package hep.aida.ref; import hep.aida.IAxis; import hep.aida.IHistogram1D; /** A reference implementation of hep.aida.IHistogram1D. The goal is to provide a clear implementation rather than the most efficient implementation. However, performance seems fine - filling 1.2 * 10^6 points/sec, both using FixedAxis or VariableAxis. @author Wolfgang Hoschek, Tony Johnson, and others. @version 1.0, 23/03/2000 */ public class Histogram1D extends AbstractHistogram1D implements IHistogram1D { private double[] errors; private double[] heights; private int[] entries; private int nEntry; // total number of times fill called private double sumWeight; // Sum of all weights private double sumWeightSquared; // Sum of the squares of the weights private double mean, rms; /** * Creates a variable-width histogram. * Example: <tt>edges = (0.2, 1.0, 5.0)</tt> yields an axis with 2 in-range bins <tt>[0.2,1.0), [1.0,5.0)</tt> and 2 extra bins <tt>[-inf,0.2), [5.0,inf]</tt>. * @param title The histogram title. * @param edges the bin boundaries the axis shall have; * must be sorted ascending and must not contain multiple identical elements. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <tt>edges.length < 1</tt>. */ public Histogram1D(String title, double[] edges) { this(title,new VariableAxis(edges)); } /** * Creates a fixed-width histogram. * * @param title The histogram title. * @param bins The number of bins. * @param min The minimum value on the X axis. * @param max The maximum value on the X axis. */ public Histogram1D(String title, int bins, double min, double max) { this(title,new FixedAxis(bins,min,max)); } /** * Creates a histogram with the given axis binning. * * @param title The histogram title. * @param axis The axis description to be used for binning. */ public Histogram1D(String title, IAxis axis) { super(title); xAxis = axis; int bins = axis.bins(); entries = new int[bins+2]; heights = new double[bins+2]; errors = new double[bins+2]; } public int allEntries() // perhaps to be deleted (default impl. in superclass sufficient) { return nEntry; } public int binEntries(int index) { //return entries[]; return entries[map(index)]; } public double binError(int index) { //return Math.sqrt(errors[]); return Math.sqrt(errors[map(index)]); } public double binHeight(int index) { //return heights[]; return heights[map(index)]; } public double equivalentBinEntries() { return sumWeight*sumWeight/sumWeightSquared; } public void fill(double x) { //int bin = xAxis.getBin(x); int bin = map(xAxis.coordToIndex(x)); entries[bin]++; heights[bin]++; errors[bin]++; nEntry++; sumWeight++; sumWeightSquared++; mean += x; rms += x*x; } public void fill(double x, double weight) { //int bin = xAxis.getBin(x); int bin = map(xAxis.coordToIndex(x)); entries[bin]++; heights[bin] += weight; errors[bin] += weight*weight; nEntry++; sumWeight += weight; sumWeightSquared += weight*weight; mean += x*weight; rms += x*weight*weight; } public double mean() { return mean/sumWeight; } public void reset() { for (int i=0; i<entries.length; i++) { entries[i] = 0; heights[i] = 0; errors[i] = 0; } nEntry = 0; sumWeight = 0; sumWeightSquared = 0; mean = 0; rms = 0; } public double rms() { return Math.sqrt(rms/sumWeight - mean*mean/sumWeight/sumWeight); } /** * Used internally for creating slices and projections */ void setContents(int[] entries, double[] heights, double[] errors) { this.entries = entries; this.heights = heights; this.errors = errors; for (int i=0; i<entries.length; i++) { nEntry += entries[i]; sumWeight += heights[i]; } // TODO: Can we do anything sensible/useful with the other statistics? sumWeightSquared = Double.NaN; mean = Double.NaN; rms = Double.NaN; } }