package hep.aida.bin; import cern.colt.list.DoubleArrayList; import cern.jet.stat.Descriptive; /** * Static and the same as its superclass, except that it can do more: Additionally computes moments of arbitrary integer order, harmonic mean, geometric mean, etc. * * Constructors need to be told what functionality is required for the given use case. * Only maintains aggregate measures (incrementally) - the added elements themselves are not kept. * * @author * @version 0.9, 03-Jul-99 */ public class MightyStaticBin1D extends StaticBin1D { protected boolean hasSumOfLogarithms = false; protected double sumOfLogarithms = 0.0; // Sum( Log(x[i]) ) protected boolean hasSumOfInversions = false; protected double sumOfInversions = 0.0; // Sum( 1/x[i] ) protected double[] sumOfPowers = null; // Sum( x[i]^3 ) .. Sum( x[i]^max_k ) /** * Constructs and returns an empty bin with limited functionality but good performance; equivalent to <tt>MightyStaticBin1D(false,false,4)</tt>. */ public MightyStaticBin1D() { this(false, false, 4); } /** * Constructs and returns an empty bin with the given capabilities. * * @param hasSumOfLogarithms Tells whether {@link #sumOfLogarithms()} can return meaningful results. * Set this parameter to <tt>false</tt> if measures of sum of logarithms, geometric mean and product are not required. * <p> * @param hasSumOfInversions Tells whether {@link #sumOfInversions()} can return meaningful results. * Set this parameter to <tt>false</tt> if measures of sum of inversions, harmonic mean and sumOfPowers(-1) are not required. * <p> * @param maxOrderForSumOfPowers The maximum order <tt>k</tt> for which {@link #sumOfPowers(int)} can return meaningful results. * Set this parameter to at least 3 if the skew is required, to at least 4 if the kurtosis is required. * In general, if moments are required set this parameter at least as large as the largest required moment. * This method always substitutes <tt>Math.max(2,maxOrderForSumOfPowers)</tt> for the parameter passed in. * Thus, <tt>sumOfPowers(0..2)</tt> always returns meaningful results. * * @see #hasSumOfPowers(int) * @see #moment(int,double) */ public MightyStaticBin1D(boolean hasSumOfLogarithms, boolean hasSumOfInversions, int maxOrderForSumOfPowers) { setMaxOrderForSumOfPowers(maxOrderForSumOfPowers); this.hasSumOfLogarithms = hasSumOfLogarithms; this.hasSumOfInversions = hasSumOfInversions; this.clear(); } /** * Adds the part of the specified list between indexes <tt>from</tt> (inclusive) and <tt>to</tt> (inclusive) to the receiver. * * @param list the list of which elements shall be added. * @param from the index of the first element to be added (inclusive). * @param to the index of the last element to be added (inclusive). * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if <tt>list.size()>0 && (from<0 || from>to || to>=list.size())</tt>. */ public synchronized void addAllOfFromTo(DoubleArrayList list, int from, int to) { super.addAllOfFromTo(list, from, to); if (this.sumOfPowers != null) { //int max_k = this.min_k + this.sumOfPowers.length-1; Descriptive.incrementalUpdateSumsOfPowers(list, from, to, 3, getMaxOrderForSumOfPowers(), this.sumOfPowers); } if (this.hasSumOfInversions) { this.sumOfInversions += Descriptive.sumOfInversions(list, from, to); } if (this.hasSumOfLogarithms) { this.sumOfLogarithms += Descriptive.sumOfLogarithms(list, from, to); } } /** * Resets the values of all measures. */ protected void clearAllMeasures() { super.clearAllMeasures(); this.sumOfLogarithms = 0.0; this.sumOfInversions = 0.0; if (this.sumOfPowers != null) { for (int i=this.sumOfPowers.length; --i >=0; ) { this.sumOfPowers[i] = 