// ============================================================================ // // Copyright (C) 2006-2016 Talend Inc. - www.talend.com // // This source code is available under agreement available at // %InstallDIR%\features\org.talend.rcp.branding.%PRODUCTNAME%\%PRODUCTNAME%license.txt // // You should have received a copy of the agreement // along with this program; if not, write to Talend SA // 9 rue Pages 92150 Suresnes, France // // ============================================================================ package org.talend.dataprofiler.ecos.model; import java.util.List; /** * a category in exchange. * <p> * take <a url='http://www.talendforge.org/exchange/top/index.php?cid=1'><code>regex</code></a> for example. It contain * name, counter and component. * * @author gyichao * */ public interface IEcosCategory { String getId(); /** * The name for Category. can not be null. * * @return <code>String</code> name of the category. */ String getName(); /** * The number of component in the Category. it must greater than 0 or equal to 0. * * @return <code>int</code> number of children in the category. */ int getCounter(); /** * Components in the category. * * @return {@linkplain IEcosComponent} in {@linkplain List}. empty list if there is no any component. */ List<IEcosComponent> getComponent(); /** * get Components in the category depend on isOnFilter. * * @return {@linkplain IEcosComponent} in {@linkplain List}. empty list if there is no any component. */ List<IEcosComponent> getComponent(boolean isOnFilter); }