package hep.aida; /** A common base interface for IHistogram1D, IHistogram2D and IHistogram3D. @author Pavel Binko, Dino Ferrero Merlino, Wolfgang Hoschek, Tony Johnson, Andreas Pfeiffer, and others. @version 1.0, 23/03/2000 */ public interface IHistogram extends { /** * Constant specifying the overflow bin (can be passed to any method expecting a bin number). */ public final static int OVERFLOW = -1; /** * Constant specifying the underflow bin (can be passed to any method expecting a bin number). */ public final static int UNDERFLOW = -2; static final long serialVersionUID = 1020; /** * Number of all entries in all (both in-range and under/overflow) bins in the histogram. */ public int allEntries(); /** * Returns 1 for one-dimensional histograms, 2 for two-dimensional histograms, and so on. */ public int dimensions(); /** * Number of in-range entries in the histogram. */ public int entries(); /** * Number of equivalent entries. * @return <tt>SUM[ weight ] ^ 2 / SUM[ weight^2 ]</tt>. */ public double equivalentBinEntries(); /** * Number of under and overflow entries in the histogram. */ public int extraEntries(); /** * Reset contents; as if just constructed. */ public void reset(); /** * Sum of all (both in-range and under/overflow) bin heights in the histogram. */ public double sumAllBinHeights(); /** * Sum of in-range bin heights in the histogram. */ public double sumBinHeights(); /** * Sum of under/overflow bin heights in the histogram. */ public double sumExtraBinHeights(); /** * Title of the histogram (will be set only in the constructor). */ public String title(); }