/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.catalina.valves; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream; import java.security.NoSuchProviderException; import java.security.cert.CertificateFactory; import java.security.cert.X509Certificate; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import org.apache.catalina.valves.ValveBase; import org.apache.catalina.connector.Request; import org.apache.catalina.connector.Response; import org.apache.juli.logging.Log; import org.apache.juli.logging.LogFactory; /** * When using mod_proxy_http, the client SSL information is not included in the * protocol (unlike mod_jk and mod_proxy_ajp). To make the client SSL * information available to Tomcat, some additional configuration is required. * In httpd, mod_headers is used to add the SSL information as HTTP headers. In * Tomcat, this valve is used to read the information from the HTTP headers and * insert it into the request.<p> * * <b>Note: Ensure that the headers are always set by httpd for all requests to * prevent a client spoofing SSL information by sending fake headers. </b><p> * * In httpd.conf add the following: * <pre> * <IfModule ssl_module> * RequestHeader set SSL_CLIENT_CERT "%{SSL_CLIENT_CERT}s" * RequestHeader set SSL_CIPHER "%{SSL_CIPHER}s" * RequestHeader set SSL_SESSION_ID "%{SSL_SESSION_ID}s" * RequestHeader set SSL_CIPHER_USEKEYSIZE "%{SSL_CIPHER_USEKEYSIZE}s" * </IfModule> * </pre> * * In server.xml, configure this valve under the Engine element in server.xml: * <pre> * <Engine ...> * <Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.SSLValve" /> * <Host ... /> * </Engine> * </pre> */ public class SSLValve extends ValveBase { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(SSLValve.class); /* private static final String info = "SSLValve/1.0"; protected static StringManager sm = StringManager.getManager(Constants.Package); public String getInfo() { return (info); } public String toString() { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("SSLValve["); if (container != null) sb.append(container.getName()); sb.append("]"); return (sb.toString()); } */ public String mygetHeader(Request request, String header) { String strcert0 = request.getHeader(header); if (strcert0 == null) return null; /* mod_header writes "(null)" when the ssl variable is no filled */ if ("(null)".equals(strcert0)) return null; return strcert0; } public void invoke(Request request, Response response) throws IOException, ServletException { /* mod_header converts the '\n' into ' ' so we have to rebuild the client certificate */ String strcert0 = mygetHeader(request, "ssl_client_cert"); if (strcert0 != null && strcert0.length()>28) { String strcert1 = strcert0.replace(' ', '\n'); String strcert2 = strcert1.substring(28, strcert1.length()-26); String strcert3 = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n"; String strcert4 = strcert3.concat(strcert2); String strcerts = strcert4.concat("\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n"); // ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(strcerts.getBytes("UTF-8")); ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(strcerts.getBytes()); X509Certificate jsseCerts[] = null; String providerName = (String) request.getConnector().getProperty( "clientCertProvider"); try { CertificateFactory cf; if (providerName == null) { cf = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509"); } else { cf = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509", providerName); } X509Certificate cert = (X509Certificate) cf.generateCertificate(bais); jsseCerts = new X509Certificate[1]; jsseCerts[0] = cert; } catch (java.security.cert.CertificateException e) { log.warn(sm.getString("sslValve.certError", strcerts), e); } catch (NoSuchProviderException e) { log.error(sm.getString( "sslValve.invalidProvider", providerName), e); } request.setAttribute("javax.servlet.request.X509Certificate", jsseCerts); } strcert0 = mygetHeader(request, "ssl_cipher"); if (strcert0 != null) { request.setAttribute("javax.servlet.request.cipher_suite", strcert0); } strcert0 = mygetHeader(request, "ssl_session_id"); if (strcert0 != null) { request.setAttribute("javax.servlet.request.ssl_session", strcert0); } strcert0 = mygetHeader(request, "ssl_cipher_usekeysize"); if (strcert0 != null) { request.setAttribute("javax.servlet.request.key_size", Integer.valueOf(strcert0)); } getNext().invoke(request, response); } }