry.getYear(); // 2010 // 2011 } else errors += "*Rail ticket expiry after the journey's date. "; } else errors += "*TfL ticket expiry not set. "; if (ticket_rail_number != null && !ticket_rail_number.equals("")) { if (isAlphanumeric(ticket_rail_number)) postData += "&natrailticketnumber=" + encode(ticket_rail_number.substring(0, ticket_rail_number.length() < 14 ? ticket_rail_number.length() : 14)); // 14 else errors += "*Rail travelcard number must be alphanumeric. "; } else errors += "*Rail travelcard number empty. "; if (ticket_rail_purchasedplace != null && !ticket_rail_purchasedplace.equals("")) { if (isAlphanumeric(ticket_rail_purchasedplace)) postData += "&natrailplaceofpurchase=" + encode(toFirstUpper(ticket_rail_purchasedplace.substring(0, ticket_rail_purchasedplace.length() < 250 ? ticket_rail_purchasedplace.length() : 250))); // else errors += "*Rail travelcard place of purchase must be alphanumeric. "; } else errors += "*Rail travelcard place of purchase empty. "; if (ticket_rail_type != null && !ticket_rail_type.equals("")) postData += "&natrailcardtype=" + encode(ticket_rail_type); // else errors += "*Rail travelcard type empty. "; if (ticket_rail_class != null && !ticket_rail_class.equals("")) postData += "&natrailticketclass=" + encode(toFirstUpper(ticket_rail_class.substring(0, ticket_rail_class.length() < 50 ? ticket_rail_class.length() : 50))); // firsttoupper // 50 else errors += "*Rail travelcard class empty. "; if (ticket_rail_retainedstation != null && !ticket_rail_retainedstation.equals("")) { if (isAlphanumeric(ticket_rail_retainedstation)) postData += "&natrail_station=" + encode(toFirstUpper(ticket_rail_retainedstation.substring( 0, ticket_rail_retainedstation.length() < 250 ? ticket_rail_retainedstation .length() : 250))); // first // to // upper // 250 else errors += "*Rail ticket retained station must be alphanumeric. "; } } else errors += "*Ticket type is invalid. "; } else errors += "*Ticket type not selected. "; // journey if (journey_startstation != null && !journey_startstation.equals("")) postData += "&startstation=" + encode(journey_startstation); // else errors += "*Station where the journey started empty. "; if (journey_endstation != null && !journey_endstation.equals("")) postData += "&endstation=" + encode(journey_endstation); // else errors += "*Station where the journey should end empty. "; if (delay_at) { if (delay_atstation != null && !delay_atstation.equals("")) postData += "&stationofdelay=" + encode(delay_atstation); // else errors += "*Station of delay empty. "; postData += "&stationofdelay1="; // postData += "&stationofdelay2="; // } else { if (delay_station1 != null && !delay_station1.equals("")) postData += "&stationofdelay1=" + encode(delay_station1); // else errors += "*Station 1 of delay empty. "; if (delay_station2 != null && !delay_station2.equals("")) postData += "&stationofdelay2=" + encode(delay_station2); // else errors += "*Station 2 of delay empty. "; postData += "&stationofdelay="; // } if (journey_started.getYear() != 1) { Date d = new Date(); long nowticks = d.getTime(); long thenticks = journey_started.getTime(); if ((nowticks - thenticks) <= (14 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)) // 14 days // in // millies { if (journey_started.getDate() < 10) postData += "&dateofdelayday=0" + journey_started.getDate(); // 1 // to // 31 else postData += "&dateofdelayday=" + journey_started.getDate(); // 1 // to // 31 if (journey_started.getMonth() < 10) postData += "&dateofdelaymonth=0" + journey_started.getMonth(); // 1 // to // 12 else postData += "&dateofdelaymonth=" + journey_started.getMonth(); // 1 // to // 12 postData += "&dateofdelayyear=" + journey_started.getYear(); // 2010 // only if (journey_started.getHours() < 10) postData += "&starttimehour=0" + journey_started.getHours(); // 0 // to // 23 else postData += "&starttimehour=" + journey_started.getHours(); // 0 // to // 23 if (journey_started.getMinutes() < 10) postData += "&starttimeminute=0" + journey_started.getMinutes(); // 0 // to // 59 else postData += "&starttimeminute=" + journey_started.getMinutes(); // 0 // to // 59 } else errors += "*Journey start date/time is not in the last 14 days. "; } else errors += "*Journey start date/time empty. "; if (delay_when.getYear() != 1) { if (delay_when.getHours() < 10) postData += "&delayhour=0" + delay_when.getHours(); // 0 to 23 else postData += "&delayhour=" + delay_when.getHours(); // 0 to 23 if (delay_when.getMinutes() < 10) postData += "&delayminute=0" + delay_when.getMinutes(); // 0 to // 59 else postData += "&delayminute=" + delay_when.getMinutes(); // 0 to // 59 } else errors += "*Delay time not set. "; if (delay_duration.getYear() != 1) { if (delay_duration.getMinutes() > 29) { postData += "&delaylengthhour=" + delay_duration.getHours(); if (delay_duration.getMinutes() < 10) postData += "&delaylengthminute=0" + delay_duration.getMinutes(); // >14 else postData += "&delaylengthminute=" + delay_duration.getMinutes(); // >14 } else errors += "*Delay duration must be 30min or more. "; } else errors += "*Delay duration not set. "; postData += "&dataprotection1=&dataprotection2=&add_inf=&confirmation=Confirmed"; data_to_send_overground_2 = postData; if (errors.equals("")) return true; else return false; } public boolean isDLR() { return claim_type == ClaimType.DLR; } public boolean isTube() { return claim_type == ClaimType.Tube; } public boolean isDummy() { return claim_type == ClaimType.Dummy; } public boolean isOverground() { return claim_type == ClaimType.Overground; } private String hexConv(long serialNum) { String hexConv = ""; while (serialNum > 15) { long newNum = (serialNum / 16); hexConv = dec2hex(serialNum - newNum * 16) + hexConv; serialNum = newNum; } if (serialNum > 0) { hexConv = dec2hex(serialNum) + hexConv; } return hexConv; } private String dec2hex(long decNum) { String hexNum = ""; if (decNum <= 9) { hexNum = Long.toString(decNum); } else { String hexString = "abcdef"; hexNum = hexString.substring((int) decNum - 10, (int) decNum - 9); } return hexNum; } private boolean isValidOyster(String cardNumber) { while (cardNumber.length() < 12) { cardNumber = '0' + cardNumber; } if (cardNumber.length() == 12 && !cardNumber.equals("000000000000")) { String serialNumber = cardNumber.substring(0, cardNumber.length() - 2); String checkSum = cardNumber.substring(cardNumber.length() - 2, cardNumber.length()); String hexNum = hexConv(Long.parseLong(serialNumber)); Long cdv = (long) 0; Long cdvOdd = (long) 0; for (int i = hexNum.length(); i > 0; i -= 2) { cdv += Long.parseLong(hexNum.substring(i - 1, i), 16); if (i > 1) { cdvOdd += Long.parseLong(hexNum.substring(i - 2, i-1), 16); } } cdv *= 19; cdv += cdvOdd; cdv %= 100; return cdv.equals( Long.parseLong(checkSum) ); } else { return false; } } // region submit helper functions public boolean isReady() throws InvalidPropertiesFormatException{ errors = ""; if (!isReadyTube()) throw new InvalidPropertiesFormatException(errors); return true; } public void markAsSent(int refcode) { this.refcode=refcode; setSubmit_date(new Date()); setSubmitted(true); } }