package org.springmodules.prevayler.system; import; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.IdentityHashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import; import; import; import; import org.springmodules.prevayler.system.callback.SystemCallback; import; import; /** * <p>{@link PrevalentSystem} implementation based on concurrent hash maps.</p> * <p>The only mandatory property to set here is the {@link PrevalenceInfo}.</p> * <p>This class is <b>thread safe</b>.</p> * * @author Sergio Bossa */ public class DefaultPrevalentSystem implements PrevalentSystem { private static final long serialVersionUID = 476105268506333743L; private transient static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(DefaultPrevalentSystem.class); private transient static final ThreadLocal localIdentityMap = new ThreadLocal(); // FIXME: Currently not configurable: private IdMerger merger = new DefaultIdMerger(); private PrevalenceInfo prevalenceInfo = new PrevalenceInfo(); private Map entitiesGlobalMap = new ConcurrentHashMap(); public DefaultPrevalentSystem() { this.merger.setPrevalenceInfo(this.prevalenceInfo); } public Object save(Object newEntity) { this.localIdentityMap.set(new IdentityHashMap()); this.internalSave(newEntity); return newEntity; } public Object update(Object entity) { Object id = null; try { id = this.prevalenceInfo.getIdResolutionStrategy().resolveId(entity).get(entity); if (id != null) { this.localIdentityMap.set(new IdentityHashMap()); this.internalUpdate(entity, id); return entity; } else { throw new PrevaylerUnsavedObjectException("Cannot update unsaved object!"); } } catch (IllegalAccessException actual) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot access id value: " + id, actual); } } public void delete(Object entity) { Object id = null; try { Map entityMap = this.lookupMap(entity.getClass()); id = this.prevalenceInfo.getIdResolutionStrategy().resolveId(entity).get(entity); if (id != null) { Object old = entityMap.get(id); if (old != null) { entityMap.remove(id); } else { throw new PrevaylerDataRetrievalException("Cannot find object with id: " + id); } } else { throw new PrevaylerUnsavedObjectException("Cannot delete unsaved object!"); } } catch (IllegalAccessException actual) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot access id value: " + id, actual); } } public void delete(Class entityClass) { Map entityMap = this.lookupMap(entityClass); entityMap.clear(); } public Object get(Class entityClass, Object id) { Map entityMap = this.lookupMap(entityClass); return entityMap.get(id); } public List get(Class entityClass) { Map entityMap = this.lookupMap(entityClass); List result = new LinkedList(); Iterator it = entityMap.values().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Object currentEntity =; if (entityClass.isAssignableFrom(currentEntity.getClass())) { result.add(currentEntity); } } return result; } public void merge(Object sourceEntity, Object destinationEntity) { this.merger.merge(sourceEntity, destinationEntity); } public Object execute(SystemCallback callback) { return callback.execute(this); } public void setPrevalenceInfo(PrevalenceInfo info) { this.prevalenceInfo = info; this.merger.setPrevalenceInfo(this.prevalenceInfo); } /*** Persistence internals ***/ private Object internalSave(Object newEntity) { DefaultPrevalentSystem.logger.debug("Saving object: " + newEntity); Object id = null; try { // Get the identity map by entity class: Map entityMap = this.lookupMap(newEntity.getClass()); // Assign id: id = this.prevalenceInfo.getIdGenerationStrategy().generateId(); this.prevalenceInfo.getIdResolutionStrategy().resolveId(newEntity).set(newEntity, id); // Add the entity to the thread local identity map, for tracking its traversal (an entity once traversed must not be tarversed again): IdentityHashMap localIdentityMap = (IdentityHashMap) DefaultPrevalentSystem.localIdentityMap.get(); localIdentityMap.put(newEntity, new Integer(1)); // Add the new entity to the system: entityMap.put(id, newEntity); // Self cascade persistence (needed for updating pointers to already persisted entities): this.doCascadePersistence(newEntity, newEntity); // Return the new, updated and saved, entity: return newEntity; } catch(IllegalAccessException actual) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot access id value: " + id, actual); } } private Object internalUpdate(Object updatedEntity, Object