0.0; } } } /** * Returns a deep copy of the receiver. * * @return a deep copy of the receiver. */ public synchronized Object clone() { MightyStaticBin1D clone = (MightyStaticBin1D) super.clone(); if (this.sumOfPowers != null) clone.sumOfPowers = (double[]) clone.sumOfPowers.clone(); return clone; } /** * Computes the deviations from the receiver's measures to another bin's measures. * @param other the other bin to compare with * @return a summary of the deviations. */ public String compareWith(AbstractBin1D other) { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(super.compareWith(other)); if (other instanceof MightyStaticBin1D) { MightyStaticBin1D m = (MightyStaticBin1D) other; if (hasSumOfLogarithms() && m.hasSumOfLogarithms()) buf.append("geometric mean: "+relError(geometricMean(),m.geometricMean()) +" %\n"); if (hasSumOfInversions() && m.hasSumOfInversions()) buf.append("harmonic mean: "+relError(harmonicMean(),m.harmonicMean()) +" %\n"); if (hasSumOfPowers(3) && m.hasSumOfPowers(3)) buf.append("skew: "+relError(skew(),m.skew()) +" %\n"); if (hasSumOfPowers(4) && m.hasSumOfPowers(4)) buf.append("kurtosis: "+relError(kurtosis(),m.kurtosis()) +" %\n"); buf.append("\n"); } return buf.toString(); } /** * Returns the geometric mean, which is <tt>Product( x[i] )<sup>1.0/size()</sup></tt>. * * This method tries to avoid overflows at the expense of an equivalent but somewhat inefficient definition: * <tt>geoMean = exp( Sum( Log(x[i]) ) / size())</tt>. * Note that for a geometric mean to be meaningful, the minimum of the data sequence must not be less or equal to zero. * @return the geometric mean; <tt>Double.NaN</tt> if <tt>!hasSumOfLogarithms()</tt>. */ public synchronized double geometricMean() { return Descriptive.geometricMean(size(), sumOfLogarithms()); } /** * Returns the maximum order <tt>k</tt> for which sums of powers are retrievable, as specified upon instance construction. * @see #hasSumOfPowers(int) * @see #sumOfPowers(int) */ public synchronized int getMaxOrderForSumOfPowers() { /* order 0..2 is always recorded. order 0 is size() order 1 is sum() order 2 is sum_xx() */ if (this.sumOfPowers == null) return 2; return 2 + this.sumOfPowers.length; } /** * Returns the minimum order <tt>k</tt> for which sums of powers are retrievable, as specified upon instance construction. * @see #hasSumOfPowers(int) * @see #sumOfPowers(int) */ public synchronized int getMinOrderForSumOfPowers() { int minOrder = 0; if (hasSumOfInversions()) minOrder = -1; return minOrder; } /** * Returns the harmonic mean, which is <tt>size() / Sum( 1/x[i] )</tt>. * Remember: If the receiver contains at least one element of <tt>0.0</tt>, the harmonic mean is <tt>0.0</tt>. * @return the harmonic mean; <tt>Double.NaN</tt> if <tt>!hasSumOfInversions()</tt>. * @see #hasSumOfInversions() */ public synchronized double harmonicMean() { return Descriptive.harmonicMean(size(), sumOfInversions()); } /** * Returns whether <tt>sumOfInversions()</tt> can return meaningful results. * @return <tt>false</tt> if the bin was constructed with insufficient parametrization, <tt>true</tt> otherwise. * See the constructors for proper parametrization. */ public boolean hasSumOfInversions() { return this.hasSumOfInversions; } /** * Tells whether <tt>sumOfLogarithms()</tt> can return meaningful results. * @return <tt>false</tt> if the bin was constructed with insufficient parametrization, <tt>true</tt> otherwise. * See the constructors for proper parametrization. */ public boolean hasSumOfLogarithms() { return this.hasSumOfLogarithms; } /** * Tells whether <tt>sumOfPowers(k)</tt> can return meaningful