package hep.aida; /** A Java interface corresponding to the AIDA 1D Histogram. <p> <b>Note</b> All methods that accept a bin number as an argument will also accept the constants OVERFLOW or UNDERFLOW as the argument, and as a result give the contents of the resulting OVERFLOW or UNDERFLOW bin. @see <a href="">AIDA</a> @author Pavel Binko, Dino Ferrero Merlino, Wolfgang Hoschek, Tony Johnson, Andreas Pfeiffer, and others. @version 1.0, 23/03/2000 */ public interface IHistogram1D extends IHistogram { /** * Number of entries in the corresponding bin (ie the number of times fill was called for this bin). * @param index the bin number (0...N-1) or OVERFLOW or UNDERFLOW. */ public int binEntries(int index); /** * The error on this bin. * @param index the bin number (0...N-1) or OVERFLOW or UNDERFLOW. */ public double binError(int index ); /** * Total height of the corresponding bin (ie the sum of the weights in this bin). * @param index the bin number (0...N-1) or OVERFLOW or UNDERFLOW. */ public double binHeight(int index); /** * Fill histogram with weight 1. */ public void fill(double x); /** * Fill histogram with specified weight. */ public void fill(double x, double weight); /** * Returns the mean of the whole histogram as calculated on filling-time. */ public double mean(); /** * Indexes of the in-range bins containing the smallest and largest binHeight(), respectively. * @return <tt>{minBin,maxBin}</tt>. */ public int[] minMaxBins(); /** * Returns the rms of the whole histogram as calculated on filling-time. */ public double rms(); /** * Returns the X Axis. */ public IAxis xAxis(); }