id) { DefaultPrevalentSystem.logger.debug("Updating object " + updatedEntity + " with id: " + id); // Get the identity map by the entity class: Map entityMap = this.lookupMap(updatedEntity.getClass()); // Look for the entity in the map and update it (if found): Object currentEntity = entityMap.get(id); if ((currentEntity != null) && (currentEntity.getClass().equals(updatedEntity.getClass()))) { IdentityHashMap localIdentityMap = (IdentityHashMap) DefaultPrevalentSystem.localIdentityMap.get(); // If the object has still not been reached: if (localIdentityMap.get(currentEntity) == null) { // Add the actual entity to the thread local identity map, for tracking its traversal (an entity once traversed must not be tarversed again): localIdentityMap.put(currentEntity, new Integer(1)); // Copy new into actual and do cascade persistence: this.doCascadePersistence(updatedEntity, currentEntity); } // Return the updated (original) entity: return currentEntity; } else { throw new PrevaylerDataRetrievalException("Cannot find object with id: " + id); } } private void doCascadePersistence(Object source, Object destination) { Class currentClass = source.getClass(); while (currentClass != null) { try { Field[] fields = currentClass.getDeclaredFields(); for (int counter = 0; counter < fields.length; counter++) { // Get the field: Field currentField = fields[counter]; currentField.setAccessible(true); // Update the field, from source to destination: this.updateValue(source, destination, currentField); } currentClass = currentClass.getSuperclass(); } catch(Exception ex) { throw new PrevaylerCascadePersistenceException(ex.getMessage(), ex); } } } private void updateValue(Object source, Object destination, Field field) throws Exception { int modifiers = field.getModifiers(); if (! Modifier.isFinal(modifiers) && ! Modifier.isStatic(modifiers)) { Object value = field.get(source); if (value != null) { value = this.getUpdatedValue(value); } field.set(destination, value); } } private Object getUpdatedValue(Object value) throws Exception { Object result = value; if (value.getClass().isArray()) { result = this.getUpdatedArray((Object[]) value); } else if (Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(value.getClass())) { result = this.getUpdatedCollection((Collection) value); } else if (Map.class.isAssignableFrom(value.getClass())) { result = this.getUpdatedMap((Map) value); } else if (this.prevalenceInfo.getPrevalentClass(value.getClass()) != null) { result = this.getUpdatedPrevalentObject(value); } return result; } private Object getUpdatedArray(Object[] array) throws Exception { Object[] result = (Object[]) array.clone(); for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { result[i] = this.getUpdatedValue(array[i]); } return result; } private Collection getUpdatedCollection(Collection collection) throws Exception { Collection result = (Collection) collection.getClass().getConstructor(new Class[0]).newInstance(new Object[0]); Iterator it = collection.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { result.add(this.getUpdatedValue(; } return result; } private Map getUpdatedMap(Map map) throws Exception { Map result = (Map) map.getClass().getConstructor(new Class[0]).newInstance(new Object[0]); Iterator it = map.entrySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Map.Entry entry = (Entry); Object key = this.getUpdatedValue(entry.getKey()); Object value = this.getUpdatedValue(entry.getValue()); result.put(key, value); } return result; } private Object getUpdatedPrevalentObject(Object entity) { Object result = null; Object id = null; try { Field idField = this.prevalenceInfo.getIdResolutionStrategy().resolveId(entity); id = idField.get(entity); if (id == null) { result = this.internalSave(entity); } else { result = this.internalUpdate(entity, id); } return result; } catch (IllegalAccessException actual) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot access id value: " + id, actual); } } /** Other internals **/ private Map lookupMap(Class entityClass) { Class prevalentClass = this.prevalenceInfo.getPrevalentClass(entityClass); if (prevalentClass != null) { Map entityMap = (Map) this.entitiesGlobalMap.get(prevalentClass); if (entityMap == null) { entityMap = new ConcurrentHashMap(); this.entitiesGlobalMap.put(prevalentClass, entityMap); } return entityMap; } else { throw new PrevaylerConfigurationException("Object with no configured prevalent class: " + entityClass); } } }