results. * Defined as <tt>hasSumOfPowers(k) <==> getMinOrderForSumOfPowers() <= k && k <= getMaxOrderForSumOfPowers()</tt>. * A return value of <tt>true</tt> implies that <tt>hasSumOfPowers(k-1) .. hasSumOfPowers(0)</tt> will also return <tt>true</tt>. * See the constructors for proper parametrization. * <p> * <b>Details</b>: * <tt>hasSumOfPowers(0..2)</tt> will always yield <tt>true</tt>. * <tt>hasSumOfPowers(-1) <==> hasSumOfInversions()</tt>. * * @return <tt>false</tt> if the bin was constructed with insufficient parametrization, <tt>true</tt> otherwise. * @see #getMinOrderForSumOfPowers() * @see #getMaxOrderForSumOfPowers() */ public boolean hasSumOfPowers(int k) { return getMinOrderForSumOfPowers() <= k && k <= getMaxOrderForSumOfPowers(); } /** * Returns the kurtosis (aka excess), which is <tt>-3 + moment(4,mean()) / standardDeviation()<sup>4</sup></tt>. * @return the kurtosis; <tt>Double.NaN</tt> if <tt>!hasSumOfPowers(4)</tt>. * @see #hasSumOfPowers(int) */ public synchronized double kurtosis() { return Descriptive.kurtosis( moment(4,mean()), standardDeviation() ); } /** * Returns the moment of <tt>k</tt>-th order with value <tt>c</tt>, * which is <tt>Sum( (x[i]-c)<sup>k</sup> ) / size()</tt>. * * @param k the order; must be greater than or equal to zero. * @param c any number. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <tt>k < 0</tt>. * @return <tt>Double.NaN</tt> if <tt>!hasSumOfPower(k)</tt>. */ public synchronized double moment(int k, double c) { if (k<0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("k must be >= 0"); //checkOrder(k); if (!hasSumOfPowers(k)) return Double.NaN; int maxOrder = Math.min(k,getMaxOrderForSumOfPowers()); DoubleArrayList sumOfPows = new DoubleArrayList(maxOrder+1); sumOfPows.add(size()); sumOfPows.add(sum()); sumOfPows.add(sumOfSquares()); for (int i=3; i<=maxOrder; i++) sumOfPows.add(sumOfPowers(i)); return Descriptive.moment(k, c, size(), sumOfPows.elements()); } /** * Returns the product, which is <tt>Prod( x[i] )</tt>. * In other words: <tt>x[0]*x[1]*...*x[size()-1]</tt>. * @return the product; <tt>Double.NaN</tt> if <tt>!hasSumOfLogarithms()</tt>. * @see #hasSumOfLogarithms() */ public double product() { return Descriptive.product(size(), sumOfLogarithms()); } /** * Sets the range of orders in which sums of powers are to be computed. * In other words, <tt>sumOfPower(k)</tt> will return <tt>Sum( x[i]^k )</tt> if <tt>min_k <= k <= max_k || 0 <= k <= 2</tt> * and throw an exception otherwise. * @see #isLegalOrder(int) * @see #sumOfPowers(int) * @see #getRangeForSumOfPowers() */ protected void setMaxOrderForSumOfPowers(int max_k) { //if (max_k < ) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); if (max_k <=2) { this.sumOfPowers = null; } else { this.sumOfPowers = new double[max_k - 2]; } } /** * Returns the skew, which is <tt>moment(3,mean()) / standardDeviation()<sup>3</sup></tt>. * @return the skew; <tt>Double.NaN</tt> if <tt>!hasSumOfPowers(3)</tt>. * @see #hasSumOfPowers(int) */ public synchronized double skew() { return Descriptive.skew( moment(3,mean()), standardDeviation() ); } /** * Returns the sum of inversions, which is <tt>Sum( 1 / x[i] )</tt>. * @return the sum of inversions; <tt>Double.NaN</tt> if <tt>!hasSumOfInversions()</tt>. * @see #hasSumOfInversions() */ public double sumOfInversions() { if (! this.hasSumOfInversions) return Double.NaN; //if (! this.hasSumOfInversions) throw new IllegalOperationException("You must specify upon instance construction that the sum of inversions shall be computed."); return this.sumOfInversions; } /** * Returns the sum of logarithms, which is <tt>Sum( Log(x[i]) )</tt>. * @return the sum of logarithms; <tt>Double.NaN</tt> if <tt>!hasSumOfLogarithms()</tt>. * @see #hasSumOfLogarithms() */ public synchronized double sumOfLogarithms() { if (! this.hasSumOfLogarithms) return Double.NaN; //if (! this.hasSumOfLogarithms) throw new IllegalOperationException("You must specify upon instance construction that the sum of logarithms shall be computed."); return this.sumOfLogarithms; } /** * Returns the <tt>k-th</tt> order sum of powers, which is <tt>Sum( x[i]<sup>k</sup> )</tt>. * @param k the order of the powers. * @return the sum of powers; <tt>Double.NaN</tt> if <tt>!hasSumOfPowers(k)</tt>. * @see #hasSumOfPowers(int) */ public synchronized double sumOfPowers(int k) { if (!hasSumOfPowers(k)) return Double.NaN; //checkOrder(k); if (k == -1) return sumOfInversions(); if (k == 0) return size(); if (k == 1) return sum(); if (k == 2) return sumOfSquares(); return this.sumOfPowers[k-3]; } /** * Returns a String representation of the receiver. */ public synchronized String toString() { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(super.toString()); if (hasSumOfLogarithms()) { buf.append("Geometric mean: "+geometricMean()); buf.append("\nProduct: "+product()+"\n"); } if (hasSumOfInversions()) { buf.append("Harmonic mean: "+harmonicMean()); buf.append("\nSum of inversions: "+sumOfInversions()+"\n"); } int maxOrder = getMaxOrderForSumOfPowers(); int maxPrintOrder = Math.min(6,maxOrder); // don't print tons of measures if (maxOrder>2) { if (maxOrder>=3) { buf.append("Skew: "+skew()+"\n"); } if (maxOrder>=4) { buf.append("Kurtosis: "+kurtosis()+"\n"); } for (int i=3; i<=maxPrintOrder; i++) { buf.append("Sum of powers("+i+"): "+sumOfPowers(i)+"\n"); } for (int k=0; k<=maxPrintOrder; k++) { buf.append("Moment("+k+",0): "+moment(k,0)+"\n"); } for (int k=0; k<=maxPrintOrder; k++) { buf.append("Moment("+k+",mean()): "+moment(k,mean())+"\n"); } } return buf.toString(); } /** * @throws IllegalOperationException if <tt>! isLegalOrder(k)</tt>. */ protected void xcheckOrder(int k) { //if (! isLegalOrder(k)) return Double.NaN; //if (! xisLegalOrder(k)) throw new IllegalOperationException("Illegal order of sum of powers: k="+k+". Upon instance construction legal range was fixed to be "+getMinOrderForSumOfPowers()+" <= k <= "+getMaxOrderForSumOfPowers()); } /** * Returns whether two bins are equal; * They are equal if the other object is of the same class or a subclass of this class and both have the same size, minimum, maximum, sum, sumOfSquares, sumOfInversions and sumOfLogarithms. */ protected boolean xequals(Object object) { if (!(object instanceof MightyStaticBin1D)) return false; MightyStaticBin1D other = (MightyStaticBin1D) object; return super.equals(other) && sumOfInversions()==other.sumOfInversions() && sumOfLogarithms()==other.sumOfLogarithms(); } /** * Tells whether <tt>sumOfPowers(fromK) .. sumOfPowers(toK)</tt> can return meaningful results. * @return <tt>false</tt> if the bin was constructed with insufficient parametrization, <tt>true</tt> otherwise. * See the constructors for proper parametrization. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <tt>fromK > toK</tt>. */ protected boolean xhasSumOfPowers(int fromK, int toK) { if (fromK > toK) throw new IllegalArgumentException("fromK must be less or equal to toK"); return getMinOrderForSumOfPowers() <= fromK && toK <= getMaxOrderForSumOfPowers(); } /** * Returns <tt>getMinOrderForSumOfPowers() <= k && k <= getMaxOrderForSumOfPowers()</tt>. */ protected synchronized boolean xisLegalOrder(int k) { return getMinOrderForSumOfPowers() <= k && k <= getMaxOrderForSumOfPowers(); } }